18 research outputs found

    Masonry columns behaviour analyses due to a different mode of confinement with GFRP straps

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    The paper describes the experimental research of masonry columns behavior under the load of vertical compression. A total of thirty-four specimens were tested: three unconfined specimens and thirty-one specimens confined with GFRP straps. In addition to the load-bearing efficiency analysis of confined columns in relation to the number of the confinement layers, the intention of these tests was to determine the efficiency of spiral confinement in relation to conventional confinement. The impact of the existing compressive stress in a column during confinement to the final increased load-bearing capacity of the confined column was also studied.. The test results have shown that all of the confined specimens have a greater load-bearing capacity and ductility than the unconfined specimens. The results of spiral confinement were almost identical to the results of conventional confinement, which is vital considering that spiral confinement is easier to perform. The results of the test lead to the conclusion that the presence of compressive stress in a column during confinement does not significantly reduce confinement efficiency. This makes it possible to effectively increase the bearing capacity of masonry columns without the need to previously unload the structure, while the structure is in service. The paper also provides expressions for the estimated increase in the compressive strength of confined columns that well correspond to the testing results

    Operative complications and results of the "SPARC" procedure for stress urinary incontinence [Operativne komplikacije i ishod metode SPARC u liječenju statičke inkontinencije mokraće]

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    The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy and operative complications of the suprapubic arc (SPARC) procedure in stress incontinent women with and without previous anti-incontinence surgery. One-hundred and twenty-one patients with stress urinary incontinence (SUI) were treated with SPARC for correction of urethral hypermobility (N = 65) and intrinsic sphincter deficiency (N = 56) between August 2002 and February 2007. The long-term surgical results, operative complications (bladder injury, retropubic hematoma, de novo urgency and urinary infection) and patients' satisfaction were assessed. The overall complication rate was 9.9% (12/121). The perioperative complication rate was 1.7% including 2 urinary bladder injuries. Significant difference in the overall complications rate was detected between women with and without previous surgery (23/45, 51.1% vs. 6/108, 5.5%, chi2 = 49.89, P < 0.001). The overall postoperative complication rate was 8.3% (10/121) including 4 de novo urgencies, 4 urinary infections and 2 retropubic hematomas. There were 3 patients with postoperative urinary retention managed conservatively, without voiding difficulties on control visits. The objective cure rate after the follow-up was 86.8% (105/121). In patients with SUI and without preceding vaginal operations SPARC is a good method with low incidence of perioperative complications, promising long-term results and high patient satisfaction

    New approach to ensuring durability of structures

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    U ovom se radu analiziraju odredbe novih hrvatskih propisa za betonske, zidane, drvene i čelične konstrukcije te spregnute konstrukcije od čelika i betona koje se odnose na zahtjeve u pogledu ostvarenja svojstva trajnosti i zahtijevanih dokaza. Objašnjavaju se glavna načela usvojenog dokaza i proračuna trajnosti te daju preporuke za primjenu propisanih i drugih razvijenih modela s isticanjem mogućnosti dorada u budućnosti, osobito u pogledu propisa za održavanje konstrukcija.The authors analyze provisions of new Croatian regulations for concrete, masonry, wooden and steel structures, and steel-concrete composite structures, and this in the light of requirements for achieving and proving durability. Main principles adopted in durability analysis and durability proving are explained, and recommendations are given for the use of specified and other models, with an emphasis on possible improvements in the future, especially with regard to regulations on structural maintenance

    Analysis of stress-ribbon bridges

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    Prikazuje se postupak proračuna prednapetih provješenih mostova s ciljem postizanja zahtijevane geometrije rasponskog sklopa pod djelovanjem vlastite težine prema uvjetu uporabljivosti pješačkih mostova. Optimizira se potreban broj nosivih natega za montažu mosta i dodatnih natega za naknadno prednapinjanje. Rezultat toga je definiranje postupka montaže kojim je određena potrebna duljina natega, njihov oblik i sila na mjestu sidrenja pod djelovanjem njihove vlastite težine.The analysis of stress-ribbon bridges, aiming at attaining the required bridge superstructure geometry under dead weight action, based on the serviceability criteria for footbridges, is presented. The required number of tendons for the construction of the bridge and the number of additional tendons needed for post-tensioning, is optimized. The final result is the choice of the appropriate construction procedure, which defines the required tendon lengths, tendon shapes, and the prestressing force at the anchoring point under the action of their self-weight


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    U 2003. godini je intrauterino transportirano 195 djece pretežno niske, vrlo niske i ekstremno niske porodne težine. Fetalni i rani neonatalni te perinatalni mortalitet je najviši u djece 500–999 g, niži i sličan je u djece 1000–1499 te 1500–1999 g, a najniži u djece >2000 g. Mortalitet izrazito ovisi o dobi trudnoće te vremenu proteklom od primitka u ustanovu do poroda. Najniži je u trudnoćama nakon 28. tjedna te ako je porod nastupio barem tri dana od primitka u bolnicu.In the year 2003 are »in utero« to the Department transferred 195 infants, predominantly of low, very low and extremely low birth-weight. Fetal, early neonatal and perinatal mortality are the highest in newborns 500–999 grams, lower and alike in newborns of 1000–1499 and 1500–1999 grams, the lowest in newborns over 2000 grams. The mortality exceedingly depends upon a gestational age and a time between hospital acceptance and delivery. The mortality is markedly¬ lower at gestational over 28 weeks and when the period of acceptance to birth is at least three days

    Overpass condition on older Croatian motorway sections

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati provedenog opsežnog istraživanja stanja nadvožnjaka nad starijim dionicama hrvatskih autocesta. Kao cilj istraživanja navodi se određivanje utjecaja karakteristika pojedinih sustava nadvožnjaka na njihovu trajnost. Svi pregledani nadvožnjaci sustavno su razvrstani po tipovima. Istaknute su neke od smjernica za projektiranje, izvođenje i održavanje nadvožnjaka koje su potvrđene ili proizlaze iz rezultata provedenih vizualnih pregleda nadvožnjaka.Results obtained by extensive study of the condition of overpasses situated on older Croatian motorway sections are presented. The main objective of the study was to determine the way in which individual systems of these overpasses influence their overall stability. All overpasses subjected to the inspection have been systematically classified by type. Some guidelines for the design, realization and maintenance of overpasses, either confirmed by or arising from results obtained by visual inspection of overpasses, are also presented

    Rječina bridge on the southern pavement of the Rijeka Bypass UDK 624.6.001.7:69.009.182

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    Na južnom kolniku riječke obilaznice uz postojeći most sagrađen 1984. godine, upravo je dorvršen novi. Projektna dokumentacija za oba mosta izrađena je sedamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća, ali je gradnja južnog kolnika odgođena. Novim projektom prilagođen je prvobitni projekt suvremenim zahtjevima nosivosti u uporabljivosti. Znatno uvećana prometna i seizmička djelovanja uzrokuju povećanje dimenzija poprečnih presjeka, a time je i povećanje utroška materijala u odnosu na prvi projekt.A new bridge is currently under construction on the south pavement of the Rijeka Bypass, next to the existing bridge built in 1984. The design documentation for both bridges was prepared already in 1970s, but the construction of the southern pavement was postponed. In the new design, the initial design requirements have been adjusted to the modern requirements regarding load-bearing capacity in operation. The increased traffic and seismic actions call for an increase in the size of cross sections, which in turn results in greater consumption of materials when compared to the initial design

    Operative Complications and Results of the »Sparc« Procedure for Stress Urinary Incontinence

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    The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy and operative complications of the suprapubic arc (SPARC) procedure in stress incontinent women with and without previous anti-incontinence surgery. One-hundred and twenty-one patients with stress urinary incontinence (SUI) were treated with SPARC for correction of urethral hypermobility (N=65) and intrinsic sphincter deficiency (N=56) between August 2002 and February 2007. The long-term surgical results, operative complications (bladder injury, retropubic hematoma, de novo urgency and urinary infection) and patients’ satisfaction were assessed. The overall complication rate was 9.9% (12/121). The perioperative complication rate was 1.7% including 2 urinary bladder injuries. Significant difference in the overall complications rate was detected between women with and without previous surgery (23/45, 51.1% vs. 6/108, 5.5%, c2=49.89, P<0.001). The overall postoperative complication rate was 8.3% (10/121) including 4 de novo urgencies, 4 urinary infections and 2 retropubic hematomas. There were 3 patients with postoperative urinary retention managed conservatively, without voiding difficulties on control visits. The objective cure rate after the follow-up was 86.8% (105/121). In patients with SUI and without preceding vaginal operations SPARC is a good method with low incidence of perioperative complications, promising long-term results and high patient satisfaction