23 research outputs found

    Emotion-driven Behavior of Game Characters

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    The field of interpersonal communication recognizes the significant impact of emotions on interactions between individuals. The classification of emotions has been a longstanding topic of study and has become an important aspect of the communication process. Despite its significance, the utilization of emotions for the purpose of regulating character conduct has yet to be extensively incorporated within the domain of gaming. The many types of emotions that have been identified has led to the inadequacy of incorporating emotions in game characters. The rapid development of games requires game characters to have behaviors that resemble human traits. One way that can be done is to add emotion as a trigger for changes in the behavior of game characters. Setting the behavior of game characters is done by changing the value of the attributes they have. To apply emotions to game character attributes, rules are made that serve as a reference for how each type of emotion can affect game character attributes. This alteration in attribute will change the behavior of the game character. Keywords: basic emotion, game character behavior, game character attribut

    Learning Through a Social Gaming Platform

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    The COVID-19 pandemic that emerged at the beginning of 2020 has influenced all aspects of life, leading to adjustments limiting physical social interaction. One of the fields that has been affected significantly is the education system. Since the government closed all schools since March and has not decided yet when they will reopen, teachers and students have been required to run the learning process. Various new online learning media have played a significant role in supporting the learning process during the pandemic. However, the ongoing learning style causes stressful conditions for students during online learning. It is caused by the limited interaction with teachers, friends and their school environment. Thus, developing a game-based learning media could be an alternative to provide new learning media that is attractive for students. It is expected that using an online game will provide an interesting virtual interaction for students. Keywords: social game, learning, interactiv

    Improving Students' 4C Skills Using Video Games

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    To be able to apply the knowledge learned in school in the community, students need not only skills but also knowledge of potential problems and decision-making abilities. Therefore, students need four skills (4C skills) that must be imparted at the beginning of learning and nurtured continuously in order to compete and thrive in an academic environment. Educators have recognized that such goals are important yet challenging. For this reason, it is necessary to use supporting media that can assist in honing students’ critical thinking skills. The proposed media for this study was social video games. The selection of games was based on the flexibility of media that can be accessed ubiquitously and allows for interactions with other players in cyberspace. In this article, we examined several methods that can be applied in social games to improve students’ 4C skills. Keywords: 4C skills, game, medi


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    Dalam pembuatan aplikasi game, ada tiga elemen penting yang menjadi dasar pembuatan game yaitu init, event dan method atau dapat disingkat menjadi Invento. Ketiganya secara bersinergi membentuk sebuah kerangka program yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat program game mulai dari yang sederhana sampai yang kompleks.Selama ini penggunaan metode invento belum secara maksimal diterapkan dalam pembuatan program game di matakuliah Bahasa Pemrograman. Dengan membuat bahan ajar elektronik berbasis metode Invento maka materi invento dapat disampaikan lebih efektif dan efisien dengan memanfaatkan kelebihan media elektronik berbasis jaringan internet.Hasil dari implementasi metode invento adalah sebuah bahan ajar elektronik yang dapat diakses dalam jaringan internet. Hasil pengujian pada produk bahan ajar mendapatkan hasil sebesar 74,14% sehingga masuk dalam kategori valid

    Designing an Architectural Sign System as a Supporting Visual Image of Petungsewu Tourism Village

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    It is important to create an architectural sign system design as a supporting visual image for the Petungsewu tourism village icon. It will increase the level of attractiveness for tourists by functioning as information on the existence of the area, and also strengthen the visual character of the tourism village. This architectural sign system design is created with a local nature concept based on natural resources. The creative design method to realize the concept, to the realization of the architectural sign system prototype includes the following steps: (1) the formulation of the architectural sign system concept taken from local nature as the development of ideas for various design forms, (2) the process of making form sketch design and architectural sign system construction techniques, (3) the process of realizing the design prototype of the architectural sign system through the name of the tourist location of the Petungsewu agro-eco park tourist village, (4) the finishing process of the design product, (5) analysis of the creation of architectural sign system products or prototypes with local natural characteristics. Keywords: architectural sign system, design, Petungsew

    Designing Digital Advertising with Scribble Animated Video Techniques

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    Digital Advertising using the scribble animation video technique is one of the promotional media used to provide information about Footwear Marks.C products. This video advert aims to attract consumers to buy local products. In order stand out from other promotional videos of similar products, in this video scribble animation effect is added to strengthen the message. The process of visualizing this video advertising starts from data searching, then the data is analyzed and the findings used in the concept drafting. Finally the title, synopsis, and storyboard are made. The next step begins with the selection of actors, the process of filming, video editing, and music composing. The vfx editing stage is where the scribble animation is added with adobe after-effect software. Then, the final stage of rendering occurs, followed by publishing on social media platforms such as Youtube and Instagram. This design produced an animation effect video entitled ”Digital advertising Marks. C Footwear with scribble animation” which has been uploaded on Youtube and Instagram with a video duration of 3 minutes 22 seconds. Keywords: digital advertising, scribble animatio

    Creating Ceramic Art Using Indonesian Cultural Elements to Enrich Local Ceramic Craft Culture

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    Ceramics have spread across various regions in Indonesia. These ceramic products are produced using various techniques and styles. However, not many ceramic producers use Indonesia’s culture to inspire their products. The purpose of this research was to enrich Indonesia’s ceramic variants. The research process involved: (1) local Indonesian culture was reviewed as the basis for ceramic creation; (2) ceramic artwork was created based on Indonesia’s culture; (3) a range of techniques and shapes from certain Indonesian cultural elements were explored and applied; (4) visualizations of the shaping process were created in the campus studio in the Art and Design Department, Faculty of Literature, State University of Malang, using stoneware and earthenware materials processed by manual techniques and machines; the clay was collected from the Southern Malang region, and was mixed with quartz and kaolin; (5) the finishing process was carried out; and (6) the final creation was analyzed. It is expected that this research will add value in enriching Indonesia’s culture, especially in ceramic art. Keywords: artwork exhibition, ceramic art, creativ

    2D Animation Design of Freshwater Lobster Cultivation

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    Indonesian Animation can attract and hold the attention of young viewers, but only if undertaken in a specific manner. For example the short duration of the movie ensures viewers remain engaged and absorb the messaging. This movie animation was designed to attract young viewers with aspirations to cultivate freshwater lobster. The development of this short ovie required three stages: pre-production; production; and post-production. The movie followed the characteristics of lobster and their cultivation via the experiences of the central character, Lobi, who successfully cultivates the lobster. Keywords: plan, animation, cultivation, freshwater lobste

    Fronl Text to Emotional Facial Expression of Life-like Character

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    Type of emotion such as joy, sad, and angry have been known for a long time and become an important aspect of human behavior. In the recent years, there is an increasing body of research on understanding the human emotions. This paper proposes a model of emotion representation in the form of facial expressions of life-like virtual character using text classifier and Fuzzy Inference System (FIS). The proposed methods classify the emotional affinity of sentences from text input and to express associated emotions visually through a face of virtual character. This model is able to show facial expressions with admixture blending emotions. As a demonstration, examples of facial expressions with corresponding text input as results from the implementation of our model are shown

    Designing Interactive Multimedia Courses Using STEAM Education

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    The Department of Design at the State University of Malang, Indonesia, has four study programs. Two of these are professional design study programs: the visual communication design undergraduate study program and the animation game diploma. In the curriculum of these two study programs there are interactive multimedia courses. With the number of students ranging from 750 at minimum, it is necessary to design a capable and innovative learning model for these interactive multimedia courses. STEAM education can be used as a framework to develop a lesson plan that is adaptable, benchmarked, and strongly reinforces learning standards in a unique and engaging way that improves student competence in the world of design professionals. This was descriptive research which used a procedural model development design. Borg and Gall explained that design development can be carried out through several stages, which were those used in this research, namely preliminary studies, research planning, initial product development, limited field tests, limited field test revisions, wider field test, feasibility test, revision of the results of the feasibility test, and dissemination and socialization of the final product. As a result of this research, a learning innovation was produced which combines several media and platforms, such as presentations, teaching materials, videos, mobile applications and WhatsApp. This learning innovation was implemented in the UM learning network information system (SIPEJAR) and the APK mobile application. Keywords: STEAM education, learning network information system, mobile applicatio