130 research outputs found

    Местото на методиката во современиот научен и воспитно-образовен систем

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    Во овој труд ќе се задржиме на местото и улогата на методиката во современото образование како едукативен процес, во кој методиката со својот интердисциплинарен карактер се здобива со статус на научна дисциплина, чиј предмет на истражување, не се само методите, туку и целиот систем на образование, кој го гледаме како курикулум, кој претставува нов начин на планирање, организирање и изведување на наставата. Теоријата и практиката на воспитанието и образованието, како една од основните животни и културолошки дејности на човекот го определува и местото на методиката во современиот воспитно-образовен систем и нејзината улога во остварувањето на резултатите од воспитно-образовниот процес

    Македонскиот предлог на – камен на сопнување кај изучувачите на германскиот и англискиот јазик

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    Предлозите се специфична категорија на зборови која бара посебно внимание во процесот на изучување на странски јазици и која претставува „камен на сопнување“ при изведување на наставата на странски јазици. Преку овој труд ќе се обидеме да ги воочиме основните проблеми кои се јавуваат кај изучувачите на странските јазици, пред сѐ германскиот и англискиот јазик, преку примери со македонскиот предлог на. Како комплексни лексички единици предлозите служат за изразување на релации помеѓу два ентитета, и тоа самиот објект кој се набљудува од една страна и од кој аспект се набљудува истиот (мак. ј.: Ученикот седи на масата/на столот). Македонскиот предлог на во германскиот јазик се јавува преку две лексички единици auf/an (герм. ј: Der Schüler sitzt an dem Tisch/auf dem Stuhl) , како и во англискиот јазик преку at/on (англ. ј.: The student is sitting at the table/on the chair). Задачата која сме си ја поставиле со пишувањето на овој труд воопшто не е лесна и едноставна, туку напротив изискува многу труд и внимание, кое ние несебично ќе го посветиме сѐ со цел добивање на поопсежно, продлабочено анализирање на овој проблем. Овој труд ќе го посветиме на откривање на функционалните разлики кои постојат меѓу овие предлози и кои зависат од многу фактори, а кои се од големо значење за македонските изучувачи на германски и англиски јазик како два најзастапени светски јазици во сите сфери на постоење


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    Many students express their inability and sometimes admit their failure in learning to speak a second/foreign language. These students may be good at other skills, but when it comes to learning how to speak another language, they claim to have a "mental block" (Horwitz et al., 1986: 125). The use of modern approaches in communicative teaching in language classrooms and the widespread use of English and German have increased the demand for good communication skills. Communication is the method by which people share their ideas, information, opinions, and feelings. People who share these can greatly contribute to teamwork and work of individuals. Communication is a two-way activity between two or more persons and it can take place in many different ways, depending on the situation or place. It implies the transfer of information and knowledge from the source to the recipient and is a process by which the sender/source reaches the recipient/destination with thoughts, ideas, feelings, facts, and values. Successful communication is said to occur when the receiver not only receives the message, but also accepts, interprets, and uses it in the manner intended by the source. This paper attempts to examine the impact that writing and speaking skills have on students' communication in English and German by examining the results obtained from the questionnaire. The questionnaire includes 10 questions responded by а total of 40 students from the Departments of English Language and Literature and German Language and Literature at the Faculty of Philology, Goce Delcev University - Stip

    Upravljanje tržišnim rizikom u poslovanju kompanija u sektoru za proizvodnju, preradu i distribuciju nafte

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    Cilj ove disertacije je da se ukaže na mogućnost primene modela ARIMA za predviđanje cena sirove nafte, zatim na mogućnost upravljanja tržišnim rizikom VaR metodom u naftnim kompanijama, kao i njihovu implementaciju u kompleksan sistem rukovođenja kompanijama u sektoru za proizvodnju, preradu i distribuciju sirove nafte. Zadatak menadžmenta svake kompanije, pa i naftne, je maksimiziranje profitabilnosti, ostvarivanje njene programirane stope ili kontinualno ostvarivanje dobiti bez obzira na vreme i uslove poslovanja. Uz održavanje tržišnog rizika u prihvatljivim granicama, krucijalni je zadatak, koji uslovljava menadžment kompanija da, optimizacijom izvora sredstava, uzimajući u obzir iznose, rokove i cene, na vreme preduzmu korektivne mere i minimiziraju pomenute rizike. Dobijeni rezultati idu u prilog tvrdnji da je za održavanje tržišnog rizika naftnih kompanija na prihvatljivom nivou, u prihvatljivim granicama, neophodno korišćenje odgovarajućih modela za predviđanje kretanja cena nafte i upravljanja rizicima kod poslovanja sirovom naftom, što je, u vreme nestabilnog poslovanja, dobra osnova za donošenje budućih odluka privrednih subjekata. Dalji pravci istraživanja uključiće implementaciju drugih postojećih, ali i novih modela, metoda, kao i njihovu kombinaciju, testiranje ekstremnih događaja za predikciju cena sirove nafte i upravljanje tržišnim rizicima u poslovanju kompanija u sektoru za proizvodnju, preradu i distribuciju sirove nafte. Radi obezbeđenja kontinuiteta u snabdevanju i održavanja obaveznih rezervi sirove nafte na zahtevanom nivou, buduća istraživanja uključiće rizik zemlje i energetsku bezbednost, kao preduslov za funkcionisanje privrede i svih njenih subjekata, kao i potencijalnih korisnika ovog ograničenog resursa


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    Motivation has inspired а lot of authors to identify its characteristics. It has also inspired students and teachers to learn and teach foreign languages through its different types and provide different results in teaching and learning the language. This is closely connected to how evaluation has the potential to influence students and motivate them to learn a foreign language and how teachers should find easier or more difficult ways of evaluating them, depending on what kind of motivation is involved during the class. This paper deals with the issue of how different evaluation methods provide opportunities for students to meet different motives. The students do that by answering a questionnaire, which is the initial hypothesis of it. The target groups are the third year students from the departments of English language and literature, German language and literature, and Macedonian language and literature at the Faculty of Philology, Goce Delcev University – Stip, 15 from each department. The students answer to 15 questions concerning the different methods they are evaluated by. They provide feedback by answering the questions and they give their opinion about the different types of evaluation methods. The results are used to give us an insight into the influence of different evaluation methods on students’ motivation, so that we can see whether they are actually the main reason why students learn or do not learn foreign languages, and to serve as inspiration to teachers to be familiar with which types of evaluation methods decrease or increase the level of motivation while learning a foreign language. As a result, they are able to use those methods in future in order to improve the level of foreign language knowledge the students should possess and gain.Key words: education, learning, motivation, evaluation, foreign languag

    Isotopic lead measurements in wine and edible oil using inductively coupled plasma with mass spectrometry

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    Lead isotope ratios provide analytical information related to the source of lead contamination in naturally occurring samples. On the other hand, these measurements can provide useful information for routine means of “fingerprinting” the components grown in different habitats. Studies of the isotopic composition of lead are therefore commonly used in the environmental science as well as geological and anthropological studies. Among all the naturally occurring lead isotopes, only 204Pb is non-radiogenic, whereas, 206Pb, 207Pb and 208Pb are the daughter products from the radioactive decay of  238U, 235U and 232Th, respectively. As a consequence, small Pb isotope abundance variation occurs in nature and the isotopic composition of lead in the environment is dependent on the local pollution sources. Being able to accurately measure all of the Pb isotopes is important for a number of investigations. In this study, inductively coupled plasma with mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) was used to investigate whether this chemical application can offer a reliable and practical solution to the problem of the polyatomic overlap in the presence of organic based matrix samples. The study summarizes the instrument optimization procedure for Pb isotope measurements in wine and edible oil samples. Also, the isotopic ratios were presented for samples from same and from different geographical region

    Method for determination of 35 elements content in various samples with application of microwave digestion and inductively coupled plasma with mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)

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    Inductively coupled plasma with mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and microwave digestion system were used as working techniques for determining the content of 35 elements (Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Ga, Ge, Hg, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, Sb, Se, Sn, Sr, Ti, V and Zn) in varios samples: edible oils, fruits, vegetables and alcoholic beverages. This paper includes optimization and validation of the conditions for  measurement of the elements isotopes in prepared samples. Method validation was done using calculation of the limit of detection and quantification, lineary, measurement range and measurement uncertainty, as well as the accuracy and precision of the measurements. The examined parameters indicated that the method meets the requirements for the intended use

    Assessing the bioavailability and translocation efficiency of mineral elements in Lycium barbarum species from R. Macedonia and R. China

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    Goji berries or wolfberries (Lycium barbarum L.) have been traditionally used as food and a medicinal plant. The interest in the chemical composition of goji berries has intensified because of an increased awareness of their possible health benefits. On the other hand, the toxic elements can also be interacting in the plant tissue through the bioavailable pathway of the root-soil system. The present work reports the results obtained by the proposed method for the simultaneous determination of metals (Na, Mg, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn) and nonmetals (P and S) in goji berries by using inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), following digestion using a diluted oxidant mixture in a closed-vessel microwave oven. Determinations of Cr, As, Pb, Cd and Ni were realized using the graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer (GFAAS). Mercury quantification was realized on the solid samples by the TDAAS method, with the automated direct mercury analyzer hydra-C. The obtained data for element contents reports the multi-element characterization of different plant parts, and variation in multi-elements content between Macedonian and Chinese species. Bioaccumulation and bioconcentration factor scores revealed the translocation efficiency of metals and nonmetals across the Lycium barbarum plant parts

    Вклучување на фразеологизмите во раното детство-клуч за успех при усвојувањето на странскиот јазик

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    Како истражувачки тим веќе подолго време се занимаваме со категоријата фразеологизми и изнаоѓање на најсоодветени начин за нивно вклучување во наставниот процес особено кога станува збор за усвојување на стански јазик, било да е англиски или германски јазик. Истражувајќи на оваа тема дојдовме до идеја да ја следиме познатата мисла, поговорка или мудост „Ако сакате да го најдете решението на некој проблем, свртете се кон минатото!“. Поаѓајќи од оваа би рекле народна мудрост ние ќе се обидеме да дадеме свое видување за проблемот со фразеологизмите и нивното вклучување во наставниот процес, односно ќе се обидеме да го објасниме најкраткиот и според нас најефективниот начин за нивна имплементација во наставата по странски јазик

    Characterization of lead isotope ratios in various plant foods and beverages with application of Q-ICP-MS

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    Studies of the isotopic composition of lead are commonly used in the environmental science. If lead is present in the soil, a plant will take up small amounts and subsequent isotope ratio studies might provide unique means of differentiating between different plant sources of origin. Among all the naturally occurring lead isotopes, only 204Pb is nonradiogenic, whereas, 206Pb, 207Pb and 208Pb are the daughter products of the radioactive decay of 238U and 235U and 232Th, respectively. Small Pb isotope abundance variation occurs in nature and the isotopic composition of lead in the environment is dependent on local pollution sources. Being able to accurately measure all of the Pb isotopes is very important for the number of investigations. Quadropole inductively coupled plasma with mass spectrometry (Q-ICP-MS) was used to investigate whether this chemical application can offer a reliable and practical solution to the problem of the polyatomic overlap in the presence of organically based matrix samples. Very good sensitivity was obtained for 206Pb, 207Pb and 208Pb isotopes, while, 204Pb suffers from isobaric interference from 204Hg. Satisfactory linearity (R) was obtained in the range from 5 to 100 μg/L. The study summarizes the instrument optimization procedure for Pb isotope measurements in plant food and wine samples. The calculated isotope ratios ranges: a) 207Pb/206Pb: from 0.985 to 1.122 with standard deviation of data distribution of 0.038 and b) 208Pb/206Pb: from 2.221 to 2.998 with standard deviation of data distribution 0.21. The isotopic ratios were presented for samples from the same and different geographical regions