6 research outputs found


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    The terminology of radicalization started to be acknowledged after the 9/11 events, a turning point for international security that marked the beginning of the War on Terror. Practitioners, policymakers, and researchers in the field of countering terrorism focused more and more on the concept of radicalization as a precursor of terrorism, in the sense of being the starting point for preventing the terrorism phenomenon. In this regard, the past terrorist attacks in Europe awakened awareness about the necessity of identifying the incipient signs of radicalization as an early warning instrument for avoiding the probability of manifesting a terrorist attack. Even though the Global Terrorism Index has evaluated Romania as one of the countries with the lowest risks of terrorism at the international level for the past decade, it is still important to improve the mechanisms for preventing radicalization. In this consideration, Romania could be indirectly impacted by factors related to the global or regional dynamics of terrorism. This paper aims to develop a pattern of radicalization vulnerabilities and observed trends in Romania. In this idea, the analysis of the past terrorist attempts in Romania emphasizes important details in terms of trends of radicalization. Furthermore, the analysis of the specific radicalization features in Romania is focused on identifying the vulnerabilities, following the case study conclusions on radicalized Romanian citizens and radicalized foreigners that were expelled by the national courts

    Reducing the Sludge Quantity Produced from Used Water Purification – A Source of Profit

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    This paper has its origins in the analysis of a real situation met in the Water Purification Plant from Cluj-Napoca city. The produced dehydrated sludge is about 70 - 80 tonnes / 24 hours, with a density that allows for an equivalence of 1 tonne to 1 m³, 80,000 Kg or 80 m³, i.e. a huge amount and an impressive volume of material. This paper does not propose solutions to valorise or store the huge quantity of sludge, though the present solutions are quite inefficient. The stress is placed upon the sludge production sources, its transportation to the purification plants, the collection of the sludge in the purification plants and the dehydration methods that can be used. The analysis of these stages aims at identifying several measures that could lead to diminishing the amount of sludge produced after the purification of used and dehydrated water in the purification plants without affecting the quality of purified water. The measures identified are to be presented as measures that can be applied in the spirit of sustainable and efficient development. The business feature is given by the savings brought by the mitigation of the sludge amount to be stored and paid for in the ecological storage places in remote areas


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    Introducere. Screening-ul ambliopiei la copiii cu nevoi speciale trebuie să fie realizat cu teste rapide și obiective, cum este testul Bruckner. Ipoteza propusă verificării a fost aceea că testul Bruckner la 4 metri, pentru copiii cu dizabilități, ar putea fi cel puțin la fel de util sau chiar superior celui la 1 metru. Scopul studiului a fost să determine sensibilitatea și specificitatea reflexului Bruckner efectuat la 4 metri comparativ cu cel la 1 metru, pentru detecția ametropiilor și a strabismului la copiii cu dizabilități intelectuale. Material și metodă. Au fost luați în studiu un număr de 34 de copii cu dizabilitate intelectuală. 4 studenți au efectuat testul Bruckner la 1 metru și la 4 metri, apoi expertul oftalmolog a efectuat examinarea oftalmologică completă. Compararea statistică a rezultatelor s-a efectuat folosind testele Fischer și Chi pătrat. Rezultate. Sensibilitatea testului la 1 metru a fost între 0 şi 50%, iar la 4 m a fost de 55,6-72% (p < 0,05). Specificitatea testului la 1 metru a fost de 85,7-100%, iar la 4 m a fost de 81,3-93,8% (p <0,05). Concluzii. Extinderea de la 1 metru la 4 metri a distanței de examinare dintre observator și pacient în testul Bruckner crește acuratețea detecției ametropiilor

    Visual Outcomes of Traumatic Lens Dislocations and Subluxations Managed by Pars Plana Vitrectomy and Lensectomy

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the visual outcome of lens dislocation and subluxation managed by pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) and lensectomy in patients with open (OGIs) or closed globe injuries (CGIs). Methods: Medical records of 70 consecutive patients treated by PPV and lensectomy over a period of 11 years (1 January 2010–31 December 2020) were retrospectively reviewed. We collected demographic data, best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) using a Snellen Chart pre- and postoperatively, associated ocular injuries and treatment strategy. Visual outcome was evaluated according to the final BCVA which was defined as poor p = 0.014), iridodonesis (p = 0.011) and initial BCVA (p = 0.000) achieved statistical significance in predicting visual outcome. After treatment, 45.71% of patients achieved a final BCVA ≥ 0.1. Conclusion: RD, iridodonesis and initial BCVA were risk factors for poor visual outcome in our series

    Outcomes and Prognostic Factors Following Pars Plana Vitrectomy for Intraocular Foreign Bodies&mdash;11-Year Retrospective Analysis in a Tertiary Care Center

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    Aim: To evaluate the visual outcome of penetrating ocular injuries with a retained intraocular foreign body (IOFB) managed by pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) and to describe the risk factors associated with poor visual acuity and retinal detachment (RD) development. Methods: Medical records of 56 patients with IOFB that were removed by PPV over a period of 11 years (1 January 2010&ndash;31 December 2020) were reviewed. We extracted the demographic data, initial and final best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) using standard Snellen chart, IOFB characteristics, complications and surgical details. Outcome was evaluated according to the final BCVA: poor &lt;0.1, good 0.1&ndash;&lt;0.5 or excellent &ge;0.5. Results: The mean age was 36.1 &plusmn; 14.1 (range, 16&ndash;71) years and the majority of patients were males (55 out of 56, 98.2%). IOFB was retinal in 27 (48.2%) cases and intravitreal in 29 cases (51.8%). IOFB size was &le;3mm in 26 (46.4%) cases and &gt;3mm in 30 (53.6%) cases. Preoperative RD was identified in 12 (21.4%) cases and endophthalmitis in 17 cases (30.4%). IOFBs larger than 3 mm and retinal location were associated with RD development. Poor visual outcome was associated with initial BCVA, retinal location, RD and endophthalmitis. Conclusion: Initial BCVA, retinal foreign body, RD and endophthalmitis were risk factors for poor visual outcome