702 research outputs found

    Changes in the structure and geography of tourist flows during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Tourism suffered more than many other sectors amid Covid-19 travel restrictions. This article looks at the impact of the pandemic on the territorial redistribution of tourist flows in the Baltic region. The study draws on regional annual and monthly data on international and domestic tourist arrivals between 2019 and 2021, available on the websites of the statistical offices of the Baltic Region countries. The regions earlier dependent on tourist arrivals from Russia experienced the largest drop in inbound tourism during the Covid-19 pandemic. Yet, domestic tourism burgeoned in most of the region’s countries. In 2021, the most dramatic increase in domestic arrivals occurred, year on year, in the border regions of Russia’s Northwest Federal District; the growth was also notable in Finland and the Baltic States. Domestic tourist flow compensated, partially or even fully, for the decrease in inbound tourist flow in most regions. The structure of inbound tourism changed markedly during the pandemic, with the share of tourists from the Baltic States growing. The strongest rise was in some regions of southern Finland and more modest in Latvia and Lithuania

    Ekonomska analiza opravdanosti upotrebe sirove nafte

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    Identification and tunable optical coherent control of transition-metal spins in silicon carbide

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    Color centers in wide-bandgap semiconductors are attractive systems for quantum technologies since they can combine long-coherent electronic spin and bright optical properties. Several suitable centers have been identified, most famously the nitrogen-vacancy defect in diamond. However, integration in communication technology is hindered by the fact that their optical transitions lie outside telecom wavelength bands. Several transition-metal impurities in silicon carbide do emit at and near telecom wavelengths, but knowledge about their spin and optical properties is incomplete. We present all-optical identification and coherent control of molybdenum-impurity spins in silicon carbide with transitions at near-infrared wavelengths. Our results identify spin S=1/2S=1/2 for both the electronic ground and excited state, with highly anisotropic spin properties that we apply for implementing optical control of ground-state spin coherence. Our results show optical lifetimes of \sim60 ns and inhomogeneous spin dephasing times of \sim0.3 μ\mus, establishing relevance for quantum spin-photon interfacing.Comment: Updated version with minor correction, full Supplementary Information include

    Ways of Processing of Friable Scrap Waste of Alloy AD31 for Making Semi-Finished Products and Products of Various Applications

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    Проведена апробация в лабораторных условиях нескольких вариантов использования сыпучих стружковых отходов из сплава системы алюминий-магний-кремний для получения полуфабрикатов и изделий различного функционального назначения, минуя традиционно применяемый плавильный передел. Разработаны общая технологическая схема и ее модификации, учитывающие особенности протекания деформационных процессов и структурных изменений в зависимости от состава компактируемого материала. Выбраны значения основных параметров, характеризующих условия осуществления каждой из входящих в общую схему операций. Для каждого случая получены опытные образцы продукции, проведены механические испытания специально отобранных образцов на растяжение и сжатие, выполнены необходимые металлографические исследования, служащие в совокупности основой для дальнейшего развития каждого из рассмотренных в работе подходовLaboratory testing of using friable chip waste of alloy system aluminum-magnesium-silicon for making semi-finished products and products of various functional application without conventionally used melting processing was carried out. The general technological scheme and its adaptation for special features of the deformation processes and structural changes depending on the composition of compacted material were created. The main parameters of each operation of the general scheme were chosen. Pilot product items were made, mechanical testing of selected samples for tension and compression and metallographic research were performed, necessary for further development of each of the above approache

    Observation of linear and nonlinear light localization at the edges of moiré arrays

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    We observe linear and nonlinear light localization at the edges and in the corners of truncated moiré arrays created by the superposition of periodic mutually twisted at Pythagorean angles square sublattices. Experimentally exciting corner linear modes in the femtosecond-laser written moiré arrays we find drastic differences in their localization properties in comparison with the bulk excitations. We also address the impact of nonlinearity on the corner and bulk modes and experimentally observe the crossover from linear quasilocalized states to the surface solitons emerging at the higher input powers. Our results constitute the first experimental demonstration of localization phenomena induced by truncation of periodic moiré structures in photonic systems.This research is funded by the research Project No. FFUU- 2021-0003 of the Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences and partially funded by the RSF Grant No. 21-12-00096. F. Y. acknowledges support from Shanghai Outstanding Academic Leaders Plan (Grant No. 20XD1402000) and the NSFC (Grant No. 91950120). S. K. I. and L. T. acknowledge support by Grants No. CEX2019-000910-S and No. PGC2018-097035-B-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/FEDER, Fundació Cellex, Fundació Mir-Puig, and Generalitat de Catalunya (CERCA).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Effect of a Porous Structure of the Carbon Sorbents from Abies Wood Lignin on Sorption of the Organic Substances of Different Nature

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    Изучено влияние пористой структуры углеродных сорбентов, полученных щелочной термоактивацией этаноллигнина древесины пихты, на сорбцию метиленового синего и витамина В12. Показано, что их сорбционная емкость по витамину В12 зависит от содержания в них мезопор шириной 2,00 – 3,61 нм, а по метиленовому синему – от содержания микропор шириной 1,06 – 1,95 нм. Сопоставлены изотермы сорбции исследованных маркерных веществ на сорбентах с различной пористой структурой, обсуждены их отличияEffect of porous structure of carbon sorbents, obtained by alkaline thermal activation of ethanol-lignin of abies wood,on the methylene blue and the vitamin B12 sorption was studied. It was sown that their sorption capacity for vitamin B12 depends on the content of mesopores with width 2,00–3,61 nm and formethylene blue – on the content of micropores with width 1,06 – 1,95 nm. The isotherms of sorption of the studied marker substances on sorbents with different porous structure were compared and their differences were discusse

    Spin-relaxation times exceeding seconds for color centers with strong spin-orbit coupling in SiC

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    Spin-active color centers in solids show good performance for quantum technologies. Several transition-metal defects in SiC offer compatibility with telecom and semiconductor industries. However, whether their strong spin-orbit coupling degrades their spin lifetimes is not clear. We show that a combination of a crystal-field with axial symmetry and spin-orbit coupling leads to a suppression of spin-lattice and spin-spin interactions, resulting in remarkably slow spin relaxation. Our optical measurements on an ensemble of Mo impurities in SiC show a spin lifetime T-1 of 2.4 s at 2 K.Funding Agencies|Zernike Institute BIS program; EU H2020 project QuanTELCO [862721]; Swedish Research CouncilSwedish Research Council [VR 2016-04068, VR 2016-05362]; Knut and AliceWallenberg FoundationKnut &amp; Alice Wallenberg Foundation [KAW 2018.0071]; Carl Tryggers Stiftelse for Vetenskaplig Forskning [CTS 15:339]</p

    Ocean-bottom seismographs based on broadband MET sensors: architecture and deployment case study in the Arctic

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    The Arctic seas are now of particular interest due to their prospects in terms of hydrocarbon extraction, development of marine transport routes, etc. Thus, various geohazards, including those related to seismicity, require detailed studies, especially by instrumental methods. This paper is devoted to the ocean-bottom seismographs (OBS) based on broadband molecular–electronic transfer (MET) sensors and a deployment case study in the Laptev Sea. The purpose of the study is to introduce the architecture of several modifications of OBS and to demonstrate their applicability in solving different tasks in the framework of seismic hazard assessment for the Arctic seas. To do this, we used the first results of several pilot deployments of the OBS developed by Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IO RAS) and IP Ilyinskiy A.D. in the Laptev Sea that took place in 2018–2020. We highlighted various seismological applications of OBS based on broadband MET sensors CME-4311 (60 s) and CME-4111 (120 s), including the analysis of ambient seismic noise, registering the signals of large remote earthquakes and weak local microearthquakes, and the instrumental approach of the site response assessment. The main characteristics of the broadband MET sensors and OBS architectures turned out to be suitable for obtaining high-quality OBS records under the Arctic conditions to solve seismological problems. In addition, the obtained case study results showed the prospects in a broader context, such as the possible influence of the seismotectonic factor on the bottom-up thawing of subsea permafrost and massive methane release, probably from decaying hydrates and deep geological sources. The described OBS will be actively used in further Arctic expeditions