33 research outputs found
Towards the QCD equation of state at the physical point using Wilson fermion
We study the (2+1)-flavor QCD at nonzero temperatures using nonperturbatively improved Wilson quarks of the physical masses by the fixed scale approach. We perform physical point simulations at finite temperatures with the coupling parameters which were adopted by the PACS-CS Collaboration in their studies using the reweighting technique. Zero temperature values are obtained on the PACS-CS configurations which are open to the public on the ILDG/JLDG. Finite temperature configurations are generated with the RHMC algorithm. The lattice sizes are 323×Nt with Nt=14, 13, ⋯, 4 which correspond to T≈160--550 MeV. We present results of some basic observables at these temperatures and the status of our calculation of the equation of state.This work is in part supported by JSPSKAKENHI Grant No. 26287040, No. 26400244, No. 26400251, and No. 15K05041. This work isin part supported also by the Large Scale Simulation Program of High Energy AcceleratorResearch Organization (KEK) No. 13/14-21 and No. 14/15-23.The 33rd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE 2015) ; Place : Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe, Japan ; Date : July 14 -18, 201
Equation of state in (2+1)-flavor QCD at physical point with improved Wilson fermion action using gradient flow
We study the energy-momentum tensor and the equation of state as well as the
chiral condensate in (2+1)-flavor QCD at the physical point applying the method
of Makino and Suzuki based on the gradient flow. We adopt a nonperturbatively
O(a)-improved Wilson quark action and the renormalization group-improved
Iwasaki gauge action. At Lattice 2016, we have presented our preliminary
results of our study in (2+1)-flavor QCD at a heavy u, d quark mass point. We
now extend the study to the physical point and perform finite-temperature
simulations in the range T \simeq 155--544 MeV (Nt = 4--14 including odd Nt's)
at a \simeq 0.09 fm. We show our final results of the heavy QCD study and
present some preliminary results obtained at the physical point so far.Comment: 8 pages, 15 figures, talk presented at the 35th International
Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE 2017), 18-24 June 2017, Granada,