11,156 research outputs found

    A Remark on the Large Difference between the Glueball Mass and T(C) in Quenched QCD

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    The lattice QCD studies indicate that the critical temperature Tc260280T_c \simeq 260-280 MeV of the deconfinement phase transition in quenched QCD is considerably smaller than the lowest-lying glueball mass mG15001700m_{\rm G} \simeq 1500-1700 MeV, i.e., TcmG T_c \ll m_{\rm G}. As a consequence of this large difference, the thermal excitation of the glueball in the confinement phase is strongly suppressed by the statistical factor as emG/Tc0.00207e^{-m_{\rm G}/T_c} \simeq 0.00207 even near TTcT \simeq T_c. We consider its physical implication, and argue the abnormal feature of the deconfinement phase transition in quenched QCD from the statistical viewpoint. To appreciate this, we demonstrate a statistical argument of the QCD phase transition using the recent lattice QCD data. From the phenomenological relation among TcT_c and the glueball mass, the deconfinement transition is found to take place in quenched QCD before a reasonable amount of glueballs is thermally excited. In this way, quenched QCD reveals a question ``what is the trigger of the deconfinement phase transition ?''Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Nuclear Force from Lattice QCD

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    The first lattice QCD result on the nuclear force (the NN potential) is presented in the quenched level. The standard Wilson gauge action and the standard Wilson quark action are employed on the lattice of the size 16^3\times 24 with the gauge coupling beta=5.7 and the hopping parameter kappa=0.1665. To obtain the NN potential, we adopt a method recently proposed by CP-PACS collaboration to study the pi pi scattering phase shift. It turns out that this method provides the NN potentials which are faithful to those obtained in the analysis of NN scattering data. By identifying the equal-time Bethe-Salpeter wave function with the Schroedinger wave function for the two nucleon system, the NN potential is reconstructed so that the wave function satisfies the time-independent Schroedinger equation. In this report, we restrict ourselves to the J^P=0^+ and I=1 channel, which enables us to pick up unambiguously the ``central'' NN potential V_{central}(r). The resulting potential is seen to posses a clear repulsive core of about 500 MeV at short distance (r < 0.5 fm). Although the attraction in the intermediate and long distance regions is still missing in the present lattice set-up, our method is appeared to be quite promising in reconstructing the NN potential with lattice QCD.Comment: A talk given at the XXIV International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice2006), Tucson, Arizona, USA, July 23-28, 2006, 3 figures, 7page

    Nuclear Force from Monte Carlo Simulations of Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics

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    The nuclear force acting between protons and neutrons is studied in the Monte Carlo simulations of the fundamental theory of the strong interaction, the quantum chromodynamics defined on the hypercubic space-time lattice. After a brief summary of the empirical nucleon-nucleon (NN) potentials which can fit the NN scattering experiments in high precision, we outline the basic formulation to derive the potential between the extended objects such as the nucleons composed of quarks. The equal-time Bethe-Salpeter amplitude is a key ingredient for defining the NN potential on the lattice. We show the results of the numerical simulations on a 32432^4 lattice with the lattice spacing a0.137a \simeq 0.137 fm (lattice volume (4.4 fm)4^4) in the quenched approximation. The calculation was carried out using the massively parallel computer Blue Gene/L at KEK. We found that the calculated NN potential at low energy has basic features expected from the empirical NN potentials; attraction at long and medium distances and the repulsive core at short distance. Various future directions along this line of research are also summarized.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, version accepted for publication in "Computational Science & Discovery" (IOP

    Two-Nucleon Bound States in Quenched Lattice QCD

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    We address the issue of bound state in the two-nucleon system in lattice QCD. Our study is made in the quenched approximation at the lattice spacing of a = 0.128 fm with a heavy quark mass corresponding to m_pi = 0.8 GeV. To distinguish a bound state from an attractive scattering state, we investigate the volume dependence of the energy difference between the ground state and the free two-nucleon state by changing the spatial extent of the lattice from 3.1 fm to 12.3 fm. A finite energy difference left in the infinite spatial volume limit leads us to the conclusion that the measured ground states for not only spin triplet but also singlet channels are bounded. Furthermore the existence of the bound state is confirmed by investigating the properties of the energy for the first excited state obtained by 2x2 diagonalization method. The scattering lengths for both channels are evaluated by applying the finite volume formula derived by Luscher to the energy of the first excited states.Comment: 34 pages, 28 figure

    A Review of Pentaquark Calculations on the Lattice

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    We review lattice calculations of pentaquarks and discuss issues pertaining to interpolation fields, distinguishing the signal of pentaquarks from those of the KN scattering states, chiral symmetry, and ghost state contaminations.Comment: Talk at International Conference on QCD and Hadronic Physics, 8 pages, 3 figure

    On the Large Time Behavior of Solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations Associated with Nonlinear Boundary Conditions

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    In this article, we study the large time behavior of solutions of first-order Hamilton-Jacobi Equations, set in a bounded domain with nonlinear Neumann boundary conditions, including the case of dynamical boundary conditions. We establish general convergence results for viscosity solutions of these Cauchy-Neumann problems by using two fairly different methods : the first one relies only on partial differential equations methods, which provides results even when the Hamiltonians are not convex, and the second one is an optimal control/dynamical system approach, named the "weak KAM approach" which requires the convexity of Hamiltonians and gives formulas for asymptotic solutions based on Aubry-Mather sets

    Spin 3/2 Penta-quarks in anisotropic lattice QCD

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    A high-precision mass measurement for the pentaquark (5Q) Theta^+ in J^P=3/2^{\pm} channel is performed in anisotropic quenched lattice QCD using a large number of gauge configurations as N_{conf}=1000. We employ the standard Wilson gauge action at beta=5.75 and the O(a) improved Wilson (clover) quark action with kappa=0.1210(0.0010)0.1240 on a 12^3 \times 96 lattice with the renormalized anisotropy as a_s/a_t = 4. The Rarita-Schwinger formalism is adopted for the interpolating fields. Several types of the interpolating fields with isospin I=0 are examined such as (a) the NK^*-type, (b) the (color-)twisted NK^*-type, (c) a diquark-type. The chiral extrapolation leads to only massive states, i.e., m_{5Q} \simeq 2.1-2.2 GeV in J^P=3/2^- channel, and m_{5Q} = 2.4-2.6 GeV in J^P=3/2^+ channel. The analysis with the hybrid boundary condition(HBC) is performed to investigate whether these states are compact 5Q resonances or not. No low-lying compact 5Q resonance states are found below 2.1GeV.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, 4 table

    Static quark free energies at finite temperature with two flavors of improved Wilson quarks

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    Polyakov loop correlations at finite temperature in two-flavor QCD are studied in lattice simulations with the RG-improved gluon action and the clover-improved Wilson quark action. From the simulations on a 163×416^3 \times 4 lattice, we extract the free energies, the effective running coupling geff(T)g_{\rm eff}(T) and the Debye screening mass mD(T)m_D(T) for various color channels of heavy quark--quark and quark--anti-quark pairs above the critical temperature. The free energies are well approximated by the screened Coulomb form with the appropriate Casimir factors. The magnitude and the temperature dependence of the Debye mass are compared to those of the next-to-leading order thermal perturbation theory and to a phenomenological formula given in terms of geff(T)g_{\rm eff}(T). Also we made a comparison between our results with the Wilson quark and those with the staggered quark previously reported.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures, talk given at Lattice 2006 (high temperature and density