17 research outputs found


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    In this article the passive voice, its use and stylistic diff erence it makes within a sentence have been observed an explained. Passive voice is very often used in the English language. It denotes a situation in which the subject suff ers the action expressed by its verb. A passive sentence may be formed only with transitive verbs, those with which the action moves from a subject to an object. The meaning in the passive sentence does not change in relation to the active sentence, but what changes is the style because the object of an action gets situated in the fi rst place in the sentence; the emphasis is placed on the object and not on the subject or the doer of an action. Such a phenomenon is common in the language of law, informative writing or with the instructions in the use of technical means because they all put the emphasis on the object and not on the subject of an action that are either known from the context, or implied.U ovom je članku sagledan i objaÅ”njen pasiv kao glagolsko stanje s aspekta njegove uporabe i stilističke razlike koju predstavlja u rečenici ili u nekom određenom kontekstu. Pasiv odnosno trpno stanje glagola je učestalo koriÅ”teno u engleskom jeziku. ObjaÅ”njava situaciju u kojoj subjekt viÅ”e nije vrÅ”itelj radnje (kao u aktivnoj rečenici), već u pasivnoj rečenici trpi radnju izraženu od strane glagola. Pasivna se rečenica može dobiti samo ukoliko se radi o prijelaznim ili tranzitivnim glagolima; onima koji omogućuju prijelaz radnje sa subjekta na rečenični objekt. Značenje se u pasivnoj rečenici ne mijenja u odnosu na aktivnu rečenicu, već dolazi do promjene u stilu jer objekt biva smjeÅ”ten na početak rečenice baÅ” zbog činjenice Å”to se na njega na taj način želi staviti naglasak, a ne viÅ”e na subjekta kao vrÅ”itelja radnje. Takav je fenomen učestao u jeziku zakonodavstva i raznog informativnog pisanja ili pak u uputama za koriÅ”tenju tehničkih naprava jer u njima prevladava stil koji naglasak uglavnom stavlja na objekt, a ne na subjekt radnje koji je ili poznat iz konteksta, ili se pak podrazumijeva


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    In the past few decades, the concept of sustainability has entered almost all spheres of human activity while having an impact on environmental, economic, and social issues. Its definition varies from field to field adopting its meaning to different aspects, viewpoints, and conjectures. The polysemantic character of the concept requires a deeper insight into the intrinsic meaning of the notion itself. A proposition has been made to view sustainability from the aspect of a tourist destination. Namely, the objective of this article is to reconsider the concept of sustainability from the linguistical and etymological point of view by connecting it to the notion of authenticity in tourism. The authors consider that the lack of authenticity is a main drawback and an impediment to a true manifestation of sustainable development`s real nature in the future. This article thus argues that, if we omit to recognize the essentiality of sustainability as a concept, the mechanisms necessary for its implementation may be perceived as imposed, rigid, and ethically inconsistent


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    The scope of this article is to show in which ways the professional studies, in this case the professional studies at the Polytechnic of Å ibenik, have the mission to educate young people for one direct inclusion in the world of business and entrepreneurship through education, valorisation of traditional values, art and culture in general. Professional studies are by their definition a place where theoretical knowledges are combined with those from the professional environment but at the same time are ideal for all those who might want to round up their professional carrier by giving it a dose of formal knowledge. On the other hand, for students who have just completed their secondary education, it is the ideal place to gain formal knowledge together with the practical one in close relation to the professional working environment. Since County of Å ibenik-Knin for its position has chosen tourism as its primary orientation in all its aspects, culture, environmental concerns and entrepreneurship in close connection with this type of industry have imposed themselves to be the prism that Croatia has recognized and wants to cultivate as its primary benchmark for future periods.U ovom je članku prikazano na koji način stručni studiji, u ovom slučaju stručni studiji VeleučiliÅ”ta u Å ibeniku, mogu i imaju za zadaću Å”kolovati mlade ljude za direkretno uključivanje u poslovni svijet odnosno svijet biznisa. Stručni su studiji po svojoj prirodi mjesto gdje se teoretska znanja prožimaju sa onima iz profesionalnog okruženja pa su sami po sebi idealni za sve koji možda žele zaokružiti svoj profesionalni put i dati mu jednu dozu formalnog znanja. S druge strane, za one koji su tek zavrÅ”ili srednjoÅ”kolsko obrazovanje, to je idealno mjesto za stjecanje teoretskih, formalnih znanja, no u isto vrijeme i onih praktičnih u uskoj poveznici s profesionalnim radnim ambijentom. Budući da je Å ibensko-kninska županija po svojoj geopoziciji okrenuta turizmu i svim njegovim aspektima, kultura, briga za okoliÅ”, te poduzetniÅ”tvo u uskoj povezanosti s tom vrstom industrije, nameću se kao prizma koju je naÅ”a županija već prepoznala i koju gaji kao svoju primarnu odrednicu za buduća razdoblja


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    Active listening is a skill, an ability that together with the art of giving presentations, argumentation and persuasion, negotiation as well as with eff ective business writing constitutes a closed circle in the communication process. It is a powerful tool in modern, multicultural working environment, in the world of globalised business which is today, more than ever, coloured by the multicultural diff erences. This article is going to introduce a skill that has very often been neglected due to the overall learning and communication process that puts its very stress on speaking while it has been scientifi cally proven that as small children the fi rst ability that we learn is how to listen and then how to speak, to read and, finally, how to write. While very often an onus has been put on speaking and writing ability, listening has somehow been neglected. This article shows some of the techniques of a good listener which can help us to improve our listening ability and prevent barriers in listening process and thus gain much more confi dence in business environment.Aktivno sluÅ”anje je vjeÅ”tina, sposobnost koja zajedno s umjetnoŔću prezentiranja, argumentiranja, uvjeravanja te pregovaranja, kao i učinkovitog poslovnog pisanja, predstavlja zatvoreni krug u komunikacijskom procesu. To je moćan alat u modernom, multikulturnom radnom okruženju, u svijetu globalnog poslovanja koji je danas, viÅ”e nego ikad, obojen multikulturalnim različitostima. Ovaj članak raspravlja o vjeÅ”tini koja često bila zanemarena kod ukupnog učenja o komunikacijskim procesima koji stavlja naglasak na govorni (usmeni) dio, dok je znanstveno dokazano da prva vjeÅ”tina koju kao djeca usvojimo jest sposobnost sluÅ”anja, a tek onda sposobnost govornog izražavanja, čitanja i pisanja. Pri tom, vrlo često naglasak biva stavljan na sposobnost govorenja i pisanja, dok sluÅ”anje kao vjeÅ”tina ostaje zanemareno. Ovaj članak će pokazati neke od tehnika koje dobar sluÅ”atelj mora imati odnosno koje nam mogu pomoći u poboljÅ”anju sposobnosti sluÅ”anja, spriječiti prepreke u tom procesu te tako doprinijeti u postizanju samopouzdanja i povjerenja u poslovnom okruženju


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    The aim of this paper is to encourage students to write their undergraduate and graduate theses in a foreign language. Students of Tourism Management at the Polytechnic of Å ibenik have already shown interest in that direction. In such a way, higher education institutions in general become more visible to a wider audience, and students improve their profi ciency. In Croatia, undergraduate and graduate theses are stored in the Croatian Digital Theses Repository, which enhances visibility and transparency in education. Although transparency prevents unethical behavior, there is a risk of intentional or unintentional plagiarism generated by the use of foreign languages in undergraduate or graduate theses. Students and mentors aiming at an advancement of undergraduate and graduate theses in foreign languages are also confronted with house made legal barriers, which this paper intends to resolve by calling for action. At the Polytechnic of Å ibenik, a clear strategy for the elimination of obstacles to foreign language thesis in the field of Tourism Management must be developed


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    We can all witness that the global economy, the use of the Internet and social media have result-ed in a greater number of English business terms circulating on the global level, thus inevitably affecting the Croatian language as well. In this article, the authors observe different translations of certain frequently used business English terms from the course books and differences in their perception in English and Croatian language. These differences may be due to students` immer-sion in the new social and educational environment, their previous knowledge of English lan-guage and their acquisition of new vocabulary for specific purposes during their studies at the Polytechnic of Å ibenik.Svi možemo svjedočiti da su globalna ekonomija, upotreba Interneta i druÅ”tvenih medija rezultirali većim brojem engleskog poslovnog nazivlja koji kruži na globalnoj razini, Å”to neizostavno utječe i na hrvatski jezik. Autori u ovom radu analiziraju različite prijevode pojedinih često koriÅ”tenih izraza poslovnog engleskog iz udžbenika i razlike u njihovoj percepciji na engleskom i hrvatskom jeziku. Te razlike mogu biti posljedica uključivanja studenata u novo druÅ”tveno i obrazovno okruženje, njihovog prethodnog poznavanja engleskog jezika i stjecanja novog vokabulara za posebne svrhe tijekom studija na VeleučiliÅ”tu u Å ibeniku


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    Relative clauses in the use of English as a second language are very often considered as one rather simple language construction, yet some space for their acquisition is left to the very end of studentā€™s language learning. One of the possible reasons may be the fact that the necessity for their correct usage is much stressed in the written rather than in spoken language. Maybe because the fact that at this stage the possibility of writing is normally at a higher level, and errors that commonly occur mainly concern this written part where their possible incorrect usage is more visible and can significantly affect the meaning of the whole sentence. The relative clause is in speaking marked rather by intonation. The correct understanding of subordinate relative clauses can help students to make a better use of them in written language.Odnosne rečenice u koriÅ”tenju engleskog kao drugog jezika vrlo se često smatraju jednim prilično jednostavnim dijelom gradiva, no unatoč tome, posvećeno im je jako malo vremena tijekom procesa učenja engleskog jezika i to uglavnom na samom kraju učenja jezika. Jedan od mogućih razloga je činjenica da je nužnost za njihovu ispravnu uporabu znatno naglaÅ”enija u pisanom, nego u govornom jeziku, a poznato je da je za pismeno izražavanje potrebna viÅ”a razina poznavanja engleskog jezika, a greÅ”ke koje se obično događaju tiču se uglavnom tog pismenog dijela gdje su one i najuočljivije i mogu znatno utjecati na samo značenje rečenice. Relativna rečenica je u govoru označena uglavnom po promjeni u intonaciji. Pravilno razumijevanje određenih odnosnih rečenica može pomoći studentima kod njihove primjene u engleskom jeziku