30 research outputs found
How Are Local People Involved in Heritage Management? Case in the nomination process on the list of UNESCO World Heritage at the ruins of Nan Madol, Federated States of Micronesia
Structural Characteristics of Canoes in Oceania:Focusing upon Plank Building Techniques
オセアニアのカヌーの船体構造の特徴は、丸木舟に由来する船底部(刳り船)と、舷側板や船首部・船尾部といった部材を縄や紐で縫い合わせるという板接ぎの方法にみることができる。とりわけ継ぎ目からの船体内への浸水を防ぐために、各地域でさまざまな板接ぎの技法が発達した。本論では各地域の板接ぎ技法の事例を収集し、その比較検討をおこなうことで、板接ぎ技法の系統的な理解を試みる。カヌーの技術の系統的な理解を進めることで、人類集団の拡散や交流のプロセスの理解に貢献すると考えるからである。 本論の分析の結果、板接ぎ技法について二つの知見を得ることができた。ひとつは「疑似鎧張り技法」の存在で、これはハワイやクック諸島といった東ポリネシア地域にのみ分布し、この地域にポリネシア人が移住して後に発展した技法である可能性が高い。もうひとつは「肋材のような部材」の存在で、オセアニアではメラネシアとミクロネシアの一部に分布するが、東南アジアのバリ島やフィリピンにも似たような技法が存在する。このことから、オーストロネシア語族集団がもともと持っていた技術であった可能性と、比較的新しい時期に東南アジアで発展した後にオセアニアに伝播した可能性の、二通りが想定される
The Earliest Human Settlement in the Fiji Islands
In December 2003, with funding from the University of the South Pacific, a 17-person team led by the three authors conducted research into the early human occupation of the beach and the adjoining coastal flat at Rove, a few kilometres northwest of Natadola in the southwest part of Viti Levu Island. The site at Rove was not selected randomly. In the preceding 18 months, it had been visited twice by Roselyn Kumar who had recovered three pieces of Lapita pottery from the shore flat at low tide. The Lapita era is the earliest in the human history of Fiji (and many other western Pacific island groups), and is often recognized by the distinctively-decorated (so-called dentate-stamped) pottery that was made during that time. The three pieces of Lapita pottery from Rove were described by Kumar et al. (2004a) and were sufficient to make the area worth excavating. Yet the excavations we carried out in December 2003 at Rove were a little disappointing. There was certainly a Lapita settlement at Rove, and it was located on a tiny island off the main island at the time, but the radiocarbon dates showed that it was probably established only quite late in the Lapita history of Fiji, perhaps around 700 BC
Colonization of the Lapita peoples in Fiji: implication for the "express train to Polynesia" hypothesis
Archaeological excavations at the Bourewa site in southwestern Viti Levu, the Fiji Islands, produced some important achievements to understand the prehistory of the Lapita peoples in Oceania. Radiocarbon dates showed the antiquity of the site around 1200 BC, which is contemporary with some earlier Lapita sites in Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands, the western regions of the Lapita distribution. An obsidian artifact obtained from the site was sourced to the Kutau-Bao quarry in Papua New Guinea, 4200 km away in a straight line. These evidences suggest that the initial settlement of the site was founded by direct colonizer from Papua New Guinea. Thus, these finds support the 'express-train' model presented by J. Diamond, in which the Lapita peoples arrived from the west and spread rapidly eastwards without measurable pause
Reconstructing the Lapita-era Geography of Northern Fiji: a Newly-discovered Lapita Site on Yadua Island and its Implications
Questions concerning the earliest human occupation of northern Fiji were addressed by geoarchaeological survey on the island of Yadua. Yadua lies at the entrance to an ocean passage that early seafarers might have followed into central Fiji where some early Lapita sites exist. Evidence for a Lapita presence was discovered on Yadua at a small coastal flat called Vagairiki, likely to have been occupied by Lapita people around 2600 cal yr BP because of available freshwater and one of the few fringing reefs existing in the area at the time. It is concluded that the Lapita people reached Yadua and other parts of northern Fiji in a post-founder phase of Fiji history
Part 3. Discussion Chapter 4. The Longvek Site as a “Living Heritage”
本書は文化庁伝統文化課所管、平成22 年度から24 年度文化遺産国際貢献事業(文化遺産国際協力拠点交流事業)、カンボジア・ウドン遺跡及びロンヴェック遺跡等の保存に関する拠点交流事業の報告書である