1 research outputs found

    Mycoflora of commercial maize seed in 2010

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    Ear and kernel rots can reduce yield, quality and feed value of grain. Toxins produced by the fungi in corn can also have serious implications on the end use of the grain. Various fungi cause ear and kernel rots. Fungi belonging to the genus Fusarium are the most significant fungi which can cause corn ear and kernel rots. The aim of this paper is to test health of mercantile maize seed belonging to different hybrids. Seed health testing was done using filter paper and nutritive media (PDA) method. Fungi from genera Fusarium, Penicillium, Aspergillus and Alternaria were isolated from tested corn seed by both methods. Two species from the genus Fusarium were found in the tested corn samples F. graminearum and F. monilirome. Tested hybrids that belonged to different FAO maturity groups showed differences in susceptibility to ear and kernel rot.Plesnivost klipa i semena kukuruza mogu dovesti do smanjenja prinosa i uticati na kvalitet i vrednost zrna. Toksini koje produkuju gljive mogu imati značajan uticaj na krajnje korišćenje zrna. Različite gljive mogu prouzrokovati trulež klipa i zrna. Gljive iz roda Fusarium su najznačajniji prouzrokovači truleži klipa i semena kukuruza. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita zdravstveno stanje merkantilnog semena različitih hibrida koji pripadaju različitim FAO grupama zrenja. Zdravstveno stanje semena je utvrđeno metodom filter papira i na hranljivoj podlozi