303 research outputs found

    Sports live text commentary as a hybrid register

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    Aim: To present and analyze features of live text commentary (LTC) as a recent register of the English language using examples from the coverage of UEFA Euro 2020. The paper explores the influence of spoken language and sports announcer talk (SAT) on the register. It focuses on the differences and similarities between LTC and SAT and presents an overview of features unique to LTC. Methods: LTC was examined as a text variety following Chovanecā€™s (2018) analysis and using the register perspective proposed by Biber and Conrad (2009). Examples from fourteen LTCs reporting on the UEFA Euro 2020 competition held in June/July 2021 were analyzed, including their typical situational and linguistic characteristics and some of their functions. Results: LTC is a hybrid register that exemplifies todayā€™s convergence of different media. LTCs take the context of production from live blogs, while their language is mainly reminiscent of SAT, including tense usage and adoption of certain forms. Spoken language, in general, is also an influence, especially on the syntactic and grammatical levels. Distinct LTC features include the internal structure, icons, and interactiveness of the text. The analyzed commentaries feature clearly outlined sections (e.g., opening and closing posts) that serve specific discursive purposes. Icons have a particular function in LTC; their meaning is well-established, and they sometimes function as utterances. Another remarkable characteristic is the intertextuality derived from text contributions provided by various spectators of the sports event, including fans. This interaction is, at times, simulated. Conclusion: The paper confirmed LTC as a hybrid format with avenues for further hybridization. In LTC, we see an intertwining of different elements, which, taken together, produce a new whole in a process typical of the convergence seen in the media today. The most innovative aspects of LTC, the intertextuality, interactiveness, and co-production of a text, are limited

    Pregled bolesti u djece turista za vrijeme posjeta Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji

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    The aim was to determine morbidity of foreign children during their tourist visit to Split-Dalmatia County, Croatia. The study included medical documentation of 233 foreign children tourists aged under 18 years, hospitalized at Clinical Department of Pediatrics, Split University Hospital Center in the period from January 2007 to December 2013. Demographic data were statistically analyzed. Of 233 children tourists hospitalized at our department, 134 (57.5%) were boys. Most of the children tourists (51.1%) were aged 0-5 years. According to nationality, they were from 30 countries from all over the world, but mostly from Europe (97.9%). The highest number of children tourists were from Germany (14.2%). The highest percentage of children tourists (92.7%) were hospitalized during summer months. The mean length of hospital stay was 4.4Ā±3.3 days. According to the reason for hospitalization, children tourists were mostly admitted to our hospital for nervous system symptoms (32.6%); 43.4% of these had febrile seizures and 39.5% epilepsy. The nervous system symptoms were followed by injury and poisoning (14.6%), respiratory symptoms (14.1%), submersion and heat injuries (9.9%), and digestive symptoms (9.4%). In conclusion, we describe foreign pediatric population hospitalized in the Split University Hospital Center during their vacation in the Split-Dalmatia County, Croatia. The largest number of children tourists were from Germany and the nervous system symptoms were the most common reason for hospitalization. Therefore, we suggest cooperation between the Croatian health care system and Croatian National Tourist Board for developing prevention strategies regarding morbidity in pediatric tourist population. In particular, prevention and fi rst line therapy for cerebral seizures should be broadly available, such as in hotels, apartments, and even on beaches.Cilj je odrediti morbiditet u strane djece za vrijeme turističkog posjeta Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji, Hrvatska. U istraživanje je uključena medicinska dokumentacija 233-je strane djece turista u dobi do 18 godina, hospitalizirane na Klinici za dječje bolesti KBC Split u razdoblju od siječnja 2007. do prosinca 2013. godine. Demografski podatci su statistički analizirani. Od ukupno 233-je djece turista hospitalizirane na naÅ”em odjelu njih 134 (57,5%) bili su dječaci. Većina djece turista (51,1%) bila je u dobnoj skupini od 0-5 godina. Prema nacionalnosti bila su iz ukupno 30 zemalja diljem svijeta, ali većinom iz Europe (97,9%). Najveći broj djece turista bio je iz Njemačke (14,2%). NajviÅ”i postotak djece turista (92,7%) bio je hospitaliziran ljeti. Hospitalizacija je prosječno trajala 4,4Ā±3,3 dana. NajčeŔći razlozi hospitalizacije djece turista bili su neuroloÅ”ki simptomi (32,6%), od toga je 43,4% imalo febrilne konvulzije i 39,5% epilepsiju. Zatim su slijedile ozljede i trovanja (14,6%), od toga su ozljede bile prisutne u 61,8% slučajeva, a trovanja u 38,2%. Blesti diÅ”nog sustava (14,2%) treće su po učestalosti, većina bolesnika imala je upalu donjih (42,4%) ili gornjih (36,4%) diÅ”nih puteva. Potom slijede utapanja i ozljede toplinom (9,9%) te bolesti probavnog sustava (9,4%). Zaključno, opisali smo stranu pedijatrijsku populaciju hospitaliziranu u KBC-u Split za vrijeme turističkog posjeta Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji. Najveći broj djece turista bio je iz Njemačke i najčeŔći razlog hospitalizacije bili su neuroloÅ”ki simptomi. Stoga predlažemo suradnju između Ministarstva zdravlja i Hrvatske turističke zajednice radi razvoja strategije za prevenciju bolesti, uzimajući u obzir morbiditet u djece turista. Posebice treba naglasiti prevenciju cerebralnih napadaja te činjenicu da bi prvolinijska terapija trebala biti Å”iroko dostupna, primjerice u hotelima i apartmanima, pa i na plažama

    Influence of the Beehive Type on the Quality of Honey

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    Agricultural producers apply numerous technological procedures, and enlarging efforts to produce the high-quality products. This initiative is present in the beekeeping, too. The quality of the honey produced by the honey bee colonies depends of various factors, but prevailing are the ecological conditions and the floristic composition of the honeyfull plants. The aim of our research was to discover the influence of the beehive type on the quality of honey, which is produced at apiaries under the similar environmental conditions. The whole studied honey bee colonies belong to the European race, Apis mellifera carnica, and they used the same honeyfull plants pastures. The results indicate that different beehive type used at apiaries influenced on the quality of honey

    Influence of the Beehive Type on the Quality of Honey

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    Agricultural producers apply numerous technological procedures, and enlarging efforts to produce the high-quality products. This initiative is present in the beekeeping, too. The quality of the honey produced by the honey bee colonies depends of various factors, but prevailing are the ecological conditions and the floristic composition of the honeyfull plants. The aim of our research was to discover the influence of the beehive type on the quality of honey, which is produced at apiaries under the similar environmental conditions. The whole studied honey bee colonies belong to the European race, Apis mellifera carnica, and they used the same honeyfull plants pastures. The results indicate that different beehive type used at apiaries influenced on the quality of honey

    CRISPR-Cas in Escherichia coli: regulation by H-NS, LeuO and temperature

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    CRISPR-Cas adaptive immune systems are present in many bacteria and archaea and provide protection against invading DNA such as phages and plasmids. These systems are very versatile and complex in their gene composition and genomic architecture. CRISPR-Cas systems are classified into 2 classes, 6 types and 33 subtypes although this number is not definitive and the research is ongoing. All CRISPR-Cas systems have been thoroughly investigated in order to better understand the mechanism of CRISPR immunity enabling its use as a tool in genome editing and other biotechnological applications. However, regulation of the CRISPR-Cas system is also very complex and still not fully understood; it must provide optimal protection without introducing harmful consequences to the host. In this review we give an overview on the regulation of the CRISPR-Cas system Class 1 Type I-E in Escherichia coli with the emphasis on the role of temperature in regulation of the CRISPR-Cas activity and the interplay of the key regulators H-NS and StpA repressors and LeuO antirepressor in regulation of cas gene expression and HtpG chaperone in maintaining functional levels of Cas3.</p

    The Effect of Latent Space Dimension on the Quality of Synthesized Human Face Images

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    In recent years Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have achieved remarkable results in the task of realistic image synthesis. Despite their continued success and advances, there still lacks a thorough understanding of how precisely GANs map random latent vectors to realistic-looking images and how the priors set on the latent space affect the learned mapping. In this work, we analyze the effect of the chosen latent dimension on the final quality of synthesized images of human faces and learned data representations. We show that GANs can generate images plausibly even with latent dimensions significantly smaller than the standard dimensions like 100 or 512. Although one might expect that larger latent dimensions encourage the generation of more diverse and enhanced quality images, we show that an increase of latent dimension after some point does not lead to visible improvements in perceptual image quality nor in quantitative estimates of its generalization abilities

    Etično komuniciranje na druŔtvenim mrežama

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    Rad se temelji na teorijskom i praktičnom prikazu morala, druÅ”tvenih mreža, etike, utjecaja etike u elektroničkom poslovnom okruženju te istraživanju o koriÅ”tenju druÅ”tvenih mreža u poslovanju. Moral je skup nepisanih pravila i običaja koji utvrđuju međuljudske odnose i prosuđuju Å”to je dobro, a Å”to zlo. Etika je znanost o moralu koja istražuje smisao i ciljeve ljudskoga ponaÅ”anja u skladu s pravilima moralnih načela, dok se poslovna etika odnosi na primjenu etičkih načela u poslovnim odnosima. Poslovna etika se kao posebna znanstvena disciplina može odrediti kao skup moralnih normi o ponaÅ”anju prema sociokulturnoj i poslovnoj sredini, prema drugim ljudima s kojima se stupa u poslovni kontakt i prema odlučivanju, dužnostima, obvezama, pravu i odgovornostima, u svim aspektima i sferama poslovanja. Etički kodeks služi kao okvir u poslovanju poduzeća koja smatraju da su ostvarivanje profita i uspjeÅ”nosti u poslovanju u skladu sa zakonima i propisima. DruÅ”tvena mreža je vrsta internetskog servisa koji se najčeŔće javlja u obliku platforme, prozora ili web-stranice. To je internetski prostor, koji služi za međusobno povezivanje korisnika. Danas postoje stotine druÅ”tvenih mreža, a među najpoznatijima su Facebook, Instagram i Twitter. U radu se razmatraju ključni aspekti etičkoga i neetičkoga poslovanja u elektroničkom okruženju koje je sve čeŔće prisutno u poslovnome svijetu. U ovome radu obrađeno je istraživanje pomoću anketnoga upitnika o problematici etike na druÅ”tvenim mrežama koje zaposleni ljudi koriste tijekom radnog vremena, a nisu im u opisu radnoga mjesta

    Etično komuniciranje na druŔtvenim mrežama

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    Rad se temelji na teorijskom i praktičnom prikazu morala, druÅ”tvenih mreža, etike, utjecaja etike u elektroničkom poslovnom okruženju te istraživanju o koriÅ”tenju druÅ”tvenih mreža u poslovanju. Moral je skup nepisanih pravila i običaja koji utvrđuju međuljudske odnose i prosuđuju Å”to je dobro, a Å”to zlo. Etika je znanost o moralu koja istražuje smisao i ciljeve ljudskoga ponaÅ”anja u skladu s pravilima moralnih načela, dok se poslovna etika odnosi na primjenu etičkih načela u poslovnim odnosima. Poslovna etika se kao posebna znanstvena disciplina može odrediti kao skup moralnih normi o ponaÅ”anju prema sociokulturnoj i poslovnoj sredini, prema drugim ljudima s kojima se stupa u poslovni kontakt i prema odlučivanju, dužnostima, obvezama, pravu i odgovornostima, u svim aspektima i sferama poslovanja. Etički kodeks služi kao okvir u poslovanju poduzeća koja smatraju da su ostvarivanje profita i uspjeÅ”nosti u poslovanju u skladu sa zakonima i propisima. DruÅ”tvena mreža je vrsta internetskog servisa koji se najčeŔće javlja u obliku platforme, prozora ili web-stranice. To je internetski prostor, koji služi za međusobno povezivanje korisnika. Danas postoje stotine druÅ”tvenih mreža, a među najpoznatijima su Facebook, Instagram i Twitter. U radu se razmatraju ključni aspekti etičkoga i neetičkoga poslovanja u elektroničkom okruženju koje je sve čeŔće prisutno u poslovnome svijetu. U ovome radu obrađeno je istraživanje pomoću anketnoga upitnika o problematici etike na druÅ”tvenim mrežama koje zaposleni ljudi koriste tijekom radnog vremena, a nisu im u opisu radnoga mjesta

    Konfrontacijska mjerila

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    Prema izmjenama Zakona o kaznenom postupku iz 2013. drugostupanjski sudovi moraju po službenoj dužnosti uvijek ispitati je li prvostupanjskom presudom teÅ”ko povrijeđeno pravo na pravično suđenje zajamčeno Ustavom i Konvencijom za zaÅ”titu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda. Jedna je od sastavnica prava na pravično suđenje i konfrontacijsko pravo okrivljenika. To pravo često se promatra zajedno s načelom kontradiktornosti i jednakosti oružja. Ispreplitanje tih triju sastavnica prava na pravično suđenje traži njihovo razmatranje radi uočavanja razlika i sličnosti te njihova razumijevanja. Osim toga konfrontacijski standardi Konvencije s jedne strane te Zakona o kaznenom postupku s druge strane nisu jednaki. Zato rad obrađuje navedene tri sastavnice prava na pravično suđenje te razlike i sličnosti konfrontacijskih mjerila
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