38 research outputs found

    Moscow Boulevard ā€“ Vukovar Street in Zagreb, 1945-1956 Architecture and Urban Planning between East and West

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    Autor u članku donosi genealogiju izgradnje Ulice grada Vukovara u Zagrebu koja je idejno zacrtana kao Moskovski boulevard u prvoj poslijeratnoj viziji grada Urbanističkog instituta Ministarstva građevina Narodne Republike Hrvatske i njegova ravnatelja arhitekta Vladimira Antolića. U članku se ukazuje na promjenu smjera hrvatske arhitekture nakon 1956. godine i na događaje koji su je uzrokovali i koji su u urbanističkim smjernicama razvoja Zagreba odlukama o izgradnji prekosavskih područja označeni i političkom voljom. Promjena smjera ogleda se u oblikovnim konstelacijama upravo u izgradnji Ulice grada Vukovara.This paper presents the building history of Vukovar Street (first named Moscow Boulevard) in Zagreb. The concept of its development was framed within the first post-war vision of the city in the Urban Planning Institute of the Croatian Ministry of Building Construction headed by its director, the architect Vladimir Antolić. The paper points to a change of the course in Croatian architecture after 1956 brought about by various events with political connotations which were also manifested in the urban planning guidelines for the development of Zagreb across the Sava river. The layout of Vukovar Street directly reflects these changes

    Prolegomena for Milan Žerjavić\u27s Architectural Oeuvre Apartment Blocks in Vukovar Street 228-236 in Zagreb

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    U članku temeljenom na istraživanju arhivske građe donosi se atribucija i datacija pet stambenih zgrada u Ulici grada Vukovara u Zagrebu, koje su do danas bile pogreÅ”no datirane i ā€žpripisaneā€ nepoznatome autoru. U kontekstu u kojem nastaju, ukazujući na bitne odrednice, a nerijetko i suprotnosti burnoga vremena, autor naglaÅ”ava kvalitativne vrijednosti stambene arhitekture i daje neke opće zakonomjernosti u prosuđivanjima odnosa arhitekt-arhitektura i arhitektura- druÅ”tvo. Također, članak donosi do danas neobjavljen opus arhitekta Milana Žerjavića.This paper gives an analysis of the authorship and dating of five residential buildings in Vukovar street in Zagreb which have been wrongly dated and ā€attributedā€ to an unknown architect. The author here makes a qualitative study of the residential architecture in the context of the historical period in which the buildings (subject of this paper) were designed and built giving reference to the essential parameters and sometimes even contradictions of that historical period. The paper presents the unpublished works of Milan Žerjavić, the designer of this five residential buildings

    Koncepcije armiranobetonskih i prefabriciranih konstrukcija u opusu Le Corbusiera - ViŔestambena zgrada u Marseilleu 1945.-1952.

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    In this article, that was based on research of original archive designs from Fondationa Le Corbusier in Paris, especially on executive plans of the first after the war constructed condo building in France (Marseille, Boulevard Michelet 280), the author is analyzing the development of reinforced concrete constructions and the use of specific prefabrication technology in Le Corbusier\u27s scope of work, one of the greatest architects of 20th century. The aim of the article is to show his unique and complex approach to shaping the reinforced concrete and use of prefabrication, and perhaps the possibility of contemporary use of design solutions of Marseilles condo prototype. The article also presents the development of Le Corbusier\u27s vision of multi-condo buildings which were constructed after the 2nd World War. Because of the architect\u27s specific approach to designing, which was enabled by using reinforced concrete, during that time those buildings presented an example of comfort and quality of living par excellence.U članku koji je temeljen na istraživanju izvorne arhivske građe iz Fondationa Le Corbusier u Parizu, ponajprije izvedbenih projekata prve velike realizirane posljeratne viÅ”estambene zgrade u Francuskoj (Marseille, Boulevard Michelet 280), autor analizira razvoj armiranobetonskih konstrukcija i primjenu specifične tehnologije prefabrikacije u opusu Le Corbusiera, jednog od najvećih arhitekata 20. stoljeća. Cilj je članka ukazati na njegov jedinstven i složen pristup oblikovanju armiranog betona i upotrebi prefabrikacije, te na eventualnu mogućnost suvremene primjene projektantskih rjeÅ”enja marseilleskog stambenog prototipa. U članku je također iznesen razvoj Le Corbusierove vizije viÅ”estambenih zgrada koje su realizirane tek nakon Drugog svjetskog rata, a koje zbog arhitektovog specifičnog pristupa projektiranju, koje je u prvom redu omogućila upotreba armiranog betona, u svoje doba postaju primjer udobnosti i kvalitete stanovanja par excellence

    Planiranje i izgradnja Prilaza baruna Filipovića i Ulice grada Mainza od 1887. do 1978. godine

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    O povijesti i dugotrajnoj transformaciji glavne prometne osi zapadnog dijela Zagreba, danas avenije, koja nosi nazive Ulica grada Mainza i Prilaz baruna Filipovića, ne postoji cjelovit prikaz. U generalnoj regulatornoj osnovi grada iz 1887. bilo je predviđeno da se glavna ulica novoplaniranog predjela od danaÅ”nje Ulice Republike Austrije do gradske međe na Črnomercu spoji s već formiranim Prilazom (Gjure Deželića) i postane magistralna prometnica zapadnog dijela grada. Stjecajem okolnosti područje zapadno od Ulice Republike Austrije dobilo je karakter industrijsko-vojne zone. Do početka Prvoga svjetskog rata planirana magistrala, dotad poluuređena periferijska cesta, opsluživala je tvornice i vojarne. Izgradnja, urbanizacija i transformacija tog područja počinje tek poslije tog rata, nastavlja se ne odviÅ”e intenzivno u međuratno doba, da bi 1970-ih dosegnula vrhunac. U članku se prvi put opsežno prezentiraju urbanistička i arhitektonska obilježja tog razdoblja, zahvaljujući otkriću građe koja dosad nije bila dostupna. Predstavljaju se i kvalitetna autorska arhitektonska ostvarenja, koja tvore identitet avenije, duž i oko koje danas nastaju nove, mahom stambene zgrade i sklopovi

    Le Corbusier and Drago Galić āˆ’ Critical Experiments

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    Autor u članku uspoređuje viÅ”estambene zgrade u Marseilleu i Zagrebu dvaju arhitekata bliskoga svjetonazora, koje nastaju otprilike u isto doba, u sličnim političkim okolnostima i za istoga naručitelja āˆ’ državu/grad; kritički se osvrće na dosadaÅ”nja razmatranja, ističe razlike u koncepciji triju relevantnih građevina: UnitĆ© dā€™habitation de Marseille i dvije viÅ”estambene zgrade u Ulici grada Vukovara 35-35a i 43-43a, te razlike u njihovoj konstrukciji, tlocrtnim dispozicijama stanova, oblikovanju pojedinih detalja i urbanističkom kontekstu. U članku su također istaknute sličnosti i razlike projektantskih metoda Le Corbusiera i Drage Galića, kao i razlike u njihovu osobnom pristupu specifičnim projektantskim i urbanističkim problemima.The author of the article compares the apartment building UnitĆ© dā€™Habitation in Marseille and the apartment buildings in 35-35a and 43-43a Vukovar Street in Zagreb. They were both created by two architects with similar worldviews in approximately the same period and similar political circumstances. The author gives critical comments on the past analyses and points out the difference in the concept of the relevant buildings, the difference in their construction, apartment floor plans, formal details and urban context. The article also compares Le Corbusierā€™s and Drago Galićā€™s architectural methods and stresses the difference in their personal approach to specific architectural and urban planning issues


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    The Mosinger Villa in Zagreb (1930 - 1931, Pantovčak 112) was Vladimir Å terkā€™s first villa built with undecorated facades. This confirms Å terkā€™s commitment to modernism. Until the Second World War the villa was owned by Jewish families Mosinger and Mayer. After the founding of the Independent State of Croatia the villa was requisitioned and after the communist rule had been established it was divided into three apartments. A garage was added to the villa in 1966, and a second floor in 1982. The renovation and reconstruction project of the derelict villa, commissioned by its new owner, was commenced in 2019. The geotechnical and structural engineering surveys determined that the villa needed to be demolished. The conservation and restoration survey determined the original, first and oldest layer from 1930 - 1931 as the basis for reconstruction and presentation. The method of partial facsimile restoration was chosen, while the second floor will be designed in a contemporary manner. The external dimensions were retained in the existing condition in accordance with the set preservation measures for the Historical Ensemble of the City of Zagreb which the villa is part of

    Le Corbusierā€™s Model UnitĆ©; Symbolic Significance in the Post War Reconstruction in France

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    Autor u članku donosi genealogiju razvoja vizije Le Corbusierova koncepta viÅ”estambenog stanovanja u doba poslijeratne obnove Francuske i nekih svjetskih pokuÅ”aja redefinicije nekoć univerzalnoga modernog stila. Analiza njegove koncepcije u političkim i druÅ”tvenim promjenama nakon rata te ukazivanje na bliskost opredjeljenju kojem se ranije u teoriji i praksi Le Corbusier suprotstavljao imaju za cilj izvedeni marseilleski UnitĆ© postaviti kao prekretnicu, nakon koje slijedi nova i posljednja etapa njegova stvaralačkog rada bez čvrste vizije smisla i temeljnih zadaća arhitekture i urbanizma.This paper deals with the development of Le Corbusierā€™s concept of multi-unit housing in the period of post-war reconstruction in France. It also presents some global attempts to redefine what was once known as the universal Modern style. The analysis of his housing concept as well as the emphasis on his commitment to principles he earlier rejected aim to show that the UnitĆ© in Marseille can be considered as a breakthrough followed by a new and final stage of his creative work, devoid, however, of a meaningful vision of the basic architectural and urban planning tasks

    Le Corbusier and Drago Galić āˆ’ Critical Experiments

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    Autor u članku uspoređuje viÅ”estambene zgrade u Marseilleu i Zagrebu dvaju arhitekata bliskoga svjetonazora, koje nastaju otprilike u isto doba, u sličnim političkim okolnostima i za istoga naručitelja āˆ’ državu/grad; kritički se osvrće na dosadaÅ”nja razmatranja, ističe razlike u koncepciji triju relevantnih građevina: UnitĆ© dā€™habitation de Marseille i dvije viÅ”estambene zgrade u Ulici grada Vukovara 35-35a i 43-43a, te razlike u njihovoj konstrukciji, tlocrtnim dispozicijama stanova, oblikovanju pojedinih detalja i urbanističkom kontekstu. U članku su također istaknute sličnosti i razlike projektantskih metoda Le Corbusiera i Drage Galića, kao i razlike u njihovu osobnom pristupu specifičnim projektantskim i urbanističkim problemima.The author of the article compares the apartment building UnitĆ© dā€™Habitation in Marseille and the apartment buildings in 35-35a and 43-43a Vukovar Street in Zagreb. They were both created by two architects with similar worldviews in approximately the same period and similar political circumstances. The author gives critical comments on the past analyses and points out the difference in the concept of the relevant buildings, the difference in their construction, apartment floor plans, formal details and urban context. The article also compares Le Corbusierā€™s and Drago Galićā€™s architectural methods and stresses the difference in their personal approach to specific architectural and urban planning issues

    Vers lā€™infini (Towards Infinity) Elements of Le Corbusierā€™s Reconstruction Plan of Central Paris from 1937

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    Autor uz pregled Le Corbusierova urbanističkog opusa 1920-ih i 1930-ih godina u kontekstu ostalih rezultata njegova međuratnog djelovanja donosi strukturalnu i simboličku determinaciju plana rekonstrukcije srediÅ”ta Pariza, predstavljenoga 1937. na izložbi Lā€™esprit nouveau u Pavillon des temps nouveaux (izložba Nove umjetnosti u Paviljonu novih vremena) u Parizu. Plan je postavljen kao svojevrsna prekretnica u urbanističkom opusu i kao uvod u novu fazu stvaralaÅ”tva, nazretog u obrisima drukčijega urbanističko-mislilačkog koncepta. Elementi plana koji na navedeno upučuju srediÅ”nja su tema ovoga članka.This paper gives an analysis of structural and symbolic elements of Le Corbusierā€™s reconstruction plan of central Paris presented in 1937 at the exhibition called Lā€™esprit nouveau in Pavillon des temps nouveaux (exhibition of New Art in the Pavilion of Modern Times) in Paris. Additionally, the paper gives a review of Le Corbusierā€™s urban planning works of the 1920s and 1930s in the context of his achievements between the two wars. The reconstruction plan was a breakthrough in his urban planning work and an introduction to a new phase of his career marked by a new approach to urban planning. Elements of the plan illustrating Le Corbusierā€™s new conceptual approach are dealt with in this paper

    Architect Vladimir Antolić and his Urban Plans of Interwar Zagreb

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    Autor u članku, koji je u prvom redu temeljen na istraživanju rukopisa iz arhivske građe osobnog arhiva arhitekta Vladimira Antolića, iznosi do danas nepoznat dio opusa iz Antolićeva teorijskog i stručnog angažmana koji se u javnosti predstavio u nizu predavanja održanih 1933. godine. Autor također ističe i nekoliko do danas neobjavljenih projekata iz 1930-ih te prvi put spominje kolekciju crteža i akvarela koji su dio opusa Å”to je nastao tijekom Antolićeva rada u Parizu oko 1927., a koji su važni za njegovo značenje u kontekstu hrvatske i europske moderne arhitekture i urbanizma između dva svjetska rata.The author of the paper brings forth the so far unknown part of the architect Vladimir Antolicā€™s oeuvre that includes theoretical and professional work which was made public in the 1933 lectures. The paper is based on the research of the manuscripts from the architectā€™s personal archives. The author also emphasizes several unpublished designs from the 1930s and a collection of drawings and water colours made by AntoliƦ during his workdays in Paris around 1927, which are collectively important for his role in the context of Croatian and European modern architecture and urban planning in the interwar period