130 research outputs found
Estruturação da implantação de um sistema de gestão ambiental ISO 14001 no laboratório de análises de combustíveis automotivos da UFPR (LACAUT ETS)
Orientador: João Carlos da CunhaMonografia(Especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná,Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especialização em Gestão da QualidadeResumo: Este trabalho visa apresentar um diagnóstico sobre o processo de Implantação de um sistema de gestão ambiental no Laboratório de Análises de Combustíveis Automotivos - LACAUT ets, na Universidade Federal do Paraná, e uma proposta para que seja operacionalizado com vistas a uma certificação. Um sistema de gestão ambiental em um laboratório de universidade e mais do que a simples destinação adequada dos resíduos, que já está sendo executada, mas uma maneira integrada de gestão para atender todos os requisitos técnicos, ambientais, financeiros e de gestão, como em qualquer organização, além de ser um pólo de formação de profissionais de nível superior alinhados com as tendências mais recentes no que se refere aos princípios de sustentabilidade e interação saudável com o meio ambiente. Do diagnóstico realizado, percebe-se o atendimento de alguns dos requisitos básicos tais como a existência de um Programa de Gestão de Resíduos Sólidos (PGRS), um Levantamento de Aspectos e Impactos Ambientais (LAIA) e um Programa de Controle Médico de Saúde Ocupacional (PCMSO), além de um
Programa de Prevenção de Riscos Ambientais (PPRA) em implantação, assim como a instalação de infra-estrutura para tratamento de efluentes líquidos. Estas ações devem ser integradas com o sistema de gestão laboratorial existente para culminar numa certificação do Sistema de gestão Ambiental, conforme análise realizada no final do trabalho
O objetivo deste trabalho foi isolar cepas de leveduras capazes de degradar a água
de degomagem do beneficiamento úmido do café, caracterizando os metabólitos
formados. A bebida preparada a partir de grãos tratados por via úmida é considerada
de melhor qualidade quando comparada à elaborada com grãos tratados por via
seca. No entanto, o alto potencial poluente da água residual do beneficiamento
representa sério problema para o ambiente. A água de degomagem apresenta
essencialmente contaminação orgânica, com taxas de demanda bioquímica de
oxigênio (DBO) e demanda química de oxigênio (DQO) superiores a 20.000 mgO2/L.
Candida tropicalis, C. lypolitica, C. guilliermondii, C. parapsilopsis, Kloeckera
apiculata e Rhodotorula rubra, isoladas de cerejas de café, foram inoculadas em
frascos contendo água de degomagem e esses, submetidos à agitação
constante(120 rpm) por 48 horas, a 28oC. Candida parapsilopsis apresentou
percentual de redução da taxa de DBO de 50,14% e de DQO de 29,81%, evidenciando
a viabilidade do uso desses microrganismos como biodespoluentes.
The aim of the present work was to isolate yeast strains able to degrade
the degumming water originated from the wet processing of coffee,
characterizing the formed metabolites. The drink prepared from the treated
grains by wet processing is considered of better quality when compared
with the grains treated by dry process. However, the great polluent
potential of the residual water from this processing represents serious
concern for the environment. The degumming water essentially presents
organic contamination, with Oxygen Biochemical Demand (OBD) and
Oxygen Chemical Demand (OCD) rates superior to 20.000 mgO2/L.
Candida tropicalis, C. lypolitica, C. guilliermondii, C. parapsilopsis,
Kloeckera apiculata e Rhodotorula rubra, isolated from coffee cheeries
were inoculated in flasks containing the degumming water and then
submitted to constant agitation (120 rpm) for 48 hours at 28ºC. The
isolated species revealed capacity to degrade the substrate, however
C.parapsilopsis showed reduction percentages of OBD and OCD rates
of 50.14% e 29.81%, respectivelly, showing the viability of the use of
those microorganisms as biological depollutants
A sustentabilidade de uma atividade econômica está associada à aceitação cultural, viabilidade econômica, justiça social e ao ecologicamente correto. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a situação social da comunidade de Axixá do Tocantins, TO, Brasil, e seu potencial de gerar renda para propor uma atividade sustentável. As “quebradeiras de coco”, grupo de cultura local, apresenta uma situação social precária. Elas catam frutos do babaçu (Orbignya spp.) da região e retiram suas amêndoas com auxílio de machado e bastão de madeira. As amêndoas são torradas em chapas metálicas aquecidas, trituradas em pilão e cozidas em água para liberação do óleo. O óleo desprendido sobrenada e é retirado após o resfriamento do caldeirão, sendo comercializado a baixo custo no local. No entanto, um bom potencial de aumentar a renda de vários desses moradores é possível por meio da transferência de tecnologia de extração do óleo por prensagem a frio de babaçu, com o devido respeito àquela realidade sociocultural. Nesse sentido, uma ação de política pública afirmativa para instalação de uma microindústria química pode recuperar o investimento em cerca de três anos, considerando a produção de óleo extravirgem e condições mais favoráveis de sua comercialização, o que também garantirá a manutenção das matas desta palmeira
Pd-Impregnated activated carbon and treatment acid to remove sulfur and nitrogen from diesel
Removal of sulfur and nitrogen compounds from national commercial diesel through adsorption ontoactivated carbon was studied. Brazilian commercial activated carbon samples (AC) were modified by acidoxidation and, alternatively, were impregnated with palladium chloride. Modified carbon samples showed asignificant increase in the quantity of acid sites, particularly those AC submitted to impregnation withpalladium. Adsorption capacity of the carbon samples increased proportionally to the increase in the acidgroups. Adsorption efficiency of the activated carbon impregnated with palladium chloride was over 85%for nitrogen compounds and over 60% for sulfur compounds. The treatment studied was found to be anefficient option for the removal of sulfur and nitrogen compounds present in commercial diesel, and thus itcould be an alternative pretreatment in the conventional hydrotreatment process
Is the combination therapy of IKr-channel blocker and left stellate ganglion block effective for intractable ventricular arrhythmia in a cardiopulmonary arrest patient?
Background: We have previously reported that the defibrillation success rate of intravenous nifekalant
hydrochloride (NIF), a pure IKr-channel (IKr: the rapid components of the delayed rectifier potassium
current) blocker, was more than 75% for lidocaine-resistant ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation
(VT/VF) in patients with out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest (CPA). However, there was no
effective treatment for the remaining 25% of patients in whom defibrillation was unsuccessful. We
hypothesised that the combination therapy of NIF and left stellate ganglion block (LSGB) was useful for
defibrillation in NIF-resistant VT/VF and investigated its efficacy in a retrospective study.
Methods and results: We investigated sequentially 272 out-of-hospital CPA patients treated
at Tokai University between April and December 2006. VT/VF occurred in 55 patients on
arrival or during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). On the basis of our CPR algorithm,
NIF was administered (0.15-0.3 mg/kg, i.v.) after the first direct-current cardioversion.
NIF-resistant VT/VFs were observed in 15 out of 55 patients and LSGB was performed on
11 of these with administration of NIF. Sinus rhythm was restored in 7 patients following
LSGB (64%) and complete recovery was achieved in 2 patients. In the non-LSGB group,
however, all the patients died.
Conclusions: The combination therapy of intravenous NIF and LSGB was useful for defibrillation
in intractable VT/VF. It is a potential and innovative treatment strategy for
IKr-channel blocker resistant VT/VF. (Cardiol J 2007; 14: 355-365
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書研究種目: 基盤研究(C)研究期間: 1997~2000課題番号: 09670927研究代表者: 高田 政彦(滋賀医科大学・医学部・講師)研究分担者: 森川 茂廣(滋賀医科大学・分子神経科学研究センター・助教授)研究分担者: 山本 逸雄(滋賀医科大学・医学部・助教授
Development of methods for predicting fractures using radiological modulties
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書研究種目: 一般研究(B)研究期間: 1990~1991課題番号: 02454285研究代表者: 森田 陸司(滋賀医科大学・医学部・教授)研究分担者: 山本 逸雄(滋賀医科大学・医学部・助教授)研究分担者: 大中 恭夫(滋賀医科大学・医学部・助手
Immunosuppressant FK506 induces interleukin-6 production through the activation of transcription factor nuclear factor (NF)-κB implications for FK506 nephropathy
金沢大学がん研究所がん分子細胞制御FK506 is a powerful immunosuppressive drug currently in use that inhibits the activation of several transcription factors (nuclear factor (NF)-AT and NF-κB) critical for T cell activation. We show here that, contrary to the situation in T cells, FK506 activates transcription factor NF-κB in non-lymphoid cells such as fibroblasts and renal mesangial cells. We further show that FK506 induces NF-κB-regulated IL-6 production in vitro and in vivo, in particular in kidney. IL-6 has been shown previously to produce renal abnormalities in vivo, such as mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis. Similar renal abnormalities were also observed in FK506-treated animals. These results thus suggest a causal relationship between FK506-induced NF-κB activation/IL-6 production and some of FK506-induced renal abnormalities
Skuteczność terapii złożonej polegającej na podaniu blokera kanału IKr oraz wykonaniu blokady zwoju gwiaździstego w leczeniu opornych arytmii komorowych u chorych z zatrzymaniem krążenia
Wstęp: W poprzednich doniesieniach autorzy niniejszej pracy dowiedli, że współczynnik
skuteczności defibrylacji przy jednoczesnym dożylnym podaniu chlorowodorku nifekalantu
(NIF) - selektywnego blokera kanałów szybkiej składowej opóźnionego prostującego prądu
potasowego (IKr) wynosił powyżej 75% dla opornego na lignokainę częstoskurczu lub migotania
komór (VT/VF) w przebiegu pozaszpitalnego zatrzymania krążenia (CPA). Jednakże dla
pozostałych 25% chorych, u których wykonana defibrylacja okazała się nieskuteczna, nie
znaleziono efektywnych metod leczenia. Autorzy niniejszej pracy sugerują, że zastosowanie złożonej
terapii polegającej na dożylnym podaniu NIF oraz wykonaniu blokady lewego zwoju gwiaździstego
(LSGB) jest użyteczne w przypadku defibrylacji VT/VF opornego na działanie NIF. Na podstawie
własnych badań retrospektywnych podjęto także próbę oceny skuteczności tej terapii.
Metody i wyniki: Do badania włączono kolejnych 272 chorych przyjętych do Kliniki Kardiologii
Uniwersytetu Tokai w okresie od kwietnia do grudnia 2006 roku z powodu pozaszpitalnego
zatrzymania krążenia. U 55 pacjentów (podczas przyjęcia lub też w przebiegu resuscytacji
krążeniowo-oddechowej) stwierdzono VT/VF. Zgodnie z samodzielnie wypracowanymi przez
autorów pracy algorytmami prowadzenia resuscytacji krążeniowo-oddechowej NIF (w dawce
0,15-0,3 mg/kg) podawano dożylnie po pierwszej próbie kardiowersji. Oporne na działanie NIF częstoskurcze komorowe/migotania komór wystąpiły u 15 spośród 55 pacjentów.
U 11 chorych z powyższej grupy wykonano LSGB oraz podano dożylnie NIF. U 7 osób (64%)
po zabiegu LSGB uzyskano powrót rytmu zatokowego. Całkowity powrót do zdrowia zanotowano
u 2 chorych. Jednakże w grupie, w której nie wykonano zabiegu blokady lewego zwoju
gwiaździstego (grupa nie-LSBG), zmarli wszyscy pacjenci.
Wnioski: Terapia złożona polegająca na dożylnym podaniu NIF oraz wykonaniu LSGB
okazała się użyteczna w przypadku defibrylacji opornego VT/VF. Jest to potencjalna i innowacyjna
strategia leczenia opornego na selektywne blokery kanałów IKr częstoskurczu komorowego/
migotania komór. (Folia Cardiologica Excerpta 2007; 2: 524-536
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