17 research outputs found

    Developing technological process of obtaining giality casts

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    The article considers the process of manufacturing castings using sand-resin forms and alloying furnace. Were the optimal technological parameters of manufacturing shell molds for the manufacture of castings of heating equipment. Using the same upon receipt of castings by casting in shell molds furnace alloying and deoxidation of the metal will provide consumers with quality products and have a positive impact on the economy in general engineering

    Heat treatment effect on the properties of vibration treated steel during crystalization

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    The effect of heat treatment on the structure and properties of 30HGSNMA steel that has been subjected to vibration treatment at the stage of primary crystallization is considered in the work. It is proposed to use normalization with accelerated cooling with a water-air mixture among possible treatment methods. The properties of steel after this heat treatment are investigated. It has been found that there is a significant increasing of hardness, tensile strength and impact strength, and the level of these properties is comparable with the level of properties after hardening and tempering. The introduction of one-stage heat treatment that consists in normalization with accelerated cooling, allows reducing the heat treatment cycle and increasing the equipment productivity

    Investigation of heat-resistant properties and microstructure of experimental steel based on the Cr-Ni-Ti-Nb system obtained under industrial conditions

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    The Nb effect on long-term strength of Cr18Ni10Ti steel is considered. There is substantiated selecting this steel for obtaining cast parts for metallurgical furnaces. It is shown that introduction of Nb in the amount of 1 % into steel of a given composition increases tensile strength and long-term strength by 15 %. Improving the properties is associated with the formation of NbC carbides

    Studying the binder effect on the properties of briquettes of ferroalloy production waste

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    The paper shows the results of studies in searching for a binder for briquetting finely dispersed dust (FDD) of ferroalloy production of the Kazakhstan content. The fractional composition and shape of FDD particles were studied. Liquid glass and caustic soda were used as a binder. The research results showed the possibility of using liquid glass as a binder. Experimental briquettes have sufficiently high compressive strength and drop strength, which implies the possibility of their transportation and loading

    Studying the properties of shell molds manufactured under industrial conditions using unsteady-state pressure

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    The article deals with studying the properties of shell molds. A series of tests was carried out using ground broken chamotte bricks. The tests show that the most durable mold is obtained using the ratio of quartz sand and fireclay chips in approximately the same proportions. There were used different base pressures during shaping, the most rational was recognized 0,2 MPa. A field study showed an exponential dependence of density on base pressure. The pressure of 0,25 MPa allows obtaining dense molds that withstand transportation between workshops. The dependences of the sand density on forging pressure, bending strength on the applied static pressure, gas permeability of the sand-resin shell depending on the duration of the shaping, gas permeability of the mold on the sintering time and gas permeability of the mold on the sintering temperature are considered

    Development of technology of complex aluminum-silicon-chrome alloy with utilization of off grade raw materials

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    Experimental studies on obtaining a complex aluminum-silicon-chrome alloy (FASCh) from Karaganda high-ash coals and high-carbon ferrochromefines were carried out. A method for smelting low-carbon ferrochrome using aluminum-silicon-chrome alloy as a reductant is suggested

    Studying the properties of sand-resin molds made using a variable load

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    The article investigated both shell mold samples and casting samples. The castings were made of 35L steel. A scheme of the formation of a sand-tar shell form using variable pressure was presented. As can be seen from the graphs, the application of the load during the formation of the shell form significantly affects the size of the burn in the direction of its decrease. The pressure of 0,18 ... 0,25 MPa, which is defined as optimal for obtaining the forms of castings «Link», can be considered very satisfactory for the value of the burnout. As pressure increases, the rate of decline of the burn on the castings decreases. Obtained in semi-industrial conditions, the samples were investigated in the laboratory of KSTU. The strength, hardness and gas permeability of the forms were determined