59 research outputs found

    An Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Academic Courses Timetable Scheduling Problem

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    جدولة أوقات الدروس في الأقسام الكبيرة في الجامعات تعتبر مشكلة صعبة للغاية وغالبًا ما يتم حلها من قبل الموظفين على الرغم من أن النتائج مثالية بشكل جزئي. لقد حدت للغاية مشكلة جدولة الوقت من مشكلة التحسين التوافقي، يهدف هذا العمل تطبيق مبدأ الخوارزمية التطورية باستخدام النظريات الوراثية لحل مشكلة الجدولة الزمنية في محاولة الحصول على جدول زمني عشوائي ومثالي مع القدرة على إنشاء جدول زمني متعدد الاحتمالات ومثالي بشكل كامل لكل مرحلة دراسية في القسم المعني وبما يتلاءم مع القيود التي يفرضها الطلبة والكادر التدريسي وضمن ساعات عمل محددة مسبقا. تتمثل الفكرة الرئيسية في امكانية إنشاء جداول زمنية للدروس بطريقة تلقائية بعد تحديد الشروط المجدية للحصول على جدول زمني مرن ومثالي بدون تكرار من خلال تقديم جدول زمني قابل للتبديل والتدوير. تكمن المساهمة الرئيسية في هذا العمل من خلال زيادة مرونة توليد جداول زمنية مثالية بنسخ مختلفة من خلال زيادة احتمال إعطاء أفضل جدول زمني لكل مرحلة في الحرم الجامعي مع القدرة على استبدال الجدول الزمني عند الحاجة. الخوارزمية التطورية (EA) المستخدمة في هذه الورقة هي الخوارزمية الجينية (GA) التي هي عبارة عن بحث متعدد الحلول يعتمد على عدد المجتمع التطوري الذي يمكن تطبيقه لحل مشاكل معقدة مثل مشاكل الجدول الزمني. في هذا العمل، جميع المدخلات: الدروس والكادر التدريسي والوقت قد تمثلت بمجموعة واحدة لتحقيق البحث المحلي ودمج هذا التمثيل للجدول الزمني باستخدام التبادل الموجه لضمان عدم خرق الشروط الأساسية التي تم تحديدها مسبقا كدالة تطابق. قدمت النتائج نظام جدولة مرن حيث اظهرت نتائج الاختبار تنوع جميع الجداول الزمنية الممكنة التي يمكن إنشاؤها بما يتلاءم مع شروط المستخدم وحاجاته.Scheduling Timetables for courses in the big departments in the universities is a very hard problem and is often be solved by many previous works although results are partially optimal. This work implements the principle of an evolutionary algorithm by using genetic theories to solve the timetabling problem to get a random and full optimal timetable with the ability to generate a multi-solution timetable for each stage in the collage. The major idea is to generate course timetables automatically while discovering the area of constraints to get an optimal and flexible schedule with no redundancy through the change of a viable course timetable. The main contribution in this work is indicated by increasing the flexibility of generating optimal timetable schedules with different copies by increasing the probability of giving the best schedule for each stage in the campus with the ability to replace the timetable when needed. The Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) utilized in this paper is the Genetic Algorithm (GA) which is a common multi-solution metaheuristic search based on the evolutionary population that can be applied to solve complex combinatorial problems like timetabling problems. In this work, all inputs: courses, teachers, and time acted by one array to achieve local search and combined this acting of the timetable by using the heuristic crossover to ensure that the essential conditions are not broken. The result of this work is a flexible scheduling system, which shows the diversity of all possible timetables that can be created depending on user conditions and needs

    Assessing Ecosystem Responses to Land-Use Changes by Soil Quality Index

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    The change in land use from natural land regarding land used by humans in various areas is critical to the global ecosystem, which in turn affects soil conditions. In order to improve our understanding of land use, our study focuses on soil health assessment and it depends on long-term environmental research area near Wadi Nar in Al-Ubeidiya to assess the ecosystem response to land use, including tillage practice. The aim of this study is to evaluate of the effects of tillage on soil health for each system (natural, pastoral A, pastoral B) by using soil quality index. Three systems are studied: natural (no tillage), tillage with the removal of plants (pastoral A) and tillage without the removal of plants (pastoral B). In order to assess soil health, the chemical, biological and physical parameters of the soil must be analyzed. During our study, soil quality is assessed using the method of registration in each index using the SQI soil quality index, which determines the level of soil degradation, by collecting data on selected chemical, physical and biological indicators for each soil. Numerous statistical calculations were performed, including the PCA analysis, which shows the correlation between transactions in all systems at a given depth. Soil health assessment was used in detail for each laboratory of chemical, physical and biological indicators based on Cornell's book. The result of soil quality index for natural land is 16, where a number of indicators have been adopted to determine the quality of the soil. The pastoral system A achieves 15.4 while pastoral B has the highest value of 16.3. The result shows that according to the soil quality index, management types including tillage and plant retention, can improve soil quality. The higher the values are, the better the soil quality is. The best soil quality index in our study is 39 and the lowest value is 10 based on the equation used to calculate the soil quality index

    Development of in vitro models to investigate the role of decidualisation, PDGF, and ho-1 on stromal – trophoblast interaction

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    Decidualisation of human endometrial stromal cells (hESC) is essential for embryo implantation. As ethical barriers prevent investigation of human implantation in vivo, this project aimed to develop convenient/reliable co-culture models to evaluate the activity of platelet-derived growth factors (PDGF) and the anti-inflammatory/anti-oxidant haem-oxygenase-1 (HO-1) in hESC–trophoblast interactions. The St-T1b cell line and primary hESC were decidualised in vitro and HTR-8 trophoblast line grown as spheroids and used to develop trophoblast-spheroid expansion and invasion/sprouting assays. Fluorescence cell-labelling coupled with ImageJ/trainable weka plugin facilitated monitoring/analysis of assays over 72 h. Decidualisation of hESC reduced their migration in scratch-wound assays, inhibited trophoblast sprouting and promoted trophoblast-spheroid spreading. PDGF-AA was down-regulated whilst PDGF-α/-β receptor expression increased with hESC decidualisation. PDGF-BB increased hESC migration and HTR-8 trophoblast spheroid expansion and invasion in the presence of decidual hESC. HO-1 was upregulated during hESC decidualisation in a forkhead box-O1-dependent manner. Induction of HO-1 inhibited hESC migration and increased HTR-8-spheroid invasion. VEGF secretion increased, whereas sFlt-1 levels reduced with hESC decidualisation. Surprisingly, HO-1 induction enhanced sFlt-1 and VEGF expression in hESC and HTR-8 cells. Collectively, the results support use of these in vitro models as a platform to evaluate hESC decidualisation and other factors on trophoblast expansion/invasion and identify decidual regulation of HO-1 and PDGF activity in hESC. As defective hESC decidualisation causes infertility and pregnancy disorders, further investigation of HO-1 up-regulation and PDGF responsiveness in decidual hESC may identify new pathways underpinning these conditions

    Synthesis, characterization and bioactivity Study from azo – ligand derived frommethyl-2-amino benzoatewith some metal ions

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           حضرت بعض المعقدات الفلزیة الجدیدة من اللیكاند مثيل -(1- سيانو-2- ايثوكسي )بنزوات  مع ایونات  (Co(II)،Ni (II) ،(Cu(II) وشخصت بالطرائق الطیفیة وھي طیف الاشعة تحت الحمراء، وطیف الاشعة فوق البنفسجیة والمرئیة فضلا" عن تعیین نسبة الفلز في المعقدات بوساطة طیف الامتصاص الذري، وقیاس التوصیلیة المولاریة لمحالیل المعقدات في مذیب الایثانول، وتحدید النسبة المولیة للیكاند الى الفلز، وقیاس العزم المغناطیسي للمعقدات المحضرة ودرست الفعاليه البايولوجية للمركبات . وفي ضوء التشخیصات اعلاه اقترح الشكل الثماني السطوح لھذه المعقدات.A Ligand (ECA) methyl 2-((1-cyano-2-ethoxy-2-oxoethyl)diazenyl)benzoate with metals of (Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+) were prepared and characterization using H-NMR, atomic absorption spectroscopy, ultra violet (UV) visible, magnetic moments measurements, bioactivity, and Molar conductivity measurements in soluble ethanol. Complexes have been prepared using a general formula which was suggested as [M (ECA)2] Cl2, where M = (Cobalt(II), Nickel(II) and Copper(II), the geometry shape of the complexes is octahedral

    Assessment of the knowledge, attitude, and practice related to visceral leishmaniasis among residents of Al-Suwaira city, Wasit Governorate, Middle East of Iraq

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    Introduction: It is important to assess the knowledge, attitudes, and practice (KAP) towards visceral leishmaniasis (VL) to implement an effective control program. Hence, this study aimed to shed light in KAP among residents at Al-Suwaira city, Wasit Governorate, Middle East of Iraq. Methods: During March to May 2021, a cross-sectional study was done on 121 randomly selected residents. A normal self-administered questionnaire was used to measure the KAP. The results were expressed using descriptive analysis. Results: Overall, participants indicated average knowledge towards VL. However, the incubation period of VL (23.9%), the symptoms of VL (57.9%), and the diseases' transmission ways (54.5%) were recognized as knowledge gaps. The participants had favorable attitude towards VL, as majority of them (more than 70.0%) agreed that VL causes health problems in the local populations and local communities should be actively involved in the fight against VL. Also, majority of the participants agreed that VL is a treatable. Regarding practice towards VL, 110 (90.9%) participants had used preventive measures against sand fly bites. The majority of people (44.6%) chose cleanliness as a disease-prevention technique. The main sources of information used by participants to educate themselves about the condition were the internet (57.0%) and television (19.8%). Conclusion: Overall, the participants had good knowledge, positive attitudes, and good practice when it came to VL prevention. However, there were some gaps. Hence, it is recommended that knowledge-based strategies be strengthened and rigorously rolled out in order to raise awareness among the residents of the region

    تحليل توجهات الشباب نحو الهجرة غير الشرعية في مدينة اربيل عام 2022

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    يعد موضوع الهجرة‌ من أهم الموضوعات الاقتصادية والسیاسیة‌ التي لقيت تركيزا كبيرا في التحليلات والدراسات، نظرا لما يمثلها هذا المتغير من أهمية على المستوى المحلي والعالمي. وتعني الهجرة بأنها الانتقال من مكان إلى آخر. وبظهور فكرة الدولة ورسم المعالم والحدود وسن النصوص والتشريعات وبروز سيادة الدولة على إقليمها سواء كان بري أو جوي أو بحري أعطى مفاهيم أخرى للهجرة بأنواع مختلفة وكل ذلك حسب الطريقة التي تمت بها، إما تتم حسب قوانين الدخول إلى إقليم الدولة فتكون هجرة شرعية وإما بمخالفة تلك القوانين فتسمى هجرة غير شرعية. وتهدف الدراسة إلى: التعرف على واقع الهجرة غير الشرعية في اقليم كوردستان وتحديد أهم أسبابها وعواملها، وتحديد عدد من الأساليب والاجراءات للحد من هذه الظاهرة. ومن خلال هذا البحث تم التوصل الى جملة من الاستنتاجات منها: يأتي دور العوامل السياسية بالمرتبة الأولى في خلق الرغبة بالهجرة، بينما العوامل الاقتصادية تؤثر على الهجرة بالمرتبة الثانية في البحث عن فرص عمل وبالتالي تحقيق الرفاهية الاقتصادية، فضلا عن عدم وجود سياسة اقتصادية واضحة للدولة بشأن الموارد البشرية وعدم استغلالها اقتصادياً من خلال اتاحة العمل لهم. ويوصي البحث إلى زيادة دور الاعلام المرئي والمسموع والمقروء والاتصالات الحديثة في بيان أسباب الهجرة وآثارها السلبية بغية زرع الثقة في نفوس الراغبين في الهجرة حول المستقبل الاقتصادي في اقليم كوردستان العراق، وبالتالي وضع حد للهجرة، وإيجاد خطة استراتيجية لسياسة العمل في الاقليم، بإشراك كل القطاعات بما فيها القطاع الخاص لخلق مناصب شغل دائمة للشباب البطال في بلاده والتخلي عن التفكير في الهجرة بطرق غير الشرعية

    Venous thromboembolism rate in patients with bladder cancer according to the type of treatment: a systematic review

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    Bladder cancer (BC) is classified as a high-risk tumour type for venous thromboembolism (VTE). VTE presents an extra challenge in the management of patients with cancer, given the increase in morbidity and mortality on having both conditions. To summarise the contemporary evidence on the VTE rate in patients with BC according to the stage, type of anti-cancer treatment and highlight VTE rate in the UK and other countries. A systematic review was carried out, and an electronic search for publications between January 2000 and November 2021 was done. Studies recording VTE in BC patients were included, whilst paediatric patients, case reports, studies reporting on a mix of arterial and venous thrombosis, studies reporting DVT or PE only and recorded hospitalised VTE only were excluded. The rate of VTE, country of origin, risk factors and thromboprophylaxis duration for VTE in BC patients were identified. A total of 38 papers met the search criteria. All publications were original research papers (cohort studies). The overall VTE rate in patients with BC was estimated at 1.9% to 4.7%. For those patients undergoing cystectomy, the VTE rate ranged from 3% to 17.6%; however, the VTE rate in the metastatic stage of BC patients ranged from 3.1% to 5.1%. The rates of VTE in BC patients are high, further increased by interventions such as surgery and chemotherapy. Thromboprophylaxis measures should be optimised. This review highlighted the fact that the VTE rate in BC varies between studies due to the heterogeneity of risk factors reported

    Improving face recognition by elman neural network using curvelet transform and HSI color space

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    In this paper, a suggested algorithm was proposed to increase the efficiency of the Elman neural algorithm in face recognition. The proposed algorithm was studied on the images of 20 students from the Department of Computer Science, Tikrit University. First step creates dataset of faces, second step convert color space to HSI and using saturation layer, image decomposition using curvelet transform, feature extraction using Principle component analysis, and final step face recognition using Elman neural network. after applying proposed algorithm, the rate of face recognition 94%

    The effect of graphene, silica, and natural dust particles on the performances of multiple types of solar photovoltaic modules

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    Desertification and industrial pollution environment can significantly degrade photovoltaic cells performance. Accumulated dust on the surface of a photovoltaic module can partially hinder incident light and consequently degrade optical to electrical energy conversion. Dust properties play a major role in deteriorating solar system performance. Thus, this paper presents extensive investigations on the UV- absorbance, light transmittance and reflectance through an accumulated dust layer. Dust characterization; focusing on its spectral and crystallographic properties of three types of dust (Graphene, Silica, and natural), was carried out to evaluate the degradation rate of the output power for three types of solar PV modules (monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film). Spectrophotometric analysis was conducted to determine UV light absorbance and light transmittance through the three types of dust. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) tests were conducted to evaluate the effect of dust crystallinity on light reflectance. A lab-scale setup was used to examine the performances of the three solar PV modules under clean and polluted conditions. Results indicated that Graphene dust exhibits severe UV light absorbance, and its crystalline form increases light reflectance from the surfaces of the modules. However, Silica and natural dust showed a little UV absorbance. Among the three types of the solar PV modules, thin-film panel showed the highest degradation under polluted conditions as compared to the other modules. Therefore, thin film solar module is not recommended for areas with high density of dust