27 research outputs found

    Credit Institutions in the Republic of Croatia in the Period From 1991 to 2020

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    It can be said that there is a day in the entire world when a company is not established or ceases its activity. Among these companies, credit institutions also have their place. The requirements that must be met when establishing banks and other credit institutions are as a rule, more rigorous than when establishing other business entities. Therefore, credit institutions are established less frequently. It can also be noted that they disappear from economic life less frequently. The emergence, and especially the disappearance of a credit institution does not go unnoticed. The same is true for other companies, unless they belong to a group of large and globally known companies. The aim of this paper is to analyse the trends in the establishment and failure of credit institutions in the Republic of Croatia in the period from 1991 to 2020. The research was conducted by studying domestic and foreign scientific and other relevant literature


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    Emisija CO2 postavlja se kao vodeći kriterij energetskog zagađenja okoliša, a jedinična cijena CO2 vodećim parametrom visine poreznog opterećenja. Model istraživanja uključuje analizu odnosa visine jedinične cijene CO2 i visine trošarine na energente kao predstavnika poreza na energente u Republici Hrvatskoj. Isti odnos se analizira unutar posebnog poreza na motorna vozila kao predstavnika poreza na transport. Cilj rada je analizirati u kojoj mjeri pojedini ekološki porezi doprinose njihovoj osnovnoj Ivan svrsi očuvanja okoliša i zdravlja, a u kojoj mjeri služe prikupljanju sredstava za iste ili druge svrhe. Rezultati ukazuju da su pozitivni učinci ekoloških poreza u Republici Hrvatskoj ponajprije fi skalni. Rast potrošnje dizelskog goriva i povećanje broja registriranih putničkih automobila na dizelski pogon u analiziranom razdoblju ocjenjuje se kao negativan učinak ekoloških poreza u cilju zaštite okoliša. Preferiranje fi skalne uz zanemarivanje nefiskalne uloge poreza, doslovno tumačenje principa „zagađivač plaća“ i simplificirana primjena jediničnih cijena CO2, u skladu s rezultatima ovog istraživanja, upućuju na potrebu sustavnih rješenja u poreznoj politici zaštite okoliša

    Global market factors that impact Baltic Dry Index

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    The Baltic Dry Index is used as a strategic tool by shipping companies to monitor the daily movement of freight rates for the transportation of bulk cargoes on predetermined routes for the different types of bulk carriers. Therefore, the management of shipping companies pays great attention to the factors that can contribute to the prediction of the price movement of the Baltic Dry Index. Main goal of this paper is to explore if stock market indices of United States of America (S&P 500 stock index) and China (Shanghai stock exchange Composite index), 10 Year bond yield, CRB index, WTI Crude oil and Gold as global market factors, but also as leading macroeconomic global indicators, have impact on movement of BDI. We explored period from January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2021, with monthly data for which the multiple linear regression method was used to analyse mentioned global market factors impact on BDI. The research found that the movement of S&P 500 and SSECI stock indices and CRB index had a positive impact on the movement of BDI, while the movement of Gold and WTI crude oil had negative impact on BDI for the observed period. The scientific contribution of this paper is manifested through observation and exploring relationship of mentioned global market factors with BDI, previous papers observed shorter time period and included macroeconomic indicators which are lagging, together with some global market factors

    Performance effects of the business process change in large enterprises: The case of Croatia

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    The main aim of this paper is forming the model of impact that business process change management has on organizational performance of large companies. Critical Success Factors – CSFs are closely observed in such a model. It was proved that the business process changes, observed through critical success factors, affect organizational performance that are observed through customer satisfaction and financial performance of the company. The direct relationship among the proposed variables, as well as the proposed conceptual research model, are empirically validated


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    Social media marketing does not undermine the value of traditional marketing approach; instead, it enhances it and brings it up to a new level. Touristic boards, as destination management organisations, have to constantly aim creation of sustainable tourism in order to preserve and evaluate destination as a whole. Previously is not possible without systematic appliance of social media marketing strategies. Touristic boards have to strategically access social media platforms usage. It is crucial to pick the proper metrics which will ensure long-term success. The goal of the paper is to emphasise the importance of sustainable approach and the power of social media marketing strategies in a modern business environment

    Attitudes of the Local Population and Business Stakeholders on the Impact of Cruise Tourism on Destination

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    The impact of cruise tourism on key stakeholders determines further development of the cruise industry on a destination, imposing an obligation to systematically and continuously monitor stakeholders’ perceptions and attitudes. During 2019, primary research was conducted to examine two keys components of the cruise activity at the destination: the impact of cruise tourism on the local population and stakeholders performing business activities in the port of Split. Two individual groups of survey questionnaires were created. Special attention was given to the social, economic, and environmental impacts of cruise tourism, respecting the principles of sustainable development. These values were estimated based on the Likert scale. The local population considers the economic and social effects of cruise tourism as exceedingly positive and is more prepared for tolerance and resilience to achieve the expected well-being. Local business stakeholders are more restrained and record a minimal increase in income and employment related to the cruise activity. Limited perception and knowledge on sustainable development in the port of Split are characteristic of both groups of respondents


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    The tasks given to management are becoming more demanding every day, requiring new knowledge and skills. Drucker\u27s famous management by objectives has survived, but its essence is changing and adapting to new knowledge determined by the needs of management. In this context, the research question is how to activate management by objectives and how best to reach management by motivation and ultimately to achieve the managerial goal. In line with the problem, this research focuses on the controlling approach when building the steps that are necessary to achieve the results. At the same time, controlling, as a key function of management, together with planning, shapes the goals that the other two functions of leadership and directing lead towards organizing, thus completing the operation of the management functions. Deyhle developed the combination of controlling and planning, which includes target decision-making, into a management by ... system, which leads step by step to the goal. The methodological approach to this research and the explanation of the entire system, called the WEG system, includes various methods, among which the desk research method, which combines Drucker\u27s and Deyhle\u27s approach to management, stands out. The WEG system as a goal-oriented system, at least for Croatian management, is a new knowledge that is presented in this research in an easily applicable form. Through the presentation of the steps of the WEG system, planning together with directing and organizing lead from management by objectives to a result that represents the goals of management, which is also the expected result of this research


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    Obalno područje je prostorno najvrjednije područje u Republici Hrvatskoj (RH). Vrijednost i atraktivnosti tog prostora za život uzrokovali su izrazito naglašenu devastaciju, posebice u razdobljima pomanjkanja brige i svijesti o važnosti očuvanja okoliša i implementacije smjernica održivog razvoja. Stoga, možemo zaključiti da su troškovi održivog razvoja obalnog područja značajno veći, u usporedbi s onima koji se reproduciraju izvan tog područja. Navedeno se odnosi na troškove koje RH, u kratkom vremenu, ne može samostalno podmiriti vlastitim financijskim instrumentima, već se mora dijelom osloniti na europske i svjetske fondove kao i na privatna ulaganja. Ukupni troškovi se mogu promatrati u okvirima sanacije zatečenog stanja, upravljanja i ulaganja. Troškovi razvoja obalnog područja po vrstama nisu specifični za područje, već je režim troškova stroži i skuplji. Zato je implementacija održivog razvoja u obalnom području RH spora i teška. Troškove načelno podnose privatni investitori, država i građani. Država nastoji ekonomskim instrumentima, internalizacijom eksternih troškova i fiskalnom politikom, stabilizirati okvir održivosti, a istovremeno ga učiniti atraktivnim za ulaganje. Modeli upravljanja u priobalnim hrvatskim županijama su različiti, nisu prilagođeni strateškom opredjeljenju prema održivom razvoju, a godišnji izvještaji upravljanja troškovima obalnog područja nisu komparabilni. Teret održivog razvoja najviše podnose građani jer posredno sudjeluju u državnim troškovima kroz proračun, a onda i neposredno kroz rast cijena i gubitke radnih mjesta. To su kratkoročne posljedice strategije održivog razvoja kad su troškovi okoliša još uvijek veći od koristi. Internalizacija vrijednosno nemjerljivih troškova metodološki još nije dostigla visok stupanj objektivnosti pa je takva šteta uglavnom podcijenjena. Potpuna objektivizacija troškova mogla bi obeshrabriti potencijalne investitore, osobito na početku implementacije nove strategije. Restrukturiranje u održivi razvoj priobalnog turizma te ulaganje u akvakulturu i plavu biotehnologiju prilika je za obalno područje RH u dugoročnom periodu. Pri tome koristi ne moraju biti isključivo vrijednosno mjerljivi.The coast is spatially the most valuable region in the Republic of Croatia. The value and attractiveness of the space for life led to the region\u27s devastation during the period when the protection of the environment and sustainable development were not very important topics. These are reasons why the costs of sustainable coastal development are higher than outside of the coastal region. The Republic of Croatia cannot pay them in the short term, but it has to resort to European and world funds and private investments. Total costs can be observed in the framework of recovery of the existing state, management, and investment. Management models in Croatian coastal counties are different, they are not adapted to the strategic commitment to sustainable development, and the annual cost management reports of the coastal area are not comparable. The coastal sustainable development cost types are not specific for the region, but the regime of costs is more rigid and expensive. The coastal sustainable development implementation is slow and difficult. Principally, the costs bear private investors, citizens, and the state. By using economic instruments, such as external costs internalization and fiscal policy, the state endeavors to stabilize the frame of sustainability and make it attractive for investments. The citizens bear a double burden, primarily when they pay the costs of the state within the budget, and secondary through growing prices and by losing jobs. These are the consequences of the sustainable development strategy in the short-term period when the costs to the environment are still higher than the benefits. The valuation of immeasurable cost is not as objective as it would be able to be, and such damage is mainly underestimated. Full objectiveness can discourage potential investors, especially at the beginning of a new strategy implementation. Restructuring the sustainable development of coastal tourism and investment in aquaculture and blue biotechnology is an opportunity for the coastal area of the Republic of Croatia in the long run. The benefit at the same time should not be exclusively measurable value

    Cruise Port Passenger Flow Analysis: a Cruise Port Governance Perspective

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    Cruise tourism as one of the most dynamic and fastest growing segments of tourism industry is shaping tourism activities. The growth rate of global cruise tourism has constantly increased over the last years and the number of cruise passengers is expected to grow worldwide. Cruising as form of leisure tourism is the most expressed in the Caribbean, followed by the Mediterranean as cruising region with increasing cruise passenger rates. The demand for cruise tourism continues to grow and cruise ports will continue to develop an interest in advancing their cruise activities. The paper elaborates on the pattern of cruise port industry with regard to cruise port model of operation governance, two basic types of port operation, namely ports without private entry in port operation and ports with private entry in port operation. Research sample are cruise ports in the Mediterranean and adjoining seas. The main indicators of passenger flows are analysed and the intensity, structure and dynamics is identified. Descriptive statistics is used to describe the basic features of the data in the study together with summaries about the sample and the measures. Along with graphics analysis, quantitative analysis of data is performed. Port governance including private entry, especially port operators, is seen as key response to global cruise industry growth, having advantage over public port governance in diverse fields of port operation. Research results indicate that cruise ports with private entry in port operation are not geographically concentrated. Cruise ports with private entry in port operation are dominating the market, but cruise ports without private entry are catching up as their growth rate is higher. At the same time cruise ports with private entry in port operation are turning to bigger sized cruise ships increasing overall efficiency per call. Findings contribute to cruising tourism theory and practice. In practical terms the contribution of this paper is the understanding of current market position of cruise ports with regard to their model of port governance, more precisely the position of ports with private entry in cruise port operation versus cruise ports without private entry in cruise port operation