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    U uzgojnom programu za simentalca u Hrvatskoi naglasak je na kakvoći mesa. U agregatnom iznosu uzgojne vrijednosti (UV) sadržane su tovne i klaoničke karakteristike, te njihove kemijske vrijednosti. Za sada senzorne karakteristike, te njihove kemijske vrijednosti. Za sada senzorne karakteristike se ne uvažavaju. Indeks je sastavljen od uzgojnih vrijednosti za dnevni prirast, hladni randman i sadržaj čistog mesa. Struktura tkiva u ovom istraživanju procijenjena je disekcijom uzoraka 7-9 rebra. Analizirano je 29 progenih grupa s ukupno 326 sinova- mladih bikova. Podaci su analizirani leastsquare metodom (Harvey, 1979.) uvažavajući utjecaj godine i sezone. Prosječna težina hladnih polovica iznosila je 304.15 kg. Postoci čistog mesa (miÅ”ićnog tkiva), masnog tkiva i kosti u i sječku iznosili su 63.91%, 13.96% i 18.93%. Odnos meso:kosti iznosio je 3.58, a meso kosti meso:loj 4.78. U suhoj tvari MLD sadržano je 21 .83% proteina i 1.42% masti. Heritabilitet za sadržaj mesa, kosti i loja u isječku iznosio je 0.702,0.421 i 0.489. Dobiveni rezultati podudaraju se sranijim rezultatima u nas (Karadjole, 1978; Car, 1981 ; Caput, 1985), ali se razlikuju od priopćenih rezultata istraživanja u nekim drugim simentalskim uzgojima (Averdunk i sur., 1992.; Petautschnig, 1992.). Razlike se mogu djelomično objasniti različitim metodama i tehničkim postupcima pri klanju, primarnoj obradi i disekciji. Relativno visok sadržaj kosti u trupu naÅ”ih simentalaca mora biti predmet pažnje u budućim selekcijskim programima.In Croatian Simmental breeding program the great emphasis is on meat quality. So far in the aggregate breeding value (BV) there are fattening and carcass characteristics and chemical components, but no sensor characteristics. The index consists of breeding values of daily gain, carcass percentage and meat content. In this paper structure of tissue of slaughtered bulls were evaluated on the dissection samples of 7 -9 rib cut. There were 326 bulls, progenies of 29 test sires. Data were analysed by least squares (Harvey, 1979), and corrected on year and season. Average cold carcass weight was 304.15 kg. The meat, fat and bone content in the rib cut were 63.91%, 13.96% and 18.93 %, respectively. Meat:bone and meat:fat ratio were 3.58 and 4.78, respectively. In MLD (dry matter) there were 21.83% protein and 1.42% fat. Heritability (h2) and correlations (r) for 10 slaughter traits were estimated. The h2 for meat, bone and fat contents in the rib cut were .702, .421 and .489, respectively. The results in this paper were similar to those from Karadiole (1978), Car (1981) and Caput (1985), but different from results in other Simmental breeding areas in Europe (Averdunk et al. 1992; Petautschnig, 1992). The differences could partly be explained by different methods and technological procedures in slaughtering and dissection. There were unusual high bone content, and low muscle: bone ratio. This is the fact which must be improved in Croatian Simmental

    GUIDELINES FOR USAGE OF DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES PRIOR TO INITIATION OF ANTINEOPLASTIC TREATMENT ā€“ CROATIAN SOCIETY FOR MEDICAL ONCOLOGY CLINICAL RECOMMENDATIONS Part II. breast cancer, gynaecological malignancies (ovarial cancer, uterine cancer, cervical cancer), lung cancer, malignant melanoma, sarkomas, central nervous system tumors, head and neck cancer

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    Rak je drugi najvažniji uzrok smrti u naÅ”oj zemlji, odmah nakon bolesti srca i krvnih žila. S pretpostavkom porasta incidencije i smrtnosti od raka u idućim godinama, projekcije su da će se znatno povisiti troÅ”kovi dija-gnostike i liječenja raka, i zbog uvođenja novih dijagnostičkih tehnika i zbog inovativnih lijekova te metoda liječenja. Posljedično se nameće imperativ Å”to boljeg iskoriÅ”tavanja financijskih sredstava, raspoloživog osob-lja i tehnike, a sve radi osiguranja kontinuiteta prikladne dijagnostike i liječenja. Optimalnim provođenjem dijagnostičkih metoda mogu se spriječiti nepotrebno odugovlačenje obrade, rasipanje financijskih sredstava i nepotrebno opterećenje zdravstvenih djelatnika te skratiti liste čekanja. HDIO je donio ove smjernice radi prevladavanja navedenih problema, vodeći brigu o najvećoj koristi za bolesnika, Å”to bi na kraju trebalo dovesti do racionalizacije i standardizacije dijagnostičkih postupaka u svakodnevnoj kliničkoj praksi. Smjernice bi trebale pomoći da iz cijele palete dijagnostičkih postupaka koji su nam na raspolaganju odaberemo najrelevan-tnije za pojedino sijelo i kliničku proÅ”irenost bolesti.Cancer is the second most important cause of death in our country, immediately after cardiovascular diseases. With the assumption that cancer incidence and mortality will increase in the next years, projections show that the costs of diagnosis and treatment of cancer will be significantly increased, both due to the introduction of new diagnostic techniques and innovative medicines and treatment methods. Consequently, the imperative of making optimal use of financial resources, available personnel and techniques is all the more necessary in or-der to ensure the continuity of adequate diagnosis and treatment. Optimal use of diagnostic methods can pre-vent unnecessary processing delay, waste of financial resources and unnecessary burden on healthcare work-ers, and shorten waiting lists. HDIO has made these guidelines with the aim of overcoming these problems, rationalizing and standardizing diagnostic procedures in everyday clinical practice. These guidelines should help us to select, from the entire range of diagnostic procedures available, those which are most relevant to a particular localization and clinical extension of the disease