54 research outputs found

    Effect of color superconductivity on the mass of hybrid neutron stars in an effective model with pQCD asymptotics

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    The effective cold quark matter model by Alford, Braby, Paris and Reddy (ABPR) is used as a tool for discussing the effect of the size of the pairing gap in three-flavor (CFL) quark matter on the maximum mass of hybrid neutron stars (NSs). This equation of state (EOS) has three parameters which we suggest to determine by comparison with a nonlocal NJL model of quark matter in the nonperturbative domain. We show that due to the momentum dependence of the pairing which is induced by the nonlocality of the interaction, the effective gap parameter in the EOS model is well approximated by a constant value depending on the diquark coupling strength in the NJL model Lagrangian. For the parameter a4=1−2αs/πa_4=1-2\alpha_s/\pi a constant value below about \num{0.4} is needed to explain hybrid stars with Mmax≳2.0 M⊙{\rm M}_{\rm max} \gtrsim 2.0~{\rm M}_\odot, which would translate to an effective constant αs∼1\alpha_s\sim 1. The matching point with a running coupling at the 1-loop β\beta function level is found to lie outside the range of chemical potentials accessible in NS interiors. A dictionary is provided for translating the free parameters of the nlNJL model to those of the ABPR model. Both models are shown to be equivalent in the nonperturbative domain but the latter one allows to quantify the transition to the asymptotic behaviour in accordance with perturbative QCD. We provide constraints on parameter sets that fulfill the 2 M⊙2~{\rm M}_\odot mass constraint for hybrid NSs, as well as the low tidal deformability constraint from GW170817 by a softening of the EOS on the hybrid NS branch with an early onset of deconfinement at Monset<1.4 M⊙{\rm M}_{\rm onset}<1.4~{\rm M}_\odot. We find that the effective constant pairing gap should be around 100 MeV but not exceed values of about 130 MeV because a further increase of the gap would entail a softening of the EOS and contradict the 2 M⊙2~{\rm M}_\odot mass constraint.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    The effects of self-interacting bosonic dark matter on neutron star properties

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    We propose a model of asymmetric bosonic dark matter (DM) with self-repulsion mediated by the vector field coupled to the complex scalar particles. By adopting the two-fluid formalism, we study different DM distribution regimes, either, fully condensed inside the core of a star or, otherwise, distributed in a dilute halo around a neutron star (NS). We show that DM condensed in a core leads to a decrease of the total gravitational mass, radius and tidal deformability compared to a pure baryonic star with the same central density, which we will perceive as an effective softening of the equation of state (EoS). On the other hand, the presence of a DM halo increases the tidal deformability and total gravitational mass. As a result, an accumulated DM inside compact stars could mimic an apparent stiffening of strongly interacting matter equation of state and constraints we impose on it at high densities. From the performed analysis of the effect of DM particles in a MeV-GeV mass-scale, interaction strength, and relative DM fractions inside NSs we obtained a rigorous constraint on model parameters. Finally, we discuss several smoking guns of the presence of DM that are free from the above mentioned apparent modification of the strongly interacting matter equation of state. With this we could be probed with the future astrophysical and gravitational wave (GW) surveys.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    What is the nature of the HESS J1731-347 compact object?

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    Once further confirmed in future analyses, the radius and mass measurement of HESS J1731-347 with M=0.77−0.17+0.20 M⊙M=0.77^{+0.20}_{-0.17}~M_{\odot} and R=10.4−0.78+0.86 kmR=10.4^{+0.86}_{-0.78}~\rm km will be among the lightest and smallest compact objects ever detected. This raises many questions about its nature and opens up the window for different theories to explain such a measurement. In this article, we use the information from Doroshenko et al. (2022) on the mass, radius, and surface temperature together with the multimessenger observations of neutron stars to investigate the possibility that HESS J1731-347 is one of the lightest observed neutron star, a strange quark star, a hybrid star with an early deconfinement phase transition, or a dark matter-admixed neutron star. The nucleonic and quark matter are modeled within realistic equation of states (EOSs) with a self-consistent calculation of the pairing gaps in quark matter. By performing the joint analysis of the thermal evolution and mass-radius constraint, we find evidence that within a 1σ\sigma confidence level, HESS J1731-347 is consistent with the neutron star scenario with the soft EOS as well as with a strange and hybrid star with the early deconfinement phase transition with a strong quark pairing and neutron star admixed with dark matter.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Special point "trains" in the M-R diagram of hybrid stars

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    We present a systematic investigation of the possible locations for the special point (SP), a unique feature of hybrid neutron stars in the mass-radius diagram. The study is performed within the two-phase approach where the high-density (quark matter) phase is described by the covariant nonlocal Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (nlNJL) model equation of state (EOS) which is shown to be equivalent to a constant-sound-speed (CSS) EOS. For the nuclear matter phase around saturation density different relativistic density functional EOSs are used: DD2p00, its excluded-volume modification DD2p40 and the hypernuclear EOS DD2Y-T. In the present contribution we apply the Maxwell construction scheme for the deconfinement transition and demonstrate that a simultaneous variation of the vector and diquark coupling constants results in the occurrence of SP "trains" which are invariant against changing the nuclear matter EOS. We propose that the SP train corresponding to a variation of the diquark coupling at constant vector coupling is special since it serves as a lower bound for the line of maximum masses and accessible radii of massive hybrid stars.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, Contribution to Proceedings of Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum XV, August 1-6, 2022, Stavanger, Norwa

    Early deconfinement of asymptotically conformal color-superconducting quark matter in neutron stars

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    We present a relativistic density functional approach to color superconducting quark matter that mimics quark confinement by a fast growth of the quasiparticle selfenergy in the confining region. The approach is shown to be equivalent to a chiral model of quark matter with medium dependent couplings. While the (pseudo)scalar sector of the model is fitted to the vacuum phenomenology of quantum chromodynamics, the strength of interaction in the vector and diquark channels is varied in order to provide the best agreement with the observational constraints on the mass-radius relation and tidal deformability of neutron stars modelled with our approach. In order to recover the conformal behavior of quark matter at asymptotically high densities we introduce a medium dependence of the vector and diquark couplings motivated by the non-perturbative gluon exchange. Our analysis signals that the onset of deconfinement to color superconducting quark matter is likely to occur in neutron stars with masses below 1.0 M⊙

    How does dark matter affect compact star properties and high density constraints of strongly interacting matter

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    We study the impact of asymmetric bosonic dark matter on neutron star properties, including possible changes of tidal deformability, maximum mass, radius, and matter distribution inside the star. The conditions at which dark matter particles tend to condensate in the star’s core or create an extended halo are presented. We show that dark matter condensed in a core leads to a decrease of the total gravitational mass and tidal deformability compared to a pure baryonic star, which we will perceive as an effective softening of the equation of state. On the other hand, the presence of a dark matter halo increases those observable quantities. Thus, observational data on compact stars could be affected by accumulated dark matter and, consequently, constraints we put on strongly interacting matter at high densities. To confirm the presence of dark matter in the compact star’s interior, and to break the degeneracy between the effect of accumulated dark matter and strongly interacting matter properties at high densities, several astrophysical and GW tests are proposed

    Special point "trains" in the M-R diagram of hybrid stars

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    We present a systematic investigation of the possible locations for the special point (SP), a unique feature of hybrid neutron stars in the massradius diagram. The study is performed within the two-phase approach where the high-density (quark matter) phase is described by the covariant nonlocal Nambu–Jona-Lasinio (nlNJL) model equation of state (EOS) which is shown to be equivalent to a constant-sound-speed (CSS) EOS. For the nuclear matter phase around saturation density different relativistic density functional EOSs are used: DD2p00, its excluded-volume modification DD2p40 and the hypernuclear EOS DD2Y-T. In the present contribution we apply the Maxwell construction scheme for the deconfinement transition and demonstrate that a simultaneous variation of the vector and diquark coupling constants results in the occurrence of SP "trains" which are invariant against changing the nuclear matter EOS. We propose that the SP train corresponding to a variation of the diquark coupling at constant vector coupling is special since it serves as a lower bound for the line of maximum masses and accessible radii of massive hybrid stars

    Long-range angular correlations on the near and away side in p&#8211;Pb collisions at

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    Underlying Event measurements in pp collisions at s=0.9 \sqrt {s} = 0.9 and 7 TeV with the ALICE experiment at the LHC

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    Density functional approach to quark matter with confinement and color superconductivity

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    We present a novel relativistic density-functional approach to modeling quark matter with a mechanism to mimic confinement. The quasiparticle treatment of quarks provides their suppression due to a large quark selfenergy already at the mean-field level. We demonstrate that our approach is equivalent to a chiral quark model with medium-dependent couplings. The dynamical restoration of the chiral symmetry is ensured by construction of the density functional. Supplemented with the vector repulsion and diquark pairing the model is applied to construct a hybrid quark-hadron EoS of cold compact-star matter. We study the connection of such a hybrid EoS with the stellar mass-radius relation and tidal deformability. The model results are compared to various observational constraints including the NICER radius measurement of PSR J0740+6620 and the tidal deformability constraint from GW170817. The model is shown to be consistent with the constraints, still allowing for further improvement by adjusting the vector repulsion and diquark pairing couplings.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure
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