43 research outputs found


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    This study aimed to show aromatic profile of wines produced from two autochthonous grape cultivars Krstač (K) and Žižak (Z). During the wine production two enzymatic preparations (EP) Lallzyme cuvee blanc (CB) and Lallzyme enzymatic preparation β (EB) and different time of skin contact (4 and 8 h) were applied. Aromatic compounds were detected by GC/FID–MS analysis. Significantly higher content of total detected aromatic compounds compared to appropriate controls (168.54 and 161.72 mg L-1 ) was observed for K EB4h (176.33 mg L -1 ) and Z CB4h (177.29 mg L -1 ) wines. Skin contact and usage of EP mostly increased content of 2-phenylethyl and isoamyl alcohols. Wines from both varieties showed higher content of hexanoic and octanoic acids compared to the control. It is interesting to emphasize that content of esters that are responsible for fruity aroma of wine which is important for plea- sant taste (isoamyl acetate – banana, ethyl hexanoate – ripe banana, 2-phenyl- ethyl acetate – powerful fruity rose like) were increased in all samples com- pared to the controls. The highest grades, after sensory evaluation, were obtained for K EB 8h (18.0 out of 20.0) and Z CB 8h (18.2 out of 20.0).Ова студија је имала за циљ да прикаже профиле ароматичних једињења вина про- изведених од аутохтоних сорти грожђа Крстач (K) и Жижак (Z). Током производње вина од обе сорте коришћени су ензимски препарати (EP): Lallzyme cuvee blanc (CB), Lall- zyme enzymatic preparation β (EB) и различито време контакта покожице (4 и 8 h). Аро- матична једињења су анализирана GC/FID–MS техником. За вина K ЕВ4h (176,33 mg L -1 ) и Z CB4h (177,29 mg L -1 ) уочава се значајно већи садржај укупних ароматичних једињења у поређењу са одговарајућим контролним винима (168,54 and 161,72 mg L -1 ). Про- дужење времена контакта покожице и употреба ЕP углавном повећава садржај 2-фенил- етил- и изоамил-алкохола. Вина обе сорте су показала већи садржај хексанске и октан- ске киселине у односу на контролна вина. Занимљиво је поменути да је у свим узорцима повећан садржај естара који су одговорни за воћну арому вина, која је заслужна за при- јатан укус (изоамил-ацетат – банана, етил-хексаноат – зрела банана, 2-фенилетил-аце- тат – јак воћни мирис руже), у поређењу са контролним винима. Највише оцене, након сензорног оцењивања, добијене су за K EB 8h (18,0 од максималних 20,0) и Z CB 8h (18,2 од максималних 20,0)

    Lipid composition and DPPH activities of the seed oil of five TurkiLipid composition and DPPH activities of the seed oil of five Turkish hazelnut genotypes (Corylus colurna L.)sh hazelnut genotypes (Corylus colurna L.)

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    Five genotypes of Turkish hazelnuts (Corylus colurna L.) were analyzed for chemical composition, including total oil content, fatty acid and sterol composition. The oil yields from these kernels varied from 36.5% to 60.8% and the main fatty acids were oleic acid (79.34–83.0%) and linoleic acid (7.52–10.81%). The polyunsaturated/saturated fatty acid ratio was low, ranging from 0.87 to 1.25. Total phytosterol content ranged from 4.52 to 6.50 mg g-1 of oil. Among the eleven sterols identified and quantified, β-sitosterol was the major one with a mean percentage of 65.09% while fucosterol and campesterol were the second and the third components of the group with mean values of 10.91% and 4.36%, respectively. The radical scavenging activity was evaluated using 2.2-diphenyl-1 picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay

    Similarities and differences in the nutritional composition of nuts and seeds in Serbia

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    Nuts and seeds are an indispensable part of the plant-based diet, which is becoming increasingly popular due to the evidence of their health benefits and contribution to sustainability and planetary health. Since the health effects of consuming nuts and seeds directly depend on their nutritional composition and consumed amount, it is essential to know the exact chemical composition of each nut and seed so that appropriate dietary interventions can be adequately planned. The present study aimed to examine the chemical composition of nuts and seeds obtained from the Serbian market and to highlight the similarities and differences in their nutritional composition. In twenty-four samples of nuts and seeds, the content of total lipids, including fatty acid profile, total proteins, including amino acid profile, total carbohydrates (sugars and fibers), phytosterols, and minerals were determined. Content of selected nutrients in grams (g) or milligrams (mg) of nuts and seeds was expressed in one portion (28 g) and as a percentage of contribution of Reference Intakes (% RI) and Dietary Reference Value (% DRV) for macronutrients and minerals, respectively. Some of the seed representatives appeared to be rich sources of essential omega-3 fatty acid, α-linolenic acid (ALA) (flax seed vs. walnut, 6.50 vs. 0.56 g per portion, respectively), dietary fibers (chia seed vs. raw almond, 10.6 vs. 3.4 g per portion, respectively), calcium (black sesame seed vs. almond roasted, 32.4% NRV vs. 8.1% NRV per portion, respectively), magnesium (hemp seed vs. Brazil nut, 38.3% NRV vs. 27.8% NRV per portion, respectively), and zinc (hemp seed vs. pine nut, 21.4% NRV vs. 17.6% NRV per portion, respectively). Our results highlighted the crucial role of seeds in the diet, especially as a better source of nutrients compared to nuts. Furthermore, it was seen that nuts and seeds are different and complementary in their composition. Thus, in order to meet the needs for certain nutrients for which nuts and seeds are used as dietary sources (essential fatty acids, minerals, dietary fibers), it would be beneficial to combine both nuts and seeds as a part of a healthy dietary pattern

    Фитохемијско истраживање биљног рода Amphoricarpos

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    Phytochemistry deals with the study of secondary metabolites pro­duced by plants that synthesize these compounds for many reasons, including their own protection against attack of herbivores and plant diseases. Secondary metabolites are believed to represent plant adaptation to various environmental factors and that they enabled the survival of the species. Secondary metabolites of plants can have curative or toxic effects in humans and animals. Herbal medicine has a long tradition in folk medicine and until the early 20th century, when synthetic organic chemistry began to develop, plants were the main source of medicines. The two basic goals of our phytochemical research are: isolation and identification of new (biologically active) compounds – potential drugs, and chemotaxonomy (chemo­systematics). In the following text through one selected example, the genus Amphoricarpos Vis., our phytochemical res­earch is shown on both aspects.Фитохемија се бави изучавањем секундарних метаболита кoje биљке синтетишу из много разлога, укључујући сопствену заштиту од напада биљоједа и од биљних болести. Сматра се да секундарни метаболити представљају адаптацију биљака на различите факторе околине и да су управо они омогућили опстанак врста. Секундарни метаболити биљака могу испољити лековито или токсично дејство на људе и животиње. Лечење биљем има дугу традицију у народној медицини и све до почетка 20. века, када је почела да се развија синтетичка органска хемија, биљке су биле главни извор лекова. Основни циљеви наших фитохемијских истраживања обухватају: изоловање и идентификацију нових (биолошки активних) једињења – потенцијалних лекова, и хемотаксономију (хемосистематика). У тексту су кроз један одабран пример – род Amphoricarpos Vis. – приказана оба наведена аспекта наших фитохемијских истраживања.Part of the theme issue honoring Professor Emeritus Slobodan Milosavljevićs 80th birthday

    Phytosterol composition of selected nuts and seeds from the Serbian market

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    INTRODUCTION: Edible nuts and seeds are nutrient-rich food, and also valuable source of various bioactive compounds. Among them are phytosterols, plant triterpenes with proven antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Due to their similar structure with cholesterol, these plant sterols, when digested, compete with cholesterol for small intestine absorption leading to lowering of the cholesterol level in blood. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this work is to investigate phytosterol composition of selected nuts and seeds used in nutrition from the Serbian market. METHOD / DESIGN: Gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (GC-FID) and gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis of the unsaponifiable fractions was performed on an Agilent 7890A GC equipped with 5975C (inert XL EI/CI) MSD and a FID detector connected by a capillary flow technology two way splitter with make-up (250 °C). A HP-5MS capillary column (Agilent, 30 m × 0.25 mm, 0.25 μm film thickness) was used. The identification of the compounds was based on the comparison of their retention indices (RI), Rt, and mass spectra from NIST/NBS 05, Wiley libraries 8th edition and NIST Chemistry WebBook.29. RESULTS: Phytosterols were analyzed as volatile derivatives obtained by the silanization of residual unsaponifiable fractions. Cholesterol standard was used for quantification. Among them, the most abundant was β-sitosterol, followed by stigmasterol, isofucosterol and campesterol (Figure 1). CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that the seeds (sesame, black sesame, chia seed) contain higher amount of phytosterols in comparison to the nuts. These results are in correlation with literature data. The product quality on Serbian market is appropriate according to phytosterols content.The International Bioscience Conference and the 8th International PSU – UNS Bioscience Conference - IBSC2021, Novi Sad, 25th to 26th November 202

    Fatty acids, sterols and triterpenes of the fruit fatty oils of eight Heracleum L. taxa from Southeastern Europe

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    Taksoni roda Heracleum L. su rasprostranjeni predstavnici familije Apiaceae, koji bi mogli biti od značaja u raznim granama industrije. Predmet ovog ispitivanja su masne kiseline, steroli i triterpeni masnih ulja plodova H. sphondylium L., H. sibiricum L., H. montanum Schleich. ex Gaudin, H. ternatum Velen., H. pyrenaicum subsp. pollinianum (Bertol.) F. Pedrotti & Pignatti, H. pyrenaicum subsp. orsinii (Guss.) F. Pedrotti & Pignatti, H. verticillatum Pančić i H. orphanidis Boiss., sakupljenih u Srbiji, Makedoniji, Crnoj Gori i Sloveniji. Osušeni i samleveni plodovi ekstrahovani su dihlormetanom postupkom bimaceracije na sobnoj temperaturi. Rastvarač je uklonjen pod sniženim pritiskom, ekstrakti filtrirani i dobijeni supernatanti podvrgnuti postupku saponifikacije. Saponifikovane frakcije, bogate masnim kiselinama, su metilovane, a nesaponifikovane frakcije, koje prvenstveno sadrže sterole i triterpene, silanizovane, u cilju dobijanja isparljivih derivata, koji su analizirani gasnom hromatografijom (GC‐FID i GC‐MS). Komponente su identifikovane pomoću komercijalnih standarda i biblioteka masenih spektara. Šesnaest od ukupno osamnaest identifikovanih masnih kiselina su detektovane u svim saponifikovanim frakcijama, a dominantne su bile petroselinska (42,8‐56,5 %), linolna (20,3‐33,3 %) i oleinska (12,3‐13,7 %) kiselina. U svakoj nesaponifikovanoj frakciji identifikovani su triterpen α‐amirin (0,8‐6,0 %) i devet istih sterola, od kojih je najzastupljeniji bio β‐sitosterol (44,9‐56,9 %), a sledili su ga po količini stigmasterol (15,7‐25,0 %), Δ7‐stigmastenol (6,6‐12,5 %) i kampesterol (5,2‐8,1 %). Kao najznačajnije može se istaći prisustvo petroselinske kiseline, potencijalno važne sirovine za farmaceutsku, kozmetičku, prehrambenu i hemijsku industriju. U ovom radu, masne kiseline, steroli i triterpeni masnih ulja plodova H. ternatum, H. pyrenaicum subsp. pollinianum, H. verticillatum i H. orphanidis ispitivani su po prvi put, a u slučaju H. sphondylium, H. sibiricum, H. montanum i H. pyrenaicum subsp. orsinii, postojeći podaci o ovim sastojcima masnih ulja su značajno dopunjeni. Dobijeni rezultati pružaju dobru osnovu za dalja istraživanja, u cilju primene ovih biljaka kao potencijalnih novih izvora industrijski značajnih masnih ulja.Heracleum L. taxa are widespread members of Apiaceae family, with potential application in different industries. Focus of this study was on fatty acids, sterols and triterpenes of the fruit fatty oils of H. sphondylium L., H. sibiricum L., H. montanum Schleich. ex Gaudin, H. ternatum Velen., H. pyrenaicum subsp. pollinianum (Bertol.) F. Pedrotti & Pignatti, H. pyrenaicum subsp. orsinii (Guss.) F. Pedrotti & Pignatti, H. verticillatum Pančić and H. orphanidis Boiss., collected in Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Slovenia. Air‐dried and powdered fruits were bimacerated with dichloromethane at room temperature. Solvent was evaporated under reduced pressure, extracts were filtered and obtained oily residues were subjected to saponification. Saponifiable fractions, rich in fatty acids, were further subjected to methylation, and unsaponifiable fractions, mostly containing sterols and triterpenes, to silanization, to obtain volatile derivatives that were analyzed by GC‐FID and GC‐MS. Compounds were identified using commercial standards and mass spectra libraries. Sixteen of the total of eighteen identified fatty acids were detected in all saponifiable fractions, with petroselinic (42.8‐56.5 %), linoleic (20.3‐33.3 %) and oleic (12.3‐13.7 %) acids being the most abundant. In every unsaponifiable fraction, a triterpene α‐amyrin (0.8‐6.0 %) and the same nine sterols, predominantly β‐sitosterol (44.9‐56.9 %), followed by stigmasterol (15.7‐25.0 %), Δ7‐stigmastenol (6.6‐12.5 %) and campesterol (5.2‐8.1 %), were identified. The most notably, petroselinic acid can be utilized in pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food and chemical industries. In this research, fatty acids, sterols and triterpenes of the fruit fatty oils of H. ternatum, H. pyrenaicum subsp. pollinianum, H. verticillatum and H. orphanidis were investigated for the first time, while in the case of H. sphondylium, H. sibiricum, H. montanum and H. pyrenaicum subsp. orsinii, the knowledge about their fatty oils constituents was enhanced. Obtained results provide a good basis for further investigations, aiming to establish these plants as potential sources of valuable novel raw materials.VII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, Beograd, Srbija, 10-14. 10. 2018.Saopštenje sa skupa nacionalnog značaja štampano u izvod

    The influence of different enzymatic preparations and skin contact time on aromatic profile of wines produced from autochthonous grape varieties Krstač and Žižak: Scientific paper

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    This study aimed to show aromatic profile of wines produced from two autochthonous grape cultivars Krstač (K) and Žižak (Z). During the wine production two enzymatic preparations (EP) Lallzyme cuvee blanc (CB) and Lallzyme enzymatic preparation β (EB) and different time of skin contact (4 and 8 h) were applied. Aromatic compounds were detected by GC/FID–MS ana­lysis. Significantly higher content of total detected aromatic compounds com­pared to appropriate controls (168.54 and 161.72 mg L-1) was observed for K EB4h (176.33 mg L-1) and Z CB4h (177.29 mg L-1) wines. Skin contact and usage of EP mostly increased content of 2-phenylethyl and isoamyl alcohols. Wines from both varieties showed higher content of hexanoic and octanoic acids compared to the control. It is interesting to emphasize that content of esters that are responsible for fruity aroma of wine which is important for plea­sant taste (isoamyl acetate – banana, ethyl hexanoate – ripe banana, 2-phe­nyl­ethyl acetate – powerful fruity rose like) were increased in all samples com­pared to the controls. The highest grades, after sensory evaluation, were obtained for K EB 8h (18.0 out of 20.0) and Z CB 8h (18.2 out of 20.0)

    Примена lc–ms/ms технике са јонском покретљивошћу за хемијску анализу екстраката прополиса са антимикробним потенцијалом.

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    The objective of this study was to test four-dimensional LC-ESI-MS/MS chromatography in analysis of complex mixture such as ethanol extracts of different propolis samples. In total more than 1200 picks were identified and only for 185 literature conformation was found. The given data represent the result of tentative identification, and summarized results are given in the text. Comparing the samples, from different altitudes, 96 components were detected as characteristic in high altitude samples and 18 in samples collected at low altitudes. Antimicrobial activity of ethanol extracts of propolis (EEP) and pro­pyl­ene glycol extracts of propolis (PGEP) were carried out on S. aureus, B. cereus, M. flavus, L. monocytogenes, P. aeruginosa, S. typhimurium, E. coli and E. cloacae bacterial strains and compared with broad-spectrum antibiotics, streptomycin and ampicillin. Anti-quorum sensing activity was performed on P. aeruginosa by testing the effect of representative propolis extracts on bio­film formation, twitching and motility activity and production of pyocyanin. We demonstrated that the majority of explored propolis extracts have greater or equal minimal inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal concen­tra­tion values compared to antibiotics, independently of the solvent used for the extraction. The samples collected from the highest altitude emerged as least active antimicrobial agents but with the greatest potential as anti-quorum sen­sing agents.Циљ овог истраживања је билo тестирање четвородимензионалне LC–ESI-MS/MS хроматографије у анализи комплексних смеша, као што су етанолни екстракти различитих узорака прополиса. Укупно је идентификовано више од 1200 пикова, а самo за 185 смо нашли литературну потврду. Приказани подаци представљају тентативну идентификацију и сумирани резултат је дат у тексту. Поређењем узорака са различитих надморских висина, за 96 једињења је утврђено да се налазе само у узорцима са високе надморске висине и 18 само у узорцима прикупљеним на нижим надморским висинама. Антибактеријске активности етанолних и пропиленгликолних екстрактата прополиса (EEP и PGEP, редом) тестиране су на S. aureus, B. cereus, M. flavus, L. monocytogenes, P. aeruginosa, S. typhimurium, E. coli и E. cloacae бактеријским линијама и поређене са анти- биотицима широког спектра деловања, стрептомицином и ампицилином. Anti-quorum sensing активност је тестирана на P. aeruginosa испитивањем ефекта репрезентативних екстраката прополиса на формирање биофилма, тестовима покретљивости руба коло- није (twitching и mobility) и производње пиоцианина. Показали смо да највећи број, коришћених екстраката прополиса, има истe и/или мање MIC и MBC вредности, у поре- ђењу са атибиотицима, независно од растварача коришћеног за екстракцију. Узорци прикупљени на високим надморским висинама су се показали као најмање активни антибактерициди али имају велики anti-quorum sensing потенцијал.Part of the theme issue honoring Professor Emeritus Slobodan Milosavljevićs 80th birthday

    The influence of different enzymatic preparations and skin contact time on aromatic profile of wines produced from autochthonous grape varieties Krstač and Žižak: Scientific paper

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    This study aimed to show aromatic profile of wines produced from two autochthonous grape cultivars Krstač (K) and Žižak (Z). During the wine production two enzymatic preparations (EP) Lallzyme cuvee blanc (CB) and Lallzyme enzymatic preparation β (EB) and different time of skin contact (4 and 8 h) were applied. Aromatic compounds were detected by GC/FID–MS ana­lysis. Significantly higher content of total detected aromatic compounds com­pared to appropriate controls (168.54 and 161.72 mg L-1) was observed for K EB4h (176.33 mg L-1) and Z CB4h (177.29 mg L-1) wines. Skin contact and usage of EP mostly increased content of 2-phenylethyl and isoamyl alcohols. Wines from both varieties showed higher content of hexanoic and octanoic acids compared to the control. It is interesting to emphasize that content of esters that are responsible for fruity aroma of wine which is important for plea­sant taste (isoamyl acetate – banana, ethyl hexanoate – ripe banana, 2-phe­nyl­ethyl acetate – powerful fruity rose like) were increased in all samples com­pared to the controls. The highest grades, after sensory evaluation, were obtained for K EB 8h (18.0 out of 20.0) and Z CB 8h (18.2 out of 20.0)

    Phytochemical study of the genus Amphoricarpos

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    Phytochemistry deals with the study of secondary metabolites produced by plants that synthesize these compounds for many reasons, including their own protection against attack of herbivores and plant diseases. Secondary metabolites are believed to represent plant adaptation to various environmental factors and that they enabled the survival of the species. Secondary metabolites of plants can have curative or toxic effects in humans and animals. Herbal medicine has a long tradition in folk medicine and until the early 20th century, when synthetic organic chemistry began to develop, plants were the main source of medicines. The two basic goals of our phytochemical research are: Isolation and identification of new (biologically active) compounds - potential drugs, and chemotaxonomy (chemosystematics). In the following text through one selected example, the genus Amphoricarpos Vis., our phytochemical research is shown on both aspects