15 research outputs found

    Parental Recognition of Bullying and Associated Factors Among Children After the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: A 3-Year Follow-Up Study From the Fukushima Health Management Survey

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    This study examined parental recognition of bullying victimization and associated factors among evacuated children after the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, using a 3-year follow-up data (wave 1: January 2012; wave 2: January 2013; wave 3: February 2014). The sample included the caregivers of 2,616 children in the first–sixth grades of elementary school, who lived in one of the 13 municipalities that were the target areas of the Mental Health and Lifestyle Survey, conducted as part of the Fukushima Mental Health Management Survey. Across 3 years, around 80% of caregivers responded “not true,” 15% responded “somewhat true,” and 5% responded “certainly true” in response to a question about bullying victimization of their children. Being male was significantly associated with the parental recognition of bullying victimization at wave 1 and wave 3. At wave 1, experiencing the nuclear plant explosion was significantly associated with parental recognition of bullying victimization. Moreover, age at wave 3 was negatively associated with parental recognition of bullying victimization. Our findings will be helpful for establishing community- and school-based mental health care for children, parents, and teachers

    The mental health status of children who have been evacuated or migrated from rural areas in Fukushima prefecture after the Fukushima daiichi nuclear power station accident: results from the Fukushima health management survey

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    Introduction: We evaluated the mental health status of children residing in Kawauchi village (Kawauchi), Fukushima Prefecture, after the 2011 accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, based on the children's experience of the nuclear disaster. Methods: We conducted this cross-sectional study within the framework of the Fukushima Health Management Survey (FHMS);FHMS data on age, sex, exercise habits, sleeping times, experience of the nuclear disaster, and the "Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)" scores for 156 children from Kawauchi in 2012 were collected. Groups with and without experience of the nuclear disaster - "nuclear disaster (+)" and "nuclear disaster (-)" - were also compared. Results: Our effective response was 93 (59.6%);the mean SDQ score was 11.4±6.8 among elementary school-aged participants and 12.4±6.8 among junior high school-aged ones. We statistically compared the Total Difficulties Scores (TDS) and sub-item scores of the SDQ between "elementary school" and "junior high school" or "nuclear disaster" (+) and (-). There was no significant difference between these items. Conclusions: We found indications of poor mental health among elementary and junior high school-aged children in the disaster area immediately following the accident, but no differences based on their experience of the nuclear disaster. These results indicate the possibility of triggering stress, separate to that from experiences related to the nuclear disaster, in children who lived in affected rural areas and were evacuated just after the nuclear disaster

    Differential diagnosis of memory impairment in areas affected by a natural disaster: a case report

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    We treated a man with a chief complaint of memory impairment after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Initially, he was diagnosed with dementia. However, after several tests, neither could a definitive diagnosis of dementia be reached, nor was there any apparent evidence for depression, epilepsy, delirium, or internal medicine diseases. During the earthquake, the patient experienced the severe trauma of watching his wife being swept away by a tsunami. Furthermore, he experienced separation from his family. Because of this traumatic experience, we suspected that dissociative disorder was involved in the development of the memory impairment and thus, we switched to treatments focusing on emotional support. Subsequently, the patient's memory impairment gradually improved. The present case demonstrates the importance of considering dissociative disorders when examining a patient with memory impairment in areas affected by disasters

    Prediction of the prognosis of somatoform disorders using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

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    Background: Somatoform disorders are frequently resistant to treatment. This study aimed to determine the utility of the Minnesota Multifaceted Personality Inventory (MMPI) in predicting the prognosis of somatoform disorders. Methods: Overall, 125 patients diagnosed with somatoform disorders between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2017 in the psychiatric department of Fukushima Medical University Hospital were included. Patients with positive outcomes were identified based on a subjective estimation regarding (1) pain and (2) social functions, including activities of daily living. They were divided into the improved group (IG) and the non-improved group (NIG). Each factor was then descriptively compared between the two groups, and the sensitivity and specificity were determined. Results: The NIG had significantly higher scores but only on the Hy scale. Thus, the optimal Hy scale cutoff score was calculated. The cutoff point was 73.5, with a sensitivity of 55.7% and a specificity of 71.7%. Conclusion: An MMPI Hy scale score higher than a cutoff value of 73.5 predicts a poor response to conventional supportive psychotherapy or drug therapy in patients with somatoform disorders. This cutoff point may be used as an important index for selecting treatment for somatoform disorders

    Trajectories of Emotional Symptoms and Peer Relationship Problems in Children after Nuclear Disaster: Evidence from the Fukushima Health Management Survey

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    The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, which occurred in March 2011, is having long-term effects on children. We planned this study to describe the trajectories of emotional symptoms and peer relationship problems in children and to examine potential risks and protective factors over the 35 months following the accident. The sample was 11,791 children in the first to sixth elementary grades. We identified four patterns for emotional symptoms and three patterns for peer relationship problems, using group-based trajectory modelling. For emotional symptoms, female gender, experience of tsunami and nuclear plant accident, out-of-prefecture evacuees, and insufficient physical activity were associated with the very severe trajectory. In contrast, for peer relationship problems, male gender, experience of nuclear plant accident, and insufficient physical activity were associated with the very severe trajectory. Different factors might be related to the very severe trajectories of emotional symptoms and peer relationship problems

    The Relationship between Sleep Time and Mental Health Problems According to the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in Children after an Earthquake Disaster: The Fukushima Health Management Survey

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    A cross-sectional study was performed on the adverse effects of sleep time on the mental health of children after the Great East Japan Earthquake and subsequent nuclear reactor accident in March 2011. The target participants were children aged 4–15 years living inside the government-designated evacuation zone as of 11 March 2011 (n = 29,585). The participants’ parents/guardians completed the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and sleep time data were obtained from the 2011 Fukushima Health Management Survey. A total of 18,745 valid responses were returned. We excluded questionnaires with incomplete answers leaving 13,272 responses for the final analysis. First, we divided the children into three age groups for analysis. Second, we divided each age group into four or five groups based on sleep time per day. We used SDQ scores ≥16 to indicate a high risk of mental health problems. In the 4–6-year-old group, those with a sleep time of <9 h had a higher risk. In the 7–12-year-old group, those with ≥10 h of sleep time had a higher risk. In the 13–15-year-old group, those with ≥9 h of sleep time had a higher risk. Shorter sleep time was associated with a higher risk of mental health in 4–6-year-olds. On the other hand, oversleeping was associated with a high risk of mental health in 7–15-year-olds

    Comparison of metabolic parameters between oral and total parenteral nutrition in children with severe eating disorders

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    Background: This study investigated changes of lipid parameters in children with severe eating disorders during refeeding in order to explore the optimal timing for lipid preparation administration. Methods: We prospectively assessed the physical conditions of patients with eating disorders after the start of nutrition therapy. The assessments were performed at admission and at 2 and 4 weeks. Lipid metabolism was assessed based on triglyceride (TG), total cholesterol (TC), and free carnitine (FC) levels, as well as acylcarnitine/free carnitine (AC/FC) ratio. Results: A total of 18 patients were included. Of these, 12 and 6 received an oral diet (OD group) and total parenteral nutrition (TPN group), respectively. The mean body mass indexes at hospital admission were 12.8 kg/m2 in the OD group and 12.7 kg/m2 in the TPN group. At 2 weeks after the start of refeeding, TC, TG, and AC/FC levels were significantly lower in the TPN group than in the OD group. Other blood test results did not show any significant differences between the two groups. Conclusions: Fat-free glucose-based nutrition promoted lipid metabolism over a 2-week period after the start of refeeding, suggesting that balanced energy and lipid intake are essential, even in TPN

    The mental health status of children who have been evacuated or migrated from rural areas in Fukushima prefecture after the Fukushima daiichi nuclear power station accident:results from the Fukushima health management survey

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    Introduction: We evaluated the mental health status of children residing in Kawauchi village (Kawauchi), Fukushima Prefecture, after the 2011 accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, based on the children’s experience of the nuclear disaster.Methods: We conducted this cross-sectional study within the framework of the Fukushima Health Management Survey (FHMS);FHMS data on age, sex, exercise habits, sleeping times, experience of the nuclear disaster, and the “Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)” scores for 156 children from Kawauchi in 2012 were collected. Groups with and without experience of the nuclear disaster — “nuclear disaster (+)” and “nuclear disaster (−)” — were also compared.Results: Our effective response was 93 (59.6%);the mean SDQ score was 11.4±6.8 among elementary school-aged participants and 12.4±6.8 among junior high school-aged ones. We statistically compared the Total Difficulties Scores (TDS) and sub-item scores of the SDQ between “elementary school” and “junior high school” or “nuclear disaster” (+) and (−). There was no significant difference between these items.Conclusions: We found indications of poor mental health among elementary and junior high school-aged children in the disaster area immediately following the accident, but no differences based on their experience of the nuclear disaster. These results indicate the possibility of triggering stress, separate to that from experiences related to the nuclear disaster, in children who lived in affected rural areas and were evacuated just after the nuclear disaster