237 research outputs found

    The Tax and Transfer Fiscal Impacts of Dropping Out of High School in Philadelphia City and Suburbs

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    This research article provides detailed information on the effects of the escalating high school drop out rate in Philadelphia. High school dropouts impose very high costs on the broader community. This report details these costs, including: These costs include: lower tax payments to the government, intensive reliance on cash and non-cash government income transfers, and the cost of incarceration. In addition, this article demonstrates how the fiscal consequences of dropping out of high school have been exacerbated by changes in the economy

    The Lifetime Employment and Earnings Consequences of Dropping Out of High School in Philadelphia

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    What's the difference between a Philadelphia graduate and a high school dropout? About $580,000, according to this study which shows the difference in net fiscal contribution over a working lifetime (tax revenue generated vs. tax revenue received) between a Philadelphia student who earns a diploma and one who does not. This research report also offers information on the percentage of students in Philadelphia who do not graduate from high school, the difference in lifetime earnings between high school graduates and high school dropouts, and the likelihood of employment for high school graduates compared to high school dropouts


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    Objectives: Nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds plays an important role in medicinal chemistry. Among them, five-membered ring pyrazolines have found to possess many biological and pharmacological activities like anticancer, antitubercular, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory etc. Objective is to determine the physicochemical and drug like properties of the synthesized pyrazolines by in silico methods and to screen their antidiabetic and antioxidant activities.Methods: Chalcones were synthesized from naphthaldehydes by condensing with various substituted acetophenones in ethanol and cyclized into pyrazolines using semicarbazides/thiosemicarbazides by conventional and microwave oven synthesis. The physicochemical and drug like properties were determined by using computational tools. Antidiabetic activity was evaluated by alpha amylase inhibition assay method. Antioxidant activity studies were done by DPPH and nitric oxide method.Results: Pyrazolines were synthesized from chalcones. Microwave irradiated synthesis of chalcone was carried out to get higher yield with less reaction time period as compared to conventional method. The synthesized pyrazolines produces yield around 68% (conventional) and 85% (microwave). In silico studies showed considerable values satisfying all the parameters of physicochemical and Lipinski's rule of five properties.  Among the compounds tested for antidiabetic and antioxidant studies, some showed promising activity.Conclusion: Physiochemical and drug like properties revealed that these compounds have good bioavailability and druglikeness properties. So these compounds are found to be interesting lead molecules for further synthesis as antidiabetic and antioxidant agents.Keywords: Chalcones, pyrazolines, in silico physicochemical properties, biological activities.Â

    Nonlinear Stability in the Generalised Photogravitational Restricted Three Body Problem with Poynting-Robertson Drag

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    The Nonlinear stability of triangular equilibrium points has been discussed in the generalised photogravitational restricted three body problem with Poynting-Robertson drag. The problem is generalised in the sense that smaller primary is supposed to be an oblate spheroid. The bigger primary is considered as radiating. We have performed first and second order normalization of the Hamiltonian of the problem. We have applied KAM theorem to examine the condition of non-linear stability. We have found three critical mass ratios. Finally we conclude that triangular points are stable in the nonlinear sense except three critical mass ratios at which KAM theorem fails.Comment: Including Poynting-Robertson Drag the triangular equilibrium points are stable in the nonlinear sense except three critical mass ratios at which KAM theorem fail
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