260 research outputs found
Identification and characterization of novel components of a Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase cascade in HeLa cells
AbstractIn this report, we cloned a novel calmodulin-kinase (CaM-KIδ) from HeLa cells and characterized its activation mechanism. CaM-KIδ exhibits Ca2+/CaM-dependent activity that is enhanced (∼30-fold) in vitro by phosphorylation of its Thr180 by CaM-K kinase (CaM-KK)α, consistent with detection of CaM-KIδ-activating activity in HeLa cells. We also identified a novel CaM-KKβ isoform (CaM-KKβ-3) in HeLa cells whose activity was highly Ca2+/CaM-independent. Transiently expressed CaM-KIδ exhibited enhanced protein kinase activity in HeLa cells without ionomycin stimulation. This sustained activation of CaM-KIδ was completely abolished by Thr180Ala mutation and inhibited by CaM-KK inhibitor, STO-609, indicating a functional CaM-KK/CaM-KIδ cascade in HeLa cells
口腔上皮細胞に対するJuncus effusus L.水抽出物の抗炎症及び保護効果
Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease caused by periodontopathogenic bacteria that form biofilms in periodontal pockets. The gingival epithelium acts as the first physical barrier in fighting attacks by periodontopathogenic pathogens, such as the primary etiological agent Porphyromonas gingivalis, and various exogenous chemicals, as well as regulates the local innate immune responses. Therefore, the development of novel oral care products to inhibit inflammatory reactions caused by bacterial infection and protect the gingival epithelium is necessary. Juncus effusus L. has generally been used as an indigenous medicine, such as a diuretic, an antipyretic, and an analgesic, in ancient practice. In this study, we examined the effects of a water extract from J. effusus L. on the inhibition of the inflammatory reaction elicited by bacterial infection and protection of the oral epithelium by chemical irritation. Pretreatment of oral epithelial cells with the water extract from J. effusus L. significantly reduced P. gingivalis or its lipopolysaccharide- (LPS-) mediated production of chemokines (interleukin-8 and C-C-chemokine ligand20) in a concentration-dependent manner with comparable to or greater effects than epigallocatechin gallate and protected oral epithelial cells from injury by chemical irritants, cetylpyridinium chloride, and benzethonium chloride. Moreover, the water extract from J. effusus L. in the presence of antimicrobial agents or antifibrinolytics already used as ingredients in mouthwash could significantly reduce the production of chemokines from P. gingivalis LPS-stimulated oral epithelial cells in a concentration-dependent manner. These findings suggest that the water extract from J. effusus L. is potentially useful for oral care to prevent oral infections, such as periodontal infections, and maintain oral epithelial function
成人2型糖尿病患者の抱く健康観・価値観 : 国内文献の検討
成人2型糖尿病患者(以下,患者)の抱く健康観・価値観の動向について,健康観・価値観を「その人らしさを大切にした日々の生活の送り方や行動に対する見方・考え方,判断の基盤となる見方・考え方」と定義して,医学中央雑誌を用いて,過去10年間の文献検索を行ったところ,患者は,できるだけ身体に不自由や障害がない状態で,生きることを大切と考え,そのために,糖尿病のもたらす怖さを認識し,自己管理行動が大切であると考えていた.また,自己管理行動以外にも,命をはぐくむ食べ物,その人らしい生き方を支える家族や仕事,趣味や嗜好品なども大切であると考えていた.これらは,長年にわたり培われてきたものであり,患者の個別的な生き方を支え,生活の質を潤すものと捉えていた.しかし,同時に,これらは,糖尿病の自己管理行動を促進する場合だけではなく,阻害する場合もあった.また,患者は自己管理行動を身体・心理・社会面での苦痛や負担をもたらすものであると捉えていた.よって,看護介入を行うにあたっては,患者の抱く健康観・価値観の背景や過程を十分に理解した上で,患者の自己管理行動の遂行を援助する必要がある.そして,健康観・価値観の転換が必要な場合には,患者が納得でき,あるいは折り合いが持てるように段階的に進めていく必要がある.今後,患者の抱く健康観・価値観を尊重しながら,いかにして,自己管理行動を促進させる要因を増強させ,阻害する要因の転換を図っていくかということについて研究する必要があると考えられた.Objectives : The purpose of this study was to review literature published over a 10-year period focusing on the sense of health and values among adults with type 2 diabetes in Japan.
Methods : We used Ichushi-Web(Ver.4)to identify literature published from 1996 to 2006. Operationally, we defined the sense of health and values as “ the basic way of thinking and understanding one’ s own life and the behaviors that adults with type 2 diabetes value highly in their individual lives” .
Results :
1.A total of 23 primary studies were selected.
2.Adults with type2diabetes thought a great deal about living their lives with minimal disorder and inconvenience. Furthermore, they consider self-control to be important for facilitating their understand of the difficulty of managing diabetes and the possible complications.
3.Other important items for adults with type 2 diabetes were diet, family members who tried to support the patients' individuality, hobbies, and their favorite food. These items had developed over a long period of time and are thought to facilitate the individuality of the patients and enrich their lives. However, these items not only helped the patients to perform self-care behaviors(SCB), but also prevented SCB. The patients considered SCB were their responsibility, but felt they were physically, mentally, and socially painful.
Conclusion : Before helping with SCB through nursing interventions, nurses must recognize the sense of health and values among adults with type 2 diabetes in addition to their backgrounds and self-control processes. If changes to the patients’ sense of health and values are required, nurses should take the necessary steps to ensure that the patient agrees with and accepts the changes. Further research should attempt to identify methods for facilitating SCB. In addition, nursing interventions should also attempt to identify methods of changing the factors that negatively affect SCB while maintaining respect for the patients’ sense of health and values
2型糖尿病を有する人(以下,DM 群)の食行動に対して,食の入り口であり,食を支える基盤である口腔に注目して,新たな視点での食への支援方法を見出すために,食行動の中の咀嚼に関する文献検討を医学中央雑誌(Web. Ver.4),PubMed, Silver Platter CINAHL®を用いて行った.その結果,10件の文献が抽出され,その内容は「咀嚼」「食事摂取所要時間・速度」「早食い」の3項目に分類できた.咀嚼能力が高い人が血糖コントロールは良好で,DM 群は健常群よりも咀嚼能力は低かった.また,食事摂取時の所要時間が短い群ではHbA1c が高く,咀嚼指導により満腹感が上昇した.対象者や比較対照群の性別・年齢・血糖コントロール状況・口腔内の状態や研究方法が結果に影響を与えている可能性が推察された.単一の方法で総合的に咀嚼能力を評価する方法は開発されておらず,咀嚼の機能の要素が検討されていた.「よく噛む」「食べる速さ」は,用語の定義づけがされないまま,個人の主観が評価されていた.咀嚼行動の個別性や複雑性により,定量化や,比較,評価は容易ではないと考えられた.咀嚼や食事摂取時間・速度および咀嚼を支える口腔の機能等が血糖コントロールに与える影響について,科学的な根拠に基づいて知識を提供した研究は行われていなかった.また,咀嚼や食事摂取時間・速度および咀嚼を支える口腔の機能等と血糖コントロールに対する個人の考えも調査されていなかった.
今後,看護援助を行うにあたり,咀嚼や口腔機能の視点からの知識を提供し,行動変容を動機づけることも食行動への支援方法のひとつとなると考えられた.個々の患者のこれまでの生活習慣や価値観・健康観を踏まえた新たな食への支援が必要となってくる.食を取り巻く因子を総合的に検討した包括的な食行動支援方法を開発する必要性が示唆された.Objectives : The present study aimed to review literature focusing on dietary behaviors(DB)related to mastication among adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The oral cavity is the entrance to the digestive tract and fundamental to DB. Therefore, we hope to identify novel effective interventions that support the DB of adults with T2DM from the perspective of the oral cavity.
Methods : A search of literature published between 1983 and 2006 was performed using Ichushi-Web (Ver.4), PubMed, and Silver Platter CINAHL®.
Results :
1.Ten primary studies were selected.
2.Findings were classified into the following three categories:“mastication”,“the required time for eating and bite speed”, and“eating quickly”.
3.Individuals with high mastication ability had good glycemic control, and adults with T2DM had worse glycemic control than controls. When nurses focused individuals’ concentration on mastication, the individuals’ satisfaction with eating increased.
4.As no study provided definitions of“biting well”nor“biting speed”, participants’ subjective responses were evaluated.
5.No study investigated individuals’ thoughts regarding mastication, the required time for eating, or oral cavity function.
Discussion :
As one method for evaluating an individual’s mastication has yet to be discovered, research must focus on the elements of mastication ability. Because mastication differs for each individual and is a complex process, it is difficult to compare mastication behavior(MB)between individuals.
Nurses require an understanding of the thoughts of adults with T2DM regarding DB, MB, and the oral cavity. Moreover, nurses must offer information regarding the influence of the oral cavity on glycemic control according to patients’ needs. With this knowledge, adults with T2DM can begin to change their lifestyles. Therefore, this approach is considered effective for supporting DB. Further research is required in order to develop additional effective interventions that comprehensively support DB in consideration of dietary factors
[Note] Issues of School Lunch in Osaka
大阪における学校給食は、1985年の学校給食の民営化(民間委託)によって、大きく変えられてきた。また、大阪では1996年7月堺市の小学校給食におけるO-157 (腸管出血性大腸菌O-157、以下O-157 と称する) 食中毒の発生は忘れられない事件である。豊かで安全な学校給食を実現することは、大阪府民の願いである。大阪における中学校給食の実施率は低く、中学校給食の実施は解決すべき重要な行政課題の一つとなっている。本稿では、上記のことを考えるために、大阪の学校給食の現状について分析した
Current Situation and Issues of Food Equipment in School Lunch in Osaka Prefecture: Focusing on the Survey of Food Equipment for School Lunch in Osaka Prefecture
Issues of Local Distribution System in School Lunch : Focusing on School Meal Survey in Osaka
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