453 research outputs found

    Antraknoza - nova bolest jagode u Srbiji i njena kontrola fungicidima

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    Anthracnose is a destructive disease of strawberry fruits in warm and continental climate. During 2004, in the vicinity of Valjevo, there were severe losses in two strawberry plantations due to fruit anthracnose. Two fungal isolates, GG-6A and GG-JUP were recovered from strawberry stolons and fruits showing severe anthracnose symptoms. Based on morphological and pathological characteristics, and PCR analyses with specific primers of reference species, isolate GG-6A was identified as Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, and GG-JUP isolate as C. acutatum. This is the first identification of C. acutatum in strawberry in Serbia. In order to control strawberry anthracnose, five fungicides and their combinations were applied four times during the flowering. The best fruit protection was achieved by fungicides Metiram + piraclostrobin (Cabrio top), Captan FL and Fludioksinil + ciprodinil (Swich). Less effective were Benomil (Benlate) and Krezoksim-metil (Stroby). Pathogen is transmitted by planting material, so phytosanitary measures are extremely important in preventing the disease.Antraknoza je destruktivna bolest plodova jagode u toplim i kontinentalnim klimatskim uslovima. Tokom 2004. godine, na 2 plantaže jagoda u blizini Valjeva, bilo je velikih gubitaka prouzrokovanih antraknozom. Dva izolata gljiva GG-6A i GG-JUP su izolovana iz stolona jagode, i plodova sa izraženim simptomima antraknoze. Na osnovu morfoloŔkih i patoloŔkih karakteristika, i PCR analize sa specifičnim prajmerima za referentne vrste, izolat GG-6A je identifikovan kao Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, a izolat GG-JUP kao C. acutatum. Ovo je prvi nalaz C. acutatum na jagodi u Srbiji. U cilju kontrole antraknoze jagode pet fungicida i njihovih kombinacija su primenjeni 4 puta tokom cvetanja. Najbolja zaŔtita plodova jagode je postignuta primenom fungicida Metiram + piraclostrobin (Cabrio top), Captan FL i Fludioksinil ciprodinil (Swich). Manje efektivni su bili Benomil (Benlate) i Krezoksim-metil (Stroby). Patogen se prenosi sadnim materijalom pa su fitosanitarne mere veoma važne u prevenciji bolesti

    Anthracnose: A new strawberry disease in Serbia and its control by fungicides

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    Anthracnose is a destructive disease of strawberry fruits in warm and continental climate. During 2004, in the vicinity of Valjevo, there were severe losses in two strawberry plantations due to fruit anthracnose. Two fungal isolates, GG-6A and GG-JUP were recovered from strawberry stolons and fruits showing severe anthracnose symptoms. Based on morphological and pathological characteristics, and PCR analyses with specific primers of reference species, isolate GG-6A was identified as Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, and GG-JUP isolate as C. acutatum. This is the first identification of C. acutatum in strawberry in Serbia. In order to control strawberry anthracnose, five fungicides and their combinations were applied four times during the flowering. The best fruit protection was achieved by fungicides Metiram + piraclostrobin (Cabrio top), Captan FL and Fludioksinil + ciprodinil (Swich). Less effective were Benomil (Benlate) and Krezoksim-metil (Stroby). Pathogen is transmitted by planting material, so phytosanitary measures are extremely important in preventing the disease

    Efekti probiotika na Campylobacter jejuni i Salmonella spp. u odnosu na meso i organe zaklanih brojlera

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    Our research deals with the effects of probiotics on Campylobacter jejuni and Salmonella spp. with respect to the meat and organs of slaughtered chickens. For the scope of our experiment, we used 250 one-day old chicks, divided into 5 groups. Initially, control chicken group was fed with feed not containing probiotics. Other groups were fed with feed containing different probiotics. Fattening-intended food was standardized for all groups. All chicken groups were exposed to the same ambient conditions. Following 42 days period of fattening, chickens were slaughtered. We took 30 samples of liver, intestine and swabs from perianal region for the needs of bacteriological examination. Campylobacter spp. and Salmonella spp. were determined by selective media. On the basis of obtained results, we can say that the application of probiotics in chicken feed reduces considerably the onset of Campylobacter jejuni and Salmonella spp. in meat and organs.NaÅ”e istraživanje predstavlja efekte probiotika na Campylobacter jejuni i Salmonella spp. u odnosu na meso i organe zaklanih pilića. U eksperimentu je koriŔćeno 250 jednodnevnih brojlera, podeljenih u 5 grupa. Kontrolna grupa brojlera hranjena je smeÅ”ama bez probiotika. Brojleri ostalih grupa hranjeni su smeÅ”ama sa dodatkom različitih probiotika. SmeÅ”e za ishranu bile su standardne za svaku grupu, a brojleri svih grupa su držani pod istim uslovima. Posle 42 dana tova, brojleri su zaklani i uzeto je 30 uzoraka jetre, creva i briseva iz perianalne regije za bakterioloÅ”ko ispitivanje prisustva Campylobacter spp. i Salmonella spp., Prisustvo ovih mikroorganizama je utvrđeno na selektivnim podlogama. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, može se reći da upotreba probiotika u ishrani brojlera redukuje Campylobacter spp. i Salmonella spp. u mesu i organima

    Relation to the past and the history of the Holocaust - Staro sajmiste

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    U ovom radu bavićemo se mestom Staro sajmiÅ”te, koje tokom Drugog svetskog rata dobija novu svrhu i postaje jevrejski logor, kao i time kakav je odnos druÅ”tva i vlasti prema ovom mestu, koje je tokom svoje istorije postalo instrument selektivnog sećanja, a najmanje sećanja na žrtve holokausta. Rad pruža detalјan pregled knjige Jovana Bajforda "Staro sajmiÅ”te, mesto sećanja, zaborava i sporenja", koja se bavi istorijom Starog sajmiÅ”ta od njegovog početka pa do danas. Analizom filma Kad svane dan osvrnućemo se na priču pojedinca, čiji su roditelјi bili žrtve holokausta, i uvideti da mesto stradanja do dana danaÅ”njeg nije adekvatno obeleženo, kao i da je zainteresovanost za žrtve mala.In this paper, we will deal with the place Staro sajmiÅ”te, which during the Second World War got a new purpose and became a Jewish camp. Šs well as with the relationship of society and the government towards this place, which during its history became an instrument of selective memory, and least of all the memory of the victims of the Holocaust. The paper provides a detailed review of Jovan Byford's book "Staro Sajmiste: A site remembered, forgotten, contested", which deals with the history of the Staro sajmiste from its beginning to the present day. By analyzing the film "Kad svane dan", we will look back at the story of an individual whose parents were victims of the Holocaust and see that the place of suffering has not been adequately marked to this day, as well as that there is little interest in the victims.Zbornik je rezultat istraživanja u okviru Studija Holokausta koje se pod pokrovitelјstvom Claims Conference (Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany) izvode na Univerzitetu u Kragujevcu.The collection of papers is the result of research within Holocaust Studies, which are conducted at the University of Kragujevac under the support of the Claims Conference (Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany)

    Provera antagonističkog delovanja mikroorganizama na Colletotrichum acutatum i Colletotrichum gloeosporioides

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    The antagonistic activities of five biocontrol agents: Trichoderma harzianum, Gliocladium roseum, Bacillus subtilis, Streptomyces noursei and Streptomyces natalensis, were tested in vitro against Colletotrichum acutatum and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, the causal agents of anthracnose disease in fruit crops. The microbial antagonists inhibited mycelial growth in the dual culture assay and conidial germination of Colletotrichum isolates. The two Streptomyces species exhibited the strongest antagonism against isolates of C. acutatum and C. gloeosporioides. Microscopic examination showed that the most common mode of action was antibiosis. The results of this study identify T. harzianum, G. roseum, B. subtilis, S. natalensis and S. noursei as promising biological control agents for further testing against anthracnose disease in fruits.Antagonističko delovanje pet agenasa bioloÅ”ke zaÅ”tite: Trichoderma harzianum, Gliocladium roseum, Bacillus subtilis, Streptomyces noursei i Streptomyces natalensis, testirano je in vitro na Colletotrichum acutatum i Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, prouzrokovače antraknoze plodova. Svi mikrobni antagonisti inhibiraju porast micelije u testovima dvojne kultivacije i klijavost konidija Colletotrichum izolata. Dve vrste roda Streptomyces ispoljavaju najjači stepen antagonizma prema izolatima C. acutatum i C. gloeosporioides. Mikroskopsko ispitivanje pokazuje da je antibioza najčeŔći način delovanja antagonista. T. harzianum, G. roseum, B. subtilis, S. natalensis i S. noursei su rezultatima ovih istraživanja identifikovani kao bioloÅ”ki agensi koji se mogu uspeÅ”no uključiti u buduća testiranja u cilju suzbijanja antraknoze plodova

    Proizvodni rezultati u tovu brojlera hybro G+ provenijencije

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    In this paper are presented the growth performances (live weight, average daily weight gain, feed consumption and feed conversion ratio) of broilers Hybro G+ provenience. Feeding, zoohygienic and zootechnical measures met technological normative for this provenience. Broilers were fed with the complete feed mixtures (producer 'Dren', Novi Sad) with added anticoccidial salinomycine in the amount of 66 mg/kg up to 35. day of fattening. In last week of the fattening period, salinomycine was not added (drug waiting period is 5 days). Live weight of broilers at the end of trial was 1959.74 g to 2750.48 g (average 2340.62 g). During the fattening period, average daily weight gain was 54.70 Ā± 5.03 g; it was in the range 45.71-64.39 g. Average daily feed consumption was 87.97 g for all fattening period and feed conversion ratio was 87.97 g.U radu su prikazani proizvodni rezultati (masa brojlera tokom tova, prosečan dnevni prirast i utroÅ”ak hrane, konverzija hrane) brojlera Hybro G+ provenijencije. Ishrana, smeÅ”taj, zoohigijenske i zootehničke mere odgovarale su tehnoloÅ”kim normativima za ovu provenijenciju. Brojleri su hranjeni potpunim krmnim smeÅ”ama (proizvođač 'Dren', Novi Sad) kojima je dodat antikokcidijal salinomicin u količini od 66 mg/kg, do 35. dana tova. U smeÅ”e koriŔćene za poslednju nedelju tova, salinomicin nije dodat da bi se ispoÅ”tovala karenca leka koja za pileće meso iznosi 5 dana. Prosečna masa brojlera na kraju tova bila je od 1959,74 g do 2750,48 g (prosečno 2340,62 g). Za ceo period tova, prosečan dnevni prirast brojlera bio je 54,70 Ā± 5,03 g, odnosno bio je u opsegu od 45,71 do 64,39 g. Prosečan dnevni utroÅ”ak hrane bio je 87,97 g za ceo period tova, a konverzija hrane 1,76

    The use of natural stone as an authentic building material for the restoration of historic buildings in order to test sustainable refurbishment: Case study

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    This study deals with the integrated process of conservation and restoration of architectural heritage and sustainability. The objective of the research was to define adequate methodologies for the structural restoration of historic buildings, their re-use, and sustainable refurbishment in accordance with modern requirements and conservation standards while maintaining the original visual character by using natural stone as an authentic building material. The main research method was the in-situ observation of the historic structures during the restoration and adaptive re-use, the analysis, and evaluation of the research findings regarding energy efficiency improvements and energy saving in the Haybarn complex within the monastery Hilandar, Mount Athos, Greece. Due to its cultural and natural values, Mount Athos has been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The research included the damaged and abandoned agricultural structures that belong to the Haybarn complex and the analysis of the obtained results after the restoration had finished and the abandoned premises had been turned into guest rooms for the visitors of Hilandar monastery. The result section states the findings of the research arranged as recommendations for historic building restoration and re-use, emphasizing their new function in accordance with modern comfort requirements and environmental protection standards. The main contribution of this study is the analysis of the research findings and the possibilities of energy refurbishment of the restored historic buildings, through the use of natural stone as authentic local construction material, in accordance with energy efficiency measures and principles, conservation requirements and cultural heritage conservation standards

    The influence of temperature on mechanical properties of the base material (BM) and welded joint (WJ) made of steel S690QL

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    This paper presents the analysis of the influence of temperature on mechanic properties of the base material and welded joints made of high strength steel. The joints were welded on S690QL high strength steel plates using the Metal Active Gas (MAG) Welding and two filler materials of different properties. Since the steel S690QL belongs to a group of steels with high strength, the aim of this paper is to determine the temperature at which strength starts to decrease. Experimental tensile testings of the welded joints were performed at five different temperatures in the range from 20 to 550 Ā°C

    Korelaciona povezanost telesne mase srpske bele koze prema tipu jarenja i proizvodnim osobinama

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    Main breeding objective in improvement of goat production is realization of increase of number of animals and production and creation of constant highly productive goat breeding on private farms of individual producers. For economically efficient goat production, size and number of goats in the herd are of great importance. Considering that goats of greater body mass should realize higher production, body mass of head can serve as one of the parameters in selection. Objective of this research was to determine optimal body masses of heads in population of Serbian White goat, in hilly-mountainous region of Stara Planina Mountain, in semiintensive rearing system (pasture-stable) and in relation to realized production. Based on results of research it can be concluded that optimal body mass of investigated heads in population of Serbian White goat in regard to observed parameters of production is between 40-47 kg.Osnovni odgajivački cilj u poboljÅ”anju kozarske proizvodnje je povećanje broja životinja i povećanje proizvodnje, odnosno stvaranje stalnog visokoproduktivnog kozarstva na farmama individualnih odgajivača. Za ekonomičnu kozarsku proizvodnju od velike važnosti je veličina grla i brojnost koza u stadu. Polazeći od činjenice da koze sa većom telesnom masom treba da ostvare i veću proizvodnju, to masa tela grla može da posluži i kao jedan od parametara u selekciji. Cilj ovih istraživanja je da se utvrde optimalne telesne mase grla u populaciji srpske bele koze, u brdskoplaninskom području Stare Planine, u poluintenzivnom sistemu gajenja (paÅ”no-stajski) i u odnosu na ostvarenu proizvodnju. Na osnovu rezultata sprovedenih istraživanja može se zaključiti da je optimalna telesna masa ispitivanih grla u populaciji srpske bele koze u odnosu na posmatrane parametre proizvodnje između 40-47 kg
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