14 research outputs found


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    Područje sigurnosti hrane prati sve faze proizvodnog procesa u svrhu osiguranja visoke razine sigurnosti proizvedene hrane i zaštite potrošača primjenjujući veći broj zakonskih regulativa. Zakonodavstvo je značajan dio područja sigurnosti hrane, obuhvaća cjelokupan proizvodni lanac „od polja do stola“ što znači da obuhvaća farme na kojoj se životinje uzgajaju, proizvodnju i preradu hrane, skladištenje te distribuciju gotovog proizvoda do krajnjeg potrošača. Jedna od zadaća Republike Hrvatske u procesu pridruživanja Europskoj uniji bila je prilagoditi i(ili) izmijeniti veći broj zakona i propisa te tako omogućiti otvaranje europskog tržišta. Stoga je u radu dan prikaz nacionalnog zakonodavstva i zakonodavstva Europske unije u području sigurnosti hrane.The area of food safety follows all stages of production process to ensure high level of safety produced food and protection of consumers by applying a large number of regulations. The legislation is an important part of the area of food safety, covering the entire production chain„ from farm to table”, starting from the farms where the animals are bred, to the production of food and the final consumer. In the process of joining the European Union, Croatia has been implementing laws and regulations changes that will significantly affect the business community. These changes are necessary for Croatian companies to fulfill standards of European Union and thus in order to be competitive to the EU market and the global market, as well. This paper presents an overview of national legislation and legislation of European Union in the area of food safety

    Metode za izravnu identifikaciju bakterija mliječne kiseline u mliječnim proizvodima

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    Culture-independent molecular tools have been introduced into food microbiology during the last ten years. Most of them are based on the amplification of a bulk bacterial DNA extracted directly from a sample, the targeting of a selected gene, or a variable region of the selected gene. Many studies have explored indigenous lactic acid bacteria in dairy products by culture-independent molecular approaches. It is well known that indigenous microbiota significantly contribute to the uniqueness of artisanal cheeses. However, there is no molecular method that can provide complete qualitative and quantitative insight into the microbiota associated with a certain ecosystem. Therefore, a combination of molecular approaches should be applied to get a more objective picture of the microbiota. This paper aims to present the most widely used culture-independent molecular tools for identifying lactic acid bacteria in dairy products.Molekularne metode za izravnu identifikaciju koriste se u mikrobiologiji hrane desetak godina. Većinom se temelje na amplifikaciji ukupne bakterijske DNA izolirane neposredno iz uzorka, a cilj je amplifikacije određeni gen ili varijabilna regija toga gena. Takvi su molekularni pristupi primijenjeni u mnogim studijama identifikacije prirodne populacije bakterija mliječne kisline u mliječnim proizvodima. Također je poznato da autohtona mikrobna populacija bitno pridonosi specifičnostima okusa i mirisa tradicionalnih sireva. Međutim, ne postoji molekularna metoda koja omogućava potpun kvalitativan i kvantitativan uvid u mikrobnu populaciju bilo kojega ekosustava. Zato je potrebno primijeniti kombinirane molekularne pristupe da bi se dobio objektivniji rezultat. Svrha je ovoga rada prikazati najčešće primjenjivane molekularne metode za izravnu identifikaciju bakterija mliječne kiseline u mliječnim proizvodima

    Properties of Preveli cheese, traditional Croatian dried acid-coagulated cheese

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    Preveli cheese is Croatian artisanal dried acid-coagulated cheese. The aim of this paper was to study its physicochemical composition and microbiological properties, as well as physicochemical composition and hygienic quality of cheese milk. The results could be used for the improvement of Preveli cheese quality and for getting a mark of Protected Geographical Indication (PGI). The production of 35 batches of Preveli cheese was observed at 18 family farmsteads. Research showed that hygienic quality of milk was partially satisfying, which means that 51.42 % and 17.14 % of milk samples had total bacterial count and somatic cell counts above the threshold value (>300,00 and >400,000∙mL-1, respectively). According to the content of total solids, Preveli cheese belongs to the group of soft cheeses, while according to the content of fat in total solids it can be categorized as a fat cheese. Due to the non-standardized technological processes, mainly during skimming the milk fat, salting and drying, results of analysis showed notable variability in the physicochemical composition of the Preveli cheese and sour cream. The presence of yeast and moulds were detected in 22.86 % of cheese samples as well as coagulase positive staphylococci in 11.43 % of cheese samples, which indicated the need of improving the hygiene of the manufacturing processes

    Koncentracija uree u kozjem mlijeku: važnost određivanja i čimbenici varijabilnost

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    The optimal concentration of urea in cow\u27s milk is known and is often used to assess the balance of energy and protein in diets. While in goat (and sheep) milk it is not controled nor defined. Main determinants of urea formation in milk are the amount of crude protein intake and the ratio betwwen protein and energy proportion in diet. Goat diet with excessive amount of crude protein and energy unbalanced diet cause the excess of nitrogenous substances in rumen along with release of ammonia and rise in concentration of urea in blood and milk, which adversely affects the production, milk coagulation propreties, environmental pollution and reproductive capabilities of goats. However, besides diet, there are other factors that influence milk urea concentration: breed, stage of lactation, parity, season, body mass, litter size, production and chemical composition of milk. Numerous studies conducted on cow milk included the influence of sources of variability listed above, while there are only few studies available for goat milk due to its less economic importance, seasonal polyesterity and different way of breeding and keeping goats. The aim of this paper is to comparatively and critically combine the previous research results on the importance of determining the milk urea concentration as well as on individual sources of variability of urea concentration in goat milk.Optimalna koncentracija ureje u kravljem mlijeku je poznata i često se koristi za procjenu izbalansiranosti obroka energijom i proteinima, dok u kozjem (i ovčjem) mlijeku još uvijek nije definirana. Glavne odrednice stvaranja ureje u mlijeku jesu količina sirovih proteina u obroku i omjer proteinskog i energetskog dijela obroka. Hranidba koza s prekomjernom količinom sirovih proteina i energetski neuravnotežena hranidba uzrokuje višak dušičnih tvari u buragu, uz oslobađanje amonijaka i porast koncentracije ureje u krvi i mlijeku, što može nepovoljno utjecati na proizvodnju, koagulacijske osobine mlijeka, zagađenje okoliša i reproduktivne odlike koza. Međutim, osim hranidbe, postoje i drugi čimbenici koncentracije ureje u mlijeku: pasmina, stadij i redoslijed laktacije, vrijeme mužnje, sezona, tjelesna masa, veličina legla, proizvodnja i kemijski sastav mlijeka. Brojne studije provedene na kravljem mlijeku uključivale su utjecaj navedenih izvora varijabilnosti, dok je za kozje mlijeko dostupno svega nekoliko studija, vjerojatno zbog njegove manje ekonomske važnosti, sezonske poliestričnosti i različitog načina uzgoja i držanja koza. Cilj ovog rada je komparativno i kritički objediniti dosadašnje rezultate istraživanja o važnosti određivanja koncentracije ureje kao i pojedinim izvorima varijabilnosti koncentracije ureje u kozjem mlijeku

    Probiotic bacteria in prevention and treatment of diarrhea

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    Probiotičke bakterije pozitivno djeluju u prevenciji i terapiji različitih bolesti. U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja utjecaja probiotičkih bakterija u prevenciji i terapiji dijareje provedenih posljednjih desetak godina. Najveći preventivni i terapijski učinak probiotičkih bakterija utvrđen je za akutnu dijareju u djece uzrokovanu rotavirusima. Značajan, ali nešto manji učinak probiotičkih bakterija dokazan je kod dijareje kao posljedice uzimanja antibiotika. Pozitivan učinak probiotičkih bakterija u prevenciji putničke dijareje i dijareje kao posljedice terapije zračenjem nije značajan. Preventivni i terapijski učinak na dijareju neovisan je o načinu uzimanja probiotičkih bakterija, fermentiranim mlijekom, kapsulom ili oralnom rehidratacijskom otopinom.Probiotic bacteria have beneficial effects in prevention and treatment of different diseases. The results of preventive and therapeutic effect of probiotic bacteria on diarrhea during last ten years are shown in this paper. The greatest preventive and therapeutic effect of probiotic bacteria was identified for acute diarrhea in children caused by rotaviruses. Significant, but slightly lower effect of probiotic bacteria was proved for antibiotic associated diarrhea. Positive effect in prevention of traveller’s diarrhea and radiation-induced diarrhea is not significant. Preventive and therapeutic effect on diarrhea is not dependent on the way of probiotic bacteria consumption, by fermented milk, capsule or oral rehydration solution

    Antimicrobial activity of bacteriocins of Lactic Acid Bacteria on Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium tyrobutyricum in cheese production

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    Opće prihvaćen koncept o nužnosti proizvodnje zdrave i sigurne hrane neizravno je utjecao na odluku da se i kemijski konzervansi zamijene prirodnim. Bakteriocini, a osobito oni koje sintetiziraju bakterije mliječne kiseline (BMK) u prehrambenoj se industriji smatraju njihovom učinkovitim zamjenom. U kontroli rasta mikrobnih uzročnika kvarenja i/ili pojavnosti patogenih bakterija u hrani, uz dopušteni nizin i pediocin i za većinu je do sada opisanih i pročišćenih bakteriocina BMK utvrđen značajan antibakterijski učinak. Međutim, primjena pročišćenih bakteriocina kao biokonzervansa u proizvodnji sira je limitirana. Za inhibiciju rasta bakterija L. monocytogenes, S. aureus i C. tyrobutyricum u siru, znatno su prihvatljiviji bakteriocinogeni sojevi BMK sadržani u primarnoj, dopunskoj ili protektivnoj kulturi od pročišćenih bakteriocina.The generally accepted concept of the necessity of producing safe foods has indirectly influenced the decision to replace chemical preservatives with natural ones. Bacteriocins, and in particular those synthesized by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in the food industry, are considered to be their effective replacement. In controlling the growth of microbial pathogens and/or the occurrence of pathogenic bacteria in food, with the permitted nisin and pediocin, a significant antibacterial effect has been shown for most LAB bacteriocins. However, the use of purified bacteriocins as bio preservatives in cheese production is limited. To inhibit the growth of bacteria L. monocytogenes, S. aureus and C. tyrobutyricum in cheese, bacteriocinogenic LAB strains contained in primary, adjunct or protective culture are much more acceptable in cheese production

    Proprietà fisiche e sensoriali degli hamburger sotto l\u27influenza dei diversi periodi di frollatura del collo di manzo

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    The objective of this study was to determine the effects of dry ageing on the yield and physical quality indicators of beef neck and to determine the sensory characteristics of burgers. Neck meat from castrated male Angus steers weighing 600 kg and 22 months old was used for the study. Neck samples (N = 12) were hung for 7 days (group Z-7) and 21 days (group Z-21) in a dry ageing chamber at a temperature of 2 °C ± 1 °C and a relative humidity of 77 % ± 3 %. Weight and pH of the meat were measured at the beginning and end of the ageing period. After ageing, the neck was dissected into muscle, subcutaneous and intermuscular fat, bone, and remaining parts. Burgers were prepared from the ground neck meat (73.9%) and fat (24.6%) to which 1.2% sea salt and 0.3% ground black pepper were added. The burgers (average weight 150 g) were then heat treated in a steam convection oven at a temperature of 230°C until an internal temperature of 64°C was reached. After heat treatment, the burgers were weighed again to calculate cooking weight loss and their diameter was measured in two perpendicular dimensions to calculate surface area reduction. Quantitative descriptive analysis and likability test were performed with nine trained sensory assessors in the sensory laboratory. The study revealed no significant differences in the proportions of each tissue obtained during dissection. The necks from group Z-21 had significantly higher pH (6.16) and weight loss (12.23%) at the end of dry aging. Significantly lower cooking loss was observed in group Z-21 (26.52%) compared to group Z-7 (31.31%), but no significant difference was observed in the reduction of the surface area of the burger. The descriptive sensory attributes and likeability traits of the burgers were not significantly different between groups Z-7 and Z-21. In view of this, it is considered that a shorter maturation period of beef necks should be used for the production of burgers.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi učinke suhog zrenja na prinos i fizičke pokazatelje kakvoće mesa goveđeg vrata te odrediti senzorske karakteristike burgera. U istraživanju je korišteno meso vrata kastrirane muške junadi pasmine Angus prosječne tjelesne mase 600 kg i dobi oko 22 mjeseca. Uzorci vratine (N = 12) odležavani su 7 dana (skupina Z-7) i 21 dan (skupina Z-21) u komori za suho zrenje na temperaturi od 2 °C ± 1 °C i relativnoj vlažnosti od 77 ± 3 %. Masa i pH vratine mjereni su na početku i na kraju zrenja. Nakon zrenja provedena je disekcija vratine na mišićno, potkožno i međumišićno masno tkivo, kost i preostale dijelove. Potom su pripremljeni burgeri od mljevenog mišićnog (73,9 %) i masog tkiva (24,6 %) čemu je dodano 1,2 % morske soli i 0,3 % mljevenog crnog papra. Burgeri pojedinačne mase 150 g zatim su toplinski obrađeni u parno-konvekcijskoj pećnici na temperaturi 230 °C do postizanja unutarnje temperature 64 °C. Nakon toplinske obrade, burgeri su ponovo izvagani kako bi se izračunao gubitak mase kuhanjem, a promjer im je izmjeren u dvije okomite dimenzije kako bi se izračunalo smanjenje površine. Kvantitativna deskriptivna analiza i test dopadljivosti provedeni su korištenjem panela od devet educiranih senzorskih ocjenitelja u senzornom laboratoriju. Istraživanjem nisu utvrđene značajne razlike između skupina u udjelima svakog pojedinog tkiva dobivenog disekcijom. Meso vrata iz skupine Z-21 imalo je značajno veći pH (6,16) i gubitak mase (12,23 %) na kraju suhog zrenja. Značajno manji gubitak mase kuhanjem utvrđen je u skupini Z-21 (26,52 %) u odnosu na skupinu Z-7 (31,31 %), ali nije utvrđena značajna razlika u smanjenju površine burgera. Deskriptivna senzorska svojstva i svojstva dopadljivosti burgera nisu se značajno razlikovala između skupina Z-7 i Z-21. Temeljem rezultata istraživanja može se zaključiti da je za proizvodnju burgera preporučljivo koristiti kraći period zrenja goveđeg vrataZiel dieser Studie war es, die Auswirkungen der Trockenreifung auf den Ertrag und die physikalischen Qualitätsindikatoren von Rindernacken zu ermitteln und die sensorischen Eigenschaften von Burgern zu bestimmen. Für die Studie wurde Nackenfleisch von kastrierten männlichen Angus-Ochsen mit einem Gewicht von 600 kg und einem Alter von 22 Monaten verwendet. Die Nackenproben (N = 12) wurden 7 Tage (Gruppe Z-7) und 21 Tage (Gruppe Z-21) in einer trockenen Reifekammer bei einer Temperatur von 2 °C ± 1 °C und einer relativen Luftfeuchtigkeit von 77 % ± 3 % aufgehängt. Gewicht und pHWert des Fleisches wurden zu Beginn und am Ende der Reifezeit gemessen. Nach der Reifung wurde der acken in Muskel, subkutanes und intermuskuläres Fett, Knochen und übrige Teile zerlegt. Aus dem gemahlenen Nackenfleisch (73,9 %) und dem Fett (24,6 %) wurden Burger zubereitet, denen 1,2 % Meersalz und 0,3 % gemahlener schwarzer Pfeffer zugesetzt wurden. Die Burger (Durchschnittsgewicht 150 g) wurden dann in einem Dampfkonvektionsofen bei einer Temperatur von 230 °C bis zu einer Innentemperatur von 64 °C hitzebehandelt. Nach der Wärmebehandlung wurden die Burger erneut gewogen, um den Gewichtsverlust beim Kochen zu berechnen; außerdem wurde ihr Durchmesser in zwei senkrechten Dimensionen gemessen, um die Verringerung der Oberfläche zu berechnen. Eine quantitative deskriptive Analyse und ein Geschmackstest wurden mit neun geschulten sensorischen Prüfern im Sensoriklabor durchgeführt. Die Studie ergab keine signifikanten Unterschiede in den Anteilen der einzelnen Gewebe, die bei der Zerlegung gewonnen wurden. Die Nacken der Gruppe Z-21 hatten am Ende der Trockenreifung einen signifikant höheren pH-Wert (6,16) und einen Gewichtsverlust (12,23 %). In der Gruppe Z-21 wurde ein signifikant geringerer Kochverlust (26,52 %) im Vergleich zur Gruppe Z-7 (31,31 %) festgestellt, jedoch wurde kein signifikanter Unterschied bei der Verringerung der Oberfläche des Burgers beobachtet. Die beschreibenden sensorischen Attribute und die Geschmackseigenschaften der Burger waren zwischen den Gruppen Z-7 und Z-21 nicht signifikant unterschiedlich. Daher wird davon ausgegangen, dass für die Herstellung von Burgern die Reifezeit von Rindernacken gekürzt werden sollte.El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar los efectos de la maduración en seco sobre los indicadores de rendimiento y calidad física del cuello de res, tanto como determinar las características sensoriales de las hamburguesas. La investigación utilizó carne de cuello de novillos Angus macho castrados, con un peso corporal promedio de 600 kg y una edad de aproximadamente 22 meses. Las muestras del cuello (N = 12) fueron envejecidas durante 7 días (grupo Z-7) y 21 días (grupo Z-21) en una cámara de envejecimiento en seco a una temperatura de 2 °C ± 1 °C y una humedad relativa de 77 ± 3 %. El peso y el pH de la carne fueron medidos al inicio y al final del período de envejecimiento. Después del envejecimiento, el cuello se diseccionó en músculo, tejido adiposo subcutáneo e intermuscular, hueso y partes restantes. Las hamburguesas se prepararon a partir de carne de cuello molida (73,9 %) y grasa (24,6 %), a los que se añadió un 1,2 % de sal marina y un 0,3 % de pimienta negra molida. A continuación, hamburguesas con una masa única de 150 g se trataron térmicamente en un horno de convección y vapor a una temperatura de 230 °C hasta alcanzar la temperatura interna de 64 °C. Después del tratamiento térmico, las hamburguesas se pesaron nuevamente para calcular la pérdida de masa por cocción y se midió su diámetro en dos dimensiones perpendiculares para calcular la reducción del área superficial. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos cuantitativos y pruebas de palatabilidad utilizando un panel de nueve evaluadores sensoriales capacitados en un laboratorio sensorial. La investigación no encontró diferencias significativas en las proporciones de cada tejido obtenido durante la disección. La carne de cuello del grupo Z-21 tuvo un pH significativamente mayor (6,16) y una pérdida de masa (12,23%) al final de la maduración en seco. Se observó una pérdida de masa por cocción significativamente menor en el grupo Z-21 (26,52 %) en comparación con el grupo Z-7 (31,31 %), pero no se encontró una diferencia significativa en la reducción de la superficie de la hamburguesa. Las propiedades sensoriales y de palatabilidad de las hamburguesas no difirieron significativamente entre los grupos Z-7 y Z-21. En base a los resultados de la investigación, se puede concluir que para la elaboración de hamburguesas es recomendable utilizar un período de maduración más corto del cuello de resLo scopo di questa ricerca consisteva nel determinare gli effetti della frollatura a secco sulla resa e sugli indicatori di qualità fisica della carne di collo di manzo e nel determinare le caratteristiche sensoriali degli hamburger. Ai fini della ricerca è stata utilizzata carne di collo di bovino Angus maschio castrato con una massa corporea media di 600 kg e un\u27età di circa 22 mesi. I campioni di collo di manzo (N = 12) sono stati frollati per 7 giorni (gruppo Z-7) e 21 giorni (gruppo Z-21) in una camera di frollatura a secco a una temperatura di 2 °C ± 1 °C e un\u27umidità relativa di 77 ± 3 %. La massa e il pH della carne sono stati misurati all\u27inizio e alla fine della frollatura. Dopo la frollatura, il collo è stato sezionato in muscoli, tessuto adiposo sottocutaneo e intermuscolare, ossa e parti rimanenti. Si è proceduto poi alla preparazione degli hamburger con muscolo macinato (73,9%) e tessuto adiposo (24,6%), a cui sono stati aggiunti l\u271,2% di sale marino e lo 0,3% di pepe nero macinato. Gli hamburger, di 150 g ciascuno, sono stati poi trattati termicamente in un forno a convezione e vapore alla temperatura di 230 °C fino al raggiungimento della temperatura interna di 64 °C. Dopo il trattamento termico, gli hamburger sono stati ripesati per calcolare la perdita di massa durante la cottura, mentre il loro diametro è stato misurato in due dimensioni verticali per calcolare la riduzione di superficie. L\u27analisi descrittiva quantitativa e il test di appetibilità sono stati condotti utilizzando un gruppo di nove valutatori sensoriali addestrati in un laboratorio sensoriale. La ricerca non ha rilevato differenze significative tra i gruppi nelle proporzioni di ogni singolo tessuto ottenuto per dissezione. La carne del collo del gruppo Z-21 presentava un pH (6,16) e una perdita di massa (12,23%) significativamente più alti alla fine della frollatura a secco. È stata riscontrata una perdita di massa significativamente inferiore durante la cottura nel gruppo Z-21 (26,52 %) rispetto al gruppo Z-7 (31,31 %), ma non è stata rilevata alcuna differenza significativa riguardo alla riduzione della superficie dell\u27hamburger. Le proprietà descrittive sensoriali e di appetibilità degli hamburger non differivano significativamente tra i gruppi Z-7 e Z-21. Sulla base dei risultati ottenuti, si può concludere che per la produzione degli hamburger fatti con la carne del collo di manzo è consigliabile utilizzare un periodo di frollatura più breve


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    Pozitivan učinak na probavni sustav čovjeka i ublaţavanje alergijskih reakcija sve češće smještaju kozje mlijeko na sam vrh prehrambenog lanca. Kozje mlijeko karakterističnog je mirisa i okusa koji je nerijetko posljedica pucanja masnih globula uslijed nepravilne manipulacije s mlijekom tijekom i nakon muţnje. Globule mliječne masti kozjeg mlijeka su sitne (<4,5μm) i sadrţe hlapljive masne kiseline koje su odgovorne za „izražen“ miris i okus kozjeg mlijeka. Kozje mlijeko ima drugačiju strukturu proteina jer sadrži približno osam puta manje αS1-kazeina nego kravlje mlijeko te je stoga preporučljivo djeci sklonoj alergijama na proteine kravljeg mlijeka. Proizvodnja i prerada kozjeg mlijeka osobito je intenzivna u razvijenim zemljama u kojima brojna obiteljska gospodarstva dohodak ostvaruju primarno uzgojem koza i proizvodnjom mlijeka. Na kvalitetu, kemijski sastav i količinu proizvedenoga mlijeka utječu genotip i vanjski utjecaji koji obuhvaćaju hranidbu, stadij, redoslijed i trajanje laktacije, tjelesnu razvijenost koze, veličinu legla, sezonu jarenja, zdravlje životinja, sezonske promjene, okolišne utjecaje i drugo. U radu su navedene karakteristike te najvažniji čimbenici koji utječu na količinu i kemijski sastav kozjeg mlijeka.Benefit of goat\u27s milk to human digestive system and relieve allergic reactions more frequently placed goat milk on the top of the food chain. Goat\u27s milk has a distinctive aroma and flavor that is often a result of fatty globules rupture due to improper handling of milk during and after milking. Milk fat globules of goat milk are small (<4,5 μm) and contain volatile fatty acids that are responsible for "expressed" the smell and taste of goat\u27s milk. Goat\u27s milk has a different structure of the protein because it contains approximately eight times less αS1-casein than cow\u27s milk and is therefore recommended for children prone to allergies to cow\u27s milk proteins. Production and processing of goat milk is particularly intensive in the developed countries where many family farms earn their income primarily goats breeding and milk production. On the quality, chemical composition and amount of milk, affect genotype and external influences including nutrition, stage, order and duration of lactation, physical development of goats, litter size, season of kidding, animal health, seasonal changes, and other environmental impacts. This paper presents the most important factors and characteristics that influence on the amount and chemical composition of goat milk

    Methods for Culture-Independent Identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Dairy Products

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    Culture-independent molecular tools have been introduced into food microbiology during the last ten years. Most of them are based on the amplification of a bulk bacterial DNA extracted directly from a sample, the targeting of a selected gene, or a variable region of the selected gene. Many studies have explored indigenous lactic acid bacteria in dairy products by culture-independent molecular approaches. It is well known that indigenous microbiota significantly contribute to the uniqueness of artisanal cheeses. However, there is no molecular method that can provide complete qualitative and quantitative insight into the microbiota associated with a certain ecosystem. Therefore, a combination of molecular approaches should be applied to get a more objective picture of the microbiota. This paper aims to present the most widely used culture-independent molecular tools for identifying lactic acid bacteria in dairy products