18 research outputs found
Corak Sistim Peternakan Berbasis Sosio-Ecofarm di Distrik Bruyadori, Biak Numfor-Papua
The purpose of this study was to determine the portrait of livestock production in the neighborhood environment as a basis for livestock commodity development and animal husbandry development, to determine the needs and potential of animal husbandry development in Biak-Numfor Regency. The method in this research is descriptive survey technique. The sample of respondents selected as many as 30 heads of families who do livestock raising work in the village of Distrik Bruyadori. The object of observation is the socio-cultural aspects of the farmer, livestock production and perceptions and needs of livestock development. The findings showed that the socio-cultural portrait of farmers in the Distrik Bruyadori village was sufficient in terms of age (age) and experience, while the level of education needed to be pursued by attending training related to commodities. Livestock and animal pens need to be provided by the government with an alternative village fund program. Portrait of livestock production is not optimal, marked by the low number of livestock production per parent per birth of several commodities. Animal feed needs to be intensified. The business portrait is still not optimal because market access is not yet controlled by farmers. Thus technical assistance needs to be provided
ABSTRAKPegunungan Arfak memiliki kondisi agroekologi penting. Masyarakat Arfak memiliki kearifan dalam bercocok tanam, memiliki hubungan yang dekat dengan kebun. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif melalui observasi dan wawancara dilakukan pada keluarga petani masyarakat Arfak. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan lahan kebun oleh masyarakat Arfak terbatas pada segi pemanfaatan ruang dan sumberdaya lahan. Kondisi lahan curam >60%, rawan banjir dan longsor. Lahan dibuka dengan sistem tebang dan bakar. Kandungan bahan organik umumnya sangat tinggi pada lapisan permukaan, dan menurun sedikit pada lapisan di bawahnya. Masyarakat Arfak sudah mempraktekkan sistem agroforestri kompleks maupun sederhana. Terdapat lima pola aliran energi dalam sistem kebun yang belum dimanfaatkan secara efektif dan efisien. Ditemukan juga lima situasi/kondisi prospek dan konstrain dalam keberlanjutan pertanian di Pegunungan Arfak. Kebun, ternak babi dan serta masyarakat Arfak saling berinteraksi dengan memberikan servis dari dan untuk masing-masing komponen. Kebun mampu membantu petani masyarakat Arfak secara ekonomis, ekologis dan sosiologis. ABSTRACTThe Arfak Mountains have important agroecological conditions. Arfak community have local wisdom in farming, have a close relationship with the garden. Research was conducted with descriptive methods through observations and interviews conducted on Arfak farming families. The results of the study indicate that the use of garden land by Arfak people is limited in terms of land use and land resources. Steep land conditions is > 60%, prone to flooding and landslides. The land is opened by cutting and burning systems. The content of organic matter is generally very high in the surface layer, and decreases slightly in the layers below. The Arfak community has also used the practices of complex and simple agroforestry. There are five energy flow patterns in the garden system that have not been used effectively and efficiently. Also found are five situations/conditions prospects and constraints in agricultural sustainability in the Arfak Mountains. Farms, pigs and Arfak community interact each other by providing services from and for each component. The gardens are able to help Arfak farmers economically, ecologically and sociologically
ABSTRAKProduksi pertanian yang dihasilkan belum dihasilkan dari produksi potensial. Produksi yang dihasilkan masih produksi minimal yang sebenarnya dapat ditingkatkan secara maksimal. Keterbatasan dijumpai pada aspek hulu dan hilir sistim peternakan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui permasalahan, kebutuhan dan potensi pengembangan peternakan di kabupaten Tambrauw. Penelitian deskriptif dengan teknik wawancara dan observasi di Distrik Sausapor dilakukan terhadap delapan informan kunci. Pertanyaan difokuskan pada permasalahan, kebutuhan dan potensi sumberdaya alam yang dimiliki oleh peternak. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif naratif dan disajikan dalam bentuk cause-effect diagram, tabulasi dan gambar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat empat persoalan dasar yaitu rendahnya pelatihan, tidak adanya pos pelayanan pertanian terpadu, sumberdaya manusia pada instansi teknis yang kurang, dan minimnya data potensi sumberdaya alam. Pengembangan masyarakat pelaku usahatani peternakan menjadi sentral isu dalam hal pemberdayaan/pembinaan. Sarana dan prasarana menjadi strategis untuk dikembangkan seperti kantor pos pelayanan pertanian terpadu (P3T). Sumberdaya petugas penyuluh dan tenaga teknis seperti inseminator, dokter hewan dan tenaga paramedis diprogramkan oleh Dinas Peternakan. Pembibitan Hijauan Pakan Ternak perlu dikembangkan bersamaan dengan itu klinik pembibitan ternak menjadi rekomendasi jangka menengah.ABSTRACTAgricultural yields do not produce from farming yields potential yet. It is lower production, which can optimally be increased. Limiting factors are hampering off-farm and on-farm livestock farming systems. The objective of doing this research is to keen on constraints, needs and developing potency in Tambrauw regency. The finding of this research was that the regency has potency in developing livestock farming. This can be done by adapting the development of livestock farming based on the land characteristic. Community development becomes central issues in the case of community empowering. Infrastructures become strategic in further development, such as integrated agricultural service office. The local government shall prepare human resources, such as extension officers, inseminators, veterinarians, and paramedics. The community will recommend forage seeds need to be developed and veterinary clinic in the middle term period
KEHADIRAN PERUSAHAAN DAN POTENSI KONFLIK AGRARIA DALAM PEMANFAATAN HUTAN SAGU ALAM DI WILAYAH IMEKKO KABUPATEN SORONG SELATAN PAPUA BARAT-INDONESIA (The Presence of Sago Company and The Potential of Agrarian Conflict in The Natural Sago Consesion of Imekko at Sorong Selatan Regency, West Papua Indonesia)
AbstrakHutan sagu alam saat ini memiliki manfaat yang besar ditinjau dari bahan pangan, substitusi pangan maupun bahan baku industri. Di kawasan timur Indonesia, sagu telah dimanfaatkan secara luas sebagai bahan pangan pokok oleh masyarakat Maluku dan Papua. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengkaji intervensi eksternal dari perusahaan terhadap jaminan subsistensi dan pendapatan masyarakat di kawasan hutan sagu alam Imekko. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada empat distrik, yaitu Inanwatan, Metemani, Kais, dan Kokoda (Imekko) kabupaten Sorong Selatan. Distrik dipilih secara purposif dengan pertimbangan memiliki karakteristik lokasi yang sesuai dengan lingkup penelitian, yaitu: (a) merupakan wilayah sebaran hutan sagu alami yang menjadi sasaran pemanfaatan oleh perusahaan; dan (b) masyarakat yang bermukim di sekitarnya yang merupakan pemilik hak ulayat atas hutan sagu alami/dusun sagu tersebut, (c) masyarakat yang terganggu jaminan subsistensi dan pendapatan akibat intervensi kedua perusahaan tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat memiliki 8 jenis hak akses dan pemanfaatan dan dusun sagu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan subsistensi dan pendapatan masyarakat pemilik hak ulayat, yakni hak mengakses, memungut hasil, menggunakan, menguasai, mengelola, mengalihkan, memperoleh kembali, dan hak milik. Kehadiran kedua perusahaan, hak-hak tersebut menjadi terbatas hanya pada hak mengakses, penggunaan terbatas, dan memungut hasil secara terbatas. Kehadiran perusahaan berdampak terhadap terbatasnya pemenuhan kebutuhan subsistensi dan pendapatan masyarakat. Potensial terjadinya konflik, baik antara masyarakat dengan perusahaan dalam kaitan dengan akses masyarakat untuk memanfaatkan dusun sagu di dalam areal konsesi perusahaan yang yang dienklavekan maupun antar masyarakat dalam kaitan dengan masyarakat pemilik hak ulayat dusun sagunya telah masuk sebagai areal konsesi perusahaan sehingga untuk memenuhi kebutuhan subsistensi dan pendapatan terpaksa harus memanfaatkan HSA/dusun sagu milik masyarakat di luar kawasan konsesi perusahaan.AbstractNatural sago forests currently have great benefits in terms of food, substitution of food and raw materials for industries. In Eastern Indonesia, sago has been used extensively as a staple food by the people of Mollucans and Papuan. The research objective was to study the external intervention of the company to guarantee the subsistence and income of the Imekko community in the forest area of natural sago. The research was conducted in four districts, namely Inanwatan, Metemani, Kais and the Kokoda (Imekko) Sorong Selaatan regency. Districts selected purposively by considering having characteristics suitable locations, i.e. an area of distribution of Sago Natural Forest-targeting utilization by the company; and (b) people who live nearby and owners of customary rights over the Sago Natural Forests/sago villages, (c) community having disturbed the subsistence and income guarantee due to the intervention of both companies. The findings of this research showed that there were eight types of rights of access and use and sago villages to meet the needs of subsistence and incomes owners of customary rights, i.e. the right to access, collect the produce, use, control, manage, assign, reclaim, and property rights. These rights are limited only to the right of access, limited use and collect the produce due to the presence of both companies. Potential conflict, either between the company in terms of community access to the sago villages in the concession company that are in enclaving areas or among the public in relation to the customary communities that natural sago villages has been entered as a concession company. Therefore, to meet subsistence and income the communities now have to utilize the natural sago forest/sago village belonging to the community in outside the company's concession area
Potret Socio-EcoFarm Peternakan di kampung Pasir Putih Kabupaten Fakfak, Papua Barat
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui potret produksi peternakan pada tatanan lingkungan perkampungan sebagai basis pengembangan komoditas ternak dan pembangunan bidang peternakan, mengetahui kebutuhan dan potensi pengembangan peternakan di Kabupaten Fakfak. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan teknik survey. Sampel responden secara purposive sebanyak 35 kepala keluarga yang melakukan pekerjaan beternak pada kampung Pasir Putih. Objek pengamatan adalah aspek sosial-budaya peternak, produksi ternak dan persepsi serta kebutuhan pembangunan peternakan. Hasil kajian menunjukan bahwa potret sosio-kultur peternak di kampung Pasir putih cukup memadai dari segi umur (usia), dan pengalaman, sedangkan tingkat pendidikan perlu diupayakan dengan mengikuti pelatihan/penyuluhan komoditas terkait. Bantuan ternak dan kandang perlu disediakan pihak pemerintah dengan program dana desa menjadi alternatif. Potret produksi ternak belum optimal ditandai dengan rendahnya angka produksi ternak per induk per kelahiran dari beberapa komoditas. Pakan ternak perlu diintensifkan ketersediaannya. Potret bisnis masih belum optimal karena akses pasar belum dikuasai peternak. Dengan demikian pendampingan teknis perlu diberikan.
Kata kunci: potret peternakan pesisir, akses pasar, persepsi beternak, veteriner, swill feed, Fakfak
The purpose of this study was to determine the portrait of livestock production in the neighborhood environment as a basis for livestock commodity development and animal husbandry development, to determine the needs and potential of animal husbandry development in Fakfak Regency. The method in this research is descriptive survey technique. The sample of respondents selected as many as 35 heads of families who do livestock raising work in the village of Pasir Putih. The object of observation is the socio-cultural aspects of the farmer, livestock production and perceptions and needs of livestock development. The results of the study showed that the socio-cultural portrait of farmers in the Pasir Putih village was sufficient in terms of age (age) and experience, while the level of education needed to be pursued by attending training / counseling related commodities. Livestock and animal pens need to be provided by the government with an alternative village fund program. Portrait of livestock production is not optimal, marked by the low number of livestock production per parent per birth of several commodities. Animal feed needs to be intensified. The business portrait is still not optimal because market access is not yet controlled by farmers. Thus technical assistance needs to be provided.
Keywords: portrait of coastal farming, market access, livestock perception, veterinary, swill feed, Fakfa
Nutrient Values of Utilization of Crops Wastes as Alternative Pig Feeding Ingredient in The Coastal Agro-Ecological Area of Manokwari, West Papua
The purpose of this study was to determine the potential nutritional value of livestock feed ingredients from agricultural products and their waste (by-product / residues) that had been utilized by pig farmers in Manokwari. This research was conducted by a survey method of some agricultural commodity-based animal feed sources and their associated results at 10 sampling locations. Feeds are collected and analyzed according to the proximate analysis of feed ingredients at the Nutrition and Animal Feed laboratory, Bogor Agricultural University. Samples of farmers are chosen purposely on smallholder farmers who have been utilizing these feed sources. Data were analyzed descriptively. The results of the study found that feed was used by combining food waste originating from markets, restaurants, fried food sellers, fish auctions, garden products and kitchen wastes (swill-feed). Types of feed from various sources are mixed and cooked together before being given to pigs. Food waste is obtained free of charge, but there is a small portion that buys and a combination of both. Feeding is practiced 1-3 times a day. Nutrient content (g/100 g) in the form of water was 9.47, PK 25.10, fat 11.75 g, SK 7.96, GE 4308.90, ash 8.58, Ca 2.35 and P 0.94. The SNI standards have met the standard criteria to be prepared and given to pigs
Potensi Unggulan Komoditas Pertanian pada Daerah Dataran Tinggi Kabupaten Pegunungan Arfak, Papua Barat
New autonomy status of Arfak Mountains Regency has numbers of strategic potencies for being developed. The one is agriculture sector. The objective of this research was to investigate featured potency and its distribution of agricultural products in Arfak Mountains Regency. A field research was done in the year 2015 between November-December. Sampled respondents using questionnaire were interviewed. The finding of this research was that agriculture sector contributed to gross domestic regional was 72.6%. The value of Location of Quotient for horticulture sector contributed by field paddy in Minyambouw District was 2.76 similar to crop production in Sururey, Anggi, Taige, Catubouw, Testega, Donohue, Anggigida, and Hingk Districts. Mays commodity is grown in Member and Minyambouw. Districts having a majority of Location Quotient more than that >1.00 were in Minyambouw, Hingk, and Anggigida with 5 commodities. The higher Location Quotient value was presented in horticulture plants, i.e. 5.87. The Potency of households and labor resources was in the district of Minyambouw and Hingk District In general, Pegaf Regency has agriculture potency of crops, i.e. field paddy, mays, and crops.
The Contribution of Labors to the Income of Pig Farming Business in the Tropical Coastal Papua Barat
The purpose of this study was to determine the type of work and division of labor in the household-scale pig farm business and how much income was earned and generated by each male, adult female and child labor as a case study in the Manokwari coastal agroecological area Papua Barat. The method used is descriptive research method with survey techniques through interviews and field observations. The sample of farmers chosen purposively was 35 households out of 50 pig breeder. Farmers selected as samples are those who have been running pigs for more than 1 year. The parameters measured are labor involvement and contribution of economic beneficiaries. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, namely analysis of variance with further testing Scheffe using SPSS v.16.0. The results showed that the types of work carried out by domestic workers included processing and providing [A4] food, medicine and sanitation, selling live cattle on the market and selling carcasses. Female breeders have almost the same level of participation as men. In terms of working hours, women give higher time (521 hours/month) in 6 pig raising activities. Female workers contribute higher incomes than male workers
Pengaruh Tingkat Pendidikan dan Jenis Kelamin Peternak terhadap Tingkat Produksi Babi (Studi Kasus di Manokwari, Papua Barat Indonesia)
The aim of this research was to understand the effect of educational level of gender types on pig farming production, a special case in Manokwari West Papua-Indonesia. The field study was done in Manokwari regency involved six districts. The respondents of 49 farmers chosen guided by local extensions selected from 15 villages. The participatory situation analysis employed to approach pig farmers by using questionnaire. A General Linear Model analysis of variances was used. All data were entered in Excel and analyzed using SPPS version 10.0. The conclusion that interaction between education and gender occur on household member and income earn. The female with adequate education will provide better income than the male. Understanding interaction effect of education level and gender will enable farmers to improve their pig productivities on scales and time
Potensi dan Pemanfaatan Satwa liar di kampung Pasir Putih kabupaten Fakfak Papua Barat
Abstrak: Indonesia merupakan negara megabiodiversiti terutama jenis mamalia, reptilian dan avifauna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui intensitas pemanfaatan satwa liar di kampung Pasir Putih, Distrik Fakfak Tengah, Kabupaten Fakfak.ÃÂ Dalam penelitian ini objek pengamatan adalah potensi dan pemanfaatan satwa liar di kampung Pasir Putih Kabupaten Fakfak. Variabel pengamatan yang digunakan meliputi informasi dasar tentang jenis satwa liar, status satwa liar berdasarkan IUCN, tujuan pemanfaatan, cara berburu, frekuensi berburu, tingkat keberhasilan berburu, dan jumlah anggota berburu. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara tabulasi dan deskriptif untuk memperoleh gambaran objektif kondisi satwa liar yang ada di kampung Pasir putih Kabupaten Fakfak, provinsi Papua Barat. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa penduduk di kampung Pasir putih, masih melakukan aktivitas berburu walaupun tidak intens. Beberapa hewan yang dimanfaatkan meliputi hewan avifauna, mamalia dan reptil (herpet). Beberapa hewan masuk dalam kategori terancam punah (VU) oleh Redlist IUCN. Perburuan relatif sulit menggunakan jerat dan anjing berburu, frekuensinya relatif masih rendah dan dengan itu tidak dilakukan secara kolegial karena tingkat kesulitan.Kata kunci: perburuan; satwa liar; pemanfaatan satwa liar; redlist IUCN; Fakfak.Abstract: Indonesia is a mega biodiversity country especially mammals, reptils and avifauna. This study aims to determine the intensity of wildlife utilization in the village of Pasir Putih, Central Fakfak District, Fakfak Regency. In this study the object of observation is the potential and utilization of wildlife in the Pasir Putih village of Fakfak Regency. Observation variables used included basic information about wildlife species, wildlife status based on IUCN, purpose of use, hunting methods, hunting frequency, hunting success rate, and number of hunting members. The data obtained were tabulated and descriptive analyzed to obtain an objective picture of the condition of wild animals in the Pasir Putih village of Fakfak Regency, West Papua province. The results of the study revealed that residents in the white sand village, still doing hunting activities although not intense. Some of the animals used include Avifauna, mammals and reptiles (herpet). Some animals are in the endangered category (VU) by the IUCN Redlist. Hunting is relatively difficult using snares and hunting dogs, its frequency is still relatively low and hence it is not done collegially because of the difficulty level.ÃÂ ÃÂ Keywords: hunting; wild animal; utilization of wild animals; IUCN redlist; Fakfak