19 research outputs found

    Dielectric relaxation, molecular motion and interprotein interactions in myoglobin solution.

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    The results of the investigation of protein molecule dynamic in solution by Time Domain Dielectric Spectroscopy are presented. The horse myoglobin solutions in wide range of concentration from 0.6% to 54% at 20°C have been investigated. The result of analysis produced in the term of dipole correlation function has shown that the obtained correlation function of macromolecule motion may be presented as sum of three components corresponding to three kinds of protein motions: anisotropic intramolecular motion, anisotropic Brownian tumbling and isotropic slow motion. We suppose that the cause of protein tumbling anisotropy and the possibility to keep slow motion is the interprotein electrostatic interactions. The characteristic time of slow motion depends on the concentration of protein and perhaps is controlled by translational diffusion. The dipole moment of myoglobin calculated by the Onsager-Oncley equation is 200D for solutions less than 10% protein concentration. It is in a good agreement with the theoretical value

    Investigation of molecular motion and interprotein interactions in solutions by TDDS: A comparison with NMR data

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    The results of dynamic protein behavior in solution studied by time domain dielectric spectroscopy (TDDS) are presented. The analyses for myoglobin solutions at concentrations 50, 120 and 150 mg/ml in the temperature interval from 5 to 35°C was carried out in terms of dipole correlation functions. It was found that the correlation function of the protein motion can be presented as a sum of three components corresponding to three types of protein motion: internal local motion, anisotropy otational Brownian diffusion and translational Brownian diffusion. According to the hypothesis presented earlier, it is supposed that the reason for anisotropy of protein rotation and capability for the detection translational diffusion (slowest motion) is the mutual interprotein electrostatic steering

    Acute tonsillit in children: diagnosis, predictive value, treatment

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    Acute tonsillitis (AT) (from Latin tonsillae - tonsils; Russian synonym - "angina" (Engl. sore throat), from Latin ango - clasp, squeeze, strangle) is an acute infectious disease which is locally manifested in acute inflammation of components of the pharyngeal lymphatic ring, often the tonsils. The term angina (in Russian means sore throat) has been known since ancient times; today it is associated with various pathological conditions in the oropharynx with common symptoms but different etiology and course

    Algorithm for the selection of therapy for bacterial infection of the upper respiratory tract in children

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    Respiratory diseases occupy first place in the total list of diseases in the world; the incidence of respiratory diseases in adults is 27.6%, in adolescents - 39.9% and in children - 61% [1], thus making the problem a matter of undying interest in practical healthcare. Acute bacterial infections of the respiratory tract may occur as an independent pathology. However, in most cases they are complications of viral infections, often caused by the presence of adenoid vegetations, chronic tonsillitis or sinusitis in children. Furthermore, recurrent respiratory diseases as such contribute to the formation of chronic respiratory disease, alter reactivity, sensitize the human organism, reduce and alter the local and general immunity [2]. Chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract (URT), along with frequent acute respiratory infections (ARI), are resultant from delayed and irrational treatment, presence of chronic foci of infection, allergic respiratory diseases, and exposure to adverse environmental factors

    Investigation of molecular motions and interprotein interactions in solutions by NMR and TDDS.

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    Non-selective NMR relaxation of protein and water protons at various resonance frequencies as well as Time Domain Dielectric Spectroscopy (TDDS) were applied to study the molecular motions in lysozyme and myoglobin solutions. It was found that the correlation function of the protein motion defined by means of all these methods can be presented as a sum of three components having substantially different correlation times. Both NMR and TDDS experimental data were treated on the basis of approach according to which these components of the correlation function correspond to three different kinds of protein motion, namely 1) internal local motion, 2) anisotropic rotational Brownian diffusion and 3) translational Brownian diffusion. According to the hypothesis proposed earlier we suppose that the reason of anisotropy of protein rotation and possibility to detect experimentally the slowest motion (translational diffusion) is the mutual interprotein electrostatic steering. The qualitative consistency between parameters of correlation function obtained from NMR and TDDS and their concentration dependence confirm the validity of the qualitative model of the interprotein electrostatic interactions

    Expectorants in combination treatment of upper respiratory tract infections in children

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    Diseases of the upper respiratory tract (URT) and ENT organs are the leading causes of morbidity worldwide; the incidence of respiratory diseases in adults is 27.6%, in adolescents - 39.9% and in children - 61% [1], thus making the problem a matter of undying interest in practical healthcare. In the total structure of morbidity in Moscow, the diseases account for nearly 19% and rank second in the total list of nosologies [2]. In most cases, the infection process involves the upper and lower sections of the URT simultaneously or consecutively, though in some cases specific areas of the respiratory tract are targeted. URT infections primarily include those located in the anatomical structures above the larynx (pharynx)

    Drug therapy for allergic rhinitis in children

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    Allergic rhinitis is characterized by increasing incidence and poses a medical and social problem. The article tells about current approaches to the treatment of allergic rhinitis. The use of Nasonex nasal corticosteroid in pediatric practice results in stable clinical improvement

    Algorithm for the treatment of children with otitis media with effusion

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    Otitis media with effusion (EDF) which continues to be a relevant issue in pediatrics is the main cause of hearing loss in children aged 2 to 7 years [1, 2]. Depending on the stage of the process, both conservative and surgical methods of EDF treatment are used today

    Effect of microbial flora on the course of chronic suppurative otitis media

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    The article presents the results of a study to investigate microbial flora in various parts of the middle ear in children with chronic suppurative otitis media. The study results demonstrated high level of pathogenic resistance to antibiotics in all patients with severe destructive changes of the middle ear. Treatment for such patients includes 2nd and 3rd generation cephalosporins combined with fluoroquinolones locally

    Non-specific prevention of infections in children

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    ARVI (acute respiratory viral infections, also often called ARD - acute respiratory disease) is a group of diseases that are similar in character and mostly characterized by a pathology of the respiratory system. If the pathogen is not identified, the patient is usually diagnosed with ARD, since the agent is not necessarily a virus. In developed countries, 18% of children aged 1--4 years suffer from acute respiratory viral infections [1]. Children aged 3 to 14 years suffer from ARVI most often. At the same time, children in the first year of life are practically not affected by acute respiratory viral infections. This is contributed by passive immunity which is acquired at birth and maintained during the first months of life thanks to breastfeeding. Influenza and ARVI account for 90% of all infectious pathologies and are the second leading cause of death from infectious diseases [2]. Delayed influenza mortality during epidemics can reach 100 cases per 100 thousand people [3]. Influenza epidemics cause enormous economic damage: in Russia, it equals more than 20 billion rubles each year [4]