11 research outputs found

    Configuring Test Generators using Bug Reports: A Case Study of GCC Compiler and Csmith

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    The correctness of compilers is instrumental in the safety and reliability of other software systems, as bugs in compilers can produce executables that do not reflect the intent of programmers. Such errors are difficult to identify and debug. Random test program generators are commonly used in testing compilers, and they have been effective in uncovering bugs. However, the problem of guiding these test generators to produce test programs that are more likely to find bugs remains challenging. In this paper, we use the code snippets in the bug reports to guide the test generation. The main idea of this work is to extract insights from the bug reports about the language features that are more prone to inadequate implementation and using the insights to guide the test generators. We use the GCC C compiler to evaluate the effectiveness of this approach. In particular, we first cluster the test programs in the GCC bugs reports based on their features. We then use the centroids of the clusters to compute configurations for Csmith, a popular test generator for C compilers. We evaluated this approach on eight versions of GCC and found that our approach provides higher coverage and triggers more miscompilation failures than the state-of-the-art test generation techniques for GCC.Comment: The 36th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, Software Verification and Testing Track (SAC-SVT'21

    Evaluation of Generalizability of Neural Program Analyzers under Semantic-Preserving Transformations

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    The abundance of publicly available source code repositories, in conjunction with the advances in neural networks, has enabled data-driven approaches to program analysis. These approaches, called neural program analyzers, use neural networks to extract patterns in the programs for tasks ranging from development productivity to program reasoning. Despite the growing popularity of neural program analyzers, the extent to which their results are generalizable is unknown. In this paper, we perform a large-scale evaluation of the generalizability of two popular neural program analyzers using seven semantically-equivalent transformations of programs. Our results caution that in many cases the neural program analyzers fail to generalize well, sometimes to programs with negligible textual differences. The results provide the initial stepping stones for quantifying robustness in neural program analyzers.Comment: for related work, see arXiv:2008.0156

    Study of Distractors in Neural Models of Code

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    Finding important features that contribute to the prediction of neural models is an active area of research in explainable AI. Neural models are opaque and finding such features sheds light on a better understanding of their predictions. In contrast, in this work, we present an inverse perspective of distractor features: features that cast doubt about the prediction by affecting the model's confidence in its prediction. Understanding distractors provide a complementary view of the features' relevance in the predictions of neural models. In this paper, we apply a reduction-based technique to find distractors and provide our preliminary results of their impacts and types. Our experiments across various tasks, models, and datasets of code reveal that the removal of tokens can have a significant impact on the confidence of models in their predictions and the categories of tokens can also play a vital role in the model's confidence. Our study aims to enhance the transparency of models by emphasizing those tokens that significantly influence the confidence of the models.Comment: The 1st International Workshop on Interpretability and Robustness in Neural Software Engineering, Co-located with ICSE (InteNSE'23

    Memorization and Generalization in Neural Code Intelligence Models

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    Deep Neural Networks (DNN) are increasingly commonly used in software engineering and code intelligence tasks. These are powerful tools that are capable of learning highly generalizable patterns from large datasets through millions of parameters. At the same time, training DNNs means walking a knife's edges, because their large capacity also renders them prone to memorizing data points. While traditionally thought of as an aspect of over-training, recent work suggests that the memorization risk manifests especially strongly when the training datasets are noisy and memorization is the only recourse. Unfortunately, most code intelligence tasks rely on rather noise-prone and repetitive data sources, such as GitHub, which, due to their sheer size, cannot be manually inspected and evaluated. We evaluate the memorization and generalization tendencies in neural code intelligence models through a case study across several benchmarks and model families by leveraging established approaches from other fields that use DNNs, such as introducing targeted noise into the training dataset. In addition to reinforcing prior general findings about the extent of memorization in DNNs, our results shed light on the impact of noisy dataset in training.Comment: manuscript in preparatio

    A Study of Variable-Role-based Feature Enrichment in Neural Models of Code

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    Although deep neural models substantially reduce the overhead of feature engineering, the features readily available in the inputs might significantly impact training cost and the performance of the models. In this paper, we explore the impact of an unsuperivsed feature enrichment approach based on variable roles on the performance of neural models of code. The notion of variable roles (as introduced in the works of Sajaniemi et al. [Refs. 1,2]) has been found to help students' abilities in programming. In this paper, we investigate if this notion would improve the performance of neural models of code. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to investigate how Sajaniemi et al.'s concept of variable roles can affect neural models of code. In particular, we enrich a source code dataset by adding the role of individual variables in the dataset programs, and thereby conduct a study on the impact of variable role enrichment in training the Code2Seq model. In addition, we shed light on some challenges and opportunities in feature enrichment for neural code intelligence models.Comment: Accepted in the 1st International Workshop on Interpretability and Robustness in Neural Software Engineering (InteNSE'23), Co-located with ICS

    Towards Demystifying Dimensions of Source Code Embeddings

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    Source code representations are key in applying machine learning techniques for processing and analyzing programs. A popular approach in representing source code is neural source code embeddings that represents programs with high-dimensional vectors computed by training deep neural networks on a large volume of programs. Although successful, there is little known about the contents of these vectors and their characteristics. In this paper, we present our preliminary results towards better understanding the contents of code2vec neural source code embeddings. In particular, in a small case study, we use the code2vec embeddings to create binary SVM classifiers and compare their performance with the handcrafted features. Our results suggest that the handcrafted features can perform very close to the highly-dimensional code2vec embeddings, and the information gains are more evenly distributed in the code2vec embeddings compared to the handcrafted features. We also find that the code2vec embeddings are more resilient to the removal of dimensions with low information gains than the handcrafted features. We hope our results serve a stepping stone toward principled analysis and evaluation of these code representations.Comment: 1st ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Representation Learning for Software Engineering and Program Languages, Co-located with ESEC/FSE (RL+SE&PL'20

    Syntax-Guided Program Reduction for Understanding Neural Code Intelligence Models

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    Neural code intelligence (CI) models are opaque black-boxes and offer little insight on the features they use in making predictions. This opacity may lead to distrust in their prediction and hamper their wider adoption in safety-critical applications. Recently, input program reduction techniques have been proposed to identify key features in the input programs to improve the transparency of CI models. However, this approach is syntax-unaware and does not consider the grammar of the programming language. In this paper, we apply a syntax-guided program reduction technique that considers the grammar of the input programs during reduction. Our experiments on multiple models across different types of input programs show that the syntax-guided program reduction technique is faster and provides smaller sets of key tokens in reduced programs. We also show that the key tokens could be used in generating adversarial examples for up to 65% of the input programs.Comment: The 6th ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Machine Programming (MAPS'22); Related to arXiv:2202.0647