126 research outputs found

    Linearly Polarized Coherent Emission from Relativistic Magnetized Ion-Electron Shocks

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    「富岳」で高速電波バーストの再現に成功 --宇宙最大の電波爆発の起源に迫る--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2024-02-05.Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are millisecond transient astrophysical phenomena and bright at radio frequencies. The emission mechanism, however, remains unsolved yet. One scenario is a coherent emission associated with the magnetar flares and resulting relativistic shock waves. Here, we report unprecedentedly large-scale simulations of relativistic magnetized ion-electron shocks, showing that strongly linear-polarized electromagnetic waves are excited. The kinetic energy conversion to the emission is so efficient that the wave amplitude is responsible for the brightness. We also find a polarization angle swing reflecting shock front modulation, implicating the polarization property of some repeating FRBs. The results support the shock scenario as an origin of the FRBs

    Benchmark shielding calculations for fusion and accelerator-driven sub-critical systems

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    We conducted benchmark calculations of neutron-shielding experiments for fusion applications such as (1) Neutron spectra in iron shields with 14 MeV neutrons; and (2) Leakage neutron spectra from various sphere piles by 14 MeV neutrons, and for Accelerator-Driven Sub-Critical system (ADS) such as (3) Neutron energy spectra after transmission through iron and concrete shields using a quasi-monochromatic neutron source, (4) Thick target neutron yield produced by high-energy heavy ion incidence on a thick target, and (5) Induced radio activity in concrete exposed to secondary particles produced by heavy-ion incident reaction on an iron target by using the Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System (PHITS). For case (1), the calculated neutron energy spectra using the nuclear data libraries, JENDL-4.0, agreed with the experimental data in iron shields. For the cases (2) of Al, Ti, Cr, and As piles, the neutron energy spectra calculated with JENDL-4.0 agreed with the experimental results well. For the case (3), the neutron spectra calculated with JENDL-4.0/HE reproduced the experimental data because the proton data library of 7Li can produce source neutrons for proton incident reactions. For the case (4), calculated results for thick target neutron spectra produced by a 400 MeV per nucleon carbon incident reaction on lead reproduced the experimental data well. For the case (5) with a neutron source produced by the 200–400 MeV per nucleon heavy-ion incident reaction, the calculated results of the reaction rate depth profiles of 197Au (n, γ)198Au reactions reproduced the experimental results within a factor of 2. Overall, PHITS with nuclear data libraries reproduced the experimental data sufficiently well. Thus, PHITS has a potential application in the design of advanced reactor systems, such as fusion and ADS facilities. This experimental data are also useful in validating nuclear reaction models in other Monte Carlo codes and evaluating nuclear data libraries for advanced reactor systems

    Enterococcus faecium WB2000 Inhibits Biofilm Formation by Oral Cariogenic Streptococci

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    This study investigated the inhibitory effect of probiotic Enterococcus faecium WB2000 on biofilm formation by cariogenic streptococci. The ability of E. faecium WB2000 and JCM5804 and Enterococcus faecalis JCM5803 to inhibit biofilm formation by seven laboratory oral streptococcal strains and 13 clinical mutans streptococcal strains was assayed. The Enterococcal strains inhibited biofilm formation in dual cultures with the mutans streptococcal strains Streptococcus mutans Xc and Streptococcus sobrinus JCM5176 (P < 0.05), but not with the noncariogenic streptococcal strains. Enterococcus faecium WB2000 inhibited biofilm formation by 90.0% (9/10) of the clinical S. mutans strains and 100% (3/3) of the clinical S. sobrinus strains. After culturing, the pH did not differ between single and dual cultures. The viable counts of floating mutans streptococci were lower in dual cultures with E. faecium WB2000 than in single cultures. Enterococcus faecium WB2000 acted as a probiotic bacterial inhibitor of cariogenic streptococcal biofilm formation

    Effect of S-PRG Eluate on Biofilm Formation and Enzyme Activity of Oral Bacteria

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    Recently, the antibacterial activity of a composite resin containing prereacted glass ionomer (S-PRG) filler was revealed. We examined the effect of an S-PRG eluate on various biologic activities of Streptococcus mutans and Porphyromonas gingivalis. Adherence ability of S. mutans was evaluated by microtiter plate assay; protease and gelatinase activities of P. gingivalis were examined by synthetic substrate hydrolysis and gelatin film spot assay, respectively. Coaggregation of P. gingivalis with Fusobacterium nucleatum was also examined. S-PRG eluate was found to suppress streptococcal adherence. S-PRG eluate inhibited the protease and gelatinase activities of P. gingivalis and the coaggregation between P. gingivalis and F. nucleatum. These results indicate that S-PRG eluate suppresses streptococcal adherence and inhibits the protease and coaggregation activities of P. gingivalis. These findings may prompt research into novel strategies for preventing caries and periodontitis

    A Case Report of Tooth Wear Associated with a Patient's Inappropriate Efforts to Reduce Oral Malodor Caused by Endodontic Lesion

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    Here, we report a case of severe tooth wear associated with a patient's inappropriate efforts to reduce oral malodor. A 72-year-old male patient visited our breath clinic complaining of strong breath odor. Former dentists had performed periodontal treatments including scaling and root planing, but his oral malodor did not decrease. His own subsequent breath odor-reducing efforts included daily use of lemons and vinegar to reduce or mask the odor, eating and chewing hard foods to clean his teeth, and extensive tooth brushing with a hard-bristled toothbrush. Oral malodor was detected in our breath clinic by several tests, including an organoleptic test, portable sulphide monitor, and gas chromatography. Although patient's oral hygiene and periodontal condition were not poor on presentation, his teeth showed heavy wear and hypersensitiving with an unfitted restoration on tooth 16. Radiographic examination of the tooth did not reveal endodontic lesion, but when the metal crown was removed, severe pus discharge and strong malodor were observed. When this was treated, his breath odor was improved. After dental treatment and oral hygiene instruction, no further tooth wear was observed; he was not concerned about breath odor thereafter

    The Impact of Reduced Skeletal Muscle Mass on Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis

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    Although several studies have suggested a possible association between sarcopenia and knee osteoarthritis (OA) in the elderly, there remains no definitive evidence. Recently, however, the serum creatinine/cystatin C ratio (sarcopenia index: SI) was reported to correlate with skeletal muscle mass. The present retrospective study therefore investigated the impact of reduced skeletal muscle mass on advanced knee OA using SI. In 55 individuals scheduled for knee osteotomy or knee arthroplasty, correlations between SI and patient-reported outcomes such as the Knee Society Score (KSS), Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS), and Oxford Knee Score (OKS) were explored. Significant associations were found between SI and the KSS functional activity score (β=0.37; p=0.022), KOOS subscale for activities of daily living (β=0.42; p=0.0096), and OKS (β=0.42; p=0.0095). This study underscores the role of reduced muscle mass in functional outcomes and introduces SI as a valuable marker for assessing muscle loss in knee OA patients

    CCR6+ MCAM+ Th17 Cell Numbers Increase in Patients with Psoriasis and Correlate with Disease Severity 

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    Psoriasis is a chronic immune-mediated disease in which the interleukin (IL)-23/IL-17 axis plays a key role in the inflammatory cascade. We recently reported that co-expression of CCR6 and melanoma cell adhesion molecule (MCAM) in effector memory CD4 T cells (TEM) of peripheral blood might be a useful marker for T helper (Th) 17 cells. In this study, we monitored changes in TEM expressing CCR6 and MCAM using the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) score during anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) therapy. We also studied CCR6+ MCAM+ Th17 cells histologically in skin biopsy samples from psoriasis patients. In psoriasis patients treated with anti-TNF therapy, the PASI score and the percentage of CCR6+ MCAM+ TEM cells in the blood changed almost in parallel. In immunohistochemical analyses, the proportions of IL-17+ T cells and MCAM+ T cells in the lesional skin of severely psoriatic patients were significantly higher than in mildly psoriatic patients (P<0.05), and the number of IL17+ T cells correlated with the PASI score (r=0.400, P<0.05). Taken together, these results indicate that CCR6+ MCAM+ Th17 cells in peripheral blood and lesional skin might play an important role in the pathology of psoriasis

    Dose Measurements through the Concrete and Iron Shields under the 100 to 400 MeV Quasi-Monoenergetic Neutron Field (at RCNP, Osaka Univ.)

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    Shielding benchmark experiments are useful to verify the accuracy of calculation methods for the radiation shielding designs of high-energy accelerator facilities. In the present work, the benchmark experiments were carried out for 244- and 387-MeV quasi-monoenergetic neutron field at RCNP of Osaka University. Neutron dose rates through the test shields, 100-300 cm thick concrete and 40-100 cm thick iron, were measured by four kinds of neutron dose equivalent monitors, three kinds of wide-energy range monitors applied to high-energy neutron fields above 20 MeV and a conventional type rem monitor for neutrons up to 20 MeV, placed behind the test shields. Measured dose rates were compared one another. Measured results with the wide-energy range monitors were in agreement one another for both the concrete and the iron shields. For the conventional type rem monitor, measured results are smaller than those with the wide-energy range monitors for the concrete shields, while that are in agreements for the iron shields. The attenuation lengths were obtained from the measurements. The lengths from all the monitors are in agreement on the whole, though some differences are shown. These results are almost same as those from others measured at several hundred MeV neutron fields