326 research outputs found

    General coupled semirings of residuated lattices

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    Di Nola and Gerla showed that MV-algebras and coupled semirings are in a natural one-to-one correspondence. We generalize this correspondence to residuated lattices satisfying the double negation law

    Coupled right orthosemirings induced by orthomodular lattices

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    L. P. Belluce, A. Di Nola and B. Gerla established a connection between MV-algebras and (dually) lattice ordered semirings by means of so-called coupled semirings. A similar connection was found for basic algebras and semilattice ordered right near semirings by the authors. The aim of this paper is to derive an analogous connection for orthomodular lattices and certain semilattice ordered near semirings via so-called coupled right orthosemirings

    Transition operators assigned to physical systems

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    By a physical system we recognize a set of propositions about a given system with their truth-values depending on the states of the system. Since every physical system can go from one state in another one, there exists a binary relation on the set of states describing this transition. Our aim is to assign to every such system an operator on the set of propositions which is fully determined by the mentioned relation. We establish conditions under which the given relation can be recovered by means of this transition operator

    When does a semiring become a residuated lattice?

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    It is an easy observation that every residuated lattice is in fact a semiring because multiplication distributes over join and the other axioms of a semiring are satisfied trivially. This semiring is commutative, idempotent and simple. The natural question arises if the converse assertion is also true. We show that the conversion is possible provided the given semiring is, moreover, completely distributive. We characterize semirings associated to complete residuated lattices satisfying the double negation law where the assumption of complete distributivity can be omitted. A similar result is obtained for idempotent residuated lattices

    Set Representation of Dynamic De Morgan algebras

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    By a De Morgan algebra is meant a bounded poset equipped with an antitone involution considered as negation. Such an algebra can be considered as an algebraic axiomatization of a propositional logic satisfying the double negation law. Our aim is to introduce the so-called tense operators in every De Morgan algebra for to get an algebraic counterpart of a tense logic with negation satisfying the double negation law which need not be Boolean. Following the standard construction of tense operators GG and HH by a frame we solve the following question: if a dynamic De Morgan algebra is given, how to find a frame such that its tense operators GG and HH can be reached by this construction.Comment: 7 page

    Residuated Relational Systems

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    The aim of the present paper is to generalize the concept of residuated poset, by replacing the usual partial ordering by a generic binary relation, giving rise to relational systems which are residuated. In particular, we modify the definition of adjointness in such a way that the ordering relation can be harmlessly replaced by a binary relation. By enriching such binary relation with additional properties we get interesting properties of residuated relational systems which are analogical to those of residuated posets and lattices.Comment: 15 pages, pre-print version of a paper on Asian-European Journal of Mathematic

    Dynamic logic assigned to automata

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    A dynamic logic B{\mathbf B} can be assigned to every automaton A{\mathcal A} without regard if A{\mathcal A} is deterministic or nondeterministic. This logic enables us to formulate observations on A{\mathcal A} in the form of composed propositions and, due to a transition functor TT, it captures the dynamic behaviour of A{\mathcal A}. There are formulated conditions under which the automaton A{\mathcal A} can be recovered by means of B{\mathbf B} and TT.Comment: 12 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1510.0297

    Involutive right-residuated l-groupoids

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    A common generalization of orthomodular lattices and residuated lattices is provided corresponding to bounded lattices with an involution and sectionally extensive mappings. It turns out that such a generalization can be based on integral right-residuated l-groupoids. This general framework is applied to MV-algebras,orthomodular lattices, Nelson algebras, basic algebras and Heyting algebras.Comment: 22 page

    Residuation in non-associative MV-algebras

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    It is well known that every MV-algebra can be converted into a residuated lattice satisfying divisibility and the double negation law. In our previous papers we introduced the concept of an NMV-algebra which is a non-associative modification of an MV-algebra. The natural question arises if an NMV-algebra can be converted into a residuated structure, too. Contrary to MV-algebras, NMV-algebras are not based on lattices but only on directed posets and the binary operation need not be associative and hence we cannot expect to obtain a residuated lattice but only an essentially weaker structure called a conditionally residuated poset. Considering several additional natural conditions we show that every NMV-algebra can be converted in such a structure. Also conversely, every such structure can be organized into an NMV-algebra. Further, we study a bit more stronger version of an algebra where the binary operation is even monotonous. We show that such an algebra can be organized into a residuated poset and, conversely, every residuated poset can be converted in this structure

    On a variety of commutative multiplicatively idempotent semirings

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    We prove that the variety V of commutative multiplicatively idempotent semirings satisfying x + y + xyz = x + y is generated by single semirings. Moreover, we describe a normal form system for terms in V and we show that the word problem in V is solvable. Although V is locally finite, it is residually big
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