178 research outputs found

    The finite coarse shape - inverse systems approach and intrinsic approach

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    Given an arbitrary category (mathcal{C}), a category (pro^{*^f})-(mathcal{C}) is constructed such that the known (pro)-(mathcal{C}) category may be considered as a subcategory of (pro^{*^f})-(mathcal{C}) and that (pro^{*^f})-(mathcal{C}) may be considered as a subcategory of (pro^*)-(mathcal{C}). Analogously to the construction of the shape category (Sh_{(mathcal{C},mathcal{D})}) and the coarse category (Sh^*_{(mathcal{C},mathcal{D})}), an (abstract) finite coarse shape category (Sh^{*^f}_{(mathcal{C},mathcal{D})}) is obtained. Between these three categories appropriate faithful functors are defined. The finite coarse shape is also defined by an intrinsic approach using the notion of the (epsilon)-continuity. The isomorphism of the finite coarse shape categories obtained by these two approaches is constructed. Besides, an overview of some basic properties related to the notion of the (epsilon)-continuity is given

    Projekt sustava klimatizacije i hlađenja restorana

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    U ovom radu prikazano je projektno rješenje sustava grijanja, hlađenja i ventilacije za rekonstrukciju restorana „Hajdučke Vrleti“. Restoran se nalazi u sklopu Motela „Hajdučke Vrleti“ na području grada Splita. Restoran se sastoji od dijela restorana u kojemo se objeduje, dva separea namjenjena za pušače, dva WC-a, kuhinje te prostora za ostavu. Za restoran, dva separea i kuhinju potrebno je predvidjeti sustav hlađenja i ventilaciju kao i za sanitarne prostorije. Cijeli motel ima instalirano toplovodno grijanje s radijatorima kao ogrijevnim tijelima. Kao izvor toplinske energije koristi se kotao na pelet. Temperaturni režim grijanja je 80/60°C. Za restoran je potrebno proračunati radijatorsko grijanje. Za potrebe ventilacije i hlađenja predviđen je centralni jednokanalni zračni sustav s promjenjivim protokom zraka s VAV (Varijable Air Volume) regulacijskim ventilima. Sustav povrata topline klimatizacijske jedinice predviđen je s pločastim rekuperatorom. U svrhu ventilacije sanitarnih prostora koristi se lokalna odsisna ventilacija, a u kuhinji postojeće odsisne nape. U prilogu se nalaze tablice s proračunima, rezultatima, crteži koji prikazuju raspored opreme te shemu instalacije grijanja, hlađenja, ventilacije kao i prikaz automatske regulacije


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    This collection includes all important documents from the First Congress of Croatian Cultural Workers, which was held in the town of Topusko in the liberated territory of Croatia, June 25-27, 1944. The main purpose of the publication is to bring together conveniently all relevant documents which indicate the work of the Congress and its broader significance. Most of the documents have not been previously published. They are kept in the archives of the Institute for the History of the Workers\u27 Movement in Croatia, in Zagreb.B этoм cбopникe пpeдcтaвлeны вce знaчитeлъныe дoкумeнты o дeятeльнocт и Пepвoгo кoнгpecca paбoтникoв культуpы Хopвaтии, кoтopый cocтoялcя в гopoдкe Toпуcкo нa ocлoбoждeннoй тepгитopии Хopвaтии 25-27-гo июия 1944 гoдa. Глaлнaя цeль cбopникa: cocpeдoтoчить в oднoм мecтe вcю peлeвaнтную дoкумeнтaцию o paбoтe Koнгpecca и o eгo знaчeнии в щиpoкoм cмыcлe. Бoльшeнcтвo этих дoкумeнтoв дo ceгo вpeмeни нe публикoвaлocь, oни нaхoдятcя нa хpaнeнии в apхивe Инcтитутa изучeния paбoчeгo движeния Хopвaтии в Зapгeбe. B oбъявлeннoм нa пepвoм мecтe, кopoткoм ввeдeнии peчь идeт пpeждe вceгo o мнoгoгpaннocти культуpы и худoжecтвeннoй дeятeлънocти в пepиoд нapoднo-ocвoбoдитeлънoй бopьбы нa тeppитopии Хopвaтии, a тaкжe o знaчитeлънocти пpoцecca пpиближeния интeллигeнции Хopвaтии нapoднo-ocвoбoдитeлънoй бopьбe. И нaкoнeц oбъявлeн хpoнoлoгичecкий пopядoк пoдгoтoвки и paбoты Koнгpecca. Дoкумeнты квaлифициpoвaны в двe ocнoвныe гpуппы. B пepвoй гpуппe coбpaны дoкумeнты гoвopящиe o пoдгoтoвкe Koнгpecca a вo втopoй – мaтepиaлы, oтнocящиecя нeпocpeдcтвeннo к paбoтe Koнгpecca. B этoй гpуппe oбъявлeн пpoтoкoл зaceдaний Koнгpecca в cтeнoгpaфичecкй зaпиcи, a тaкжe дecять peфepaтoв (вcтуцитeлънaя peчь, peфepaт o литepaтуpe, публициcтикe, тeaтpe, o кpecтьянaх-пиcaтeлях и худoжникaх, o изoбpaзитeльнoм иcкуccтвe, музыкe, нaукe, apхитeктуpe), cюдa жe включeны Maнифecт кoнгpecca и культуpнo-xудoжecтвeннaя пpoгpaммa в тeчeнни Koнгpecca. B зaключeнии дaн cпиcoк учacтникoв Koнгpecca и кopoткий укaзaтeль литepaтуpы o ниx

    ON THE OCCASION OF AN ANNIVERSARY New documents about events of July 27, 1941 in Srb

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    Tri dokumenta, koji se ovdje objavljuju, unose više svjetla u razumijevanje događaja 27. srpnja 1941. u općinskom mjestu Srbu u Lici. Riječ je o svjedočenju sudionika i očevidaca tih događaja, koji su kao predstavnici organa Nezavisne Države Hrvatske, došli u sukob s domaćim ustanicima Što su se spomenutoga dana pobunili protiv ustaškog režima i NDH. Poznato je da su ti događaji od 1945. do1990. simbolično označivali početak partizanske antifašističke borbe i obilježavali se kao Dan ustanka naroda Hrvatske.The author presents three documents in connection with events of July 27, 1941 in Srb, the Province of Lika. They represent testimony of government representatives of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH), who were eye witnesses and participants in the events. They were confronted by Serb uprisers, who began a rebellion that day against the Ustasha regime of NDH. This event marked in postwar Yugoslavia the beginning of Partisan uprising and antifascist struggle; it was designated as »the day of general people\u27s uprising in Croatia«, and was celebrated as a »popular holiday«. Historical research could not avoid the fact that it was a complex historical event. Only Serb population participated in the rebellion, their uprising is pointed toward Croats and Muslims, and it was partially used as vengeance against the terror of the Ustasha regime over Serbs. Thus, this event could only have a limited anti-fascist character, insofar as communists participated in it and directed it to serve the interests of the Communist Party. For this reason, Communists soon had to contend with extreme Serb nationalists (Chetniks), who wanted to take leadership positions in the uprising. Documents which are published here bring more light to the understanding of this event from the point of view of »other side«, which it was directed against. The statements of NDH police clearly point out ideological and political divisions among uprisers. On the occasion of its anniversary in 1991, this event was more critically examined and more objectively appraised. its symbolic meaning is assigned to a new date, June 22; on this day in 1941, communists and antifascists of Sisak formed first Partisan unit in Croatia and Yugoslavia. The Sabor of the Republic of Croatia passed a law, which designates June 22 as the day of anti-fascist struggle

    Krčki zbornik

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