39 research outputs found

    Particleā€™s Trajectory ā€“ Implementation in Maritime Traffic

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    The paper addresses the application of the mathematical definition of a particleā€™s trajectory in maritime traffic. After the introductory definition of the concept of a particleā€™s trajectory, it goes on to provide a definition of the concept necessary for the understanding of the issues in question: the concept of the manoeuverability. Next, an example is given which defines the concept of a wave particleā€™s trajectory and the method of ship manoeuvring along a trajectory. Finally, there is a definition of the trajectory error and the method how to calculate it. There is also following the description of block scheme which depicts the way of steering a ship along a given trajectory with corresponding transfer functions. At the end, there is a conclusion

    Diagnostic Approach for Precancerous and Early Invasive Cancerous Lesions of the Uterine Cervix

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    Invasive cervical cancer is second most common female cancer worldwide with about 493 000 new cases per year. About 273 000 women die from cervical cancer each year, 85% of which take place in developing countries. Cervical cancer has a slow progress, from pre-invasive cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) to invasive phases, meaning that the disease can be diagnosed while in the phase of pre-invasive lesion, and treated successfully thanks to the regular screening of asymptomatic women (the Pap smear). The authors review new possibilities of early detection of cervical cancer with emphasis on colposcopy. The role of colposcopy is discussed among possibilities of early diagnosis. The authors discuss additional diagnostic procedures for preinvasive lesions of the uterine cervix like DNA cytometry, (flow cytometry). This method can point to dysplasia which can progress to severe stages, such as HSIL (High grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion). If the level of chromosomal disturbance is higher (aneuploidy), it is more probable that HSIL will develop. Laser screening of cells extracted with modern cytologic screening LBC (Liquid Base Cytology) enables us to automatically measure ploidy (chromosome regularity, or irregularity) and PCR provides analysis of HPV types. These methods are recommended for a routine check-up of borderline cervical lesions in order to anticipate ones likely to regress or progress


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    U radu se razmatraju glavne odrednice koje su oblikovale kako ideju, tako i tehnička sredstva komuniciranja i publiciranja različitih sadržaja putem Interneta. U tom kontekstu prikazana je putem prikladnih metodologija evolucija info resursa na Internet komunikacijskom prostoru, uz eksplikaciju evolucije na hrvatskim prostorima kroz CARNet sustav. No, također je ukazano na prekretnicu koja je u razvoju mrežnog komuniciranja i publiciranja nastal a zahvaljujći pojavi integriranih mrežnih informacijskih servisa, a posebno World Wide Weba, servisa zasnovanog na primjeni hiperteksta , a data su i praksoloÅ”ka istraživanja tih primjena u Hrvatskoj. Temeljem istraženih gibanja i tendencija izvedena je i procjena da će spomenuti trend integracije biti u budućnosti dominantno obilježje razvoja mrežnog komuniciranja i publiciranja, pa stoga, tim komunikacijskim i publikacijskim procesima moramo dati posebnu pozornost u budućem razvoju hrvatskog gospodarskog i druÅ”tvenog bitka.The main determinations which formed ideas and technical means of communicationing and publicationing of different subjects through lnternet are considered in this paper. The evolution of info resources on Internet communications is showed by using appropriate methods, with explication of evolution of CARNet system in Croatia. The attention is also paid to the turning-over of the development of network communicationing and publicationing which began after the integrated network systems, especially WWW, the service based on hypertext. Practical applications of those research in Croatia are also given. Based on the tendention it is showed that the trend of integration will be a dominant characteristic of development of communicationing and publicationing in the future, so we must pay special attention to those processes n further Croatian economy development


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    U radu se opisuje koncepcija modela info funkcije s aspekta njene primjene u okviru jednog složenog agroorganizacijskog sustava. Također, rad ima zadatak objasniti funkcijsku svezu različitih organizacijskih info oblika kroz homogenost info funkcije unutar složenog agroorganizacijskog sustava, kao i sveze te funkcije sa drugim funkcijama. Stoga, želimo li u daljnjem razvoju hrvatskog agrara implementirati info funkciju, nužno smo upućeni na suvremena info tehnoloÅ”ka rijeÅ”enja. Nadalje, u radu se na hipotetičan način iznosi model info funkcije unutar jednog složenog agroorganizacijskog sustava.This paper deals with the model info function from the point of view of their application in frame of complex agroorganizational system. Furthermore, the paper aspires to explain the functional relationship of different organizational info forms through homogenize info function into of complex agroorganizational systems. So, if the Croatian agriculture development wants to implementation the info function, we obviously need to modern sole info technology. The paper also deals in a hipotetic way with the information function a the model info function within one complex agroorganizational systems


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    Sljedeći članak ukazuje na ključne dijelove presude ā€žLjubićā€œ i opisuje njezin meritum i značenje. Kao takav može poslužiti kao pomoć u dizajniranju novog izbornog zakona. Ukratko, u Presudi se jasno kaže da: 1) Postojeći Izborni zakon krÅ”i prava konstitutivnih naroda da biraju svoje legitimne predstavnike, kao Å”to je zajamčeno u Ustavu BiH, jer Izborni zakon omogućuje da predstavnici pojedinog konstitutivnog naroda u Domu naroda FBiH mogu biti izabrani čak i ako nisu legitimni predstavnici tog konstitutivnog naroda. 2) Pravo svih konstitutivnih naroda da sami biraju svoje legitimne predstavnike također vrijedi i za sva ostala tijela vlasti čija je zadaća zastupanje i zaÅ”tita prava konstitutivnih naroda, uključujući i Dom Naroda PS BiH i tročlano PredsjedniÅ”tvo BiH. 3) Članovi jednog konstitutivnog naroda moraju biti u mogućnosti sami birati svoje legitimne predstavnike, bez utjecaja pripadnika druga dva konstitutivna naroda. 4) Jedan glas unutar svake izborne jedinice (u slučaju Doma naroda Parlamenta Federacije BiH - unutar svakog od tri konstitutivna naroda i unutar grupe Ostalih) treba biti u potpunosti jednako vrijedan.The following article highlights the key parts of the Ljubić case and describes its merits and meaning. It can be a guide design a new electoral code. In sum, the ruling makes clear that: 1) The current election law violates the rights of the Constituent Peoples to elect their legitimate representatives, as enshrined in BiHā€™s Constitution, as the current election law has created a system that enabled for the representatives of the Constituent Peoples to the Federation House of the Peoples to be elected without being the legitimate representatives of the Constituent People. 2) The right of the Constituent People to elect their legitimate representatives also applies to all other state institutions that were designed to protect the rights of the Constituent People, including the House of Peoples of BiH and the three-member Presidency of BiH. 3) Members of one Constituent Peoples must be able to elect their legitimate representatives by themselves, without any interference by the members of the other two Constituent Peoples. 4) One vote within each of the electoral units (in the case of the House of Peoples of the Parliament of the FBiH, within each of the three constituent peoples and the Others) must have equal value

    Cytologic Follow-up in Patients with CIN Treated by LLETZ, Cold Knife Conization and Semmā€™s Cold Coagulation

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    Management of cervical premalignant lesions starts with abnormal Pap smear. Regular screening of asymptomatic women (the Pap smear) allows us to diagnose and treat preinvasive lesions before they progress to cervical cancer. There is a wide variety of ablative and destructive methods used in treatment of cervical premalignant lesions. In this study we have compared follow-up cytology results in patient groups treated by LLETZ (Large Loop Excision of the Transformation Zone), Cold Knife Conization (CKC) and Semmā€™s cold coagulation (Electrocoagulation, ECG) according to CIN on target biopsy specimen, and definite therapeutic approach according to patient age, parity and lesion grading. The aim was to evaluate therapeutic success in all three patient groups on the basis of control cytology findings. Normal cytology findings after treatment were recorded in 43 women in LLETZ group (88%), 22 women in CKC group (73%) and in 22 women from the Semmā€™s cold coagulation group (73%). The importance of the use of diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines and regular follow up is emphasized, bearing in mind primarily the young female population with severe preinvasive lesions of uterine cervix. Treating cervical preinvasive lesions offers an excellent opportunity to prevent the occurrence of cervical cancer in the large majority of women with abnormal cervical smears