4 research outputs found

    Force Field for Calculation of the Vapor-Liquid Phase Equilibrium of <i>trans-</i>Decalin

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    Based on the TraPPE force field, previously unknown values of the parameters of the intermolecular interaction potential of trans-decalin were determined. Parametrization was carried out using experimental data on saturated vapor pressure and density at atmospheric pressure. The found parameters make it possible to adequately describe the boiling and condensation lines of trans-decalin and also predict the critical values of pressure, density, and temperature with satisfactory accuracy. Calculations of vapor-liquid phase equilibrium conditions for a binary CO2—trans-decalin mixture in supercritical conditions for CO2 were carried out. When quantitatively comparing the calculated values with experimental data, an underestimation of pressure at a temperature of 345.4 K by 30% is observed, which decreases to 5% for temperatures up to 525 K

    Molecular Simulation of Pervaporation on Polyurethane Membranes

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    This article discusses a molecular simulation of membrane processes for the separation of liquid mixtures during pervaporation. A method for simulating the structure of polyurethane membranes was developed. The method was based on the known mechanisms of the formation of macromolecules from constituent monomers. For the formation of a chemical bond between the monomers, values of the parameters of the potentials of intermolecular interactions were set so that bonds were formed only between the corresponding atoms. The algorithm was validated to produce polymer films from diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) and amino ethers of boric acid (AEBA). The polymer film obtained according to the developed algorithm was used to study the adsorption of ethanol and water. The concentration distributions of the components inside the polymer film were obtained for films of various thicknesses. Modifications of the DCV-GCMD method were proposed for the molecular simulation of pervaporation. The algorithm was based on maintaining a constant density of the mixture in the control volume. After the molecules were added to the control volume, thermodynamic equilibrium was established. During this process, molecules moved only in the control volume, while the rest of the molecules were fixed. The proposed algorithm was used to calculate the flows of water and ethanol through the polymer film

    Molecular Simulation of Pervaporation on Polyurethane Membranes

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    This article discusses a molecular simulation of membrane processes for the separation of liquid mixtures during pervaporation. A method for simulating the structure of polyurethane membranes was developed. The method was based on the known mechanisms of the formation of macromolecules from constituent monomers. For the formation of a chemical bond between the monomers, values of the parameters of the potentials of intermolecular interactions were set so that bonds were formed only between the corresponding atoms. The algorithm was validated to produce polymer films from diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) and amino ethers of boric acid (AEBA). The polymer film obtained according to the developed algorithm was used to study the adsorption of ethanol and water. The concentration distributions of the components inside the polymer film were obtained for films of various thicknesses. Modifications of the DCV-GCMD method were proposed for the molecular simulation of pervaporation. The algorithm was based on maintaining a constant density of the mixture in the control volume. After the molecules were added to the control volume, thermodynamic equilibrium was established. During this process, molecules moved only in the control volume, while the rest of the molecules were fixed. The proposed algorithm was used to calculate the flows of water and ethanol through the polymer film

    Amino Ethers of Ortho-Phosphoric Acid as Extragents for Ethanol Dehydration

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    Amino ethers of ortho-phosphoric acid prepared using triethanolamine; ortho-phosphoric acid; polyoxyethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, triethylene glycol and glycerol (AEPA-DEG/TEG/Gl) were investigated as extractants for the separation of aqueous ethanol solutions by extractive distillation. Using the method of open evaporation, the influence of the molecular structure of AEPA-DEG/TEG/Gl on the conditions of vapor–liquid equilibrium in ethanol–water solutions was studied. It has been shown that the addition of AEPA-DEG/TEG/Gl removes the azeotropic point. At the same time, the observed effect turned out to be significantly higher in comparison with the use of pure glycerol or glycols for these purposes. The UNIFAC model was used to calculate the activity coefficients in a three-component ethanol–water–AEPA-DEG/TEG/Gl mixture. Within the framework of this model, a division of AEPA-DEG/TEG/Gl molecules into group components is proposed. Previously unknown parameters of the groups PO–CH, PO–CH2, PO–OCH2, PO–NHCH2, PO–OH, and PO–H2O were determined from our own and published experimental data. The concentration dependences of the density and dynamic viscosity of AEPA-Gl aqueous solutions have been experimentally measured. Experimental studies of the extractive distillation of ethanol–water using AEPA-Gl as an extractant have been carried out in a column with bubble cap plates and a packing, and its high efficiency has been established