51 research outputs found

    Doping-induced quantum cross-over in Er2_2Ti2x_{2-x}Snx_xO7_7

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    We present the results of the investigation of magnetic properties of the Er2_2Ti2x_{2-x}Snx_xO7_7 series. For small doping values the ordering temperature decreases linearly with xx while the moment configuration remains the same as in the x=0x = 0 parent compound. Around x=1.7x = 1.7 doping level we observe a change in the behavior, where the ordering temperature starts to increase and new magnetic Bragg peaks appear. For the first time we present evidence of a long-range order (LRO) in Er2_2Sn2_2O7_7 (x=2.0x = 2.0) below TN=130T_N = 130 mK. It is revealed that the moment configuration corresponds to a Palmer-Chalker type with a value of the magnetic moment significantly renormalized compared to x=0x = 0. We discuss our results in the framework of a possible quantum phase transition occurring close to x=1.7x = 1.7.Comment: accepted in PRB Rapi

    Subjektivno vrednovanje i odnos prema dentalnom izgledu i estetici u odnosu na godine starosti, pol i stepen obrazovanja

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    Introduction Patient's subjective evaluation of dental appearance and aesthetics is becoming an increasingly important factor in aesthetic treatments and prosthetic therapy. Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of age, education level, gender, and different dental status and the appearance of the upper anterior teeth (color, size, shape, position and alignment of the anterior teeth) on the satisfaction of the respondents with dental appearance and aesthetics of their upper anterior teeth and their desire for improvement. Methods The study encompassed 480 people aged 20 to 50 years with an average age of 30.84 years. There were 236 male and 244 female subjects. The respondents were interviewed using a questionnaire specially designed for the purpose of this research. For the study, the subjects were divided into the following three age groups: the younger age group (20-30 years of age), the middle age group (31-40 years of age), and the older age group (41-50 years of age). Results The conducted study did not reveal statistical significance with respect to gender in any of the examined parameters (p > 0.05). A little more than one half of the respondents in each age group were satisfied with their dental appearance and aesthetics (60.3% of the respondents in the age group of 20-30 years, 55.7% in the age group of 31-40, and 53.7% in the age group of 41-50 years of age). Satisfaction with dental appearance and aesthetics increases linearly with the increase in the level of education and was the highest among the respondents with university degree (33.3%). Conclusion Female respondents were more dissatisfied with their dental appearance and aesthetics as compared with male respondents, but the difference was found to be non-significant. Patients with higher education level were more satisfied with their dental appearance and aesthetics than those with lower education.Uvod Pacijentovo subjektivno vrednovanje dentalnog izgleda i estetike postaje sve važniji faktor prilikom estetskih tretmana i protetskih terapija. Cilj rada Cilj istraživanja bio je da istraži uticaj godina starosti, nivoa obrazovanja, pola ispitanika i različiti zubni status i izgled gornjih prednjih zuba (boja, veličina, oblik, poredak prednjih zuba) na zadovoljstvo ispitanika dentalnim izgledom i estetikom gornjih prednjih zuba i postojanje želje za unapređenjem dentalne estetike. Metode rada Istraživanje je sprovedeno na 480 osoba od 20 do 50 godina, prosečne starosti 30,84 godina. Bilo je 236 ispitanika muškog pola i 244 ispitanika ženskog pola. Ispitanici su intervjuisani putem upitnika specijalno napravljenog za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Za potrebe istraživanja ispitanici su podeljeni prema godinama starosti u tri starosne grupe: mlađa starosna grupa (20-30 godina), srednja starosna grupa (31-40 godina), starija starosna grupa (41-50 godina). Rezultati Sprovedena studija nije utvrdila statističku signifikantnost u odnosu na pol ni u jednom od ispitivanih parametara (p > 0,05). Polovina ispitanika u svakoj starosnoj grupi bila je zadovoljna dentalnim izgledom i estetikom: 60,3% ispitanika u starosnoj grupi 20-30 godina, 55,7% u starosnoj grupi 31-40 godina i 53,7% u starosnoj grupi 41-50 godina. Zadovoljstvo dentalnim izgledom i estetikom ima linearno pravilo porasta zadovoljstva sa porastom stepena obrazovanja i najveće je kod ispitanika sa završenim fakultetom (33,3%). Zaključak Žene su bile nezadovoljnije svojim dentalnim izgledom i estetikom u odnosu sa muškarce, ali razlika nije statistički značajna. Pacijenti sa visokim stepenom obrazovanja bili su zadovoljniji dentalnim izgledom i estetikom nego ispitanici sa nižim stepenom obrazovanja

    Everyday life of Vlašić on the island of Pag based on the the Glagolitic quateran of the fraternity of St Jerolim / St Sacrament and other Glagolitic manuscripts

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    U članku je prikazan svakodnevni život Vlašića u 18. stoljeću na temelju zapisa iz glagoljskog kvaterana bratovštine sv. Jerolima/sv. Sakramenta. Mjesto Vlašići na otoku Pagu je tijekom povijesti imalo barem četiri bratovštine. Djelomično je sačuvana evidencija (samo glagoljski kvateran, jer madrikula s kapitulima nije sačuvana) bratovštine sv. Jerolima (Vele skule) spojene u 18. stoljeću s bratovštinom sv. Sakramenta, dok je bratovština Svih svetih spomenuta u kvateranu u nekoliko zapisa kada su članovi surađivali s Velom skulom. Bratovština sv. Katarine nije spomenuta u sačuvanim evidencijama, jedino je spominje Bianchi u 19. stoljeću. Austrijske i francuske vlasti krajem 18. i poč. 19. stoljeća ukidaju brojne bratovštine, pa tako i ove Vlašićke. Bianchi spominje da u 19. stoljeću djeluje samo bratovština Sv. Katarine.The article describes the work of the Vlašić Vela skula of St. Jerome / St. Sacrament. The Madrikulas of these fraternities have been lost, so the rules (capitulariums) have not been preserved, nor are the dates of the foundation of each of these two fraternities known. The quateran with the minutes of the annual assemblies from 1698 to 1782 has remained preserved. Until the year 1766, the minutes were written in Glagolitic, and later they made statements before the Duke of Pag, and from 1766 to 1771 there are double records written in both Italian and Croatian (Glagolitic). From 1772 the minutes were written up mostly in Italian, and only a few in Croatian and Glagolitic. In one place, there is a record the debts that are found on small paper of the church book and which were not written in the big church book and also a note Fu riportato nel libro nuovo (It was re-written in the new book). This would mean that there was another earlier (old) book, the Madrikula. This new quateran was created on the record in 1697 after the merger of the fraternity of Vela Skula St. Jerolim and the fraternity of St. Sacrament (Tila of God). Three capitalariums (arrangements) from the 18th century were added to the quateran. It was concluded that there were two other fraternities in Vlašić, which were in charge of maintaining the altars of the same name in the church of St. Jerome. These are the fraternity of All Saints and that of St. Catherine. The quateran is full of records of the fraternity’s income and expenses that are significant for the reconstruction of the life in Vlašić in the 18th century

    A preliminary evaluation of normative and realistic needs for prosthetic treatment among frail elderly patients in Serbia

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    Background/purpose: Common to all frail elderly patients in Serbia is the fact that only little or no attention is given to their dental care. A normative need for prosthetic treatment exists for all partially edentulous and edentulous patients who lack adequate prosthetic devices. The realistic need for treatment means the opportunity to perform the treatment that will be beneficial for each patient individually. The goal of this study was to determine the normative and realistic needs for prosthetic treatment among frail elderly patients in Serbia. Materials and methods: The study involved 117 elderly and frail patients provided service at the Geriatrics Institute in Belgrade, and among families in suburban municipalities. We determined the patients' dental status, cognitive status, general health condition, and desire for treatment. Results: Results showed that 82.9% of patients had normative need for prosthetic treatment. Realistic need for prosthetic treatment was significantly lower-that is 19.7% to 28.2% of patients can be provided appropriate prosthetic treatment in order to improve their oral functionality and quality of life. Conclusion: Although realistic need for prosthetic treatment is significantly lower than normative need, treatment shouldn't be denied to patients who can receive it, especially when the treatment recommended is less invasive

    Cavity-magnon-polariton spectroscopy of strongly hybridized electro-nuclear spin excitations in LiHoF 4

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    We first present a formalism that incorporates the input-output formalism and the linear response theory to employ cavity-magnon-polariton coupling as a spectroscopic tool for investigating strongly hybridized electro-nuclear spin excitations. A microscopic relation between the generalized susceptibility and the scattering parameter |S11| in strongly hybridized cavity-magnon-polariton systems has been derived without resorting to semi-classical approximations. The formalism is then applied to both analyze and simulate a specific systems comprising a model quantum Ising magnet (LiHoF4) and a high-finesse 3D re-entrant cavity resonator. Quantitative information on the electro-nuclear spin states in LiHoF4 is extracted, and the experimental observations across a broad parameter range were numerically reproduced, including an external magnetic field traversing a quantum critical point. The method potentially opens a new avenue not only for further studies on the quantum phase transition in LiHoF4 but also for a wide range of complex magnetic systems

    Potassium Phosphate/Benzyltriethylammonium Chloride as Efficient Catalytic System for Transesterification

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    Potassium phosphate (K(3)PO(4)) in the presence of benzyltriethylammonium chloride have been found to catalyses the transesterifications of a wide variety of aliphatic and aromatic esters with primary and secondary alcohols affording the corresponding esters in good-to-excel lent yields

    Adaptabilnost različitih kanalnih punjenja za dentin korenskog kanala - analiza elektronski skeniranih mikrofotografija

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    Introduction. The aim of this in vitro study was to test and analyze the sealing ability of three endodontic materials used for permanent obturation, in between the dentin walls and the gutta-percha points, using a scanning electron microscope. Material and Methods. Forty-five recently extracted single-root teeth, treated by a step-back technique, were divided into three groups (15 teeth in each); the canals were filled with three different permanent obturation materials: N2 - zinc oxide root canal cement, Gutta Flow (Coltene), and Endomethasone N (Septodont). Their sealing ability and adhesive properties were analyzed using field emission gun scanning electron microscope, at the time when they were applied between the dentin walls of the canal and the gutta-percha. Results. The results of the scanning electron microscope analysis have shown that all the three sealers have good adhesion properties when used over the root canal walls in the apical third. Good adaptation of the filling used for the root canal walls in the middle and the cervical third was found only in teeth obturated using Gutta Flow, while samples obturated by N2 - zinc oxide root canal cement and Endomethasone showed the weakest adhesion, and greatest number of cracks between the sealer and the canal wall. Conclusion. When using a single-cone obturation technique, compared to other obturation materials, Gutta Flow shows considerably better adaptation to the root canal wall and the gutta-percha points in the apical, middle, and the cervical third of the root.Uvod. Cilj ove in vitro studije je testiranje i analiziranje sposobnosti zaptivanja tri različita endodontska materijala koji se upotrebljavaju za definitivno punjenje između dentinskih zidova i gutaperke poena, primenom elektronskog mikroskopa. Materijal i metode. Četrdeset pet ekstrahovanih jednokorenih zuba, tretiranih step-back tehnikom bili su podeljeni u tri grupe (po 15 zuba u svakoj od njih), kanali su bili ispunjeni trima različitim materijalima za definitivnu opturaciju kanala: cink-oksid eugenolom, Gutta Flow (Coltene) i Endomethasone N (Septodont). Elektronskim mikroiskopom sa emisijom polja analizirani su adhezivna sposobnost i zaptivanje materijala za punjenje između dentinskih zidova korencskog kanala i gutaperke. Rezultati. Analiza elektronski skeniranih mikrofotografija pokazala je da sva tri materijala imaju dobru adheziju karakterističnu za njihovu primenu na zidovima kanala korena u apikalnoj trećini. Dobra adaptacija punjenja za zidove kanala korena u srednje i cervikalne trećine pronađena je samo na uzorke opturisanih metodom Gutta Flow, a uzorci koji su bili opturisani sa cink-oksid eugenolom, i Endomethason-om N imali su najslabiju adheziju i najveće prisustvo pukotina između silera i zida kanala. Kada se primenjuje single-cone tehnika za opturaciju kanala, Gutta Flow pokazuje znatno bolju adaptaciju za zid korenskog kanala i gutaperke u apikalni deo kao i u srednjoj i cervikalnoj trećini korena u poređenju sa drugim materijalima za opturaciju kanala

    Experimental and theoretical thermodynamic studies in Ba2_2MgReO6_6 -- the ground state in the context of Jahn-Teller effect

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    We address the degeneracy of the ground state multiplet on the 5d1d^1 Re6+^{6+} ion in double perovskite Ba2_{2}MgReO6_{6} using a combination of specific heat measurements and density functional calculations. For Ba2_{2}MgReO6_{6}, two different ground state multiplets have previously been proposed - a quartet (with degeneracy NN=4) [1] and a doublet (NN=2) [2]. Here we employ two independent methods for the estimation of phonon contribution in heat capacity data to obtain the magnetic entropy SmagS_{mag}, which reflects the degeneracy of the ground state multiplet NN through Smag=RS_{mag}=RlnNN. In both cases, we obtain a better fit to Smag=RS_{mag}=Rln2 indicating evidence of NN=2 degeneracy in the range from 2 to 120~K. The detailed nature of the ground state multiplet in Ba2_{2}MgReO6_{6} remains an open question.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Structure, heat capacity and Raman spectra of mm-sized Ba2_{2}MgWO6_{6} single crystals synthesized by BaCl2_{2}-MgCl2_{2} flux method

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    We present a new method of Ba2_{2}MgWO6_{6} single crystal synthesis that allows to grow larger crystals using BaCl2_{2} and MgCl2_{2} flux. Difficulties to grow single crystal of a size suitable for macroscopic material property measurements caused the majority of characterisation being published on polycrystalline samples. Single crystal diffraction and energy dispersive X-ray analysis confirmed high quality of synthesised samples. Heat capacity measurements from 300~K to 2~K do not show any transitions. However, Raman spectra measured down to 77~K contain additional peaks at all temperatures probed, which is in a contrast with only 4 Raman active modes expected from the reducible representation. This calls for a more detailed study of potential symmetry breaking that could also influence the electronic properties of the material