65 research outputs found


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    In Japan, wheat is usually cultivated from December to June as a second crop in the same field as rice. In Cd-polluted areas, the fields are affected by both wastewater and the emissions from the chimneys of zinc refineries or plating factories. The application of inhibition agents, such as slaked lime, calcium silicate or fused magnesium are applied to inhibit the absorption of these metals by plants. Many reports have been made on the decrease of metal absorption through the application of some form of calcium, phosphate or silicate. Also, it has been reported that wheat is more sensitive to CdS than to CdO. However, almost all experiments were performed at less than 500 ppm Cd in soil, and these experiments have not been made at a concentration close to the level critical for wheat plants. There have been few reports on the effects of calcium cabonate on metal tolerance or metal uptake at the a level critical wheat. The typical example of using calcium carbonate was investigated by Maeda, and the application of phosphate by Koshino, and by Muramoto et al. The effects of calcium carbonate on the metal content of wheat to the critical levels were examined.植物に対する有害金属の生育限界濃度域での実験は極めて少ない。ここでは、小麦の硫化カドミウム(CdS)に対する生育限界濃度と小麦穀粒中カドミウム含有量に及ぼす炭酸カルシウム添加栽培の影響を調べた。その結果、硫化カドミウムに対する小麦の生育限界濃度は1,500ppmであり、その時の小麦穀粒中のカドミウム含有量は123.2μg/g(乾燥物中)であることが判明した。すなわち溶解度の低いカドミウムの化学形においても、穀粒中への集積が生じる結果が表示された。また、炭酸カルシウムの同時添加により、無添加に対して1,500ppm区では穀粒中のカドミウム含有量は57%減少し、小麦の生育限界濃度5,000ppmに拡大された。茎葉長、茎葉重、穀粒重等の各生育項目において炭酸カルシウムの添加効果が見られ、特にカドミウム濃度500-5,000ppmの間では炭酸カルシウム添加によるカドミウム毒性の抑制現象が有意に認められた。このことは高濃度カドミウム汚地域における炭酸カルシウムによる植物保護の一策としての有効性を示唆したと考えられる

    Earth Summit -20 years from Stockholm to Rio de Janeiro-

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    Comparison of Tolerance to High Moisture Conditions of the Soil Among Crop Plants: Studies on the Comparative Plant Nutrition [English Translation]

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    Tolerance to high moisture conditions in the soil was compared for eighteen crop species, and factors causing differences among species were studied: 1) When the moisture content of a soil was kept high, the soil air contained 10.5 - 17.5% of O2 and 5.0 - 9.8% of CO2, and the soil solution was not very high in Fe, Mn or NO2-N. 2) Cruciferae, Solanaceae, sugar beet, field bean, pea, cucumber and Chrysanthemum coronarium were very susceptible to this condition, but maize, soybean, and onion were tolerant. Rice grew better under this condition than under ordinary upland conditions. 3) Tolerance to a low O2 concentration in water culture conditions was low for Chinese cabbage, tomato, sugar beet, Chrysanthemum coronarium, and eggplant, but was high for rice, onion, Azuki bean, and red pepper. 4) Tolerance to a high CO2 concentration in water culture conditions was low for Cruciferae, tomato, Chinese cabbage, red pepper, cucumber, and pea, but it was high for rice. 5) Tolerance to high moisture in the soil correlated well with the combination of tolerances to low O2 and high CO2 concentrations in water culture conditions. 6) Some of the species tolerant to high moisture in the soil developed more roots in the surface horizon of the soil when the moisture content of a soil was excessively high than when it was normal

    A Practical Study on Designing an Arithmetic Course for Education Majors

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    21世紀の「知識基盤社会」時代を生き抜く豊かな算数・数学教育を実現していくためには,教師自身が算数・数学を「生み出す力」「活用する力」や算数・数学で「思考する力」「表現する力」を身に付けることが求められている.現在のところ大学における専門科目「算数」の講義内容・方法に標準的なものはなく,その中にあってもこのような力量形成を指向した専門科目「算数」の創意工夫が期待される. 保育士,幼稚園・小学校教員の養成校として誕生した当該学科にあって,当研究は今求められている力量を目指す専門科目「算数」の講義内容・方法をどう構想し,どう具現化していったらよいかについて言及している.小学校の現場教師の知恵を結集して,KJ 法により数学的な立場と指導的な立場から柱となる課題を抽出し,講義の全体構成の中で抽出課題を解決するための具現化を試み,テキストを作成している. また,抽出課題と具現化の有効性と妥当性を検証するために,この作成したテキストを使って「算数」の講義を実施し,学生による授業評価を試みている.そして,教師自身の省察と授業評価結果の考察を通して,残された課題を明らかにしている