138 research outputs found

    Edad al primer parto de la raza Holstein Friesian en el Ecuador

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    The objective of this work was to determine the age at first calving in Holstein Friesian cows based on information obtained from the S.I.G. version 1.2.6. of the properties registered in the Holstein Friesian Association of Ecuador. Distributed mostly in the mountain region at a height that goes up to 3,800 meters above sea level, with an annual rainfall of 800 to 1,500 millimeters. The database included: identification of the animal, date of birth, date of first birth, and geographic location of the property. In total, 94,163 first birth records were obtained between the period 1971-2019. As inclusion criteria, all cows with calvings between 22 and 34 months of first calving were considered. The measures of central tendency and dispersion of the variable age at first birth were considered, additionally the 95% confidence interval was determined for the independent variables on age at first birth. In Ecuador, the average age was 48 months in 1971 with a significant decrease from 35-41 months between 1972-1975 and 30-35 months between 1976-2018, consolidating between 23-29 months in 2019. At the same time, variability is demonstrated between the high categories in relation to the low one with a difference of 15.1 days in the coastal region, while in the eastern region it is 15.69 days and a difference of 13.82 days in the highland region. Likewise, it presents variation in the age of first calving in relation to the season-region and the height. This is the first work carried out in Ecuador, in which a sustained reduction in the age of first calving is established.El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la edad al primer parto en vacas Holstein Friesian en base a información obtenida del programa S.I.G. versión 1.2.6. de los predios registrados en la asociación Holstein Friesian del Ecuador. Distribuidas en su mayoría en la región sierra a una altura que va hasta los 3,800 metros sobre el nivel del mar, con una precipitación anual de 800 a 1,500 milimitros. La base de datos incluyó: identificación del animal, fecha de nacimiento, fecha de primer parto y ubicación geográfica del predio. En total se obtuvieron 94,163 registros de primer parto entre el período 1971-2019. Como criterio de inclusión se consideró todas las vacas con partos entre 22 y 34 meses primer parto. Se consideró las medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión de la variable edad primer parto adicionalmente se determinó el intervalo de confianza al 95% para las variables independientes sobre la edad al primer parto. En Ecuador la edad promedio fue de 48 meses en el año 1971 con un importante descenso de 35-41 meses entre el año 1972-1975 y 30-35 meses entre los años 1976-2018 consolidándose entre 23-29 meses en el año 2019. Paralelamente se demuestra variabilidad entre las categorías alta en relación a la de baja con 15.1 días de diferencia en la región costa mientras que en la región oriente es de 15.69 días y de 13.82 días de diferencia en la región sierra. Así mismo, presenta variación en la edad primer parto en relación a la época-región y la altura. Este es el primer trabajo realizado en Ecuador, en el que se establece una reducción sostenida de la edad primer parto

    Monoamine Oxidase A Gene (MAOA) Associated with Attitude Towards Longshot Risks

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    Decision making often entails longshot risks involving a small chance of receiving a substantial outcome. People tend to be risk preferring (averse) when facing longshot risks involving significant gains (losses). This differentiation towards longshot risks underpins the markets for lottery as well as for insurance. Both lottery and insurance have emerged since ancient times and continue to play a useful role in the modern economy. In this study, we observe subjects' incentivized choices in a controlled laboratory setting, and investigate their association with a widely studied, promoter-region repeat functional polymorphism in monoamine oxidase A gene (MAOA). We find that subjects with the high activity (4-repeat) allele are characterized by a preference for the longshot lottery and also less insurance purchasing than subjects with the low activity (3-repeat) allele. This is the first result to link attitude towards longshot risks to a specific gene. It complements recent findings on the neurobiological basis of economic risk taking

    La segunda Ester : cuento histórico

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 201

    Libro de pasatiempo acozido de jornales y de libros históricos : 3

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 2011Mención de responsabilidad consta en p. [3]En la port. consta el año 566

    Guerta de Jerusalen, libro literario

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 2011La pag. empieza en p. 9Texto a dos col

    [Aventures merveilleuses mais authentiques du capitaine Corcoran. Ladino]

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 2011En la port. consta el año 5665Texto a dos col.2 t. en 1 v

    Cooperation, punishment, and group change in multilevel public goods experiments

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    Peer punishment is regarded as an important element in sustaining human cooperation for public good provision. Many behavioral experiments have shown that public good provision is higher if cooperation norms can be enforced by peer punishment. These experiments predominantly focus on single-group public goods, in which people have to choose between their private interests and the interests of their group. However, many societal problems comprise multilevel public goods problems, where multiple local groups are nested within a larger global group. We study experimentally how punishment affects cooperation and norms in multilevel public goods games. In our lab experiment, two local groups are nested within a larger global group. Participants have to choose between not contributing, contributing locally, and contributing globally. Local contributions would lead to a fragmented outcome where two separate local public goods are provided, whereas global contributions would lead to a unified global good that benefits all. Moreover, we study whether cooperation and punishment patterns depend on the type of public good participants are initially exposed to: single-group or multilevel. Participants either begin in a single-group public goods game and then shift to a multilevel public goods game or vice versa. We find that punishment is less effective in multilevel public goods games than in single-group public goods games. Punishment only promotes cooperation in multilevel public goods games if people have prior experience with solving single-group public goods games. Our results refine the boundary conditions for the effectiveness of punishment and suggest that ‘starting small’ by first solving single-group public goods problems is helpful for successful multilevel public good provision

    Las galanterias de la ermoza Nansi

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 201

    La gura de los Kuatro kavayeros

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 201

    La enamorada del rei de Navaro

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 201