58 research outputs found

    Clinical Expression of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases – A Retrospective Population-Based Cohort Study; Vukovarsko-Srijemska County, Croatia, 2010

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    Clinical characteristics of the cohort of 150 patients with inflammatory bowel diseases, ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn\u27s disease (CD), Vukovarsko-Srijemska County, Croatia, were retrospectively assessed. UC was clinically presented with frequent passage of bloody, slimy stools, while preferential symptoms of CD were fever, anemia and severe weight loss, differences reflecting longer duration of symptoms prior to the diagnosis, in patients with CD. The prevalent disease localisations, in patients with UC, were the rectum and the left colon and the anorectum, while the prevailing phenotype, in patients with CD, corresponded with younger adult age at disease onset, ileocolonic localization and stricturing dis- ease behavior. Intestinal complications, including perforation, fistula, abscess and ileus, were more prevalent in patients with CD. Of extraintestinal complications, only ankylosing spondylitis and erythema nodosum, reached marginally sig- nificant differences, in favor to patients with CD. Shortcomings of this study include the lack of associations and the time-dependent disease projections

    Clinical and Molecular Features of Pleural Mesothelioma

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    Mezoteliom predstavlja agresivni tumor nastao neoplastičnom transformacijom mezotelnih stanica seroznih ovojnica. Iako može nastati na bilo kojoj anatomskoj lokalizaciji koja sadrži mezotel, najčešće se javlja na pleuri. U Hrvatskoj je u 2018. zabilježeno ukupno 97 slučajeva s prosječnom stopom incidencije od 2,4/100 000 osoba. Najveći broj slučajeva mezotelioma uzrokovan je profesionalnim i okolišnim izlaganjem spojevima azbesta, a otkrivaju se s latencijskim razdobljem i od nekoliko desetaka godina, vrlo često u uznapredovalom kliničkom stadiju kada su terapijske mogućnosti znatno ograničene. Stopa ukupnog preživljenja izrazito je nepovoljna. Nastanak mezotelioma temelji se na razvoju kroničnoga upalnog procesa potenciranog utjecajem mutagenih radikala iona kisika i proteinske molekule HMGB1 (engl. High Mobility Group Protein B1) što unutar mezotelnih stanica dovodi do aktivacije signalizacijskog puta NF-kB (engl. Nuclear Factor Kappa-Light-Chain-Enhancer of Activated B-Cells). Nastali mikrookoliš dovodi do neoplastične transformacije mezotelnih stanica, osobito onih s već ranije akumuliranim genskim oštećenjima. U predmetnom članku sažeta je epidemiologija, etiopatogeneza i klinički tijek mezotelioma, a dodatno se osim standardnih dijagnostičkih modaliteta diskutiraju uloge različitih slikovnih metoda prikaza i primjene serumskih i molekularnih biomarkera u kliničkoj obradi bolesnika. Također su pregledno opisane i sažete trenutno dostupne mogućnosti liječenja koje obuhvaćaju kirurško, kemoimunoterapijsko, radioterapijsko i multimodalno liječenje.Mesothelioma is an aggressive tumor caused by neoplastic transformation of mesothelial cells of the serous membranes. Although it can occur at any anatomical localization that contains a mesothelium, it most often occurs in the pleura. In 2018, a total of 97 cases were recorded in Croatia with an average incidence rate of 2.4/100.000 persons. Most cases of mesothelioma are caused by occupational and environmental exposure to asbestos compounds, and are diagnosed with a latency period of several decades, very often in an advanced clinical stage when therapeutic options are significantly limited, and the overall survival rate is extremely unfavorable. The pathophysiology of mesothelioma is based on the development of a chronic inflammatory process potentiated by the influence of mutagenic oxygen ion radicals and the protein molecule HMGB1 (High Mobility Group Protein B1), which leads to activation of the NF-κB (Enhancer of Activated B-Cells) signaling pathway within mesothelial cells. The resulting microenvironment leads to neoplastic transformation of mesothelial cells, especially those with previously accumulated genetic damage. The present article summarizes the epidemiology, etiopathogenesis and clinical course of mesothelioma, and additionally discusses the roles of different imaging techniques as well as application of serum and molecular biomarkers on top of standard diagnostic modalities. Finally, the article presents currently available treatment options that include a surgical approach, chemoimmunotherapy, radiotherapy, and multimodality treatment

    Epidemiology and Clinical Presentation of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Zadar County, Croatia

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    Results of the retrospective, population-based study, 2000–2010, on inflammatory bowel disease, ulceratice colitis (UC) and Crohn\u27s disease (CD), from Zadar County, have been presented and compared with world experience and com- parative data from Primorsko-Goranska and Vukovarsko-Srijemska Counties. The average incidence rates (per 100 000) were 8.2 and 8.4, for UC and CD, respectively. Prevalence rates, at the end of the follow up, were 133.9 for UC and 111 for CD. Constant increase in the incidence rates for both, UC and CD, have been recorded, for CD more prominently in the second part of the follow up, 2006–2010. Prevalence rates have being continuosly rased for both diseases, data for UC ex- ceeding that for CD. Results of data comparison among the counties contribute in favour to the hypothesis of Zadar County as a rapidly developing area and strongly argue against the existence of the North-South gradient between Vukovarsko-Srijemska and Zadar Counties

    Učinak dnevne tjelesne aktivnosti na aktivnost upalnih bolesti crijeva kod bolesnika koji ne uzimaju terapiju

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    It has been suggested that various environmental factors play a very important role in the etiology of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) and that they have a significant effect on the course of these diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of daily physical activity on the activity of IBDs in therapy-free patients. This cross-sectional population based study was conducted in eastern Croatia from January to June 2016. e study included 312 patients, mean age 49.9±15.0 years, 53.2% of males and 46.8% of females; there were 63.4% of ulcerative colitis (UC) and 36.6% of Crohn’s disease (CD) patients. Sociodemographic characteristics of patients, data on their daily physical activity and type of therapy taken were collected through a specifically designed and validated questionnaire, while the activity of UC and CD was evaluated using the Mayo index and Harvey-Bradshaw index. The study showed that 24.0% of patients were not taking therapy. Daily physical activity was connected to IBD in study patients when taking both diseases collectively (Fisher exact test; p<0.001), as well as to the inactivity of CD (Fisher exact test; p=0.001) and UC (Fisher exact test; p=0.006), when observing each disease separately. Daily physical activity was connected to the inactivity of IBDs in patients not taking therapy. It is necessary to educate all IBD patients about the importance of physical activity in order to control their disease.Smatra se kako različiti okolišni čimbenici igraju vrlo važnu ulogu u etiologiji upalnih bolesti crijeva (UBC) te kako imaju značajan učinak na tijek ovih bolesti. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati učinak dnevne tjelesne aktivnosti na aktivnost UBC kod bolesnika koji ne uzimaju terapiju. Ovo presječno populacijsko istraživanje provedeno je u istočnoj Hrvatskoj od siječnja do lipnja 2016. godine. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 312 bolesnika srednje dobi 49,9±15,0 godina; 53,2% muškaraca i 46,8% žena; 63,4% oboljelih od ulcerativnog kolitisa (UC) i 36,6% oboljelih od Crohnove bolesti (CB). Sociodemografska obilježja bolesnika, podaci o njihovoj dnevnoj tjelesnoj aktivnosti i vrsti terapije koju uzimaju prikupljeni su pomoću posebno dizajniranog i validiranog upitnika, dok je aktivnost UC i CB ocijenjena primjenom indeksa Mayo i indeksa Harvey-Bradshaw. Istraživanje je pokazalo kako 24,0% bolesnika ne uzima terapiju. Dnevna tjelesna aktivnost bila je povezana s neaktivnom UBC kod bolesnika kada su zajednički promatrane obje bolesti (Fisherov egzaktni test; p<0,001) te je bila povezana s neaktivnošću CB (Fisherov egzaktni test; p=0,001) i UC (Fisherov egzaktni test, p=0,006) kad je svaka bolest promatrana zasebno. Dnevna tjelesna aktivnost povezana je s neaktivnošću UBC kod bolesnika koji ne uzimaju terapiju. Potrebno je sve bolesnike s UBC podučiti o važnosti tjelesne aktivnosti za kontrolu njihove bolesti

    Zadovoljstvo rodilja epiduralnom analgezijom tijekom poroda: analiza ankete u jednom bolničkom centru

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    Epidural analgesia is one of the most common methods of relieving labor pain. The objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of epidural analgesia, maternal satisfaction and relationship between the effectiveness of epidural analgesia and various factors. Data were analyzed retrospectively and collected during 2022. A total of 60 parturients participated in the study. Data were collected through a questionnaire before the parturient was discharged from the hospital. The mean assessment of pain on a 1–10 numeric rating scale before epidural analgesia was 7.7 and 3.4 after administration of epidural analgesia. The median assessment of pain before epidural analgesia was 8 (7¬¬–8), and the median assessment of pain after epidural analgesia was 3 (2–5). The average satisfaction with epidural analgesia on a 1–10 scale was 8.11, and the median satisfaction was 10 (7–10). Total of 35 (58.3%) parturients rated satisfaction with 10. Statistically significant association between the effectiveness of epidural analgesia and parity, dilution of administered levobupivacaine, fentanyl administration, and level of education was not found. Childbirth pain is significantly alleviated by the application of epidural analgesia and the satisfaction of parturients is very high.Epiduralna analgezija jedna je od najčešćih metoda ublažavanja porodne boli. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati učinkovitost epiduralne analgezije, zadovoljstvo rodilja i povezanost između učinkovitosti epiduralne analgezije i pariteta, razrjeđenja primijenjenog levobupivakaina, primijenjenog fentanila te razine obrazovanja. Podatci su analizirani retrospektivno, prikupljeni su tijekom 2022. godine. Ukupno 60 rodilja sudjelovalo je u istraživanju. Podatci su prikupljani pomoću anketnog upitnika prije otpusta rodilje iz rodilišta. Prosječna procjena boli na numeričkoj skali od 1 do 10 prije primjene epiduralne analgezije iznosi 7,7, a nakon primjene epiduralne analgezije 3,4. Medijan procijenjene boli prije primjene epiduralne analgezije iznosi 8 (7 – 8), a nakon primjene epiduralne 3 (2 – 5). Prosječno zadovoljstvo epiduralnom analgezijom na skali od 1 do 10 iznosi 8,11, medijan zadovoljstva je 10 (interkvartilni raspon od 7 do 10). 35 rodilja je zadovoljstvo ocijenilo sa 10, što čini 58,3% uzorka. Statistički značajna povezanost između učinkovitosti epiduralne analgezije i pariteta, razrjeđenja primijenjenog levobupivakaina, primjene fentanila i razine obrazovanja nije pronađena. Porodna bol je značajno umanjena primjenom epiduralne analgezije i zadovoljstvo rodilja je vrlo visoko

    Legal Regulation of Pharmacies in Slavonia in the First Half of the 19th Century

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    U radu se prikazuju pravni akti Ugarskog namjesničkog vijeća dok je ono djelovalo u svojstvu Zemaljske vlade te gradskih vlasti kojima se uređivalo ljekarništvo tijekom prve polovine 19. stoljeća na području slavonskog Provincijala. U tom dijelu Carevine, jedan od važnijih gradova bio je Slobodni i kraljevski grad Osijek, koji je to područje regulirao kroz svoja samoupravna tijela, Gradsko poglavarstvo (magistrat) i gradski fizikat. Slijedom navedenoga, u radu se prvotno navode propisi kojima je centralna državna vlast zajedno s gradskom upravom pravno regulirala osnivanje i način rada ljekarni. Opisuje se proces imenovanja i opoziva ljekarnika, a poseban je naglasak stavljen na središnji dio rada u kojem se prikazuju odluke kojima se suzbijala nezakonita prodaja lijekova, otrova i drugih medicinskih pripravaka. Naposljetku, objašnjava se regulacija cijene lijekova i ljekarničkih pristojbi.This article presents the legal acts of the Hungarian Council, which regulated pharmacies in the territory of Slavonian County in the first half of the 19th century, when it acted as a governmental and municipal authority. One of the most important cities in this part of the empire was the Free and Royal City of Osijek, which regulated the area through its self-government bodies, the City Magistrate and the City Physician. For this reason, the paper first outlines the regulations by which the central government, together with the city administration, legally regulated the establishment and operation of pharmacies. The paper describes the procedure for appointing and dismissing pharmacists. The special focus in the central part of the paper is on the decisions to suppress the illegal sale of drugs, poisons, and other medicinal preparations. Finally, the regulation of drug prices and pharmacy fees is explained

    Psycho-Oncology – The Connection between Oncology and Psychosocial Elements in the Diagnosis, Treatment and Follow-up of Cancer Patients

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    Psihoonkologija predstavlja multidisciplinarno područje medicine koje se osim na onkološke aspekte, osobito fokusira na psihološku i socijalnu dimenziju zloćudnih bolesti. Riječ je o relativno novom dijelu medicinske znanosti čiji je osnovni cilj poboljšanje kvalitete života i pružanje podrške oboljelima od raka i njihovim obiteljima. Rak je složena bolest koja utječe ne samo na fizičko zdravlje već i na emocionalno i psihičko blagostanje. Psihoonkologija prepoznaje potrebe onkoloških bolesnika koji mogu iskusiti niz psiholoških, emocionalnih i socijalnih izazova, kao što su tjeskoba, depresija, strah i neizvjesnost. Navedena stanja značajno utječu na kvalitetu života i sposobnost onkoloških bolesnika da se suoče sa zloćudnom bolešću. Psihoonkolozi pomažu oboljelima od raka i njihovim bližnjima u prevladavanju navedenih izazova te pružaju potporu onkološkim bolesnicima tijekom procesa specifičnoga onkološkog liječenja koje uključuje razne nuspojave i komplikacije kirurških zahvata, kemoterapije, imunoterapije, ciljane terapije i radioterapije. Koristeći različite terapijske pristupe, temeljna je zadaća psihoonkologa stvaranje holističkog pristupa u liječenju raka koji u prvi plan stavlja cjelovitost osobe kao takve, a ne samo njezino fizičko zdravlje čime pomaže bolesnicima i njihovim bližnjima u razvoju strategija suočavanja sa zloćudnom bolešću.Psycho-oncology is a multidisciplinary field of medicine that, in addition to oncological aspects, focuses particularly on the psychological and social dimensions of malignant diseases. It is a relatively new medical field that aims to provide support for cancer patients and their families, and to improve their quality of life. Cancer is a complex illness that affects not only the physical health of the patient but also their emotional and psychological well-being. Psycho-oncology recognizes that cancer patients may experience a range of psychological, emotional, and social challenges, such as anxiety, depression, fear, and uncertainty. These elements can have a significant impact on the patient’s quality of life and ability to cope with the cancer. Psycho-oncologists work with cancer patients and their families to help them manage these challenges as well as to help patients manage the side-effects of specific cancer treatments, such as surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, and radiation therapy. They also use a variety of therapeutic approaches to help patients develop coping strategies and improve their emotional and psychological well-being. By addressing the psychological and social aspects of cancer, psycho-oncologists are helping to create a more holistic approach to cancer care that supports the whole person, not just their physical health

    Values of the serum proteins in the extrahepatic cholestasis in rats

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    U ovom istraživanju učinjena je potpuna opstrukcija duktus koledokusa u štakora, te je promatran utjecaj ekstrahepatične kolestaze na koncentracije serumskh proteina. Uočeno je da ekstrahepatična kolestaza izaziva kontinuirani pad koncentracije ukupnih proteina i albumina u serumu. Pad ukupnih proteina u serumu nije statistički značajan u odnosu na kontrolnu koncentraciju, dok je pad albumina statistički značajan (P < 0,01) već od sedmog dana trajanja kolestaze. Kolestaza dovodi do promjena vrijednosti elektroforetskih frakcija serumskih proteina. Uočava se kontinuirani, statistički značajan pad (P < 0,01) od sedmog dana, pad albuminske frakcije, što odgovara padu apsolutne koncentracije albumina u serumu. Osim ove promjene, dolazi do kontinuiranog i statistički značajnog (P < 0,01) porasta beta frakcije od sedmog dana poslije operacije. Tridesetog dana dolazi do spajanja beta i gama globulinske frakcije u jednu. Kolestaza dovodi do višestrukog porasta aktivnosti ukupnog bilirubina, alkalne fosfataze, gama GT, SGOT i SGPT u serumu. Ukupni bilirubin, alkalna fosfataza i gama GT kontinuirano rastu do 14. dana trajanja kolestaze, kada su zabilje­ žene i najviše koncentracije. Nakon toga dolazi do pada koncentracija ovih parametara. Uočene su i statistički značajne (P < 0,05) linearne korelacije između koncentracije ukupnih proteina i trajanja kolestaze (negativna), između koncentracije ukupnog bilirubina i trajanja kolestaze od 3. do 14. dana, te između koncentracija ukupnih proteina i albumina u serumu. Postoje i statistički značajne kvadratne korelacije izme­đu: koncentracija ukupnih proteina i trajanja kolestaze (P < 0,01), albumina i trajanja kolestaze (P < 0,01), alkalne fosfataze i trajanja kolestaze (P < 0,05), te između gama GT u serumu i trajanja kolestaze (P < 0,01.)In this research the complete obstruction of bile duct in rats has been achieved, in order to observe the influence of extrahepatic cholestasis on the concentration of serum proteins. It has been noted that the extrahepatic cholestasis provokes a continuous fall in the concentrations of total proteins and albumin in serum. The fall of the total proteins in serum is not statistically significant compared to the control concentrations, whereas the fall in albumin becomes statistically significant (P < 0.01) from the seventh day of the cholestasis. The cholestasis has induced changes in the concentration of electrophoretic fractions of serum proteins. A continuous and statistically significant (P < 0.01) fall in albumin fraction has been noted from the seventh day on, which responds to the fall in the absolute albumin concentration in serum. Besides that, a continuous and statistically significant (P < 0.01) increase of beta fraction has been observed from the seventh postoperative day. On the thirtieth day beta and gama globulin fraction merged. The cholestasis has induced manifold increase in the activity of total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, gama GT, SGOT and SGPT in serum. Total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase and gama GT have been rising continuously up to the fourteenth postoperative day, when they have reached the highest concentrations. From that day on, the fall in the concentrations of all three parametres has been noted. Statistically significant (P < 0.05) linear correlations have been found between the concentration of total proteins and the duration of cholestasis (negative), between the total bilirubin concentration and the duration of cholestasis from the third to the fourteenth day as well as between the total protein and albumin concentration in serum. Statistically significant quadratic correlations have also been observed between the duration of cholestasis and total protein concentrations (P < 0.01), albumin (P < 0.01), alcaline phosphatase (P < 0.05) and gama GT in serum (P < 0.01), respectively

    Values of the serum proteins in the extrahepatic cholestasis in rats

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    U ovom istraživanju učinjena je potpuna opstrukcija duktus koledokusa u štakora, te je promatran utjecaj ekstrahepatične kolestaze na koncentracije serumskh proteina. Uočeno je da ekstrahepatična kolestaza izaziva kontinuirani pad koncentracije ukupnih proteina i albumina u serumu. Pad ukupnih proteina u serumu nije statistički značajan u odnosu na kontrolnu koncentraciju, dok je pad albumina statistički značajan (P < 0,01) već od sedmog dana trajanja kolestaze. Kolestaza dovodi do promjena vrijednosti elektroforetskih frakcija serumskih proteina. Uočava se kontinuirani, statistički značajan pad (P < 0,01) od sedmog dana, pad albuminske frakcije, što odgovara padu apsolutne koncentracije albumina u serumu. Osim ove promjene, dolazi do kontinuiranog i statistički značajnog (P < 0,01) porasta beta frakcije od sedmog dana poslije operacije. Tridesetog dana dolazi do spajanja beta i gama globulinske frakcije u jednu. Kolestaza dovodi do višestrukog porasta aktivnosti ukupnog bilirubina, alkalne fosfataze, gama GT, SGOT i SGPT u serumu. Ukupni bilirubin, alkalna fosfataza i gama GT kontinuirano rastu do 14. dana trajanja kolestaze, kada su zabilje­ žene i najviše koncentracije. Nakon toga dolazi do pada koncentracija ovih parametara. Uočene su i statistički značajne (P < 0,05) linearne korelacije između koncentracije ukupnih proteina i trajanja kolestaze (negativna), između koncentracije ukupnog bilirubina i trajanja kolestaze od 3. do 14. dana, te između koncentracija ukupnih proteina i albumina u serumu. Postoje i statistički značajne kvadratne korelacije izme­đu: koncentracija ukupnih proteina i trajanja kolestaze (P < 0,01), albumina i trajanja kolestaze (P < 0,01), alkalne fosfataze i trajanja kolestaze (P < 0,05), te između gama GT u serumu i trajanja kolestaze (P < 0,01.)In this research the complete obstruction of bile duct in rats has been achieved, in order to observe the influence of extrahepatic cholestasis on the concentration of serum proteins. It has been noted that the extrahepatic cholestasis provokes a continuous fall in the concentrations of total proteins and albumin in serum. The fall of the total proteins in serum is not statistically significant compared to the control concentrations, whereas the fall in albumin becomes statistically significant (P < 0.01) from the seventh day of the cholestasis. The cholestasis has induced changes in the concentration of electrophoretic fractions of serum proteins. A continuous and statistically significant (P < 0.01) fall in albumin fraction has been noted from the seventh day on, which responds to the fall in the absolute albumin concentration in serum. Besides that, a continuous and statistically significant (P < 0.01) increase of beta fraction has been observed from the seventh postoperative day. On the thirtieth day beta and gama globulin fraction merged. The cholestasis has induced manifold increase in the activity of total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, gama GT, SGOT and SGPT in serum. Total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase and gama GT have been rising continuously up to the fourteenth postoperative day, when they have reached the highest concentrations. From that day on, the fall in the concentrations of all three parametres has been noted. Statistically significant (P < 0.05) linear correlations have been found between the concentration of total proteins and the duration of cholestasis (negative), between the total bilirubin concentration and the duration of cholestasis from the third to the fourteenth day as well as between the total protein and albumin concentration in serum. Statistically significant quadratic correlations have also been observed between the duration of cholestasis and total protein concentrations (P < 0.01), albumin (P < 0.01), alcaline phosphatase (P < 0.05) and gama GT in serum (P < 0.01), respectively

    The changes of basal blood gastrin level in patients with duodenal ulcer during treatment with famotidine and omeprazole

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    Omeprazol (20 mg ujutro) je uspoređen s famotidinom (40 mg navečer) u liječenju duodenalnog ulkusa u jednostrukoslijepom randomiziranom komparativnom istraživanju, uz praćenje kretanja koncentracija bazalnog gastrina u serumu tijekom liječenja i tjedan dana poslije zalječenja ulkusa. Bolesnici su bili podijeljeni u dvije skupine od po 40 bolesnika. Nisu postojale značajne razlike u osnovnim osobinama obje skupine (dob, spol, omjer muškaraca prema ženama, pušenju cigareta, trošenju alkoholnih pića i promjeru ulkusnih niša). Brzina zacjeljenja ulkusa praćena je endoskopski. Poslije dva tjedna u 85% bolesnika liječenih omeprazolom i 60% liječenih famotidinom došlo je do zacjeljenja ulkusa, a poslije 28 dana u 97,5% liječenih omeprazolom i u 82,5% liječenih famotidinom. U obje vremenske točke postojala je staistički značajna razlika (p<0,01) u korist omeprazola. Omeprazol je bio superiorniji u liječenju prvog napadaja bolesti i u dvije ili više ulkusnih niša. Pri terapiji omeprazolom dolazi do statistički značajnog porasta 14. dana (p<0,05) i 28. dana (p<0,01), dok je statistički zna čajan (p<0,05) i porast bazalnog gastrina u serumu bolesnika liječenih famotidiom vidljiv 28. dana, u odnosu na koncentraciju nultog dana. U obje skupine bolesnika tjedan dana poslije zalječenja (bez omeprazola ili famotidina) dolazi do sniženja koncentracije bazalnog gastrina na vrijednosti slične onima nultog dana. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju superiornost omeprazola nad famotidinom vi liječenju akutnog napadaja dvanaesničnog vrijeđa.Omeprazole (20 mg o.m.) was compared to famotidine (40 mg h.s.) in treatment of duodenal ulcer in a single-blind randomized comparative trial along with concentrations of basal gastrin in serum during treatment and one week after ulcer healing. Patients were divided into two groups (each 40 patients). There were no significant differences between the groups in baseline characteristics (including age, sex, manfemale ratio, smoking, alcohol consumption and ulcer size). Rapidity of ulcer healing was documented by endoscopy. Duodenal ulcer heald up after two weeks in 85% of patients treated with omeprazole and in 60% treated with famotidine, and after 28 days in 97,5% of patients treated with omeprazole and in 82,5% treated with famotidine