263 research outputs found

    Studi Penelitian Perbaikan Tanah Dengan Metode Vertical Drains Untuk Penanggulangan Kerusakan Jalan dan Bangunan Rumah Di Desa Sukodono, Kecamatan Dampit, Kabupaten Malang

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    Tanah lempung adalah tanah yang termasuk tanah cohesif serta salah satu tanah yang mempunyai daya dukung yang rendah, sifat kembang susut yang besar dan deformasi yang terjadi sangat besar dan waktu proses yang lama. Dengan adanya permasalahan tersebut maka penulis mencoba melakukan penelitian untuk perbaikan dengan usaha stabilitas menggunakan metode vertical drains dengan menambahkan pasir lolos saringan no. 4 dan tertinggal di saringan no. 10. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui 2 tahap, pertama dengan uji konsolidasi dan kedua dengan metode vertical drains. Pada metode vertical drains menggunakan pasir sebagai drain dengan 3 sampel benda uji silinder. Sampel pertama dengan drain besar berdiameter 4,75 cm, sampel kedua dengan drain kecil berdiameter 2,54 cm, dan sampel ketiga tanpa tambahan drain. Dengan masing-masing tinggi silinder 17,8 cm dan diameter 15,2 cm. Hasil dari setiap penurunan vertical drains ini akan dibandingkan dengan hasil penurunan dari konsolidasiKata kunci : Konsolidasi, Tanah Lempung, Vertical Drain

    Analisis Margin Pemasaran Sapi Potong Di Kenagarian Muaro Paneh Kecamatan Bukit Sundi Kabupaten Solok

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan mulai tanggal 1 September - 1 Oktober 2015 yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Saluran Pemasaran sapi potong yang diterapkan di Kenagarian Muaro Paneh, ( 2) Besarnya margin pemasaran pada masing- masing saluran pemasaran di Nagari Muaro Paneh. Penelitian ini di lakukan dengan menggunakan metode survei. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data Primer dan Data Sekunder. Responden penelitian ini adalah 20 peternak yang telah pernah melakukan penjualan sapi potong. Analisa Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data deskriptif kualitatif dan data deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 2 macam saluran pemasaran yang diterapkan peternak dalam memasarkan sapi potong di Nagari Muaro Paneh yang terdiri dari: (1 ) Peternak Pedagang Potong/Pengecer Konsumen (2) Peternak Pedagang Pengumpul Pedagang Potong/Pengecer Konsumen. Besarnya margin pemasaran pada saluran I adalah Rp. 2.464.511,67/ekor, margin pada saluran II adalah Rp. 4.844..4000/ekor. Kata Kunci : Pemasaran, Saluran Pemasaran, Margin Pemasaran, Sapi Poton

    Covid-19’s Impacts on Bangladeshi Migrant Workers and Remittances: In Quest of Policy Suggestions

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    The article endeavours to explore the problems that the current returning and the aspirant migrants have faced during the Covid-19 pandemic and suggest some policies to address the problems The article uses secondary sources of data It finds that the pandemic has affected all employment sectors of migrants host countries particularly affected those sectors where migrants are employed that have exacerbated their pre-pandemic problems The returning and aspirant migrants have acutely faced old problems including some new ones at their communities of origins Consequently migration outflows and remittance inflows are affected that might impede social and economic developments of Banglades


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    Metode numerik dapat menangani sistem persamaan besar, ketidaklinieran, dan geometri yang rumit dalam praktek rekayasa yang seringkali tidak mungkin dipecahkan secara analitik. Perhitungan dengan metode numerik merupakan perhitungan yang dilakukan secara berulang-ulang untuk terus-menerus memperoleh hasil yang semakin mendekati nilai penyelesaian sebenarnya. Persamaan diferensial biasa merupakan salah satu masalah yang dapat diselesaikan dengan metode numerik. Ada empat metode yang dapat digunakan dalam menentukan galat persamaan diferensial biasa, yaitu metode Deret Taylor, metode Runge-Kutta, metode Heun, dan metode Euler. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang berjenis kepustakaan atau literature yang bertujuan mengumpulkan data-data dan informasi melalui buku dan jurnal. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui metode terbaik untuk menentukan galat persamaan diferensial biasa. Berdasarkan soal yang diselesaikan dalam menentukan galat persamaan diferensial menggunakan metode Deret Taylor, metode Runge-Kutta, metode Heun dan metode Euler, metode yang menghasilkan galat paling kecil adalah metode Runge-Kutta

    Customer decision making vis-à-vis halal branding

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    Understanding the preference of Muslim youth for halal (religiously permissible)certified products in their search for branded items was the underlying motive behind this research. Since sportswear brand owners usually target youth market segments, Muslim youth in the Malaysian market were selected as the main respondents for this study. The collective perceptions of quality, brand awareness, brand association and consumer loyalty constitute brand equity and this study focused on brand equity research in the Malaysian marketing environment. Empirical research was conducted to determine the “on the ground” reality of the market, with a view to suggesting marketing policy directions to brand managers in the Malaysian sportswear industry. In the Malaysian context, the findings of the research do not completely support all the dimensions of Aaker’s (1991) brand equity model. This paper recommends that brand managers use halal certification of sportswear products to penetrate the Malay youth sub-segment of the Malaysian sportswear market. Halal certification will not have a negative effect on penetration of the other market sub-segments consisting of youth from other races in Malaysia


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    Numerical methods are able to solve large, non-linear and very complex equations that cannot be solved analytically. But the numerical method, can only obtain solutions that approach or approach the true solution so that the solution from the results of numerical calculations is called the approximation solution and can be made as precisely as desired. This research type of library research or literature that aims to collect data and information through books and journals. Non-linear equation is one of the problems that can be solved by numerical methods. In determining the roots of non-linear equations there are four methods that can be used, namely the bisection method, false position method, Newton Raphson method, and the secant method, the fastest converging method is the Newton Raphson method


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    Metode numerik dapat menangani sistem persamaan besar, ketidaklinieran, dan geometri yang rumit dalam praktek rekayasa yang seringkali tidak mungkin dipecahkan secara analitik. Perhitungan dengan metode numerik merupakan perhitungan yang dilakukan secara berulang-ulang untuk terus-menerus memperoleh hasil yang semakin mendekati nilai penyelesaian sebenarnya. Persamaan diferensial biasa merupakan salah satu masalah yang dapat diselesaikan dengan metode numerik. Ada empat metode yang dapat digunakan dalam menentukan galat persamaan diferensial biasa, yaitu metode Deret Taylor, metode Runge-Kutta, metode Heun, dan metode Euler. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang berjenis kepustakaan atau literature yang bertujuan mengumpulkan data-data dan informasi melalui buku dan jurnal. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui metode terbaik untuk menentukan galat persamaan diferensial biasa. Berdasarkan soal yang diselesaikan dalam menentukan galat persamaan diferensial menggunakan metode Deret Taylor, metode Runge-Kutta, metode Heun dan metode Euler, metode yang menghasilkan galat paling kecil adalah metode Runge-Kutta

    The Impact of Merger and Acquisition on Karachi Stock Exchange–Testing Semi-Strong Efficient Market Hypothesis

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    This paper particularly addresses the impact of mergers and acquisition (M&A) announcements on share prices in Pakistani stock market from 2006 to 2014.  It uses event study method for a sample of 32 M&A announcements from both financial and non-financial sectors. The result shows that M&A declarations do not signal any significant information to Pakistani market. Therefore, the findings show statistically insignificant abnormal returns on announcements of M&A, however a significant positive abnormal return just before proclamation of merger and acquisitions is noted. Similarly, the bidder firms show significant share price reaction and also some gains before the announcement which may be because of leakage of information (Khan, 2011). While after the declaration both target and bidder firms experience losses but overall conclusion detects that the target companies get fewer abnormal earnings as compared to acquirer firms in case of acquisitions. The insignificant unexpected returns on announcement date of M&A do not support semi-strong form of EMH. The findings of this study help investors in devising their investment strategies based on the timing of important announcements by companies such as M&A

    Corporate governance for Islamic banking sustainability and caux round table principles

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    Corporate Governance for Islamic Banking Sustainability and Caux Round Table Principles is an attempt to give a balanced view of both Western and Islamic perspectives. The review of the literature, explanations of the verses of the Qur’an that relate to corporate governance (CG) theories and Islamic perspective to it will enrich the field. This paper takes those traditional theories in literature and interprets them from an Islamic perspective, using more international perspectives especially for the Muslim world. Since failure to make profit alone is not enough reason of defaulting corporate entities rather non-compliance of shari’ah and Islamic ethical guidelines and lack of CSR concern is equally important in defining failur

    Leadership and work motivation from the cross cultural perspective

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast conventional management thought, its main features of leadership, and work motivation with those from an Islamic perspective. The paper fills in the literature gap that exists, despite the growing importance of a need for knowledge on management from an Islamic perspective. Design/methodology/approach – This paper is conceptual in nature. Therefore, the method adopted is descriptive and approached using revealed knowledge sources, as well as knowledge from conventional management literature from the cultural school of management thought. Findings – Leadership and motivational concepts in Islamic management are more comprehensive than the conventional theories. Islamic motivation frameworks also provide fundamentals for developing a strong Islamic leadership. Implications of these Islamic management concepts are not only confined to this materialistic world but also have connotation for subscribers of the belief of attaining eternal success in the hereafter. Originality/value – The paper gives a better understanding and guidelines for managers of multinational corporations, especially those working in Muslim countries, in order to achieve their corporate objectives successfully