12 research outputs found

    Utjecaj kronične istodobne izloženosti olovu, kadmiju i manganu na oksidativni stres u jetri i srcu štakora

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    The aim of this study was to assess the effects of chronic combined exposure to low, environmental doses of Cd, Pb, and Mn on oxidative stress in the liver and heart of rats and on their liver function parameters. Male Wistar rats were divided randomly into eight groups. For nine months controls were receiving drinking water alone, whereas the exposed groups were receiving drinking water with Pb (0.2 mg L-1), Cd (1 mg L-1), and Mn (2 mg L-1) alone or in combinations. Malondialdehyde (MDA) significantly increased in both heart and liver of the animals after combined exposure to metals. Heart MDA correlated with blood Cd, Pb, and Mn and liver MDA with blood Cd. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) activity and bilirubin concentration also increased significantly in the animal group exposed to all three metals and correlated positively with blood Cd, Pb, and Mn. Our study has confirmed the synergistic effect of the Cd, Mn, and Pb combination on the increase in heart MDA. A similar synergy was observed for Pb+Mn in the increase of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activity as an indicator of liver function.Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio ocijeniti učinke kronične izloženosti kombinaciji Cd, Pb i Mn u niskim dozama kakve su u okolišu na oksidativni stres u jetrima i srcu štakora te na pokazatelje jetrene funkcije. U tu smo svrhu mužjake Wistar štakora nasumce podijelili u osam skupina, od kojih je kontrolna pila čistu vodu, a izložene skupine vodu pomiješanu s olovom (0,2 mg L-1), kadmijem (1 mg L-1) i manganom (2 mg L-1), zasebno ili u kombinacijama. Koncentracija malondialdehida (MDA) značajno se povećala u oba organa životinja izloženih kombinacijama metala. Srčani MDA korelirao je s razinama kadmija, olova i mangana u krvi, a jetreni MDA s razinom kadmija u krvi. Aktivnost aspartat aminotransferaza (AST) i koncentracije bilirubina također su bile značajno povišene u skupini izloženoj svim trima metalima te su korelirale s razinama kadmija, olova i mangana u krvi. Rezultati istraživanja potvrdili su da zajedno ova tri metala djeluju na povećanje MDA u srcu. Slična je sinergija zamijećena i između olova i mangana s obzirom na povećanje razine alanin aminotransferaze (ALT) u serumu, koji je pokazatelj jetrene funkcije

    Alleviating Effect of α-Lipoic Acid and Magnesium on Cadmium-Induced Inflammatory Processes, Oxidative Stress and Bone Metabolism Disorders in Wistar Rats

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    Cadmium exposure contributes to internal organ dysfunction and the development of chronic diseases. The aim of the study was to assess the alleviating effect of α-lipoic acid and/or magnesium on cadmium-induced oxidative stress and disorders in bone metabolism, kidney and liver function, and hematological and biochemical parameters changes. Male rats were exposed to cadmium (30 mg Cd/kg of feed) for three months. Some animals exposed to Cd were supplemented with magnesium (150 mg Mg/kg of feed) and/or with α-lipoic acid (100 mg/kg body weight, four times a week). Cd intake inhibited body weight gain and lowered hemoglobin concentration, whereas it increased the activities of liver enzymes, as well as the level of oxidative stress, CTX-1 (C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen, bone resorption marker), and CRP (C-reactive protein, marker of inflammation); it decreased vitamin D3, GSH (reduced glutathione), and the serum urea nitrogen/creatinine index. Mg and/or α-lipoic acid supplementation increased the antioxidant potential, and partially normalized the studied biochemical parameters. The obtained results show that both magnesium and α-lipoic acid decrease oxidative stress and the level of inflammatory marker, as well as normalize bone metabolism and liver and kidney function. Combined intake of α-lipoic acid and magnesium results in reinforcement of the protective effect; especially, it increases antioxidant defense

    Assessment of health condition as related to lifestyle among students in the examination period

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    ObjectivesThe aim of this paper was to investigate the impact of changes in the students’ lifestyle during an examination period on their health condition, as evidenced by changes to the body composition and metabolic rates.Material and MethodsThe study involved 268 Wroclaw Medical University students (second- and third-year students). The study was performed 3 times (at the beginning of a semester, in the middle of a semester, and in the examination period) and included a completion of a questionnaire on the current lifestyle, as well as measurements of the body composition, the basal metabolic rate, and the waist and hip circumferences. The measurements were carried out with the use of a body composition analyzer (Tanita MC-780 MA) and a tape measure with a waist–hip ratio calculator.ResultsIn the examination period, as compared with the rest of the semester, a significant decrease was observed in the metabolic rates, and the body water and muscle mass of the examined students. During that period, there were also more frequent adverse changes in the students’ lifestyle. In the studied periods, a correlation was found between changes in the frequency of snacking, consuming sweets and cola drinks, and the alterations of the subjects’ body fat mass, i.e., r = 0.161, r = 0.135, and r = 0.143, respectively. In turn, differences in the frequency of drinking wine, physical activity, sleep length, and time devoted to learning correlated with changes in the participants’ body water, i.e., r = 0.140, r = 0.152, and r = 0.133 (r = −0.142, r = −0.147), respectively, and muscle mass, i.e., r = 0.141, r = 0.142, and r = 0.126 (r = −0.130, r = −0.142), respectively, and metabolism, i.e., r = 0.127, r = 0.145 and r = 0.135 (r = −0.127, r = −0.135), respectively.ConclusionsThe analysis of the body composition and metabolic rates of the students during an examination period indicates that the changes occurring in various elements of their lifestyle (e.g., dietary habits, physical activity) can result in deteriorating their health condition

    Beneficial effect of selenium and magnesium on reduction of oxidative stress in brain of rats intoxicated with alcohol

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    The aim of the study was to estimate the influence of supplementation with selenium and/or with magnesium the activities of antioxidative enzymes and alleviation of oxidative stress induced by ethanol in the rats brains. Forty male rats of Wistar strain were organized into five groups: 1 control and 4 groups which were given to drink alcohol. Rats were intoxicated with 15% solution of ethanol 4 days a week, and tap water and also water supplemented with selenium (0.4 mg Se/l), magnesium (100 mg Mg/l) or simultaneously with magnesium and selenium for the next 3 days. The experiment has been carried out for over 3 months. The intoxication of rats with ethanol decreased catalase activity (about 20%) and significantly (about twice) rose the concentration of malonylodialdehyde (MDA) in brains in comparison with the control animals. Magnesium and/or selenium administration increased catalase and superoxide dismutase activities and lowered concentration of MDA in brains. In rats drinking alcohol increase of activity of glutathione peroxidise (GPx) was noted. The highest glutathione peroxidase and catalase activities were found in brains of rats supplemented with magnesium and selenium simultaneously. Conclusions: Increased supply of Se and/or Mg during the periods of abstinence increases the activities of enzymes neutralizing free radicals and lessens oxidative alcohol induced stress in brains of rats.Celem pracy była ocena wpływu suplementacji selenem i/lub magnezem na aktywność enzymów antyoksydacyjnych i złagodzenie, indukowanego przez alkohol, stresu oksydacyjnego w mózgach szczurów. 40 szczurów, samców, szczepu Wistar podzielono na 5 grup: 1 kontrolną i 4 grupy pijące alkohol. Szczury zatruwane alkoholem otrzymywały do picia 15% roztwór etanolu przez 4 dni w tygodniu, a przez kolejne 3 dni podawano im czystą wodę lub wodę z dodatkiem magnezu (100 mg Mg/l H2O), selenu (0,4 mg Se/l H2O) lub jednocześnie magnezu i selenu. Eksperyment prowadzono przez 3 miesiące. Zatruwanie szczurów etanolem, powodowało obniżenie aktywności katalazy (o 20%) i znaczący (blisko dwukrotny) wzrost stężenia malonylodialdehydu (MDA) w mózgach w porównaniu do zwierząt kontrolnych. Podawanie szczurom magnezu i/lub selenu zwiększało aktywność katalazy i dysmutazy ponadtlenkowej oraz obniżało stężenie MDA w mózgach. U szczurów pijących alkohol obserwowano także wzrost aktywności peroksydazy glutationowej (GPx). Aktywności peroksydazy glutationowej i katalazy w mózgach były najwyższe u zwierząt, którym jednocześnie podawano Mg i Se. Wnioski: Zwiększenie podaży Se i/lub Mg w okresach abstynenckich powoduje wzrost aktywności enzymów neutralizujących wolne rodniki i obniżenie stresu oksydacyjnego w mózgach szczurów

    Beneficial effect of selenium and magnesium on reduction of oxidative stress in brain of rats intoxicated with alcohol

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    The aim of the study was to estimate the influence of supplementation with selenium and/or with magnesium the activities of antioxidative enzymes and alleviation of oxidative stress induced by ethanol in the rats brains. Forty male rats of Wistar strain were organized into five groups: 1 control and 4 groups which were given to drink alcohol. Rats were intoxicated with 15% solution of ethanol 4 days a week, and tap water and also water supplemented with selenium (0.4 mg Se/l), magnesium (100 mg Mg/l) or simultaneously with magnesium and selenium for the next 3 days. The experiment has been carried out for over 3 months. The intoxication of rats with ethanol decreased catalase activity (about 20%) and significantly (about twice) rose the concentration of malonylodialdehyde (MDA) in brains in comparison with the control animals. Magnesium and/or selenium administration increased catalase and superoxide dismutase activities and lowered concentration of MDA in brains. In rats drinking alcohol increase of activity of glutathione peroxidise (GPx) was noted. The highest glutathione peroxidase and catalase activities were found in brains of rats supplemented with magnesium and selenium simultaneously. Conclusions: Increased supply of Se and/or Mg during the periods of abstinence increases the activities of enzymes neutralizing free radicals and lessens oxidative alcohol induced stress in brains of rats

    Relationships between Body Composition Parameters and Phase Angle as Related to Lifestyle among Young People

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    The aim of the study was to indicate which body composition parameters and which lifestyle components affect the phase angle (PA) value in young adults. Two-hundred-and-eighty-one students at Wroclaw Medical University participated in the study. A survey on respondent lifestyles was followed by anthropometric measurements, body composition analysis, and basal metabolic rate (BMR) calculation. The differences in the body composition of men and women corresponded to their sexual anatomy and physiology. Sex-dependent differences in lifestyle were also reported. The study revealed a relationship between PA and height, weight, BMR, BMI (body mass index), FFM (fat-free body mass), bone mass, water mass, muscle mass (r~0.4–0.7), ECW/ICW (extracellular water/intracellular water) and fat mass (r~−(0.4–0.6)) for the entire studied group. The relationship between PA values and lifestyle components concerned consumption of energy drinks, cola, alcohol, water, vegetables and fruits, meat, and also intervals between meals, time for physical exercises, and screen time (r~±0.2). The research shows that the PA value increases with an increase in positive body composition parameters. Following the principles of proper nutrition and physical activity increases PA values in most cases

    The influence of 9-day trekking in the Alps on the level of oxidative stress parameters and blood parameters in native lowlanders

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    Background. The stimuli acting on a person in a high mountain environment (such as hypobaric hypoxia with subsequent reoxygenation, physical exercise) can significantly increase oxidative stress, stimulate erythropoiesis, lead to changes in the blood count and participate in the development of altitude sickness. [b]Objective. [/b]The aim was to investigate changes in haematological parameters, indicators of oxidative stress (malondialdehyde – MDA) and antioxidant defences: catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and total antioxidant status (TAS) in the plasma of young, healthy people after a 9-day expedition in the Alps. [b]Materials and method[/b]. A total of 5 patients (4 men and 1 woman), members of the Wrocław Mountaineering Club, aged 24–26 years. Collection of blood samples was carried out immediately before departure and 3 days after the end of exposure to high-altitude conditions. During the expedition, the subjects were exposed to heights: 2,050–4,165 m.a.s.l., and exercise associated with climbing. [b]Results[/b]. Trekking in the Alps neither caused significant changes in the parameters of red blood cells nor increased the level of oxidative stress parameters in plasma. CAT activity increased, the ratio of SOD / CAT decreased. There was also a decrease in the total number of leukocytes, mainly monocytes and basophils. [b]Conclusions[/b]. 9-day exposure to high-altitude conditions is not a substantial burden for the organism of young, physically active people. The increase in antioxidant capacity is sufficient to stop oxidative processes, which are severe in these conditions, and to prevent the occurrence of significant oxidative stress. Discontinuation of exposure to allergens and dust pollution clears the airways, which is indicated by the reduction in the number of monocytes and basophils

    Selenoprotein P, Peroxiredoxin-5, Renalase and Selected Cardiovascular Consequences Tested in Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring and Echocardiography

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    This study aimed to assess the relationship between chosen antioxidants, namely selenoprotein P (SELENOP), peroxiredoxin-5 (Prdx-5), renalase and selected cardiovascular consequences tested in ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) and echocardiography (ECHO). In our work, cardiovascular consequences refer to higher mean blood pressure (MBP) and pulse pressure (PP) on ABPM, as well as to left atrial enlargement (LAE), left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and lower left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF%) on ECHO. The study group consisted of 101 consecutive patients admitted to the Department of Internal Medicine, Occupational Diseases and Hypertension to verify the diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA). Each patient underwent full polysomnography, blood tests, ABPM and ECHO. Both selenoprotein-P and renalase levels correlated with different ABPM and ECHO parameters. We found no correlation between the peroxiredoxin-5 level and none of the tested parameters. We point to the possible application of SELENOP plasma-level testing in the initial selection of high cardiovascular-risk patients, especially if access to more advanced examinations is limited. We further suggest SELENOP measurement as a possible indicator of patients at increased left ventricular hypertrophy risk who should be of particular interest and may benefit from ECHO testing