17 research outputs found

    Estimates for maximal functions associated to hypersurfaces in R3\Bbb R^3 with height h<2:h<2: Part II -- A geometric conjecture and its proof for generic 2-surfaces

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    In this article, we continue the study of LpL^p-boundedness of the maximal operator MS\mathcal M_S associated to averages along isotropic dilates of a given, smooth hypersurface SS in 3-dimensional Euclidean space. We focus here on small surface-patches near a given point x0x^0 exhibiting singularities of type A\mathcal A in the sense of Arnol'd at this point; this is the situation which had yet been left open. Denoting by pcp_c the minimal Lebesgue exponent such that MS\mathcal M_S is LpL^p-bounded for p>pc,p>p_c, we are able to identify pcp_c for all analytic surfaces of type A\mathcal A (with the exception of a small subclass), by means of quantities which can be determined from associated Newton polyhedra. Besides the well-known notion of height at x0,x^0, a new quantity, which we call the effective multiplicity, turns out to play a crucial role here. We also state a conjecture on how the critical exponent pcp_c might be determined by means of a geometric measure theoretic condition, which measures in some way the order of contact of arbitrary ellipsoids with S,S, even for hypersurfaces in arbitrary dimension, and show that this conjecture holds indeed true for all classes of 2-hypersurfaces SS for which we have gained an essentially complete understanding of MS\mathcal M_S so far. Our results lead in particular to a proof of a conjecture by Iosevich-Sawyer-Seeger for arbitrary analytic 2-surfaces.Comment: 101 pages, 8 figure

    Sharp time decay estimates for the discrete Klein-Gordon equation

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    We establish sharp time decay estimates for the the Klein-Gordon equation on the cubic lattice in dimensions d=2,3,4d=2,3,4. The 1\ell^1\to\ell^{\infty} dispersive decay rate is t3/4|t|^{-3/4} for d=2d=2, t7/6|t|^{-7/6} for d=3d=3 and t3/2logt|t|^{-3/2}\log|t| for d=4d=4. These decay rates are faster than conjectured by Kevrekidis and Stefanov (2005). The proof relies on oscillatory integral estimates and proceeds by a detailed analysis of the the singularities of the associated phase function. We also prove new Strichartz estimates and discuss applications to nonlinear PDEs and spectral theory

    Sharp time decay estimates for the discrete Klein-Gordon equation

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    We establish sharp time decay estimates for the Klein–Gordon equation on the cubic lattice in dimensions d = 2, 3, 4. The ℓ1 → ℓ∞ dispersive decay rate is |t|−3/4 for d = 2, |t|−7/6 for d = 3 and |t|−3/2 log|t| for d = 4. These decay rates are faster than conjectured by Kevrekidis and Stefanov (2005). The proof relies on oscillatory integral estimates and proceeds by a detailed analysis of the singularities of the associated phase function. We also prove new Strichartz estimates and discuss applications to nonlinear PDEs and spectral theory.<br