3 research outputs found

    Impact of supply chain management strategies on the performance indicators of small and medium-sized businesses

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    Abstract—The study considers the impact of supply chain management strategies on the performance of small and medium-sized businesses. It is shown that developed 4PL operators are economic integrators of countries dominated by small and medium-sized enterprises. The study deals with the data of the Federal Republic of Germany, China, the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the Russian Federation. The research hypothesis has been statistically confirmed: higher-level business models of supply chain management (for example, 4PL) are used in countries where there are significant investments in information and communication technologies. This positively affects the turnover of small and medium-sized enterprises. Logistics providers are supply chain integrators. It has been established that the higher the share of small and medium-sized businesses in the country's economy, the more developed the supply chain management system is. It has been shown that developed small and medium-sized businesses are integrated into a single management system with the help of 4PL operators; this makes it possible to increase the efficiency of both small and medium-sized enterprises and logistics operators. The scheme for increasing the efficiency of small and medium-sized businesses based on e-logistics has been presented

    Retracted Article: Empowerment or Limitation of the Teachers’ Rights and Abilities in the Prevailing Digital Environment

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    This article has been retracted by the iJET editorial team: The article on this page has been associated with fraudulent publication practices after its publication in iJET. The work could be linked to a criminal paper mill selling authorships and articles for publication in several online journals to paying customers. The iJET editorial team was initially informed about the paper mill’s fraudulent activities by Dr. Perron (University of Michigan) and his team on 08/03/2021. The investigation results were published on RetractionWatch under https://retractionwatch.com/author/perronetal/ on 12/20/2021. Based on the evidence provided by Dr. Perron and his team, the iJET editorial team considerably questions the paper’s scientific integrity and legitimacy as part of the scientific body. Finally, iJET decided to retract the paper. Neither iJET, Online-Journals.org, nor IAOE stands in any contact with the paper mill’s fraudulent activities. We condemn such procedures and dissociate ourselves from any person or entity, which is knowingly or unknowingly part of it

    Motivation and Employee Effectiveness in Online Learning Environments: Leadership Strategies of New Generation and Emotional Intellect

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    The article aims at analyzing the impact of leadership technologies and emotional intellect within the motivation systems in educational organizations in the EU and CIS countries on employee effectiveness in online learning environments. During research implementation, it has been also identified the direct relationship be-tween these technologies and profitability of these organizations. The research has shown that the issue of effective motivation and incentive system which would ensure a real professional development for the employees of educational organizations and makes the organization a leading one is of rather in-depth conceptual character and needs development of an adequate employee strategy by using more contemporary methods of influencing them. The achieved results are unique and can be used within the study of the issues related to online learning and motivation as of employees of educational organizations, so as employees in overall in their professional activity