243 research outputs found

    Biologically Active Compounds. II. The Synthesis of β-CarboxY-γ-butyrolactone Derivatives

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    Amide derivatives of γ-substituted paraconic and aconic acids have been synthesized. Ultraviolet spectra of the aconic acid derivatives showed characteristic fine structure in the region of 245 to 280 mμ

    The More Kids, The Less Mom’s Divvy : Impact of Childbirth on Intrahousehold Resource Allocation

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    We investigate how childbirth affects intrahousehold resource allocation for married Japanese couples. We develop reduced-form and structural-form specifications from a unified theoretical framework. Under a weak set of assumptions, we can focus on private goods to track the changes in intrahousehold resource allocation. Our estimation results show that the allocation of resources within household tend to move to the disadvantage of women after childbirth. One additional child is associated with at least 2.6 percentage points decrease in womens private expenditure share. Our estimation results reject the income-pooling hypothesis, and show that women are more risk averse than men.Childbirth, Bargaining, intrahousehold allocation, relative risk aversion, Japan

    The More Kids, The Less Mom’s Divvy: Impact of Childbirth on Intrahousehold Resource Allocation

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    We investigate how childbirth affects intrahousehold resource allocation for married Japanese couples. We develop reduced-form and structural-form sepcifications from a unified theoretical framework. Under a weak set of assumptions, we can focus on private goods to track the changes in intrahousehold resource allocation. Our estimation results show that the allocation of resources within household tend to move to the disadvantage of women after childbirth. One additional child is associated with at least 2.6 percentage points decrease in women's private expenditure share. Our estimation results reject the income-pooling hypothesis, and show that women are more risk averse than men.Childbirth, Bargaining, Intrahousehold allocation, Relative risk aversion, Japan

    Simultaneously optimizing the interdependent thermoelectric parameters in Ce(Ni1x_{1-x}Cux_x)2_2Al3_3

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    Substitution of Cu for Ni in the Kondo lattice system CeNi2_2Al3_3 results in a simultaneous optimization of the three interdependent thermoelectric parameters: thermoelectric power, electrical and thermal conductivities, where the electronic change in conduction band induced by the extra electron of Cu is shown to be crucial. The obtained thermoelectric figure of merit zTzT amounts to 0.125 at around 100 K, comparable to the best values known for Kondo compounds. The realization of ideal thermoelectric optimization in Ce(Ni1x_{1-x}Cux_x)2_2Al3_3 indicates that proper electronic tuning of Kondo compounds is a promising approach to efficient thermoelectric materials for cryogenic application.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Mixed adsorption and surface tension prediction of nonideal ternary surfactant systems

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    To deal with the mixed adsorption of nonideal ternary surfactant systems, the regular solution approximation for nonideal binary surfactant systems is extended and a pseudo-binary system treatment is also proposed. With both treatments, the compositions of the mixed monolayer and the solution concentrations required to produce given surface tensions can be predicted based only on the gamma-LogC curves of individual surfactants and the pair interaction parameters. Conversely, the surface tensions of solutions with different bulk compositions can be predicted by the surface tension equations for mixed surfactant systems. Two ternary systems: SDS/Hyamine 1622/AEO7, composed of homogeneous surfactants, and AES/DPCl/AEO9, composed of commercial surfactants, in the presence of excess NaCl, are examined for the applicability of the two treatments. The results show that, in general, the pseudo-binary system treatment gives better prediction than the extended regular solution approximation, and the applicability of the latter to typical anionic/cationic/nonionic nonideal ternary surfactant systems seems to depend on the combined interaction parameter, (βans+βcns)/2βacs/4 {\mathop {(\beta }\nolimits_{an}^s } + {\mathop \beta \nolimits_{cn}^s })/2 - {\mathop \beta \nolimits_{ac}^s }/4 : the more it deviates from zero, the larger the prediction difference. If (βans+βcns)/2βacs/4 {\mathop {(\beta }\nolimits_{an}^s } + {\mathop \beta \nolimits_{cn}^s })/2 - {\mathop \beta \nolimits_{ac}^s }/4 rarr0, good agreements between predicted and experimental results can be obtained and both treatments, though differently derived, are interrelated and tend to be equivalent

    Crystal Structure of the Caged Magnetic Compound DyFe2Zn20 at Low Temperature Magnetic Ordering State

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    We have carried out X-ray powder diffraction and thermal expansion measurements of the caged magnetic compound DyFe2Zn20. Even though a strong magnetic anisotropy exists in the magnetization and magnetic susceptibility due to strong exchange interaction between Fe and Dy, almost all X-ray powder diffraction peaks at 14 K correspond to Bragg reflections of the cubic structural models not only at room temperature paramagnetic state but also at low temperature magnetic ordering state. Although the temperature change of the lattice constant is isotropic, an anomalous behavior was observed in the thermal expansion coefficient around 15 K, while the anomaly around TC = 53 K is not clear. The results indicate that the volume change is not caused by the ferromagnetic interaction between Fe and Dy but by the exchange interaction between two Dy ions. © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V