38 research outputs found
Analiza sidrenja poluuronjive platforme Scarabeo 7
U ovom su radu prikazani rezultati analize sidrenja poluuronjive platforme Scarabeo 7 prema pravilima dvaju klasifi kacijskih druŔtava, American Petroleum Institute (API) i Det Norske Veritas
(DNV). Pravila tih dvaju klasifi kacijskih druÅ”tava najÄeÅ”Äe se koriste za analizu sidrenja, pa je cilj rada bila usporedba rezultata analize sidrenja prema API i DNV kriterijima. Prigodom sidrenja objekta morske tehnike moraju se zadovoljiti dva osnovna kriterija: maksimalni pomak objekta koji je ograniÄen kako bi se izbjeglo oÅ”teÄenje ili pucanje podmorskoga podizaÄa i maksimalna
napetost u sidrenoj liniji koja je odreÄena faktorom sigurnosti i silom pri kojoj Äe doÄi do pucanja linije, a koju defi nira proizvoÄaÄ.
Analiza sidrenja za operativno stanje pokazala je da zadani sidreni sustav u potpunosti zadovoljava kriterije pri ekstremnim vremenskim uvjetima (vjetar, valovi i morske struje) za jednogodiÅ”nje povratno razdoblje. Za sluÄaj neoperativnoga stanja, kad je podmorski podizaÄ joÅ” uvijek priÄvrÅ”Äen za uÅ”Äe buÅ”otine, analizom je ustanovljeno da sidreni sustav zadovoljava kriterije za vremenske uvjete desetogodiÅ”njega povratnog razdoblja umanjene za maksimalno 20 posto u analizi prema API pravilima i maksimalno 25 posto u analizi prema DNV pravilima. Tako dobiveni rezultati koji su dobiveni analizom zadovoljili su sve uvjete, tj. maksimalne dopuÅ”tene pomake i Äimbenike sigurnosti
Dermatomyositis as paraneoplastic syndrome of peritoneal and ovarian relapse after long-term complete remission in patient with metastatic bilateral breast cancer [Dermatomiozitis kao paraneoplastiÄki sindrom peritonealnog i ovarijalnog relapsa nakon dugog perioda potpune remisije u bolesnice s metastatskim bilateralnim rakom dojke]
Dermatomyositis is a rare disease characterised by inflammatory muscle affection and characteristic cutaneous changes. When occuring in a patient with cancer, dermatomyositis may indicate recurrence or progression and poor outcome. Herein, the treatment of metastatic breast cancer, metastatic pattern, characteristics of long-term survivors, and link between dermatomyositis and breast cancer are discussed and the literature reviewed. We report a 57-year old female patient with metastatic bilateral breast cancer whose ovarian and peritoneal relapse after long-term remission was disclosed by occurence of paraneoplastic dermatomyositis. The patient previously had a 15-year long disease free-period after primary treatment for breast cancer before onset of pulmonary dissemination. Following antracycline-based chemotherapy, the complete remission lasting another 15 years was accomplished. Dermatomyositis had been resolved upon induction of second-line taxane-based chemotherapy. After completion of six cycles of gemcitabine and paclitaxel chemotherapy, check-up revealed further progression. The patient subsequently underwent six cycles of third-line CAP chemotherapy (cyclofosfamide, doxorubicine, cisplatin) but disease progressed and oral capecitabine chemotherapy was initiated. The patient received four cycles of capecitabine followed by further vast progression and finally expired following massive pulmonary embolism. Our case stresses the need of thorough staging and check-up when dermatomyositis arises in patients with breast cancer, regardless of previous stable long-term complete remission. Furthermore, we believe that treatment with curative intent in young patients with metastatic breast cancer, who have good performance statuses and no comorbidities is required, because it is more likely to produce long-term complete remission. However, following disease relapse a poor outcome can be expected
Analiziran je perinatalni ishod 433 poroda i 636
novoroÄenÄadi nakon izvantjelesne oplodnje i transfera
embrija (IVF-ET) u Klinici za ženske bolesti i porode
KBC-a u Zagrebu u razdoblju od 2000. do 2003.
godine. Rezultati su usporeÄeni s podatcima o 20 468
ostale djece roÄene u istom razdoblju. Od IVF-ET
trudnoÄa bilo je 40,19% viÅ”eplodnih, od toga 29,06% s
dvojcima, 8,96% s trojcima i 2,42% s Äetvorcima. Od
ostalih trudnoÄa bilo je 310 (1,52%) viÅ”eplodnih, gotovo
samo dvojci, te 3 trudnoÄe (0,01%) s trojcima.
UsporeÄujuÄi trudnoÄe i novoroÄenÄad nakon IVF-ET
s onim ostalim, naÄeno je: mrtvoroÄenih 4,41% :
1,26%, SC 72,64% : 11,41%; porod < 37 tjedana
49,85% : 11,37%; djeca niske težine 40,88% : 5,8%;
vrlo niske težine 12,42% : 1,42%; ekstremno niske
težine 4,25% : 1,03%. U jednoplodne novoroÄenÄadi
nakon IVF-ET nisu naÄene razlike u odnosu na ostale
jednoplodne trudnoÄe, ali su naÄene izrazite razlike
perinatalnog ishoda u blizanaÄkim trudnoÄama. Bilo je
356 blizanaÄkih trudnoÄa nakon IVF-ET i 280 spontano
zaÄetih blizanaÄkih trudnoÄa. MeÄu njima su naÄene
razlike perinatalnog ishoda: FM je nakon IVF-ET bio
66,7ā°, prema 14,5ā° u ostalim viÅ”eplodnim trudnoÄama;
RNM 25,0ā° : 39,0ā°; PNM 92,0ā° : 53,0ā°.
U 111 trojaka FM nakon IVF-ET bio je 72,0ā°, RNM
36,0ā° i PNM 108,0ā°; u ostalih 9 trojaka iz tri
trudnoÄe nije bilo mortaliteta. Svi su trojci, i oni iz
IVF-ET postupka i oni āostaliā, roÄeni SC-om. Bile su
4 Äetveroplodne trudnoÄe, sa 16 plodova, sve iz IVF-ET
programa, sva su djeca roÄena prije 37 tjedana, SC-om,
FM je bio 125,0ā°, RNM 187,0ā° i PNM 312,0ā°.
Velikih malformacija je u djece roÄene nakon IVF-ET
bilo 3,77%, u āostalihā 1,67%. Autori su potvrdili veÄu
ugroženost djece nakon IVF-ET postupka, Ŕto je uzrokovano
veÄom uÄestaloÅ”Äu viÅ”eplodnih trudnoÄa,
novoroÄenÄadi < 37 tjedana, djece < 2500 grama.
TrudnoÄe nakon IVF-ET su visokoriziÄne i zahtijevaju
poseban nadzor i pozornost.The pernatal outcome of 433 deliveries and 643 newborns,
conceived following IVF-ET procedure at a Dep.
of Obst. And Gyn. Of Clinical Medical Centre Zagreb
in the period 2000-2003 is analyzed. The results are
compared to the outcome of 20468 other infants born
infants in the same period. The 40,19% of IVF-Et pregnancies
were multifetal, among them 29,06 with twins,
8,96 with triplets and 2,42% with quadruplets. Among
other 20468 deliveries 310 (1,52%) were multifetal,
almost exclusvely twins and only 3 pregnancies with
triplets. When correlating the IVF-ET pregnacies and
newborns to all others it was established: stillbirth
4,41% versus 1,26%; SC 72,46 vs 11,41% ; delivery <
37 weeks 49,85% vs 11,37; infants LBW 40,88% vs
1,42% ; ELBW infants 4,25% vs 1,03%. In singletons
following IVF-ET no difference in relation to spontaneus
concevid, whereas well-defined differences in mutiple
pregnacies between IVF-ET and spontaneus concevide
twins were found: FM in IVF-ET was 66,7 ā° vs
14,5 ā°, ENM 25,0ā° vs 30,0ā°; PM 92,0ā° vs 53,0
ā°. In 111 triplets following IVF-ET fetal mortality
StruÄni rad Medicina 2007;43:270-278
Professional paper UDK: 618.177-089.888.111:618.2/4
was 72,0ā°, ENM 36,0 ā°, and PM 108,0ā°. Gross
malformations in the total IVF-ET group were 3,77%
vs 1,67% in othere pregnacies. The authors have confirmed
the higher risk of IVF-ET pregnacies, that is
caused by higher rate of mutiple pregnacies, of newborns
< 37 w., infants < 2500 g. The pregnacies following
IVF-ET are high risk pregnancies, they claim for
special attention and perinatal care
Koncentracija uree u kozjem mlijeku: važnost odreÄivanja i Äimbenici varijabilnost
The optimal concentration of urea in cow\u27s milk is known and is often used to assess the balance of energy and protein in diets. While in goat (and sheep) milk it is not controled nor defined. Main determinants of urea formation in milk are the amount of crude protein intake and the ratio betwwen protein and energy proportion in diet. Goat diet with excessive amount of crude protein and energy unbalanced diet cause the excess of nitrogenous substances in rumen along with release of ammonia and rise in concentration of urea in blood and milk, which adversely affects the production, milk coagulation propreties, environmental pollution and reproductive capabilities of goats. However, besides diet, there are other factors that influence milk urea concentration: breed, stage of lactation, parity, season, body mass, litter size, production and chemical composition of milk. Numerous studies conducted on cow milk included the influence of sources of variability listed above, while there are only few studies available for goat milk due to its less economic importance, seasonal polyesterity and different way of breeding and keeping goats. The aim of this paper is to comparatively and critically combine the previous research results on the importance of determining the milk urea concentration as well as on individual sources of variability of urea concentration in goat milk.Optimalna koncentracija ureje u kravljem mlijeku je poznata i Äesto se koristi za procjenu izbalansiranosti obroka energijom i proteinima, dok u kozjem (i ovÄjem) mlijeku joÅ” uvijek nije definirana. Glavne odrednice stvaranja ureje u mlijeku jesu koliÄina sirovih proteina u obroku i omjer proteinskog i energetskog dijela obroka. Hranidba koza s prekomjernom koliÄinom sirovih proteina i energetski neuravnotežena hranidba uzrokuje viÅ”ak duÅ”iÄnih tvari u buragu, uz oslobaÄanje amonijaka i porast koncentracije ureje u krvi i mlijeku, Å”to može nepovoljno utjecati na proizvodnju, koagulacijske osobine mlijeka, zagaÄenje okoliÅ”a i reproduktivne odlike koza. MeÄutim, osim hranidbe, postoje i drugi Äimbenici koncentracije ureje u mlijeku: pasmina, stadij i redoslijed laktacije, vrijeme mužnje, sezona, tjelesna masa, veliÄina legla, proizvodnja i kemijski sastav mlijeka. Brojne studije provedene na kravljem mlijeku ukljuÄivale su utjecaj navedenih izvora varijabilnosti, dok je za kozje mlijeko dostupno svega nekoliko studija, vjerojatno zbog njegove manje ekonomske važnosti, sezonske poliestriÄnosti i razliÄitog naÄina uzgoja i držanja koza. Cilj ovog rada je komparativno i kritiÄki objediniti dosadaÅ”nje rezultate istraživanja o važnosti odreÄivanja koncentracije ureje kao i pojedinim izvorima varijabilnosti koncentracije ureje u kozjem mlijeku
Dental Status as a Quality Control Health Care Parameter for Children with Disabilities
The aim of this study was to determine the level of dental health condition in children with disabilities and to find out weather dental health status might be used as a quality control parameter regarding overall health care for disabled children. Disabled and healthy children from 3 to 17 years old were examined. There were 86 boys and 34 girls in each group. Dental health status was evaluated using the World Health Organization diagnostic criteria for decayed, missing and filled teeth. The relations between mean decayed, missing and filled teeth index for primary, mixed and permanent dentition showed no statistically significant differences among groups. Our results showed that disabled children have evenly level of dental caries as their healthy peers. One can conclude that organized health care for disabled children have positive influence on dental care, too. Furthermore, dental status as an indicator of dental care level might be used as a parameter for quality control regarding overall health care for disabled children
Tuberous sclerosis (TS) is a genetically determined, multisystem disorder. There is no consistent correlation between specific TSC gene mutation and clinical outcome. This fact diminishes the value of prenatal TS genetic testing to future infantās clinical outcome. Authors have shown how imaging techniques could increase accuracy of prenatal diagnosis. They have described a case of prenatally diagnosed TS by using high frequency real time ultrasound and fetal cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the second half of an uneventful pregnancy. A 25-year old patient has been studied from 27 weeks of gestation and repeating echocardiographic examinations of the female fetus revealed two solid cardiac tumors. One of them arose from the interventricular septum, while the other from the right atrium. Fetal cranial MRI has been performed at 36 weeks of gestation. Identified signal abnormalities, which correspond to brain hamartoĀ¬mas, highly suggested presence of TS in fetus. An infant was born at term by vaginal delivery. At the age of four months Westās syndrome has been diagnosed. In addition, authors discuss an ethical problem that may arise when the fetal tests reveal presence of TS.Tuberozna skleroza (TS) je genetski poremeÄaj koji se nasljeÄuje autosomno dominantno, a hipotetski geni koji svojom mutacijom mogu uzrokovati TS su na kromosomu 9 (TSC 1) i 16 (TSC 2). Pretpostavlja se prevalencija od jednog sluÄaja TS na 6000 živoroÄenih, podjednako zahvaÄa oba spola i sve rase i etniÄke skupine. NajÄeÅ”Äe se dijagnosticira u ranom djetinjstvu zbog neuroloÅ”kih simptoma ā epileptiÄkih napadaja i razliÄito izraženog mentalnog hendikepa. Bolest je karakterizirana rastom dobroÄudnih tumora (angiofibroma) u brojnim organima, primarno u mozgu, oÄima, srcu, koži i pluÄima, Å”to otvara realne moguÄnosti da se spomenuti poremeÄaj otkrije i prije roÄenja. U radu je opisana 25-godiÅ”nja trudnica, prvorotkinja, u Äijeg su djeteta pomoÄu ultrazvuka odnosno magnetske rezonance prenatalno otkriveni tumori srca i mozga. Prigodom ultrazvuÄnog pregleda u 27. tjednu trudnoÄe, na popreÄnom presjeku kroz fetalni grudni koÅ”, opažene su dvije solidne, homogene i hiperehogene strukture. Jedna, u podruÄju interventrikularnog septuma, izgledala je kao njegovo vretenasto odnosno trokutasto zadebljanje od 10 mm u najdebljem dijelu, dok je druga, u Ā¬podruÄju lateralne stijenke desnog atrija uz inserciju trikuspidalnog zaliska, bila sliÄnih mjera, ali viÅ”e okruglasta. Obje opisane tumorske tvorbe bile su avaskularne. Rad srca bio je ritmiÄan i nije bilo poremeÄaja hemodinamike. Preostala Ā¬fetalna morfologija bila je uredna. U pupkovini su se nalazile samo dvije krvne žile, pri Äemu je promjer jedine umbilikalne arterije iznosio 4 mm. Kontrolnim pregledima ustanovljava se uredan fetalni rast, poveÄanje spomenutih rabdomioma srca uz oÄuvanu kontraktilnost i ritmiÄni rad. U 36. tjednu trudnoÄe uÄinjen je pomoÄu magnetske rezonance fetalni Ā¬kraniogram. Otkriveni hiperintenzivni signal subependimalno, u blizini nukleus kaudatusa odnosno foramena Monroi s desne strane, odgovarao je ekspanzivnoj formaciji (hamartomu) Äije je prisustvo sugeriralo postojanje TS u fetusa. ToÄno u terminu poroÄeno je vitalno žensko novoroÄenÄe urednog fizikalnog odnosno auskultatornog nalaza srca i pluÄa. U dobi od Äetiri mjeseca života majka po prvi put primjeÄuje u svog djeteta iznenadne trzajeve tijela, ruku i nogu, uz plaÄ i vrisak. U neuroloÅ”kom statusu prevladava generalizirana miÅ”iÄna hipotonija, dok su refleksi uredni. EEG-ski se otkrivaju žariÅ”na izbijanja lijevo temporoparijetalno s generalizacijom po tipu hipsaritmije. Postavljena je dijagnoza tuberozne skleroze i West-ova sindroma. CT mozga pokazuje progresiju cerebralnih promjena, a ultrazvuÄni nalazi blažu regresiju Ā¬rabdoĀ¬mioma srca. Opisani sluÄaj dokazuje da se uz kombiniranu uporabu navedenih slikovnih dijagnostiÄkih metoda može raÄunati s prenatalnom dijagnozom i onih relativno rijetkih genetskih poremeÄaja koji se kliniÄki manifestiraju i uobiÄajeno dijagnosticiraju tek u djeÄjoj dobi. Autori raspravljaju o etiÄkom problemu priopÄavanja medicinskih informacija Ā¬nakon Å”to se postavi prenatalna dijagnoza TS
Cilj rada. Na temelju izabranih parametara usporediti novoroÄenÄad majki s epilepsijom i novoroÄenÄad roÄenu od zdravih majki te utvrditi utjeÄe li i u kojoj mjeri epilepsija na rani neonatalni ishod. Metode. Retrospektivnim istraživanjem u razdoblju od deset godina izdvojeno je 869 novoroÄenÄadi. Ispitivanu skupinu saÄinjavalo je 175 novoroÄenÄadi majki oboljelih od epilepsije, a kontrolnu skupinu 694 novoroÄenÄadi zdravih majki. Analizirani su gestacijska dob kod poroda, naÄin dovrÅ”enja poroda, porodna težina, porodna duljina, opseg glave, Apgar ocjena u 1. i 5. minuti, Āpostojanje priroÄenih anomalija, postupci primijenjeni u okviru postnatalnog prihvata i skrbi novoroÄenÄeta te eventualne bolesti u novoroÄenÄeta. Rezultati. NovoroÄenÄad kojih su majke bolovale od epilepsije nije se statistiÄki znaÄajno razlikovala od novoroÄenÄadi roÄenih od zdravih majki ni u jednom promatranom parametru. ZakljuÄak. Rezultati naÅ”eg istraživanja pokazuju da uz odgovarajuÄu antenatalnu skrb, prihvat i opskrbu novoroÄenÄeta, žene oboljele od epilepsije mogu roditi zdravo dijeteObjective. To compare specific parameters in children born to mothers with epilepsy and children born to healthy mothers. The aim is to determine possible differences among groups and to establish whether and in which degree mother\u27s disorder affects the neonates. Methods. Retrospective study of children born to mothers with epilepsy and Āchildren born to healthy mothers at the University Hospital of Rijeka, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, over Āperiod of ten years. Statistical evaluation of the hospital records data. Compared parameters were gestational age, mode of delivery (vaginal delivery/ caesarean section), birth weight, birth length, head circumference, Apgar scores in first and fifth minute, the presence of congenital anomalies, performed postnatal procedures (divided in two groups: more and less invasive procedures) and the neonatal health condition. Neonatal disorders were grouped in five diagnostic categories: breathing disorders, birth damages (with the exception of brain damages), brain damages and convulsions, icterus, infections and skin diseases. A total of 869 neonates have been studied. Among them, 175 children were born to mothers with epilepsy. The control group consisted of 694 children born to healthy mothers. Multiple pregnancies and still-born Āchildren were not taken into the consideration. Results. A total of 869 neonates have been evaluated and their corresponded parameters compared. The mean gestational ages, birth lengths, birth weight, head circumferences, mode of Ādelivery and Apgar scores, as well as the evaluation of performed postnatal procedures and existence of the disorders Āpresented no statistically significant differences among groups. The appearances of congenital disorders within specific groups measured in percentages show that the incidence is about twice as high in the group of children born to mothers with epilepsy, compared to the group of children born to healthy mothers (6,28% and 3,03%, respectively). There is, Āhowever, no statistically significant difference between the groups (2= 3,82; p=0,05). Conclusion. There are no statistically significant differences between children born to mothers with epilepsy compared to those born to healthy mothers. Evaluation of the mean birth weights among groups shows that the values are within the referent borders. Obtained results oppose to current findings that suggest low birth weight is seen about twice as often in infants of mothers with epilepsy. Our results confirm the fact that the risk for congenital malformations in children born to mothers with epilepsy is about twice that for the general population. Lack of statistically significant difference in the rate of congenital anomalies Ābetween the group of children born to mothers with epilepsy and those born to healthy mothers could be explained by the retrospective design of the study and the fact that the information were taken from the hospital records (instead of being collected specifically for the purpose of the study). Such results urge for prospective follow up of women with epilepsy and their offspring and for development of registries of pregnant women with epilepsy and their children which would Āensure recognition and register of congenital malformations. Obtained results show that, with adequate antenatal and postnatal medical care of mothers and neonates, women with epilepsy can fulfill their reproductive function and give birth to a healthy child
Dozimetrijska verifikacija radioterapijskih planova intezitet-modulirajuÄe radioterapije u bolesnika s rakom prostate
Intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) has become widely used as a standard
radiation therapy technique for the treatment of localized prostate cancer. The transition from conformal
radiotherapy (3D CRT) to a more complex IMRT technique triggered the need for more thorough
verification of the accuracy in the dose delivery. In this work we present the clinical workflow
and the results of patient specific quality assurance (PSQA) procedures for 40 prostate cancer patients
who have been treated with step and shot IMRT ever since its implementation in our routine clinical
practice. PSQA procedures include dosimetric verification of each treatment plan with dedicated
rotational phantom and high-resolution matrix detector system Octavius 4D (PTW Freiburg) that
allows three-dimensional comparison of the calculated and delivered radiation dose distribution. Our
results proved the compliance with the universal tolerance limits recommended for those procedures
(1), assuring the safety of the treatment and providing the possibility for the adoption of more stringent
constraints in the future.Radioterapija moduliranog intenziteta (eng. intensity modulated radiotherapy āIMRT) u posljednjem desetljeÄu je postala
uobiÄajena radioterapijska metoda za terapiju lokaliziranih karcinoma prostate. Prelazak s konformalne radioterapije na napredniju
i tehniÄki složeniju IMRT tehniku, donio je i potrebu za detaljnijom i sveobuhvatnom provjerom toÄnosti isporuke
doze zraÄenja. U ovom radu predstavljamo provoÄenje postupaka dozimetrijske verifikacije radioterapijskih planova poznatih
pod engleskim nazivom patient specific QA (PSQA) te rezultate za 40 bolesnika s karcinomom prostate koji su primili
IMRT terapiju. U tu svrhu koristimo posebni dozimetrijski sustav s rotacijskim fantomom i visoko razluÄivom detektorskom
matricom, Octavius 4D (PTW Freiburg). Pokazalo se kako su sva dobivena odstupanja izmeÄu planirane i mjerene trodimenzionalne
raspodjele doze bila unutar preporuÄenih tolerancija (1) Å”to nam daje povjerenje u sigurnost provoÄenja ovakve
terapije te otvara moguÄnost za primjenu strožijih ograniÄenja u buduÄnosti