3 research outputs found

    Learning Effect of Disaster Prevention Training Targeting New Employee in Tokushima Prefecture Government

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    本研究では,実際に著者の専門分野である防災まちづくりをテーマに依頼のあった徳島県新規採用職員研修の防災研修において,インストラクショナルデザイン(ID:Instructional Design)を援用して研修のプログラムを設計・実行した結果,どのような学習効果が得られたか明らかにすることを目的とする。具体的には,①『メーガーの3 つの質問』,『9 教授事象』,『4 段階評価モデル』の3 つのID を援用し,防災研修の目標,プログラムの内容,学習効果の評価方法を設計,実施した。②受講生の研修評価アンケート結果を基に,防災研修の目標の到達度や到達度に応じた学びの内容により,防災研修の学習効果を評価した。その結果,防災研修の目標である『徳島県の南海トラフ巨大地震対策を,①他人事ではなく自分事として,②県民目線・現場主義の視点に立ち,③県庁内および産官学民と協働して,進めることができる県職員になること』について,目標達成度を3 段階で評価した所,高群(70.2%)と中群(23.2%)を足して9 割を超えていた。さらに,受講生の目標達成度別の自由記述の内容を分析した結果,受講生の本防災研修の目標達成度が上がるにつれて,受講生に防災の基本である『本研修目標①:自分事』に加えて,『本研修目標②:県民目線・現場主義』および『本研修目標③:協働』の意識を向上させる学習効果があったことがわかった。The purpose of this study is to clarify what learning effects were obtained as a result of designing and executing a training program with the aid of instructional design in disaster prevention training for new employee in Tokushima Prefecture Government. As a result, the goal of the disaster prevention training was to take measures against the Nankai Trough Giant Earthquake in Tokushima Prefecture, (1) as a personal affair rather than other personnel, (2) standing from the viewpoint of citizens of the prefecture and a hands-on policy and (3) become a prefectural official who can proceed in cooperation with the government and with industry, government, academia and citizens. The goal achievement was evaluated in three stages, and it was over 90% when the high group (70.2%) and the middle group (23.2%) were added. Furthermore, it was found that as the degree of the students' achievement of this disaster prevention training increased, there was a learning effect to raise the awareness of (2) and (3) in addition to the basics of disaster prevention (1)


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    近年,多様な災害の激甚化の傾向が見られる中,災害に“しなやか”な都市・地域づくりとして,防災・避難・復旧施策に加えて,災害後の生活再建を速やかに進められる地域づくりへの関心が高まっている.しかも,人口減少にさらされる地方では,次世代へと地域を継承することが,地域創生・国土管理の面からも重要と言える.著者らは,こうした地域づくりのための土地利用の一案として,災害時の支援,生活再建の迅速化とともに,日常の交流や地域活動への参加などの地域継承へとつなげる形態であり,家族が同時被災しない形で近居するリスク分散型近居を提案し,津波災害における効果を明らかにしてきた.本研究ではWEBによる意識調査によって,津波に加えて水害,土砂災害からの生活再建へのリスク分散型近居形態の寄与を明らかにした.The aims of this study are to make clear the effects on the resilience against disasters by the existence of “Kinkyo”; multi-household family. WEB based survey in Tokushima prefecture and Mie prefecture was carried out in order to verify communication and support function within families. “Kinkyo”; families living close are keeping daily interactions and exerting assistance within families The authors found as well that families who are living close and outside of expected area of disasters risk would be able to support and reduce the stated life recovery period after the expected disasters, such as tsunami, flood, and landslide

    Web-based System for Designing Game-based Evacuation Drills

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    A game-based evacuation drill (GBED) using the program Real-World Edutainment is effective disaster education. For the successful GBED, an evacuation scenario and digital materials are important. We are developing a web-based system to design GBEDs through community survey, digital material creation and evacuation scenario composition. This system works with a standard web browser and allows a wide range of people to participate in the GBED design process through simple operations