5 research outputs found
Sistem Informasi Wedding Organizer Berbasis Android
Dalam mempromosikan jasa pernikahan, suatu wedding organizer (WO) belum dapat menyajikan informasi paket pernikahan secara lengkap. Banyak permasalahan yang terjadi seperti dalam pengolahan daftar paket pernikahan yang terbaru serta data transaksi yang dikerjakan secara manual yang memungkinan terjadinya kekeliruan informasi dalam detail pemesanan serta pencarian data pesanan pelanggan. Ini juga mengakibatkan kesalahan dalam pencatatan serta perhitungan untuk mengetahui keuntungan dan kerugian usaha. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyajikan data informasi secara lengkap sehingga membantu penyedia jasa mempromosikan layanan secara efektif. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah metode pengembangan sistem dengan model prototype dimana tahapannya, yaitu: communication, quick plan and modelling quick design, contruction of prototype dan deployment delivery and feedback. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem aplikasi WO dapat menginformasikan paket pernikahan secara lengkap, dapat melakukan update terbaru daftar paket pernikahan, proses transaksi pemesan dilakukan secara real time serta informasi data pesanan yang masuk secara otomatis.
In promoting wedding services, a wedding organizer is yet able to present complete wedding package information. Many problems occur, such as in the processing of the latest wedding package lists and transaction data that is done manually, which allows for information errors in order details and search for customer order data. This also results in errors in recording and calculating in finding out the profits and losses of the business. This study aimed to present complete information data so as to help service providers promoting the services effectively. The method employed was a system development method with a prototype model where the stages are communication, quick plan and modeling quick design, construction of prototype and deployment delivery, and feedback. The results indicate that the Wedding Organizer Information System can provide complete information on wedding packages, can update the latest list of wedding packages, process customer transactions and information on incoming order data in real time and automatically
The Impact of Building Façade Reflectivity on Pedestrian Visual Comfort with the Application of Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling
The rapid urban development promotes the need for skyscrapers, which vastly adopt a modern architecture design using reflective materials on the façade of the building, particularly for the aesthetic purpose. Nevertheless, outdoor glare or reflected daylight from a highly reflective building façade may cause visual and thermal discomforts for the residents in the neighborhood buildings and outdoor pedestrians. This might cause uncomfortable glare for individuals outside the building. The amount of glare will be higher as a result of greater solar radiation obtained all year round in tropical countries. Regression and presently structural equation modeling are the best-known statistical modeling in approximating the connection between building facade reflectivity and pedestrian’s visual performance. Nevertheless, those methodologies have their own limitations. The primary aim of this research is to compare the effect of building facade reflectivity on pedestrian visual comfort by using four core statistical approximation approaches which include regression, partial least square, structural equation modeling with maximum likelihood estimator, and structural equation modeling with Bayesian estimator. The present study introduces a novel as well as practical modeling and predicting concepts for investigators and specialists in the building façade reflectivity study field
PROFIL KEMAMPUAN MEMBACA SISWA KELAS II (Studi Analisis Deskriptif di Sekolah Dasar Kelas II SDN Adiarsa Barat IV)
ABSTRAK Kemampuan membaca merupakan sesuatu yang telah tertanam dalam diri seseorang, kemampuan yang dimiliki seseorang berkembang bila orang tersebut belajar dengan baik. Dalam membaca ada beberapa cara, salah satunya yaitu membaca nyaring. Membaca nyaring adalah kegiatan membaca dengan cara menyuarakan tulisan yang dibaca dengan suara lantang. Membaca nyaring biasanya digunakan oleh anak-anak dalam melatih kemampuan membacanya. Pada Sekolah Dasar, membaca nyaring digunakan oleh siswa kelas I hingga kelas III. Kemampuan membaca seseorang dapat diketahui melalui tes. Hal tersebut digunakan dalam penelitian yang bertujuan melihat seberapa jauh kemampuan membaca yang dimiliki siswa kelas II SDN Adiarsa Barat IV. Dalam penelitian, peneliti menerapkan salah satu karya sastra yaitu mendongeng. Dongeng yang digunakan ialah dongeng fabel. Metode yang digunakan ialah metode deskriptif kualitatif, menggunakan instrumen pengumpulan data berupa observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Peneliti memberikan beberapa tes pada siswa kelas II tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil tes serta hasil analisis, menunjukkan profil kemampuan siswa kelas II SDN Adiarsa Barat IV dalam mengeja huruf, membaca suku kata, membaca kata, dan menjawab pertanyaan dapat dikategorikan baik. Kata kunci: kemampuan membaca, membaca nyaring, mendongeng fabel, test, deskriptif kualitatif
Managing online programming lab using CodeZinger
Introductory programming is a basic course compulsory for students majoring in computer studies. This course is considered a difficult course to learn since time immemorial. Starting from 2020, measures taken by the Malaysian government in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the educational institutions to be closed to students and face-to-face lessons replaced with online classes. Therefore, the process of learning programming becomes increasingly difficult since the instructors are unable to have face-to-face interaction with neither their local nor their international students during online classes. This paper aims to implement CodeZinger, used as an initiative to replace physical laboratory classes, and is used in monitoring the students’ achievement. In this study, the application of CodeZinger was made on two programming courses involving 266 students of Year 1, namely students taking the Computer Programming course (semester 1), and Data Structure course (semester 2). The diverse test data provided by the instructors made the students more skilful and critical in doing programming, and easier for students due to the automatic assessment function provided in CodeZinger. This study’s findings greatly influence students’ motivation in learning programming, considering that CodeZinger allows prompt feedback and automatic assessment. Moreover, for the instructors’ view of point, CodeZinger allows instructors to manage and identify students who need extra assistance in programming. In conclusion, CodeZinger assisted the students in optimizing the management of learning programming where CodeZinger provides the solution for problems and obstacles in face-to-face learning, facilitated the students in learning at their own pace, and facilitated the instructors in monitoring the students’ tasks
Demonstrasi Penyaringan Air Sederhana Dusun II Balane Kabupaten Sigi Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah
Berbicara mengenai air bersih tentunya sangat berkaitan erat dengan kehidupan manusia. Masyarakat Dusun II Balane menggunakan air yang bersumber dari sungai untuk kebutuhan air bersih mereka, yang dimana  kondisi fisik air akan menjadi keruh disaat musim penghujan.Tujuan kegiatan ini yaitu agar masyarakat mengetahui dan dapat mengaplikasikan pembuatan penyaringan air sederhana secara mandiri. Dengan menggunakan metode pengabdian masyarakat, kegiatan demostrasi ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan media spanduk dan peralatan demonstrasi pengolahan air sederhana dengan sasaran masyarakat dusun II Balane. Hasil demonstrasi tentang penyaringan air sederhana di Dusun II Balane berjalan dengan lancar. Tahap demi tahap pelaksanaan dilaksanakan sesuai dengan rencana dengan harapan masyarakat dapat mengaplikasikan pembuatan penyaringan air sederhana secara mandiri