17 research outputs found
Business Facility Roaming Group in Belgrade [award 41st Salon of Architecture]
Poslovni objekat predstavlja završnu fazu procesa totalne rekonstrukcije zatečenog čeličnog skeletnog konstruktivnog sistema, dvadesetogodisnjeg projektantskog i investicionog promašaja.
Procesom adaptacije i dogradnje završne etaže, formiran je novi volumen na postojećem bazisu, kao odgovor na zahteve savremenog poslovanja - multidisciplinarnost, transformabilnost, mogućnost adaptacije - prilagođavanja, podele prema trenutnim zahtevima korisnika. Na području grada, u kojem su smešteni moderni stambeni kompleksi (1970-80), napravljen je novi koncept rekonstrukcije postojećeg objekta. Arhitektonska koncepcija stvaranja javnog prostora u području proširenja pešačke zone na nivou trotoara i otvorene krovne terase predstavlja kontinuitet principa modernog pokreta.
Objekat je projektovan kao niz nezavisnih etaža sa zajedničkim imeniteljem- ulaznom zonom i sadržajima na nivou partera, kao i centralnim vertikalnim jezgrom koje čini - blok liftova, sanitarija i servisnih sadržaja.
Objekat tvori jednostavna forma, gotovo pravilan kubus, jednoznačne materijalizacije - staklene zid zavese, sa potenciranim ritmom otvaranja. Jedini iskorak, izbegavajući zamku trenda u baratanju prepoznatljivim elementima i materijalima, čini naglašena kolonada pristupne zone, sa idejom autora o mogućnosti uspostavljanja dijaloga sa okruženjem a potom i korisnicima. Ta ulazna partija, zona između eksponirane kolonade i povučene ostakljene ravni omogućava i pored pristune transparetnosti neophodnu privatnost sadržajima prizemlja.
Rasvetom, funkcionalnom i dekorativnom postignuto je interesantno razotkrivanje, modelovanje različitih ambijenata u enterijeru, smenom senki i intezivnih boja korporativnih identiteta u okviru koloritne anemičnosti fasadnih i enterijeskih završnih obrada.
Objekat se sastoji od podrumske (servisne), prizemne (pristupne) i pet funkcionalno nezavisnih etaža, kao i pridodate podrumske garažne površine susednog placa. Otvorena krovna terasa i ugaona kolonada na uličnom frontu predstavljaju glavni ambijent i povezanost unutrašnjeg i spoljnjeg prostora sa gradskom okolinom.Office building represents the final phase in the process of reconstruction of the existing steel construction system skeleton – a twenty years residue from failed design and lost investment process. In the area of the city with mainly housing modern building complexes, a new reconstruction concept was made. The architectural concept of the creation of public space in the area of the extension of the pedestrian zone and the open roof terrace as continuity of principles of modern movements.
Utilizing a strategy of adaptation and rebuilding, a new volume has been formed around the existing structural system as a response to demands of contemporary business needs – a multidisciplinary way of working, the mobility of contemporary business and adaptability to rapidly changing commercial demands.
The building is designed as a string of independent floors with associated common areas – entrance area with designated contents at ground floor level and centrally positioned vertical core with elevators, sanitary areas and necessary services.
Formally the building adheres to simplicity presenting an almost straight cube with uniform materiality – a glass curtain wall highlighted with rhythmical openings. The only exception, driven by architect’s desire to avoid trend in manipulating recognizable elements and materials, is achieved with an accentuated colonnade at the entrance level, therefore, creating an active relationship with the surrounding area and the users of the building.
Lighting elements that are both functional and decorative reveal an interesting experience providing an active remodeling of the interior of the building in which changes in shadows and strong corporate color identities alternate and are in contrast with anemic colors of facades and interior finishes.
The building consists of the underground level (service areas), ground level (entrance area) and five functionally independent floors, as well as the added parking area at the adjoining plot. The open roof terrace and the angle colonnade on the street front represent the main ambiance and connection of the internal and external spaces with the city environment.Nagrada u kategoriji Arhitektura = Award within the Category Architecture / associates: Vanja Enbulajev, Miloš Obradović Dušan Radišić, Bratislav Milojević / Photography: Relja Ivani
The Office Building at Južni Bulevar 10, Belgrade
Процесом тоталне реконструкције и доградње постојеће зграде у Јужном булевару, архитекте из бироа ВИА, на челу са Гораном Војводићем и Јеленом Ивановић Војводић формирали су пословни објекат који одговара захтевима савременог пословања. Зграду одликује једноставна форма са стакленим зид завесама, потенцираним ритмом отварања и наглашеном колонадом приступне зоне, којом је успостављен дијалог с окружењем и корисницима. Функционалном и декоративном расветом постигнуто је компоновање различитих амбијената у ентеријеру, а сменом сенки и интезивних боја дат је нагласак колоритној анемичности фасадних и ентеријерских завршних обрада. Међу бројним наградама и признањима, аутори овог дела освојили су престижну награду у категорији Архитектура на 41. Салону архитектуре.In the process of total reconstruction and extension of the existing building in Južni bulevar, architects from the Biro VIA, led by Goran Vojvodić and Jelena Ivanović Vojvodić, designed the office building according to requirements of modern business. The building is characterized by a simple form with glass curtain wall, an accentuated rhythm of opening, and an emphasized colonnade of the access zone, which establishes a dialogue with the environment and users. Functional and decorative lighting composes different ambiences in the interior, and the change of shades and intense colors gives emphasis to the colorful anemia of facade and interior finishes. Among numerous awards and recognitions, the authors of this work won the prestigious award in the category of Architecture at the 41st Salon of Architecture.Associates: Dušan Radišić, Bratislav Milojević, Vanja Enbulajev, Jovana Grujevska, Miloš Obradović - Biro VIA / Photography: Relja Ivani
Residential Building in Sanja Živanović Street In Belgrade [45th Salon of Architecture]
Objekat se nalazi u rezidencijalnoj zoni Senjaka, na proporcijski vrlo zahtevnoj parceli sa terenom u nagibu od pristupne saobraćajnice.
Formiran je kao troetažni monolitni gabarit sačinjen od tri međusobno povezana kubusa. Akcenat je osim na jednoobraznoj materijalizaciji - eternit ploče, dat na ulaznoj i dvorišnoj partiji jer je formiranje otvora po bočnim-podužnim fasadama vrlo ograničavajuće zadatim urbanističkim uslovima.
Odatle je proistekla i distribucija sadržaja unutar objekta. Na pristupnom nivou je organizovana dnevna zona sa odvojenim objektom garaže prema ulici i terasom ka unutrašnjem dvorištu, dok je na spratu smeštajni kapacitet porodice.
U suterenskom delu koji je po bočnoj strani denivelacijom partera u potpunosti-celom visinom otvoren ka spoljnoj sredini je organizovan prostor za rekreaciju - teretanu i golf trenažer, kućni bioskop sa pomoćnim sadržajima.
U zoni relativno malog dvorišta je pozicioniran otvoreni bazen sa plažom i uređenom zelenom površinom.The building is located on the residential area of Senjak, on a proportionately very demanding plot with a sloped terrain from the access road.
It was formed as a three-level monolithic gauge made of three interconnected cubes. In addition to the uniform materialization - eternit panels, the emphasis is on the entrance and courtyard, because the formation of openings along the side-long facades is very limiting given the urban conditions.
This is where the distribution of content within the facility came from. On the access level, a living area is organized with a separate garage building facing the street and a terrace facing the inner courtyard, while the family's accommodation capacity is on the first floor.
In the basement part, which is completely open to the outside environment on the side due to unevenness of the ground floor, there is an organized space for recreation - a gym and a golf trainer, a home cinema with auxiliary contents.
An outdoor swimming pool with a beach and landscaped green area is positioned in the area of the relatively small yard.Project team: Vanja Enbulajev, Miloš Obradović, Andela Radovanović, Kristina Savković, Jovana Vidaković, Jovana Ćorković / Photography: Relja Ivani
Zgrada Jadransko-podunavske banke u Kralja Milana postaje Palata nauke [prikaz projekta]
Prenamenom celog objekta dobiće se jedinstvena funkcionalna celina sa izložbenim prostorima, naučnim centrima, planetarijumom i restoranom za korisnike.
Zgrada na adresi Kralja Milana 11 u Beogradu, podignuta pre skoro jednog veka po projektu nemačkog arhitekte Augusta Rajnfelza, trebalo bi da postane Palata nauke čiji je investitor Zadužbina Miodraga Kostića.
Urbanistički projekat za rekonstrukciju, sanaciju, adaptaciju i prenamenu objekta postavljen je ovih dana na javni uvid, a može se pogledati najkasnije do 6. novembra 2023. godine na sajtu Grada Beograda.
Nosilac izrade urbanističkog projekta je beogradska fima Projektura d.o.o, dok idejno rešenje potpisuje BIRO VIA, takođe iz Beograda, sa Goranom Vojvodićem, dia, kao odgovornim projektantom.PRIKAZ PROJEKTA na https://www.gradnja.rs/palata-nauke-kralja-milana-biro-via-goran-vojvodic
Office building ROAMING GROUP, Belgrade [award: BIG SEE Architecture Award 2020]
This office building represents the final phase in the process of reconstruction of the existing steel construction system skeleton – a twenty years old. Utilising a strategy of adaptation and rebuilding a new volume has been formed around existing structural system as a response to demands of contemporary business needs – multidisciplinary way of working. The building is designed as a string of five functionally independent floors with associated common areas – entrance area with designated contents at ground floor level and centrally positioned vertical core with lifts, sanitary areas and necessary services, as well as added parking area at the adjoining plot. Lighting elements that are both functional and decorative reveal an interesting experience providing an active re-modelling of the interior of the building in which changes in shadows and strong corporate colour identities alternate and are in contrast with anaemic colours of façade’s and interior finishes.
What makes this project one-of-a-kind?
The building adheres to simplicity presenting an almost straight cube with uniform materiality – a glass curtain wall highlighted with rhythmical openings. The only exception, driven by desire to avoid trend in manipulating recognizable elements and materials, is achieved with accentuated colonnade at the entrance level, therefore, creating an active relationship with the surrounding area and the users of the building.Architecture, BIG SEE Architecture Award 2020 - Winner, Public and commercial architecture, Serbia / https://bigsee.eu/office-building-roaming-group-belgrade/ ..........associates: Vanja Enbulajev, Miloš Obradović Dušan Radišić, Bratislav Milojević / Photography: Relja Ivani
Roaming Group, Južni Bulevar 10, Beograd [Godišnja nagrada Aleksej Brkić]
Priznanje za uspešnu intervenciju totalne rekonstrukcije zapuštene strukture u
savremeni objekat, jednostavnog, svedenog izraza i jednoznačne materijalizacije, gde
se poseban kvalitet vidi u konsekventnosti oblikovanja arhitektonskog detalja od
eksterijera do enterijera koji oprema uspešno razrešene organizacione modele
funkcionalnih šema poslovnih prostora objekta.Godišnje nagrada Udruženja arhitekata Srbije za arhitekturu 2018. godine / Publikovano 14. Beogradska internacionalna nedelja arhitekture - BINA 2019 : https://bina.rs/1337-2
Business Facility Roaming Group in Belgrade - Interior design [41st Salon of Architecture]
Poslovni objekat predstavlja završnu fazu procesa totalne rekonstrukcije zatečenog čeličnog skeletnog konstruktivnog sistema, dvadesetogodisnjeg projektantskog i investicionog promašaja.
Procesom adaptacije i dogradnje završne etaže, formiran je novi volumen na postojećem bazisu, kao odgovor na zahteve savremenog poslovanja - multidisciplinarnost, transformabilnost, mogućnost adaptacije - prilagođavanja, podele prema trenutnim zahtevima korisnika. Na području grada, u kojem su smešteni moderni stambeni kompleksi (1970-80), napravljen je novi koncept rekonstrukcije postojećeg objekta. Arhitektonska koncepcija stvaranja javnog prostora u području proširenja pešačke zone na nivou trotoara i otvorene krovne terase predstavlja kontinuitet principa modernog pokreta.
Objekat je projektovan kao niz nezavisnih etaža sa zajedničkim imeniteljem- ulaznom zonom i sadržajima na nivou partera, kao i centralnim vertikalnim jezgrom koje čini - blok liftova, sanitarija i servisnih sadržaja.
Objekat tvori jednostavna forma, gotovo pravilan kubus, jednoznačne materijalizacije - staklene zid zavese, sa potenciranim ritmom otvaranja. Jedini iskorak, izbegavajući zamku trenda u baratanju prepoznatljivim elementima i materijalima, čini naglašena kolonada pristupne zone, sa idejom autora o mogućnosti uspostavljanja dijaloga sa okruženjem a potom i korisnicima. Ta ulazna partija, zona između eksponirane kolonade i povučene ostakljene ravni omogućava i pored pristune transparetnosti neophodnu privatnost sadržajima prizemlja.
Rasvetom, funkcionalnom i dekorativnom postignuto je interesantno razotkrivanje, modelovanje različitih ambijenata u enterijeru, smenom senki i intezivnih boja korporativnih identiteta u okviru koloritne anemičnosti fasadnih i enterijeskih završnih obrada.
Objekat se sastoji od podrumske (servisne), prizemne (pristupne) i pet funkcionalno nezavisnih etaža, kao i pridodate podrumske garažne površine susednog placa. Otvorena krovna terasa i ugaona kolonada na uličnom frontu predstavljaju glavni ambijent i povezanost unutrašnjeg i spoljnjeg prostora sa gradskom okolinom.Office building represents the final phase in the process of reconstruction of the existing steel construction system skeleton – a twenty years residue from failed design and lost investment process. In the area of the city with mainly housing modern building complexes, a new reconstruction concept was made. The architectural concept of the creation of public space in the area of the extension of the pedestrian zone and the open roof terrace as continuity of principles of modern movements.
Utilizing a strategy of adaptation and rebuilding, a new volume has been formed around the existing structural system as a response to demands of contemporary business needs – a multidisciplinary way of working, the mobility of contemporary business and adaptability to rapidly changing commercial demands.
The building is designed as a string of independent floors with associated common areas – entrance area with designated contents at ground floor level and centrally positioned vertical core with elevators, sanitary areas and necessary services.
Formally the building adheres to simplicity presenting an almost straight cube with uniform materiality – a glass curtain wall highlighted with rhythmical openings. The only exception, driven by architect’s desire to avoid trend in manipulating recognizable elements and materials, is achieved with an accentuated colonnade at the entrance level, therefore, creating an active relationship with the surrounding area and the users of the building.
Lighting elements that are both functional and decorative reveal an interesting experience providing an active remodeling of the interior of the building in which changes in shadows and strong corporate color identities alternate and are in contrast with anemic colors of facades and interior finishes.
The building consists of the underground level (service areas), ground level (entrance area) and five functionally independent floors, as well as the added parking area at the adjoining plot. The open roof terrace and the angle colonnade on the street front represent the main ambiance and connection of the internal and external spaces with the city environment.associates: Vanja Enbulajev, Miloš Obradović Dušan Radišić, Bratislav Milojević / Photography: Relja Ivani
Strengthening the Social Sustainability of Super-Blocks: Belgrade's Emerging Urban Hubs
Focusing on the social aspect of sustainability, this article provides insight into the process of spatial and functional reconsideration of open public spaces in two selected super-blocks in Belgrade, Serbia. Although their spatial typology is similar, one of them was created during the 1960s in New Belgrade, a new administrative center of the city based on the principles of functionalism, while the other one was built during the 1970s, as a part of urban reconstruction conducted in the central areas of Belgrade (Vračar municipality). The beginning of the 21st century has brought new challenges to open public spaces, reflecting the post-transitional changes of the Serbian socio-economic context, as well as the contemporary urban needs of inhabitants. Consequently, both blocks have developed new gathering places for their local communities, although applying two different approaches, spontaneous/informal (New Belgrade) and formal (Vračar). Considering the specificities of both initiatives and the relationship between local communities and the open public spaces of super-blocks, the comparative analysis is conducted in order to identify the occurring social, spatial, and functional modifications, and the achieved level of social sustainability
BPM izložbeni salon [42. Salon arhitekture]
Prodajni BPM lokal se nalazi u objektu u ul. Kralja Milana br.13 u Beogradu. Izložbeni salon satova i nakita BPM je rekonstruisan u postojećem gabaritu, na nivou prizemlja i galerije. Projektom adaptacije je postavljen savremeni koncept izložbenog salona prodavnice satova za potrebe investitora. Osnovni koncept funkcionalne organizacije prostora predstavlja praćenje kretanja korisnika od ulaza, izložbenih elemenata u vitrinama, izložbenog stola za sastanke i komunikaciju sa klijentima, prodajnog pulta pa do servisnih i pratećih prostora na galeriji objekta.
Svi projektantski radovi su realizovani u svrhu unapredjenja estetike i standarda prostora – zamenjene su sve podne obloge, sva unutrašnja stolarija, završne obrade zidova, kao i postojeća tehnička infrastrukturna. Završnom obradom plafona je restaurirana orginalna dekoraciji. Svi novoprojektovani elementi nameštaja su koncipirani u minimalističkom maniru kako bi se postigao efekat jednostavnosti i estetske usaglašenosti. Formiran je konzolni zid na metalnoj podkonstrukciji od istegnutog lima, obrade natur aluminijum, dok je zid sa druge strane izložbenog stola je formiran u molerskoj tehnici beton. Novoprojektovani izgled je formiran u nameri da sa minimalnom opremom I eksponatima omogući maksimalnu transparentnost I vizuelnu dostupnost sadržaja lokala. Kolorna gama podržava estetiku I sam brend BPM kompanije. Dizajn osvetljenja prati koncept enterijera – sveden i u funkciji eksponata, sa svetiljkama na plafonu, svetiljkom na visilici iznad izložbenog stola, led trakama koje naglašavaju zidne ravni i vitrine.
Intervencijom je postignuta potreba investitora za adekvatnom prezentacijom eksponata, kako u fasadnoj ravni tako i po celom ambijentu, potencirajući osnovne postulate industrije satova- preciznost, prefinjenost u kombinaciji materijala i vrhunski dizajn.The BPM sales office is located in the building at ul. Kralja Milan No. 13 in Belgrade. The BPM watch and jewelry showroom has been reconstructed in the existing dimensions, on the ground floor and gallery level. The adaptation project established a modern concept of a watch store showroom for the needs of investors. The basic concept of the functional organization of the space is the monitoring of the movement of users from the entrance, exhibition elements in showcases, the exhibition table for meetings and communication with clients, the sales counter, and the service and support areas in the building's gallery.
All design work was carried out in order to improve the aesthetics and standards of the space - all floor coverings, all interior joinery, wall finishes, as well as the existing technical infrastructure were replaced. The original decoration was restored by finishing the ceiling. All newly designed furniture elements are conceived in a minimalist manner in order to achieve the effect of simplicity and aesthetic harmony. A cantilever wall was formed on a metal substructure made of stretched sheet metal, treated with natural aluminum, while the wall on the other side of the exhibition table was formed using the concrete painting technique. The newly designed appearance was formed with the intention of providing maximum transparency and visual accessibility of the premises' contents with minimal equipment and exhibits. The color range supports the aesthetics of the BPM company brand itself. The lighting design follows the concept of the interior - reduced to the function of exhibits, with lamps on the ceiling, a lamp on the pendant above the exhibition table, led strips that emphasize the wall surfaces and showcases.
The intervention achieved the investor's need for an adequate presentation of the exhibits, both in the facade plane and throughout the environment, emphasizing the basic postulates of the watch industry - precision, refinement in the combination of materials and top design.Photography: Relja Ivani
Antagonistički potencijal Bacillus spp. prema prouzrokovaču sive truleži paradajza (Botrytis cinerea) i uticaj na klijavost i morfološke parametre klijanaca
Paradajz je jedna od najvažnijih povrtarskih biljaka čiju proizvodnju može ugroziti veći broj prouzrokovača bolesti, smanjujući prinos i kvalitet ploda. Jedan od najznačajnijih patogena paradajza je gljiva Botrytis cinerea - prouzrokovač sive truleži paradajza. Uprkos raznim preventivnim metodama, primena fungicida i dalje predstavlja najvažniju meru kontrole ovog patogena. Međutim, kontinuirana primena hemikalija izaziva zabrinutost potrošača zbog ostataka preparata na plodovima paradajza i njegovog štetnog uticaja na zdravlje ljudi. Jedna od alternativnih mera u zaštiti biljaka od prouzrokovača sive truleži jeste primena različitih antagonističkih bakterija, između ostalih i iz roda Bacillus. Osim uloge u biokontroli, poznato je da pomenute bakterije mogu stimulisati i rast biljaka. Ciljevi istraživanja bili su izolacija autohtonih sojeva Bacillus spp. iz zemljišta, ispitivanje njihove antifungalne aktivnosti prema dva izolata B. cinerea i proučavanje njihovog uticaja na klijavost semena paradajza i morfološke parametre klijanaca. Antifungalni efekat Bacillus spp. testitan je u in vitro uslovima, primenom metode dvojne kultivacije, u tri ponavljanja. Nakon 7 dana inkubacije pri 28ºC izračunat je procenat inhibicije rasta micelije (Percentage of Growth Inhibition, PGI) i zona inhibicije. Ispitivanje uticaja antagonističkih bakterija na klijavost semena paradajza izvršeno je standardnim testom klijavosti. Seme paradajza, sorte Novosadski jabučar, inokulisano je potapanjem u suspenziju bakterija (108 ćel/ml), dok je seme u kontroli potapano u 0,2% rastvor kalijum nitrata (KNO3). Efekat je ocenjen naklijavanjem 100 semena u Petri posudi (R=140 mm) u četiri ponavljanja. Očitavanje klijavosti semena izvršeno je nakon 14 dana. Iz svakog ponavljanja, slučajnim izborom odabrano je po 10 klijanaca i merena je dužina nadzemnog dela i korena (cm), kao i sveža i suva masa nadzemnog dela i korena (g). Primenom morfoloških i molekularnih metoda, pet bakterijskih sojeva identifikovano je kao Bacillus subtilis, dva soja kao B. amyloliquefaciens i jedan kao B. pumilus. U testu dvojne kultivacije svih osam sojeva Bacillus spp. ispoljili su snažan antifungalni efekat prema oba izolata B. cinerea, sa PGI vrednostima od 50% do 80% i zonom inhibicije od 1,33 mm do 17,33 mm. Najveći procenat klijavosti semena dobijen je inokulacijom sojevima B. amyloliquefaciens (85,66% i 86,16%) u odnosu na kontrolu (82,66%). Jedan soj B. subtillis povećao je dužinu nadzemnog dela za 25,50%, dok je drugi soj iste vrste povećao dužinu korena za 17,62%. Dalje, sojevi B. amyloliquefaciens, B. pumilus, kao i tri soja B. subtillis statistički značajno su povećali svežu masu nadzemnog dela (12,90 - 22,22%). Sojevi B. pumilus i B. subtillis povećali su i svežu masu korena (2,56 - 5,12%). Inicijalni rezultati ukazuju da autohtoni izolati Bacillus spp. iz zemljišta imaju snažan potencijal za biokontrolu i podsticanje rasta biljaka paradajza