5 research outputs found
Functional and Morphological Analyses of Rab Proteins and the Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive Factor Attachment Protein Receptor (SNARE) System in the Secretion of Pituitary Hormones
- Author
- Akira Matsuno
- Itoh J., Kawai, K., Serizawa, A.,
- Itoh J., Kawai, K., Serizawa, A.,
- Itoh J., Osamura, R. Y. and Watana
- Itoh J., Yasumura, K., Takeshita,
- Johbu Itoh
- Matsuno A., Itoh, J., Itoh, Y., Os
- Matsuno A., Itoh, J., Nagashima, T
- Matsuno A., Itoh, J., Osamura, R.
- Matsuno A., Nagashima, T., Ohsugi,
- Matsuno A., Nagashima, T., Osamura
- Osamura R. Y., Tahara, S., Kurotan
- Quintanar J. L. and Salinas, E.
- R. Yoshiyuki Osamura
- Robinson J. M. and Batten, B. E.
- Salinas E., Quintanar, J. L. and R
- Sanno N., Tahara, S., Kurotani, R.
- Susumu Takekoshi
- Tadashi Nagashima
- Tahara S., Sanno, N., Teramoto, A.
- Tasaka K., Masumoto, N., Mizuki, J
- Publication venue
- 'Japan Society of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2003
- Field of study
Utility of Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM): With Reference to Interpretation in Immunostaining
- Author
- Haber R. S., Weiser, K. R., Pritsk
- Hiroyuki Hayashi
- Itoh J., Kawai, K., Serizawa, A.,
- Johbu Itoh
- Masanori Yasuda
- Naoki Ogane
- Ogane N., Yasuda, M., Kamoshida, S
- R. Yoshiyuki Osamura
- Rudlowski C., Moser, M., Becker, A
- Schö
- Takeo Minematsu
- Yasuda M., Okabe, T., Itoh, J., Ta
- Yoichi Kameda
- Younes M., Lechago, L. V. and Lech
- Publication venue
- 'Japan Society of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2005
- Field of study
Simultaneous Detection of DAB and Methyl Green Signals on Apoptotic Nuclei by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy
- Author
- Brachet J.
- Brachet J.
- Fukuda K., Kojiro, M. and Chiu, J.
- Gomori G.
- Hasegawa H., Watanabe, K., Nakamur
- Hideaki Hasegawa
- Itoh J., Kawai, K., Serizawa, A.,
- Itoh J., Osamura, R. Y. and Watana
- Itoh J., Utsunomiya, H., Komatsu,
- Itoh J., Yasumura, K., Takeshita,
- Johbu Itoh
- Keiichi Watanabe
- Kerr J. F. R., Wyllie, A. H. and C
- Kurnick N. B.
- Masanori Yasuda
- Nakane P. K., Watanabe, K., Itoh,
- Neri L. M., Martelli, A. M., Previ
- Pearse A. G. E.
- Robinson J. M. and Batten, B. E.
- Rosenkranz H. S. and Bendich, A.
- Shinobu Umemura
- Susumu Takekoshi
- Tuan D., Chetsanga, C. and Dorty,
- Vercanteren R.
- Yoshiyuki R. Osamura
- Publication venue
- 'Japan Society of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2003
- Field of study
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopic Imaging of Subcellular Organelles, mRNA, Protein Products, and the Microvessel Environment.
- Author
- Akihiko Serizawa
- Akira Matsuno
- Auerbach R., Alby, L., Grieves, J.
- Barsky S. H., Baker, A., Siegal, G
- Bell M. A. and Scarrow, W. G.
- Bonner-Weir S. and Orci, L.
- Conradi N. G., Engvall, J. and Wol
- Dirnagl U., Villringer, A., Gebhar
- Elias A. K. and Weiner, I. R.
- Hashimoto N. and Kusakabe, M.
- Holthö
- Hoyer L. W., de los Santos, R. and
- Hozak P., Novak, J. T. and Smetana
- Itoh J., Kawai, K., Serizawa, A.,
- Itoh J., Osamura, R. Y. and Watana
- Itoh J., Utsunomiya, H., Komatsu,
- Itoh J., Yasumura, K., Takeshita,
- Jaffe E. A., Hoyer, L. W. and Nach
- Johbu Itoh
- Keiichi Watanabe
- Kenji Kawai
- Kimura K., Tojo, A., Nanbu, S., Ma
- Lloyd R. V., Fields, K., Jin, L.,
- Lloyd R. V., Jin, L. and Fields, K
- Marin-Padilla M.
- Matsuno A., Itoh, J., Itoh, Y., Os
- Matsuno A., Itoh, J., Osamura, R.
- Matsuno A., Nagashima, T., Ohsugi,
- Matsuno A., Nagashima, T., Osamura
- Matsuno A., Ohsugi, Y., Utsunomiya
- Matsuno A., Ohsugi, Y., Utsunomiya
- Matsuno A., Teramoto, A., Takekosh
- Michel E. and Parsons, J. A.
- Minamikawa T., Miyake, T., Takamat
- Murray J. M.
- Nakamura K. and Masuda, T.
- Nakane P. K.
- Nakane P. K., Watanabe, K., Itoh,
- Neri L. M., Martelli, A. M., Previ
- Novikoff A. B. and Goldfischer, S.
- R. Yoshiyuki Osamura
- Robinson J. M. and Batten, B. E.
- Stemerman M. B., Pitlick, F. A. an
- Strong L. H.
- Strottmann J. M., Robinson, J. B.
- Takamatsu T. and Fujita, S.
- Tao W., Walter, R. J. and Berns, M
- Turner J. N., Szarowski, D. H., Sm
- White J. G., Amos, W. B. and Fordh
- Wright S. J. and Schatten, G.
- Yoshida Y. and Ikuta, F.
- Yoshiko Itoh
- Yukito Yamamoto
- Publication venue
- 'Japan Society of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2001
- Field of study
Three-Dimensional (3D) Imaging of Tumor Angiogenesis and its Inhibition: Evaluation of Tumor Vascular-Targeting Agent Efficacy in the DMBA-induced Rat Breast Cancer Model by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM)
- Author
- Akihiko Serizawa
- Ascherman J. A., Knowles, S. L. and Attkiss, K.
- Bicknell R. and Harris, A. L.
- Brown L. F., Berse, B., Jackman, R. W., Tognazzi, K., Manseau, E. J., Dvorak, H. F. and Senger, D. R.
- Chaplin D. J. and Dougherty, G. J.
- Chaplin D. J., Pettit, G. R., Parkins, C. S. and Hill, S. A.
- Cirri L., Donnini, S., Morbidelli, L., Chiarugi, P., Ziche, M. and Ledda, F.
- Couteau C., Risse, M. L., Ducreux, M., Lefresne-Soulas, F., Riva, A., Lebecq, A., Ruffie, P., Rougier, P., Lokiec, F., Bruno, R. and Armand, J. P.
- Dykes D. J., Bissery, M. C., Narrison, S. D. Jr and Waud, W. R.
- Folkman J.
- Folkman J.
- Folkman J. and Ingber, D. E.
- Gagliardi A., Hadd, H. and Collins, D. C.
- Itoh J., Kawai, K., Serizawa, A., Yasumura, K., Ogawa, K. and Osamura, R. Y.
- Itoh J., Yasumura, K., Takeshita, T., Ishikawa, H., Kobayashi, H., Ogawa, K., Kawai, K., Serizawa, A. and Osamura, R. Y.
- Johbu Itoh
- Kaidoh T., Yasugi, T. and Uehara, Y.
- Kazuhiko Yasumura
- Kenji Kawai
- Kenji Ogawa
- Kerbel R. S., Viloria-Petit, A., Klement, G. and Rak, J.
- Klauber N., Parangi, S., Flynn, E., Hamel, E. and D'Amato, R. J.
- Moulton K. S., Heller, E., Konerding, M. A., Flynn, E., Palinski, V. and Folkman, J.
- Nakane P. K.
- Olson T. A., Mohanraj, D., Carson, L. F. and Ramakrishnan, S.
- Senger D. R., Galli, S. J., Dvorak, A. M., Perruzzi, C. A., Harvey, V. S. and Dvorak, H. F.
- Toi M., Yamamoto, Y., Imazawa, T., Takayanagi, T., Akutsu, K. and Tominaga, T.
- Yasumura K., Ogawa, K., Nakagawa, Y., Yuasa, Y., Hiramatsu, H., Hiramatsu, K. and Osamura, R. Y.
- Yoshiyuki R. Osamura
- Yukito Yamamoto
- Zeng S., Chen, Y. Z., Fu, L., Johnson, K. R. and Fan, W.
- Publication venue
- 'Japan Society of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2003
- Field of study