12 research outputs found

    Tax burden - the tax evasion generator

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    The economic globalization has emphasized and elaborated the existing inter-dependencies between the national economies, favouring the development of the world economy, but at the same time, of the underground economy - a tax evasion generator. In the context of debating the tax evasion which is currently present in all the countries of the world, it is not possible to ignore one of the most important generating factors of this phenomenon, i.e. the tax burden. In our opinion, the tax burden in Romania is more current than ever, firstly, due to the fact that our country is in the phase of harmonizing the financial system with the community acquis and secondly, due to the fact that the Romanian economy is confronted with the lack of capital in the context of the world financial crisis, the incomes of the taxpayers are insufficient to be governed by an excessive tax policy, without giving birth to the evasion phenomena. This is the reason why I think it is convenient to perform an analysis of the implications of the tax burden over the tax evasion in the Romanian economy.tax burden, globalization, financial crisis

    Trends and prospects for tax evasion

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    Tax evasion represents nowadays a complex economic and social phenomenon. It is also the central vector of the informal economy that proves the true amplitude of the informal plateau of the economy, being in interaction and in interdependence with the other components specific for economic and financial crime. Tax evasion phenomenon has a direct and prompt effect on the level of tax revenues, which leads directly to imbalance in market forces as well as to the illicit enrichment of the practitioners of this method of fraud affecting the state and, ultimately, each of us, honest taxpayers. Present both in the economic area and in the informal economy, where the phenomenon is widespread, tax evasion has reached in the last 19 years, in Romania, relatively large dimensions. The rise of this phenomenon in our country makes it so real that it became a daily presence in all income generating economic zones.tax evasion, economic crisis, emerging economies

    Tax evasion – a more and more controversial concept

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    Tax evasion can be defined by all lawful and unlawful procedures that help those interested to evade in all or part of their material taxable bonds established by tax laws. Demarcation of the phenomenon in legal tax evasion and tax fraud was the subject of specialists’ studies, justified by the need of knowing the dimensions and implications of this phenomenon and, on this basis to establish the most effective actions and measures to prevent and combat it.legal tax evasion, fraud, tax avoidance

    The adjustment of banking systems to the demands of contemporary economies

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    The economy is going through a period of unprecedented financial and economic crisis in the last half century, driven by a collapse whose root causes are found in the U.S. housing sector. Problems in the U.S. economy have expanded real estate and other areas of activity not only in the United States because relatively complex mechanisms for transfer of credit risk imposed by financial intermediaries. According to Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan U.S. by 2006, the wave of instability caused by 'credit tsunami occurs once a century "evolved from one sector to another, first in the banking sector and real estate other financial markets, then all matters affecting the real economy.banking crisis, global markets, credit growth

    Current trends in the evolution of bank costs within the framework of the Romanian banking system

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    The banking incomes and costs represent an important source of information regarding the profitability of a bank. In a banking environment such as Romania's, constantly changing and subject to the pressure of a fierce competition, all the attention of the banks management teams is oriented towards the costs and their possible reduction in regard to maximizing the profit. The optimizing of the report between the incomes and the costs of the bank represents the essential objective of the banking management, having a direct influence over the banking profit and being an important part of the evolution of the banking performances. In this context we considered as particularly important the analysis of the bank costs within the framework of the Romanian banking system, analysis which targets their structure on one side and their evolution and efficiency on the other side.cost efficiency analysis, operational cost analysis, banking incomes, banking costs

    Receipts and expenditures budget of the insurance company - basis instrument in achieving financial balance

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    The activity developed by an insurance company in reflected financially, synthetically in the receipts and expenditures budget, with is annually laid down.insurance company, financial equilibrium, receipts and expenditures budget

    Influence of adjacent insured risks upon the management of insurance companies

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    Besides technical and investment risks, other risks can be identified, with own traits and implications that cannot be ignored. We speak about the risk of participation, the risk regarding guarantees in favor of tertiary, risk regarding loss because of tertiary, general business risk and managerial risk.investment risks, risk of participation, business risk, managerial risk

    Reliability margin-sine-die condition for the performance of insurance companies

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    In the European Union there are rules regarding the determination of the reliability margin and warranty funds. Thus authorized insurers on general insurances and/or life insurances by rightful institutions from EU member countries, have to permanently have an available reliability margin according to the activity they carry on. The available reliability margin will be at least equal to the minimum reliability margin. Romanian insurers estimate the available reliability margin, as well as the minimum reliability margin, from the regulations issued by the Insurance Surveillance Committee (ISC).reliability margin, profitability, safety fund, solvency, Basel Agreement


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