6 research outputs found


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    U uzgojnom programu za simentalca u Hrvatskoi naglasak je na kakvoći mesa. U agregatnom iznosu uzgojne vrijednosti (UV) sadržane su tovne i klaoničke karakteristike, te njihove kemijske vrijednosti. Za sada senzorne karakteristike, te njihove kemijske vrijednosti. Za sada senzorne karakteristike se ne uvažavaju. Indeks je sastavljen od uzgojnih vrijednosti za dnevni prirast, hladni randman i sadržaj čistog mesa. Struktura tkiva u ovom istraživanju procijenjena je disekcijom uzoraka 7-9 rebra. Analizirano je 29 progenih grupa s ukupno 326 sinova- mladih bikova. Podaci su analizirani leastsquare metodom (Harvey, 1979.) uvažavajući utjecaj godine i sezone. Prosječna težina hladnih polovica iznosila je 304.15 kg. Postoci čistog mesa (mišićnog tkiva), masnog tkiva i kosti u i sječku iznosili su 63.91%, 13.96% i 18.93%. Odnos meso:kosti iznosio je 3.58, a meso kosti meso:loj 4.78. U suhoj tvari MLD sadržano je 21 .83% proteina i 1.42% masti. Heritabilitet za sadržaj mesa, kosti i loja u isječku iznosio je 0.702,0.421 i 0.489. Dobiveni rezultati podudaraju se sranijim rezultatima u nas (Karadjole, 1978; Car, 1981 ; Caput, 1985), ali se razlikuju od priopćenih rezultata istraživanja u nekim drugim simentalskim uzgojima (Averdunk i sur., 1992.; Petautschnig, 1992.). Razlike se mogu djelomično objasniti različitim metodama i tehničkim postupcima pri klanju, primarnoj obradi i disekciji. Relativno visok sadržaj kosti u trupu naših simentalaca mora biti predmet pažnje u budućim selekcijskim programima.In Croatian Simmental breeding program the great emphasis is on meat quality. So far in the aggregate breeding value (BV) there are fattening and carcass characteristics and chemical components, but no sensor characteristics. The index consists of breeding values of daily gain, carcass percentage and meat content. In this paper structure of tissue of slaughtered bulls were evaluated on the dissection samples of 7 -9 rib cut. There were 326 bulls, progenies of 29 test sires. Data were analysed by least squares (Harvey, 1979), and corrected on year and season. Average cold carcass weight was 304.15 kg. The meat, fat and bone content in the rib cut were 63.91%, 13.96% and 18.93 %, respectively. Meat:bone and meat:fat ratio were 3.58 and 4.78, respectively. In MLD (dry matter) there were 21.83% protein and 1.42% fat. Heritability (h2) and correlations (r) for 10 slaughter traits were estimated. The h2 for meat, bone and fat contents in the rib cut were .702, .421 and .489, respectively. The results in this paper were similar to those from Karadiole (1978), Car (1981) and Caput (1985), but different from results in other Simmental breeding areas in Europe (Averdunk et al. 1992; Petautschnig, 1992). The differences could partly be explained by different methods and technological procedures in slaughtering and dissection. There were unusual high bone content, and low muscle: bone ratio. This is the fact which must be improved in Croatian Simmental

    Barone Fortress above Šibenik

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    Tvrđava Barone sagrađena je na položaju Sv. Vid na samom početku Kandijskoga rata 1646. godine, neposredno nakon gradnje Tvrđave sv. Ivana. Sagradio ju je barun Christoph Martin von Degenfeld, general u mletačkoj službi po kojem je i nazvana. Bila je osnovni dio bastionskog sustava šibenskih fortifikacija 17. stoljeća zajedno sa susjednom, znatno jačom, Tvrđavom sv. Ivana te bastionom Bernardo i bastionom sv. Katarine na istočnom dijelu šibenskih gradskih bedema. Međutim, prvotna tvrđava bila je samo manja utvrda, tj. ridotto. To potvrđuju sačuvani literarni, epigrafski i grafički povijesni izvori, kao i sačuvani ostaci arhitekture. Ridotto del Baron jedna je u nizu takvih privremenih manjih utvrda šibenskog fortifikacijskog sustava nastalih početkom Kandijskoga rata, ali samo je ridotto del Baron ojačan i uzdignut na status tvrđave. To se dogodilo u vrijeme mandata generalnog providura Antonija Bernarda 1659. godine. Razlog što je ridotto del Baron postao tvrđava svakako je u njegovu dominantom strateškom položaju nad Šibenikom, na koti koja je tek nešto niža od one na kojoj je Tvrđava sv. Ivana.Barone Fortress is located at the strategic position of St. Vitus above the city of Šibenik, almost a hundred metres above sea level. It was built at the beginning of the War of Candia in 1646, immediately after St. John’s Fortress. The Barone Fortress and St. John’s Fortress, along with the Bernardo bastion and St. Catherine’s bastion in the eastern part of the Šibenik city walls, made up the core of the 17th-century fortifications. Baron Christoph Martin von Degenfeld, General of the Republic of Venice, initially built it as a small fort – a ridotto. Ridotto del Baron was only one in a series of smaller forts that were part of Šibenik’s fortifications at the beginning of the War of Candia. However, only the ridotto del Baron was fortified to become a real stronghold – forte del Baron. This was the work of Provveditore Generale (Governor-general) Antonio Bernardo, who built a real fortress in that location in 1659, mentioned in the inscription above the entrance to the fortress. Part of the inscription has been preserved and is kept at the Šibenik City Museum. In the newly discovered atlas of Vincenzo Coronelli from the Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (National Library of St Mark’s), there is a drawing and a description of the Barone Fortress where an earlier, smaller phase can clearly be seen. The reason ridotto del Baron became a fortress is certainly its dominant strategic position above Šibenik, a little below St. John’s Fortress. Although archaeological excavations were limited, they confirmed the existence of a previous smaller fort at the location of the present Barone Fortress. Part of the bulwark with a promenade of the old ridotto del Baron was discovered along with the remains of the original entrance to the Barone Fortress from its final phase. The entrance was in the place where it was expected to be found, given historical drawings and remains of the entrance to the external mantle of the bulwark. The entrance cut across the remains of the bulwark of the older fort, which undoubtedly proves that it was part of the first phase when ridotto del Baron was the only fort in that location. Archaeological excavations of the Barone Fortress were limited, so it is not possible to reconstruct the appearance of the previous ridotto del Baron fort. The location, size and characteristics of the military facilities which were part of the Fortress also cannot be confirmed, even though they can be seen on all the drawings of the Fortress. During archaeological excavations, no traces of embrasures were found in the half-bastions or the curtain wall of the Barone Fortress, although they can be seen on some historical depictions of the Fortress

    The bacteriological quality and somatic cells quantity into the milk of the sheep herd kept in surroundings of Poreč during one lactations period

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    Autori su pratili bakteriološku kakvoću i količinu somatskih stanica u mlijeku 10 ovaca iz stada križanih domaćih i sardinijskih ovaca u F1 generaciji što se na ekstenzivan način drže u okolici Poreča. U toku pet mjeseci (od ožujka do srpnja), tj. od početka pa do kraja laktacije ustanovili su prekomjeran broj (›3.000.000/ml) aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija u 86% uzoraka mlijeka, sulfitreduktivne bakterije u 33% uzoraka, vrste roda PROTEUS u 31%, vrstu ESCHERICHIA COLI u 23% i koagulaza-pozitivne stafilokoke u 6% uzoraka, dok salmonele nisu utvrđene nijednom. Povećan broj stanica u odnosu na mjerila koja vrijede za kravlje mlijeko (manje od 500.000/ml) nađen je u 8 uzoraka mlijeka koje je potjecalo od 6 ovaca.Study of bacteriological quality and number somatic cells was carried out in ewe\u27s milk. During lactation period it was found more than 3.000.000/ml aerobic mesophilic bacteria in 86% samples, 33% samples contained sulphitreducing bacteria in 0,01 ml, 31% Proteus kinds in 0,001 ml, 23% Escherichia coli in 0,001 ml and 6% samples coagulasa positive staphilococci in 0,01 ml. More than 500.000/ml somatic cells contained 8 samples milk from 6 ewes

    The bacteriological quality and somatic cells quantity into the milk of the sheep herd kept in surroundings of Poreč during one lactations period

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    Autori su pratili bakteriološku kakvoću i količinu somatskih stanica u mlijeku 10 ovaca iz stada križanih domaćih i sardinijskih ovaca u F1 generaciji što se na ekstenzivan način drže u okolici Poreča. U toku pet mjeseci (od ožujka do srpnja), tj. od početka pa do kraja laktacije ustanovili su prekomjeran broj (›3.000.000/ml) aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija u 86% uzoraka mlijeka, sulfitreduktivne bakterije u 33% uzoraka, vrste roda PROTEUS u 31%, vrstu ESCHERICHIA COLI u 23% i koagulaza-pozitivne stafilokoke u 6% uzoraka, dok salmonele nisu utvrđene nijednom. Povećan broj stanica u odnosu na mjerila koja vrijede za kravlje mlijeko (manje od 500.000/ml) nađen je u 8 uzoraka mlijeka koje je potjecalo od 6 ovaca.Study of bacteriological quality and number somatic cells was carried out in ewe\u27s milk. During lactation period it was found more than 3.000.000/ml aerobic mesophilic bacteria in 86% samples, 33% samples contained sulphitreducing bacteria in 0,01 ml, 31% Proteus kinds in 0,001 ml, 23% Escherichia coli in 0,001 ml and 6% samples coagulasa positive staphilococci in 0,01 ml. More than 500.000/ml somatic cells contained 8 samples milk from 6 ewes

    CATTLE BREEDING PROGRAMME IMPROVEMENT IN CROATIA 1974.-1987. 2. Milk and milk fat production of Simmental bull mothers in Croatia

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    U Programu gojidbene izgradnje u govedarstvu Hrvatske (1973.) dana su jasna tumačenja postavljenih uzgojnih ciljeva za pojedine pasmine kao i postupci i metode uzgojno-selekcijskog rada primjenom kojih se ti ciljevi moraju postići. U "Programu" je težište stavljeno na potreban broj i kvalitetu bikovskih majki - matice za stvaranje nove generacije rasplodnih bikova. O njihovoj kvaliteti - genetičkim potencijalima, uvelike ovisi mogući napredak u pojedinim populacijama goveda. Imajući navedeno u vidu, istražili smo proizvodnju mlijeka i mliječne masti 167 bikovskih majki odabranih u razdoblju od 1974.do 1987. čiji su sinovi bili uključeni u stado rasplodnih bikova Središnjeg zavoda za razmnožavanje i uzgoj domaćih životinja. Utvrđene vrijednosti o količini mlijeka i mliječne masti u laktaciji prije odabira bile su ispod zadane količine u 31,6 %, a iznad u 68,4 % laktacija. Količina mliječne masti (kg) bila je ispod zadane količine u 54,7%, a iznad u 45,3% laktacija. Sadržaj mliječne masti kretao se od 3,74 do 3,87 % i nije bio ni od kakva značenja za količinu mliječne masti izražene kilogramima. Proizvodnja mlijeka u prvoj laktaciji bila je od 2.351 do 6.301 kg, što govori da nisu bili u potpunosti poštivani propisi o zadanoj količini mlijeka u prvoj laktaciji po"Uputstvima" za klase I i Ia. Manju proizvodnju od tražene za Ia klasu imalo je 36,72% a višu 63,27 %. Visina proizvodnje mlijeka prosječno u svim laktacijama bila je u 69,0% ispod tražene, a iznad u 31,0% laktacija. Visina proizvodnje mlijeka u najvišim laktacijama bila je u prosjeku 5.651 kg mlijeka, odnosno od 3.812 do 8.607 kg. Proizvodnja mlijeka istraživanih bikovskih majki u pojedinim laktacijama i u prosjeku tijekom iskorištavanja rasla je od početka do sredine, a potom se smanjivala do kraja promatranog razdoblja.The Programme of Cattle Breeding in Croatia (1973) gives precise instructions regarding breeds as well as methods and techniques to be applied in breeding and selection work. The Programme emphasises the required number and quality of bull mothers used for creating new generations of bulls for breeding. The improvement in cattle population largely depends on their quality, i. e. genetic potential. With this in mind we investigated milk production and milk fat of 167 bull mothers, selected in the period from 1974 to 1987, whose sons were included in the herd of bulls for breeding at the Central Institute for Reproduction and Breeding of Domestic Animals. The established values of the amount of milk and fat were bolow the required in 31,6% and above in 68.4% lactations. The amount of fat (in kg) was below the required in 54.7% and above in 45.3% lactations. The fat ranged from 3.74% to 3,87% and was of no significance regarding the amount of lat expressed in kilograms. Milk production in the first lactation ranged from 2,351 kg to 6,301 kg, which means that the "regulations" for classes I and la on the required amount were not fully respected. The production was lower than required for class lain 36.72% and higher in 63.27%. The average amount of milk produced in all lactations was in 69.0% lower and in 63.27% higher than required. The amount of milk produced in the highest lactations was 5,651 kg on average, i. e. from 3,812 to 8,607 kg. Milk produced by the bull mothers investigated in single lactations and during exploitation increased on average from the beginning to the mid-period and then decreased to the end of the period observed

    CATTLE BREEDING PROGRAMME IMPROVEMENT IN CROATIA 19?4.-1987. 1. Phenotype values of bull mothers in Simmental breeding programme in Croatia.

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    Kada želimo raspravljati o smjernicama i ciljevima određenog i zamišljenog uzgojnog programa u nekoj populaciji goveda moramo poznavati fenotipske vriiednosti početne, izvorne populaciie - stada matičnih krava. Utvrtđivanjem tih vrijednosti postavljamo temelj uzgojnog programa. Prema zahtjevima tržišta postavljamo smjer, način i cilj, a pravilnim odabirom muških rasplodnjaka pokušavamo ostvariti što je više moguće postavljeni cilj s obzirom na feno- i genotipske vrijednosti muških i ženskih potomaka. Svrha rasprave i istraživania bila ie utvrđivanje fenotipskih odlika stada bikovskih majki odabrariih po određenim mjerilima i pravilima uzgojno selekcijskog kodeksa za populaciju hrvatskog simentalca. Utvrđene vrijednosti fenotipa za 167 BM o dobi u času odabira, isključivanja i trajanja iskorištavanja pokazuju da odabrane matične krave zadovoljavaju kriterije o fenotipu tj. mjere za visinu u grebenu, dubinu prsiju i ocjenu klasa. Ukupni broj oteljene teladi po jednoj BM (8,734) potvrđuje uz visoku dob i zadovoljavajuću plodnost iako je međutelidbeno razdoblje nešto više od željenog (444,4 dana prema 400,0 dana). Broj odabrane muške teladi po jednoj BM (2,346 u prosjeku) za performans testnu stanicu također zadovoljava. Nakon utvrđivanja rezultata i proizvodnje mlijeka i mliječne masti po BM prije i za vrijeme iskorištavanja moći ćemo dati konačnu ocjenu o vrijednosti odlikama 167 BM, majkama 196 sinova koji su ušli u stado bikova središnjeg zavoda u razdoblju od 14 godina.When we want to talk about the aims and purpose of a specific and desired breeding proqramme in some population of cattle, we are supposed to know the phenotype values of the very first population i.e. herds of parent breeding cows. By establishing these values we establish the basis of the breeding programme. According to the demand of the market we also declare the intention, the way and the purpose, and with the adequate choice of sires we try to realise the best we can our aim with regard to pheno- and genotype value of the new male and female generation. The purpose of this debate and of the research was to establish the phenotype characteristics of the herd of bull mothers according to the specific standards and rules of breeding and selection codex for the population of the Croatian Simmental bull. The established values of the phenotype of 167 BM about the aqe at the moment of selection, and duration of their use show that the selected breeding cows satisfy all the requirements regarding the phenotype i.e. measurements of the height of withers, depth of chest and the evaluation of class. The total number of calves per one BM (8,734) confirms both high age and satisfactory fertility, although the intercalving period is a little higher than desired (444,4 days in comparison to 400,0 days). The number of selected male calves per one BM (2,346 on average) for the performance, test station is satisfactory too. After establishing the results regarding milk yield as well as milk fat per BM before and during exploitation we shall be able give our final evaluation on the value characteristics of 167 BMs, mothers of 196 sons joining the herd of bulls at "Središnji zavod" in the period of 14 years