22 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Hop Growth and Accumulation of α–acids in Normal and Extreme Climatic Conditions

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    The influence of normal and extreme weather conditions on the dynamics of hop growth, of cones development and accumulation of α-acids during three years of cultivation of hop cv. Aurora has been studied. The results of the comparative study show the dependence of the start of blooming and time period from second shooting (F3) on flowering (F7), yield of the hop cones and share of α–acids in the dry matter of cones. It has been concluded that the increasing sum of effective temperature has a negative influence on the yield of hop cones and accumulation of α–acids. The increase of temperature and drought during year 2003 caused decrease of the yield of hop cones from 1800 to 900 kg/ha and the share of α–acids from 11.5 to 6.2 % when compared to “good hop year” (2001)


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    Tijekom 2013. i 2014. godine u vinogradima Badel 1862 d.d. na rigolanom semiterestričkom tlu iz pseudogleja u Širokom Brezju provedena su istraživanja antropogenog zbijanja tla u četiri vinograda različite starosti. Mjerenja mehaničkog otpora tla obavljena su dva puta tijekom godine, a paralelno je određen i trenutni sadržaj vlage. U obje godine istraživanja u tragu i u sredini između traga kotača mehanizacije utvrđene su uglavnom manje vrijednosti mehaničkog otpora tla kod novopodignutoga vinograda u odnosu na starije nasade. Također su utvrđene pretežno veće vrijednosti mehaničkog otpora tla u tragu kotača mehanizacije u odnosu na one izmjerene u sredini između traga kotača. Tijekom istraživanja utvrđene su uglavnom veće vrijednosti trenutne vlažnosti tla u sredini između traga kotača, a razlog tome može biti u većoj infiltracijskoj sposobnosti ovog tla, koje nije bilo izloženo prohodu mehanizacije. Sa stanovišta održivog gospodarenja tlom preporuča se uporaba lakše mehanizacije i prema mogućnosti smanjivanje broja prohoda.During 2013 and 2014 in the vineyards of Badel 1862 d.d. on Antrosol in „Siroko Brezje“ studies of anthropogenic soil compaction were conducted in four vineyards of different ages. The measurements of the mechanical resistance of the soil were carried out twice a year, and in the same time the current moisture content was determined. In both years mainly lower values of the mechanical resistance of the soil were been determined in the wheel track as well as between the wheel tracks at the newly erected vineyards compared to older plantations. Mainly higher values of mechanical resistance of the soil in the wheel track relative to those measured between wheel tracks were also determined. The experiment resulted in substantially higher value of current soil moisture in the middle of the wheel track, which may be due to a greater infiltration ability of the soil, less exposed to the passage of machinery. From the standpoint of sustainable land management recommendation is to use lightweight mechanization and to reduce the number of passes


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    Istraživanja su provedena na pokušalištu Visokog gospodarskog učilišta u Križevcima (N: 46o01l12ll E:16o34l28ll). Istraživani su načini (varijante) obrade tla s manjim i većim brojem zahvata dopunske obrade uz korištenje različitih ratila s jesenskim i proljetnim rokom osnovne obrade. Na pet varijanata obrade tla uzgajani su jari usjevi u plodosmjeni: kukuruz (Zea mays L.) u 2008. godini i soja (Glycine max L.) u 2009. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj različitih načina i rokova obrade na antropogeno zbijanje, kvarenje strukture i opasnost od stvaranja pokorice, kako bi se mogao preporučiti najpovoljniji način i rok obrade tla. Izračunati su sljedeći fizikalni parametri: omjer disperzije (DR), omjer disperzije gline (CDR), indeks flokulacije (CFI), koeficijent pora (e), gustoća pakiranja čestica (Gp), rizik od stvaranja pokorice (R) i parametar stabilnosti strukturnih agregata (St). Najpovoljnije stanje stabilnosti strukture (St), utvrđeno je kod varijante gdje je osnovna obrada i priprema tla sjetvospremačem provedena u proljeće, dok je najnepovoljnije stanje utvrđeno kod varijante s najvećim brojem zahvata obrade (varijanta E). Najveća vrijednost ovog parametra i najmanja opasnost od zbijanja tla i erozije zabilježena je nakon uzgoja soje. Najveće vrijednosti gustoće pakiranja čestica tla (Gp) nakon berbe kukuruza bile su kod varijanata kod kojih je osnovna obrada tla provedena u jesen, a predsjetvena priprema tanjuračom i sjetvo-spremačem (varijante D i E). U obje godine istraživanja utvrđen je najmanji rizik od stvaranja pokorice (R) kod varijante s proljetnim oranjem i pripreme tla sjetvospremačem, a najveća vrijednost ovog parametra i ujedno najpovoljnije stanje bilo je nakon uzgoja soje. Temeljem navedenoga, sa stanovišta održivog gospodarenja tlom, na pseudogleju pjeskovito ilovaste teksture može se preporučiti osnovna obrada tla u proljeće i njegova priprema sjetvo-spremačem.Research was conducted at Križevci College of Agriculture (N: 46o01l12ll E:16o34l28ll). Different tillage methods (variants) were studied with a smaller and larger number of secondary tillage treatments using different tools for tilling during the autumn and spring period of primary tillage. The following crops were cultivated on five different variants of soil cultivation in crops rotation: corn (Zea mays L.) in 2008 and soybean (Glycine max L.) in 2009. The aim of the research was to determine the influence of different methods and treatment times on anthropogenic compaction, structure deformation and the risk of crust formation, in order to recommend the optimal method and time of soil tillage. The following physical parameters were calculated: dispersion ratio (DR), clay dispersion ratio (CDR), flocculant index (CFI), pore coefficient (e), particle density (Gp), risk of crust formation (R) and stability parameter of structural aggregates (St). The most favourable condition of structure stability (St) was found in the variant in which primary tillage and soil preparation with seedbed cultivator was carried out in the spring, while the most unfavourable condition was found in the variant with the largest number of treatments. The highest value of this parameter and the lowest risk of soil compaction and erosion was observed after soybean growing. The highest density values of the soil particle size (PD) after corn harvesting were in the variants where the primary tillage was carried out in autumn and preparation of the soil before sowing with discs and seedbed cultivator. In both research years, the lowest risk of crust formation (R) was determined in the variant with spring primary tillage and preparation of the soil before sowing with seedbed cultivator, and the highest value of this parameter and the most favourable condition were after soybean cultivation. From the point of sustainable soil management and based on the facts mentioned above, primary tillage, as well as its preparation with a seedbed cultivator, is recommended in the spring

    Mechanical resistance of soil in the forest and grassland ecosystems

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    S ciljem utvrđivanja zbijenosti tla u prirodnim uvjetima na luvisolu i rendzini u šumskom i livadnom ekosustavu tijekom 2014. i 2015. godine na području Kalnika provedena su istraživanja mehaničkog otpora i trenutne vlažnosti tla. U razmatranoj 2014. godini najmanja vrijednost mehaničkog otpora tla u humusno akumulativnom A horizontu zabilježena je kod rendzina u šumskom ekosustavu tijekom sva tri mjerenja, a najveća vrijednost bila je u livadnom ekosustavu kod luvisola. Slični rezultati zabilježeni su i u narednoj godini istraživanja. Najmanja vrijednost mehaničkog otpora tla također je zabilježena tijekom sva tri mjerenja kod rendzina u šumskom ekosustavu. Međutim, statistički opravdano manja vrijednost mehaničkog otpora tla kod rendzina u šumskom ekosustavu bila je samo kod trećeg mjerenja u odnosu na sve druge istraživane varijante (p < 0,05). Tijekom istraživanja također je utvrđen prosječno veći sadržaj trenutne vlage u tlu kod rendzine u šumskom ekosustavu, a najmanja vrijednost zabilježena je kod luvisola u šumskom ekosustavu. Općenito nepovoljniji uvjeti zbijenosti tla te prosječno manje vrijednosti trenutnog sadržaja vlage u tlu zabilježeni su u klimatski nepovoljnijoj 2015. godini istraživanja. Temeljem navedenoga, može se konstatirati da su kod rendzina u odnosu na luvisol utvrđeni povoljniji uvjeti zbijenosti, kao i prosječno veći sadržaj vlage u tlu.In order to establish the level of soil compaction in natural conditions on Luvisol and Rendzina in forest and meadow ecosystem of Kalnik area research of mechanical soil resistance and current moisture content was conducted in 2014 and 2015. In 2014 the lowest value of mechanical soil resistance in humus accumulative horizon A was observed in Rendzina in the forest ecosystem in all three measurings, whereas the highest value was observed in the Luvisol of the meadow ecosystem. Similar results were observed in the following year of research. The lowest value of mechanical soil resistance was also observed in Rendzina of the forest ecosystem in all three measurings. However, statistically justifiable lower value of mechanical soil resistance of Rendzina in the forest ecosystem was observed only in the third measuring in relation to all other researched variants (p < 0,05). The research also established average higher content of current moisture in the soil for Rendzina in the forest ecosystem, whereas the lowest value was observed in Luvisol in the forest ecosystem. Less favourable conditions of soil compaction and lower average values of the current moisture content in the soil were generally observed in 2015. Based on the above stated it can be concluded that for Rendzina, in comparison with Luvisol, more favourable conditions of soil compaction were observed, as well as higher average moisture content

    Changes of Chemical Soil Properties through Application of Different Tillage Methods

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    In the period from 2005 to 2009 the influence of different tillage methods and timelines on chemical properties of soil during cultivation of maize (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max) in crop rotation was researched at testing grounds of Križevci College of Agriculture (N: 460 01’ 12’’; E: 160 34’ 28’’). Almost all researched chemical properties of soil indicated more favourable results with the application of spring and autumn primary tillage with reduced number of secondary tillage interventions. The smallest content of total nitrogen and to plant available potassium in soil was in control method of the most intensive tillage and it was determined at the end of the research. The worst results regarding humus quantity were observed in control tillage method. The applied spring primary soil tillage had unfavourable influence on soil reaction. All tillage methods, except the autumn method of primary tillage and secondary tillage with multi-tiller after a four year period indicated less plant available phosphorus. From the perspective of sustainable management, the application of tillage methods with reduced number of secondary tillage interventions, achieved more favourable results

    Mechanical resistance of soil in the forest and grassland ecosystems

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    S ciljem utvrđivanja zbijenosti tla u prirodnim uvjetima na luvisolu i rendzini u šumskom i livadnom ekosustavu tijekom 2014. i 2015. godine na području Kalnika provedena su istraživanja mehaničkog otpora i trenutne vlažnosti tla. U razmatranoj 2014. godini najmanja vrijednost mehaničkog otpora tla u humusno akumulativnom A horizontu zabilježena je kod rendzina u šumskom ekosustavu tijekom sva tri mjerenja, a najveća vrijednost bila je u livadnom ekosustavu kod luvisola. Slični rezultati zabilježeni su i u narednoj godini istraživanja. Najmanja vrijednost mehaničkog otpora tla također je zabilježena tijekom sva tri mjerenja kod rendzina u šumskom ekosustavu. Međutim, statistički opravdano manja vrijednost mehaničkog otpora tla kod rendzina u šumskom ekosustavu bila je samo kod trećeg mjerenja u odnosu na sve druge istraživane varijante (p < 0,05). Tijekom istraživanja također je utvrđen prosječno veći sadržaj trenutne vlage u tlu kod rendzine u šumskom ekosustavu, a najmanja vrijednost zabilježena je kod luvisola u šumskom ekosustavu. Općenito nepovoljniji uvjeti zbijenosti tla te prosječno manje vrijednosti trenutnog sadržaja vlage u tlu zabilježeni su u klimatski nepovoljnijoj 2015. godini istraživanja. Temeljem navedenoga, može se konstatirati da su kod rendzina u odnosu na luvisol utvrđeni povoljniji uvjeti zbijenosti, kao i prosječno veći sadržaj vlage u tlu.In order to establish the level of soil compaction in natural conditions on Luvisol and Rendzina in forest and meadow ecosystem of Kalnik area research of mechanical soil resistance and current moisture content was conducted in 2014 and 2015. In 2014 the lowest value of mechanical soil resistance in humus accumulative horizon A was observed in Rendzina in the forest ecosystem in all three measurings, whereas the highest value was observed in the Luvisol of the meadow ecosystem. Similar results were observed in the following year of research. The lowest value of mechanical soil resistance was also observed in Rendzina of the forest ecosystem in all three measurings. However, statistically justifiable lower value of mechanical soil resistance of Rendzina in the forest ecosystem was observed only in the third measuring in relation to all other researched variants (p < 0,05). The research also established average higher content of current moisture in the soil for Rendzina in the forest ecosystem, whereas the lowest value was observed in Luvisol in the forest ecosystem. Less favourable conditions of soil compaction and lower average values of the current moisture content in the soil were generally observed in 2015. Based on the above stated it can be concluded that for Rendzina, in comparison with Luvisol, more favourable conditions of soil compaction were observed, as well as higher average moisture content

    Influence of Climatic Conditions on Accumulation of α-acids in Hop Clones

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    The influence of climatic conditions on accumulation of α-acids was determined during the six years (2001 – 2006) of stationary experiment in hop cultivar Aurora. The research results show that increasing sum of effective temperatures during the technological maturity stay in negative correlation with accumulation of α-acids in hop cones (r = - 0.39*), whereas total rainfalls stays in positive one (r = 0.46*) At the same time sum of hours of sun shining stay in not significant negative correlation with the accumulation of α-acids (r = - 0.38). The results of factorial analysis show significant positive multiple correlation between sum of effective temperatures and total rainfalls with α-acids accumulation (multiple r = 0.6232**) and at the same time show a significant positive multiple correlation between total rainfalls and sunshine hours with α-acids accumulation (multiple r = 0.5492*). However, there was a very strong negative influence of reference crop evapotranspiration during the phenological phase of hop cones formation on yield of hop cones and of α-acids (rs = - 0.75* and – 0.88*, respectively). The total rainfalls during the hop vegetation in interval of [212.1; 391.8] mm and also the sum of effective temperature in interval of [1601.74; 2000] ºC caused the α-acids accumulation in hop cones of cultivar Aurora in interval of [7.41; 12.35] % in dry matter. It is important to point out that the level of provided tillage, plant protection measures and fertilization was the same in all six experimental years, which excluded their effects on accumulation of α-acids. These results could possibly contribute in creating a model of predication of α-acids accumulation and beginning of hop harvest


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    Prema našoj procjeni na širem području grada Rijeke navodnjavane površine su zanemarive. U tom smislu navodnjavanju treba posvetiti veću pozornost, osobito kod uzgoja dohodovnih kultura. Glede toga određena je potencijalna (PETk) i stvarna (SET) evapotranspiracija po metodi Thornthwaitea te nedostaci i viškovi vode u desetogodišnjem razdoblju od 2000. do 2009. te za najsušnije ljetne mjesece (lipanj, srpanj, kolovoz). Prema izračunu linearnog trenda godišnja količina oborina do 2015. bila bi manja za 11,0 mm, dok bi SET, odnosno stvarne potrebe biljaka za vodom bile veće za 36,4 mm (p>0,05). Uz pretpostavku da će se trend pada srednjih mjesečnih temperatura zraka i porasta količine oborina u ljetnim mjesecima nastaviti do 2015. godine došlo bi do neznatnog smanjenja temperatura zraka za 0,180 C i porasta količine oborina za 15,1 mm (p>0,05). Vrijednosti SET-a bi također porasle za 39,7 mm (p>0,05). Nedostaci vode u prvom petogodišnjem razdoblju iznosili su 55,6 mm, a u drugom 19,6 mm. U razmatranom desetogodišnjem razdoblju pojavljuju se ekstremno suhe godine s vrlo visokim nedostacima vode od čak 413,8 mm u 2003. godini. Stoga navodnjavanju na širem području Rijeke treba posvetiti osobitu pozornost, pogotovo kod uzgoja dohodovnijih kultura, kao što su povrće i voće.According to our estimation, irrigated areas in the wider area of the city of Rijeka are negligible. Therefore, more attention should be given to irrigation, especially for more profitable crops. In regard to this, potential and actual evapotranspiration according to Thorntwaite was determined and water deficiencies and surpluses in the decade since 2000. until 2009. and in the driest summer months (June, July, and August). By calculating linear trend, annual rainfalls by 2015. would be lower by 11.00 mm, while the actual water needs of plants would be higher by 36.4 mm (p>0, 05). Assuming that the downward trend in mean monthly air temperatures and increased rainfall in the summer months in the next five years should continue, there would be a slight decrease in air temperature of 0.180 C and an increase in rainfall of 15.1 mm (p>0,05). The values of actual evapotranspiration would also rise to 39.7 mm (p>0, 05). Deficiencies of water amounted to 55.6 mm in the first five-year period, and 19.6 mm in the second. The observed ten-year period indicates a number of extremely dry years with very high water deficiencies, reaching 413.8 mm in 2003. Therefore, irrigation should be given particular attention in the wider area of the city of Rijeka, especially for more profitable crops like vegetables and fruits


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    Na pokušalištu Visokog gospodarskog učilišta u Križevcima tijekom 2008. godine istraživan je utjecaj različitih načina obrade na značajke tla i prinose zrna kukukuruza (Zea mays L.). Uz navedeno, istraživan je utjecaj obrade i značajki tla na ukupni sadržaj masti i bjelančevina u zrnu kukuruza. Uglavnom je utvrđen povoljniji utjecaj reducirane obrade na fizikalne značajke tla u odnosu na intenzivnije načine obrade s više zahvata. Kod svih istraživanih načina obrade tla ustanovljeni su pozitivni korelacijski odnosi između sadržaja ukupnih masti, bjelančevina i kapaciteta tla za vodu. Najveći korelacijski koeficijent utvrđen je za bjelančevine kod varijante B (r = 0,51; p < 0,05), a za ukupni sadržaj masti kod varijante E (r = 0,56; p < 0,05). Veće vrijednosti kapaciteta tla za zrak također su utjecale na veći sadržaj ukupnih masti (signifikantno kod varijante D s vrijednošću r = 0,65; p < 0,01) i bjelančevina (signifikantno kod varijante D s vrijednošću r = 0,63; p < 0,01). Utvrđen je također nepovoljan utjecaj zbijenosti tla na sadržaj ukupnih masti (signifikantno kod varijante D s vrijednošću r = - 0,77; p < 0,001) i bjelančevina (signifikantno kod varijante D s vrijednošću r = - 0,51; p < 0,05) kod svih istraživanih načina obrade tla. Signifikantno manje vrijednosti sadržaja humusa u tlu bile su kod varijante E (intenzivnija obrada) u odnosu na ostale istraživane načine obrade tla, osim u odnosu na varijantu B (p < 0,05), a glede ukupnog sadržaja dušika u tlu statistički opravdanih razlika nije bilo. Također su utvrđeni pozitivni korelacijski odnosi između sadržaja bjelančevina i količine humusa u tlu (signifikantno kod varijante B; r = 0,73; p 0,05). Slični korelacijski odnosi dobiveni su između sadržaja ukupnih masti u zrnu i ukupnog sadržaja dušika (p> 0,05). Većinom su utvrđeni negativni korelacijski odnosi između ostvarenih prinosa i sadržaja bjelančevina u zrnu, a također je dobiven najveći negativni korelacijski koeficijent između ukupnog sadržaja masti u zrnu i prinosa (p >0,05). Signifikantno niži prinosi zrna kukuruza bili su na varijanti A (reducirana obrada) u odnosu na ostale istraživane načine obrade tla (p < 0,05).The influence of different tillage systems on soil properties and yields of maize grain (Zea mays L.) was investigated during 2008 on the experimental field of the College of agriculture in Križevci. The influence of tillage and soil properties on total fat and protein content in maize grain was also investigated. Mainly more positive effect of reduced tillage on physical soil properties was determined compared to more intensive systems of tillage. Positive correlations between fat and protein content and water capacity of soil were determined for all investigated tillage systems. The highest correlation coefficient was determined for protein content in tillage system B (r = 0.51; p<0.05), and for total fat content in system E (r = 0.56; p < 0.05). The higher values of soil air capacity also influenced a higher total fats content (significant for tillage variant D with the value r = 0.65; p < 0.01) and also a higher protein content (significant for tillage variant D with the value r = 0.63; p < 0.01). A negative impact of soil compactness on total fat content was also determined (significant for D variant with the value r = -0.77; p < 0.001) and on protein content (significant for D variant with the value r = -0.51; p < 0.05) for almost all investigated tillage systems. Significantly lower values of humus content in the soil were registered for E variant (more intensive way of tillage) compared to other variants of tillage, except in relation to variant B (p < 0.05), while there were no significant differences between tillage systems related to total nitrogen content in the soil. Positive correlations were determined between protein content and amount of humus in the soil (significant for B variant; r = 0.73; p 0.05). Similar correlations were determined between fat and nitrogen in maize grain (p > 0.05). Mostly negative correlations weredetermined between yields gained and content proteins in maize grain, and the highest negative correlation coefficient was determined between total fat content in maize grain and yields of maize grain (p > 0.05). Significantly lower yields of maize grain were determined for variant A (reduced tillage) compared to other investigated variants of tillage (p < 0.05)


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    Provedena su pedološka istraživanja na području Đurđevačkih pijesaka koji su još od 1963. registrirani u Registru zaštićenih objekata prirode kao Posebni geografsko botanički rezervat. Krajem 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća eolski pijesci Podravine od Đurđevca do Virovitice pošumljavaju se crnim i bijelim borom te bagremom. Na ovaj su način «krvavi pijesci hrvatske Sahare» umireni, ali je ovim mjerama smirivanja pijesaka Rezervat u velikoj mjeri doživio promijene. Zakonom zaštićeno područje obuhvaća površinu od 19,5 ha, a na cca 6 ha u cilju revitalizacije eolskih «živih» pijesaka provedene su mjere uređenja odstranjivanjem nepoželjne vegetacije ili strojnim skidanjem humusno akumulativnog horizonta. Na osnovi usporedbe stanja fizikalnih i kemijskih značajki tla na uređenom i devastiranom dijelu površine procijenjena je učinkovitost provedenih mjera sanacije pijesaka. Također su dane odgovarajuće preporuke za daljnje gospodarenje Rezervatom u cilju njegovog vraćanja u prvobitno stanje u smislu očuvanja sveukupnog bogatstva biološke i krajobrazne raznolikosti Hrvatske. Provedene mjere smirivanja pijesaka uvjetovale su promjene fizikalnih i kemijskih značajki tla. Na devastiranom dijelu površine u odnosu na uređeni dio utvrđeno je općenito povoljnije stanje fizikalnih i većine kemijskih značajki tla. Rezultat toga je gubitak karakterističnih biljnih i životinjskih vrsta čime je osiromašena biološka raznolikost pijesaka. Važniji pedološki podaci statistički su obrađeni t-testom. Provedene mjere uređenja dijela površine Rezervata u cilju njegove obnove bile su učinkovite te se preporučuje njihova daljnja primjena na čitavom području.Pedological research has been conducted in the region of the Đurđevac sands, which was registered, in 1963., in the Register of protected objects of nature as a special geographic and botanical reserve. At the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century the aeolic sands of Podravina region, from Đurđevac to Virovitica, were afforested with Scottish pine, black pine and false acacia. In that way «the bloody sands of Croatian Sahara» were calmed down, but the measures also meant a great deal of devastation of the area of the geographic and botanical reserve. The protected area covers 19.5 ha of land, and on 6 ha recovery measures have been carried out in order to revitalize aeolic «live» sands by removing undesirable vegetation or by removing humus accumulative layer of the soil by means of mechanization. The effectiveness of the conducted recovery measures was estimated by comparing the state of physical and chemical properties of the soil of the revitalized part and the devastated part of the area. Certain recommendations have been given for further managing the Đurđevac sands reserve with the aim to restore the previous condition in order to preserve the richness of biological and landscape diversity of Croatia. The conducted measures caused the changes in physical and chemical properties of the soil. Better state of physical and most of the chemical properties of the soil were established in the devastated part of the area compared to the recovered part of the area. The result of it is the loss of characteristic floristic and animal species which reduced the biological diversity of the sands. The relevant pedological data were statistically processed using t-test. The conducted measures for recovery of the part of the reserve in order to revitalize it were effective and further implementation in the whole nature reserve area is recommended