41 research outputs found

    Julije Bajamonti (1744-1800) - between music theory and practice

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    U ovome tekstu istražuju se opće odrednice najznačajnijeg glazbenoteorijskog spisa splitskog polihistora, liječnika i skladatelja, dr. Julija Bajamontija (1744.-1800.). Riječ je o prvom, enciklopedijski koncipiranom glazbenom rječniku u Hrvatskoj pod naslovom Musica. U njemu se obrađuju brojni glazbeno-teorijski pojmovi, oblici i instrumenti od razdoblja antike do posljednje četvrtine 18. stoljeća. Pri radu na sabiranju i abecednom sortiranju glazbenih termina, Bajamonti se priklanja autoritetima i kompilira misli o glazbi Å”to si ih u svojim djelima izrazili francuski enciklopedisti i glasoviti talijanski glazbeni teoretičari. Prezentiranu terminoloÅ”ku građu moguće je razvrstati na: 1) terminologiju teorijskih aspekata glazbe korespondentnu ontoloÅ”koj problematici; 2) terminologiju instrumentalne glazbe unutar organologijske problematike; 3) terminologiju općih aspekata glazbe korespondentnu estetičkoj problematici. Studija donosi popis povijesnih i glazbeno-teorijskih izvora koje susrećemo u predstavljenom spisu te razrađuje refleksije Bajamontijevih glazbenoteorijskih spoznaja na njegovu skladateljsku praksu. Unatoč činjenici Å”to je djelovao na periferiji europskih tijekova, Bajamonti nipoÅ”to nije provincijska figura. Å toviÅ”e, svojom svestranoŔću (pa i glazbenom), znanstveničkim predanjem i erudicijom, na vlastit i osebujan način izvanredno karakterizira opći duh europskog prosvjetiteljstva.This text explores the general references of the very important music-theoretical written document of doctor Julije Bajamonti, one of the most prominent enlightener in the whole Croatian history. The speech is about the first, encyclopaedic conceived Music dictionary in the native ground with approximately three hundred terms, written in Italian and lesser part in French. In terms explications, Bajamonti compiles thougts about music which are outlined by famous music theoreticians in their works from the ancient times to the last quarter of the 18. century. It is possible to sort all the terminological frames in: 1) the terminology of the theoretical aspects of music correspondent with the ontological problems; 2) the terminology of the instrumental music inside organological problems; 3) the terminology of the general aspects of music correspondent to the aesthetical problems. This learned paper brings the general statements of the set subject and puts forward a list of all historical and music-theoretical sources which we have met in Bajamontiā€™s autograph and elaborate the reflections of the Bajamontiā€™s music- theoretical knowledge to his compositional practice

    Shackles of the Island in the Sea of Want: Intellectual and Music Activity of Julije Bajamonti on the Island of Hvar

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    U namjeri predstavljanja novih muzikoloÅ”kih spoznaja o životu i djelovanju dr. Julija Bajamontija (1744. ā€“ 1800.), jednog od najznamenitijih prosvjetitelja cjelokupne hrvatske povijesti, tekst rasvjetljuje njegovu stvaralačku aktivnost i podastire pregled rukopisnih i tiskanih radova nastalih za petogodiÅ”njeg boravka na Hvaru (1785. ā€“ 1790.). Uz liječnički rad, splitski je polihistor istraživao otočnu povijest, zanimao se za izvore, stare pisce, hvarsko narječje i hvarske renesansne pjesnike, te se čitavo vrijeme aktivno bavio glazbom ā€“ svirao je povremeno pro bono u katedrali, radio na novim skladbama, te podučavao mladog Josipa Raffaellija, darovitog hvarskog skladatelja i orguljaÅ”a koji je svoju glazbenu naobrazbu nastavio u Italiji. Njihovu uspjeÅ”nu glazbenu suradnju potvrđuje zajednička izvedba Bajamontijeve kantate La Passione di GesĆ¹ Cristo (1788.), skladane na stihove slavnog Pietra Metastasija, koju su na Veliki četvrtak 1789. dvojica glazbenika izveli u dvorani Biskupske palače, gdje je učeni hvarski biskup Ivan Dominik Stratiko običavao organizirati književne i koncertne priredbe. Na marginama europskih tijekova s gotovo potpuno izostalom otvorenoŔću za napredne intelektualne tendencije, Hvar je bio sredina uglavnom pretijesna i neprilična za Bajamontijev život i javno djelovanje. Osim rijetkih istomiÅ”ljenika s kojima je dijelio svakodnevicu, jedino pravo i inspirativno Ā»druženjeĀ« ostvarivao je putem pisama. Krug njegovih prijatelja i poznanika bio je uistinu Å”irok, o čemu svjedoče regesti pisama sačuvani u nekoliko sveŔčića na ukupno 227 gusto ispisanih stranica u Arhivu Bajamontijeve ostavÅ”tine u ArheoloÅ”kom muzeju u Splitu. Ova studija razotkrit će kome je, gdje i o čemu Bajamonti pisao s Hvara, ali i čija je pisma primao u trenucima svojega samotnjaÅ”tva, usmjeravajući znatno bogatije svjetlo na njegove vlastite kreativne aktivnosti te na druÅ”tvenu pozadinu njegova stvaralaÅ”tva. Vrijednost Bajamontijeve glazbe svakako valja potražiti kroz njoj primjerena mjerila i u njenoj stvarnoj korespondentnosti s potrebama i izvedbenim potencijalom sredine u kojoj je stvarao. Izabranim segmentima iz korespondencije predstavit ćemo i brojne Bajamontijeve glazbene i izvanglazbene veze s intelektualnom elitom domaćeg i zapadnoeuropskoga kulturnog kruga, s ciljem rasplitanja mreže interkulturalnih dijaloga te upotpunjavanja slike kompleksnih jadranskih, ali i Å”irih, europskih kulturnih odnosa i prožimanja u razdoblju kasnoga settecenta.In its intent is to present new musicological revelations of life and work of Julije Bajamonti (1744-1800), one of the most significant enlighteners of the entire Croatian history, the text sheds light on his creative activity and gives an overview of his handwritten and printed works made during his five-year sojourn in Hvar (1785-1790). In addition to his medical work, the polymath of Split explored island history, was interested in sources, old writers, Hvar dialect and Renaissance poets, and was actively involved in music the entire time he was there - he occasionally played at the cathedral pro bono, worked on new compositions, and taught the young Joseph Raffaelli, a gifted Hvar composer and organist who continued his music education in Italy. Their successful music collaboration was confirmed by a joint performance of Bajamontiā€™s cantata La Passione di GesĆ¹ Cristo (1788), composed to the verses of the famous Pietro Metastasi, and performed by the two musicians on Maundy Thursday 1789 in the Hall of the Bishopā€™s Palace, where the educated bishop of Hvar Ivan Dominik Stratiko organized literary and concert events. On the side-lines of European trends, with an almost total lack of openness to advanced intellectual tendencies, Hvar as an environment was mostly too small and unfit for Bajamonti\u27s life and public activity. Apart from only a few like-minded people with whom he shared his everyday life, he achieved the only true and inspiring Ā»companionshipĀ« through letters. The circle of his friends and acquaintances was truly wide, as evidenced by the regesta of letters preserved in several volumes, over a total of 227 densely written pages in the Archives of Bajamonti Heritage at the Archaeological Museum of Split. This study will reveal to whom, where and what Bajamonti wrote about Hvar, but also whose letters he received in moments of solitude, shedding a much richer light on his own creative activities and the social background of his work. The value of Bajamontiā€™s music should certainly be sought through appropriate standards and in its actual correspondence with the needs and performance potential of the environment in which it was created. Selected correspondence segments will also present many of Bajamontiā€™s music and non-music connections with the intellectual elite of the domestic and Western European cultural circles, with the aim of unravelling the network of intercultural dialogues and complementing the image of the complex Adriatic and wider European cultural relations and pervasiveness in the period of the late 18th century